Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ The Hospital Visit ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Sister’s Keeper
Chapter 6: The Hospital Visit
By: Melissa Norvell/Revamp

I sit there in the dark room, in a wooden chair that I had placed by his bed.  My eyes gaze in sorrow at the man I called my brother whose form rested, nestled in between sheets and a hospital mattress.  This incident replays over and over in my head in visions too real, which only amplifies the dread in my heart.  ‘Ushio…’ My thoughts register sympathy and sorrow in that name.  Glancing just below his chest, I notice that one of his arms is outside of the covers, hand rested gently atop of them.  Reaching out, I place my hand on his in a show of comfort that only I could see, but hope he notices.

‘Please…Please don’t say that this is my fault.  Why? Why do I feel so guilty…just for being with Tadao? I know that he’s protective of me, but does he really hate Tadao that much? There are so many questions I want to ask. Why did you run out into the street? Were you just upset? I don’t even know what to think anymore…about anything. I just…want Ushio to be safe.’ I am jarred out of my thoughts as the door squeaks and I hear someone enter the room. “Huh?” I question lightly, turning my head to see that it was only a nurse.

She walks in a little unsurely and glances around. “Oh, he’s still resting.”

“Yeah, it will probably do him some good.  Will he be alright?” I ask after all of this time, expecting, hoping for a positive answer.

“Surprisingly, there isn’t anything that is broken.  When you said that rest was probably his best bet, you were right.  Ushio is just suffering from blunt force trauma from the low speed impact of the car.  He has a couple of bad bruises and cuts, but he’ll be alright.  He just needs time to heal. I know that you’ll be a big, capable sister and attend to his needs, won’t you?” The dark-haired lady smiles as she walks up to me and rests her hand on my shoulder.

“Of course,” I smile cheerfully at her. ‘Besides, Ushio has always been there for me. My prince… ‘My vision is temporarily blinded by a piece of paper that was sat into my lap.  Blinking, I cock my head at the document. “What is this?”

“It’s pain medication, incase his injuries bother him. All he has to do is take one of these and he’ll be fine.  When you get the prescription, just read the directions and it will instruct you further.”  So, the doctor prescribed him pain medication as well.  That’s good.  I’m glad that my brother won’t be in pain or have to hopefully make any more visits to this place.

I take the paper and nod. Unbeknownst to the both of us, Ushio is stirring awake, his hands twitches and his eyebrows furrow as he comes around.  We both hear a grunt from him and our attention is immediately focused on him, right as his eyes open and he turns his head to me.

“You’re awake. How do you feel?” The nurse asks as she walks over to his bedside.

Slowly, my brother sits up, “a little pained and kind of stiff.”

“You should make a good recovery. I gave your sister a prescription for you.  You have minor wounds and with rest, you should be back to normal.  Try not to do anything strenuous or lift anything heavy for a couple of weeks,” she then looks to me. “Your little sister told me how worried she was about you and how she wanted to be the one who took care of you.”

“She did?” With confusion crossing his visage, Ushio looks at me.

I couldn’t help but blush in response. The way that he speaks that question holds such deep emotion that my feelings are overwhelmed by it. “Yeah, I sure did,” I tell him. ‘Why did I do that just now? Why do I feel so strange when he looks at me like that? I’m so confused…by everything.’

Caught up in my thoughts, I don’t notice my brother sliding out of bed and trying to stand.  Slowly and unsurely, he tries to make his way over to me.  I notice after he’s taken a few footsteps and call out his name, rushing to his side and placing my smaller body beneath his arm to act as a brace to keep him stable. “Here, use me to help you walk,” I offer selflessly and place a hand on his chest. He thanks me softly and I offer to take him home.

We both prepare and walk outside. The hospital is only a block away from our house and I don’t have a car.  Slowly, we made our way down the sidewalk.  The air was fresh and thankfully the weather was not as cold as it could have been.  Glancing up at the sky, I watch as a few birds soar above us.  My blue eyes are distracted and glance to his face.

‘I’m so glad that he’s alright.’ I think to myself as that vivid replay of the last moment of the car wreck plays through my mind.  The car’s nose slams into his body, causing him to fly effortlessly through the air.  At that moment in time, it seems like he was toppling over himself in slow motion before he crashes to the ground.  His form lands in a crumpled heap.  ‘That scared me so bad.  I thought that he was dead.  I’m so relieved that he wasn’t, and now I don’t want to upset him or be the reason that something like that happens again. I feel so guilty…like it’s all my fault. I should have paid more attention to him, spent more time with him.’ Ushio looks at me with those eyes so full of misery and warm affections and even though he is hurt, he still smiles.  All I can do is stare back. ‘That look…Why did he look at me like that? With such love in his eyes? It just makes me feel worse.’

“Sumerie, is something wrong?” He asks me, causing me to snap out of my current train of thought.

“Oh! No! I was just thinking about you. I’m worried, you know. You need your rest. I’m going to take care of you when we get home.  We’re going to spend some time together, just you and me.” That was a promise that I could keep, a promise that I would keep.  I don’t want to leave him, not until he gets better at the very least.

He arches an eyebrow at my offer. “Are you sure? What about Tadao?”

“I saw him the other day. Besides, he’s not hurt. Right now, I just care about us. About you…I want to make sure that you get better.”

“Then stay with me,” his words hold a weird edge to them that I can’t quite describe.  They nearly take my breath away.


“I want you to stay with me. Don’t go to Tadao.”

“For now, I’ll do that for you,” I reply and we continue to walk home.

Once we get inside, I lay him in his bed gently.  We stop by the pharmacy and fill his prescription along the way so his medicine is laying beside of him on his night stand.  Soon, he is fast asleep. I guess the walk home really wore him out.  I walk out of the room and into the kitchen, hungry I opened the fridge and glanced around at the contents within.  Just as I am about to make my choice of foods to get the doorbell rings.  I wonder who it is and walk over to open it.  Who in the world could possibly be over here?

Upon revealing the identity of the one who showed up, it is a noticeable face.  A girl with an athletic build, cat-like expression and dark blue, nearly black hair that was pulled into a side ponytail is standing there with a bouquet of light orange roses in her hands.  She is dressed in her school uniform, which was black and yellow in coloration.

“Hello! I’m Koneko! You must be Sumerie, right?” She greets me happily.

“Uh…Yeah. Did you need something?” I ask hesitantly.

“I heard that Ushio was hit by a car. I came to check on him and see how he was doing,” she informs me and I wonder how she finds out this information.  I guess someone who knows my brother happened to see the accident, because neither of us has said a word to anyone.  How odd.

‘Word sure travels fast. It’s barely been a day.’ I think to myself before I reply to her. “Well, he’s resting right now-“

“She can come in,” Ushio calls from his room and nearly startles me in the process.  Holding a hand to my chest, I turn in the direction of the projected voice.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, she’s a good friend of mine,” he assures and I tell her to come inside.  She thanks me and hops inside, taking her shoes off in the door way.  Koneko heads to the room and takes her seat on the chair that I usually sit in.  The girl hands him the beautiful roses and smiles quaintly at him.

“These are for you, because I was thinking of you and I know they’re kind of girly but I couldn’t think of anything else, and I wasn’t sure if you would have been able to eat any kind of candy or food,” she wants to be on the safe side and takes his situation into consideration.  I smile to myself at how sweet she is.  

Taking the bunch, Ushio thanks the girl.  “I appreciate them, and the thought that you put into them. I’ll keep them until they wither.”

Koneko clasps her hands together, “I’m so glad! I thought that maybe you wouldn’t care too much about them. By the way, how are you feeling?” She nearly forgets to question him about his condition.

“Sore, and pretty stiff.”

“You’re lucky you’re not in a full body cast,” I sigh.  It’s not even a joke; I was really scared when I witnessed that accident.  I’m happy that he didn’t break or rupture anything. In fact, it’s a miracle that he came out with as little damage as he had.

Ushio smiles calmly, “you’re right. I am. Sorry to freak you out so much, Sumerie.”

I sigh, “I’m just happy that you’re not dead. You know that’s all that matters to me.”

“Yeah, I agree. The important thing is that you’re alive. You’re going to make a good recovery, right?” Koneko questioned after agreeing with me. I think it’s unanimous that everyone is glad my brother is alive and in a good state for what he went through.

“I just have to take it easy for a while.  If the pain gets too bad, I’ll just have to take the pain medication.”  Even though I know my brother, he hates taking pills, but he’ll take them if he knows that he doesn’t have any other choice and they will make him feel better in the end.

Koneko rises from the chair, checking her watch. “Well, I’d better be on my way.  I just wanted to stop by and ask about everything and make sure that you were okay. Well, as okay as you can get.”

“I’ll see you later, right?” Ushio questions.

The girl beams. “Sure thing! You can always count on me to cheer you up!” Koneko turns and begins to walk away, glancing over her shoulder at me and winking. “Bye Ushio, Sumerie…Now take care of him.”

“Bye, Koneko,” I smile and wave a little.

“See you later,” my brother says his good bye as the door shuts.  A moment later, he flinched in pain, gripping at the side the car impacted.  I dart over to him and quickly assess the situation.

“Are you okay? Do you need pain medication?” I ask as my thoughts run a mile a minute. I really don’t want to feel like I’m useless and in many ways, I want to help him because I of my guilt over the situation.

“Ugh…This sharp pain in my side. It must have been where the car struck me,” he flinches again and closes one eye.

“Here, let me help you,” I lean in and lay him down on the bed, pushing his shoulders back slowly.

“You always do,” his words are endearing, and have sexual undertones to them.  Placing his hand on the back of my head is almost like he paralyzes me.  I stare into his eyes, unaware that he is slowly drawing my head in.  The moment felt surreal, as if it was frozen in time.  I want to pull back.  I know what’s going to happen, but I don’t even try to stop it.  Thoughts are running through my head at high speed.  They tell me I should pull away.  They warn me of the choice that I am about to make.  I shouldn’t.  I could turn away at any time, but I choose to stay where I am.  I don’t want to fight him, and I’m not going to turn him away.  No matter what happens, I will always be at his side.  No words can describe how I feel about him, and if this is wrong then so be it.  Brand me as a horrible person.

Maybe, just maybe I want it.

A flush covers my cheeks and before I say anything to him, our lips touch.  At that moment, I realize that this is not a normal kiss.  There is much more feeling to it than usual.  He is fearful, yet passionate like a kiss that someone would give to their lover.  ‘No…this is sinful. It’s disgusting and evil.’ My thoughts are berating me.  My eyes dart open out of fright and I pull away.  ‘I can’t do this. There are pre-set notions that society slams down on humanity.  Then again…where exactly does the line fall on love? Isn’t it forever being defined? Isn’t it always distorted? I don’t know. Love is…What is love? What defines it?’

“What’s wrong?” He questions as I turn my head away.

“We…We shouldn’t be kissing like that,” I say, my voice trembles more than I want it to.

“Why? What’s wrong with a loving kiss between brother and sister?” The question is so simple that it was as if the action was something that everyone did and it was abnormal to query it.

“It felt like…more than that,” my voice trembled as I placed two fingers to my lips, feeling the still present moisture on them.

“What’s wrong if it were? Isn’t it only important how you feel about it?”

I turn to face him. “What are you saying? We’re brother and sister.”

“Why is that a factor? Where in the rules of love that is says that we can’t be related?” Ushio asks and the question strikes me deep.

“I,” the sentence trails off as my thoughts consume me. ‘This is the point in which I realized that Ushio had lost it…or…maybe he just finally decided to tell me the truth about his unusually close feelings towards me. My head is swimming. I don’t know what to think. I feel so…guilty…but…I feel worse when I deny him. Why? Why do I feel this way?’ I question myself over and over again, but no answers come up.  It leaves my face in a mixture of emotions as I simply stare at my brother.

“Being incest used to be the foundation of what pure relationships were long ago,” Ushio explains to me his reasoning for seeing things the way that he did.

“Huh?” I question him.

“Many civilizations believed that in order to keep their bloodlines pure, that the sister and brother had to wed each other, and it was accepted.” If that was how it could be back then, why was it so horrible that such a thing happened now?

“I don’t think that sort of thing is now, besides…Tadao.” I did have a boyfriend.  I know that my brother doesn’t like him, but I can’t cheat on him, even with my brother’s feelings taken into consideration.  Even if I were to think about the point that he was trying to make, the fact still remains that Tadao is my boyfriend and right now, we are together.

Ushio doesn’t like hearing this, and his expression hardens. “What about him? He doesn’t deserve you.” He shoots; his voice is wrathful and cold.

“You really hate him…don’t you?” I ask, knowing the answer already.

Suddenly, he slaps his hand over my eyes, which caused me to gasp at the sudden contact.  I am turned around and grabbed around the waist by his other arm, falling into his lap.  His hand runs over my torso, his fingers trace over my stomach and runs along my curves.  My heart is beating so quickly that I think it will burst from my chest.

“What are you doing?” My voice comes out fast as gaspy in tone.

“When your eyes are covered, a touch is a touch. Could you tell, even if I wasn’t talking to you whose touch this was? Is my touch different than Tadao’s?” Another question that strikes me deep.  When my eyes are closed, can I really tell the difference from the way my brother touches me and the way that my lover touches me?  My body freezes up and I think to myself.

‘Could I? I mean, maybe he’s right.  What do I feel when I feel him touch me? Whose touch is it? What does it mean? To me, it’s the touch of someone who’s loving and kind.  Someone who would never let me fall. Someone I love…but can a brother…really be…What am I doing? Why am I thinking like this? What would people think to know that I do such things with my brother? Wait…Why should I care? What if everything was in secret? Wait…” My thoughts cut off as his hand ventures up my shirt, his fingers trace over my breasts through my bra which causes the flush on my cheeks to brighten.  ‘When I think about it…He is everything to me.  I take care of him and my world revolves around him. I even sacrifice my time with my own boyfriend for him. When Ushio is sad, so am I. It’s like we feel each other’s emotions and act as a union.  It sounds cliché, but I do love him.  I’d do anything for him…Why does love have to be a thing that torments me? Thinking about this was wrong and it makes me sick. Ushio suffered so much. Seeing him like this…it doesn’t make me sick at all. It makes me want to comfort him.  He’s toying with my feelings, manipulating them to his liking, and I don’t mind. I like being bound to him by these shackles…even if it’s wrong. Maybe…Maybe I loved him this much from the start.’  Slowly, I place my hand on his, removing it from my face as he placed his lips to my ear.

“I love you, Sumerie. Even if you are my little sister, that love won’t change. I want you to heal me, Sumerie.” He whispers into my ear.  The words infiltrate my senses and speak straight to my heart in that voice that I love so much.

‘Right now…I just won’t think. He needs me, and for once, I’ll save my prince.’ Immediately, I turn and straddle him and give way to temptation and my feelings. “I’ll…I’ll do it, but just for tonight.  Don’t tell anyone about this. It’ll be our secret,” I say to him as he wraps his arms around me.  I bend down over him and run my hands gently along his body, being careful of his injuries.  I feel his hands on me, roaming over my skin and under my skirt.  We kiss again, this time it is more passionate than the last one had been.  I feel more confident and more emotional.  I am even as daring as to let my tongue dance with his for a few moments. I am past the point of debate and I have given in to the most primal need of them all.  I arch into his touches, which feel like burning fire against my skin.  The moment became heated as kisses, licks, nips and caresses were made with an entanglement of limbs.  It is so strange but I don’t mind it, and the more things intensified, the more I want it.  It is like a secret love, a forbidden moment meant for us to share in private.  It doesn’t matter what would happen, all I thought about was now.  I love him, and that feeling burned brighter than ever before.


“I know that this isn’t your old house, but-“ Takeshi started to explain to me, before I cut him off.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t think a part of myself wants me to compare it to it,” I tell him.  More than anything, I do not want to compare it to that structure and all of the memories that were attached to it.  He turns and glances at me with a confused expression written all over his visage.  

“Why? Isn’t that the place you grew up with? It holds a lot of good memories, right?” He questions me.

“It also holds a lot of baggage. I’ve realized that I can’t speed my life comparing the future to the past. I’ll get stuck in a rut that way. All I can do is keep moving forward.  If I move back, I might fall into a hole. Besides, there are a lot of holes back there.” I say as I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.  I tense up for a moment before exhaling and loosening up against his form.

“Then we’ll move forward…together,” he says in my ear and I sigh lightly to myself, closing my eyes.

“That sounds nice.”


I wake up with my shirt off.  The only thing that I am wearing is my bra, panties and skirt.  I look over to see that my brother is also shirtless and sleeping soundly beside of me.  I gaze at him for a while, unmoving from my position and a crushing feeling cascades over my body, hitting harder than it ever did before. ‘Why do I feel so guilty now? Is it because I liked what we did? Am I ashamed of myself for doing it? Is it because of Tadao? I technically cheated on him with my own brother.  I’ve never cheated on anyone before.  I’ve always been so faithful to fall of my boyfriends. How?’  Slowly, I get up and pick up my shirt, quietly slipping it on.  I sigh to myself as my thoughts continue to assault me.  ‘How do you tell your boyfriend that you’re stuck in a strange decision? How do you tell him that in the end, you’ll have to pick either him or your brother? I can’t tell him that! No way! He’ll think I’m sick in the head…but am I? Am I really sick in the head? Ushio told me all of those things about the love of a brother and sister.  Is he right? I wonder, dear brother…’ My thoughts fade as I glance over my shoulder at his sleeping form.  ‘Do you regret what we did, too?’

There is a knock at the door.

“Hm? Oh! Coming!” I shout upon noticing the realization.  I walk up to the door and open it, finding Tadao standing on this other side; he stares at me with those piercing eyes.  It was as if he can see straight through me, to all of the things that I had done with my brother.  My blood runs cold and I almost feel like I am going to faint.  For the first time in my life, I am scared of my own boyfriend. “Oh, Tadao, what are you doing here?” I ask uneasily as Ushio walks up while we’re engaged in conversation.

“Just wanted to know if you wanted to come to a concert with me later on. It starts at seven o’clock, and it’s Elite Enterprise. What do you say?” He asks, smiling at me in hopes that I would not turn down his offer.

“I can’t, sorry,” that answer only makes me feel all the more guilty.

“She’s busy, so fuck off,” Ushio tells him harshly.

Oh no, it’s going to start another fight. This is not what anyone needs.

“No one asked you. Why don’t you go lay back in bed,” Tadao shoots back, his posture is defensive and his face is marred with anger.

“Why don’t you mind your own business and stop cutting into my time? Sumerie is mine until I get better, so find something else to do,” Ushio argues, standing really close behind me. I feel overshadowed by his presence.

“What give you the right to call her yours?” The boy with the purple streak in his hair continues the argument.  He does have a right to ask, because he is my boyfriend, but still.  I wish that he would just walk away this time and come back later.

Suddenly, Ushio grabs me and pulled me into a passionate kiss, right in front of Tadao!  I’m so shocked that I don’t even know how to react.  Our relationship is supposed to be a secret and he just exposed it right in front of my boyfriend.  I cannot believe that he would betray my trust and do such a thing.  Before the kiss gets any more passionate, I am ripped back by Tadao.  All I can do is stand there in shock.  My worst fears came true.  Maybe I will be forced to choose between them sooner than I thought.

“Don’t do that to her! She’s your sister!” Tadao scolds him. “You’re a sick fuck!” His brazen, cold gaze then rips through my soul as he looks to me with disdain. “And YOU…why didn’t you stop him? What, are you incest, too?”

…To Be Continued