Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ True Love ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



My Sister's Keeper

Chapter 7: True Love

By: Melissa Norvell/Revamp


I am in shock. That question is reeling through my head at light speed, so much so that it makes me dizzy. Ushio wraps his arms around my bust tightly and I mentally beg him to say something. Please…Please say something so I don't have to. I'm not ready to face this…not yet. It's too soon. I haven't even had time to get adjusted to our new lifestyle or what happened a while ago.

“I love her. What does it look like? She is mine. My flesh and blood. It's a bond that you could never understand,” Ushio shoots back at my boyfriend, who I am convinced, will end up being my ex after all of this is said and done. I know that beyond this point, I can't help what he thinks of me. I shouldn't care, but a part of me still does because it's hard to let go, and to think nothing when people judge you who used to have close relationships with you.


“You need help. That isn't the kind of relationship you should have with your sister. You're just brainwashing her! Look at her! She won't even defend herself!” Tadao shouts and jerks a finger to me. I look away but I don't try to push Ushio away.

The deeds between us have already been done.

I can't do anything. I feel so helpless. I love Tadao, but I could never betray Ushio…He truly is my prince.

I am brought out of my thought by the loud slam of the door. My brother pulls me back inside of the door and holds me close, glaring through the peep hole and waiting for Tadao to go away. My boyfriend beats against the door multiple times, shouting in anger.

“Hey! Stop! Don't do this to her! Leave her alone, you sick freak!” He shouts in disparity and vexation.

“This is why you shouldn't associate with him,” Ushio says sternly and looks at me with steely eyes.

I have to admit, I'm a little mad at what he did. After I get over the shock, it hits me. “Why did you do that? I thought you were going to keep what we did a secret,” I scold him with an angry expression.

“Love isn't meant to be hidden from the world. I want you to make your choice, Sumerie. It's either Tadao or me. If you choose him, then you can get out of my life forever. If it's me then you should be prepared for whatever comes. You don't have to worry about being judged and you will always be protected. Remember, love is merely a distortion, and all feelings related to it are objectionable. The bond of family is the strongest, and the most intimate,” he says, voice lowering as he takes his arms from me. Turning me around, we share a deep, passionate kiss before he turns and walk out of the door. I kiss him back then blink in confusion, asking him where he's going. “I'm going to take a walk. I don't want to be an influence behind your thought process,” he assures and shuts the door behind him, walking down the driveway, leaving me standing there in question.

Then it hits me like a sack of bricks.

The emotion of the situation is too much for me to take. I break down crying, sinking to my knees on the floor. I don't know what to do. I just cry harder and louder. I am pretty sure that the neighbors can hear me at this pitch. My body shakes with emotion as I watch my tears create a wet spot in the floor in front of me thought blurry vision. As I cried, I am thinking of what to do, what decision to make. When I think about it, what choice have I had? I was hoping that I could keep the secret between my brother and me, but I know how much he hates Tadao. Did I honestly think that he would follow my wishes? Of course not. If he can get an edge, then he will. I don't even want to know what Tadao is thinking about me now.

During the entire fight, I didn't say anything. I was so afraid that I just didn't speak. Why am I so afraid? He must think horrible, awful things about me. I'm ruined in his eyes, and keeping things like this will only hurt him further. It will hurt Ushio, too…all of us. I can't do that. I can't hurt Tadao anymore, or make him ruin himself or his reputation by being with `that incest girl'. Maybe, by being with Ushio, it will be better for Tadao. He won't be in this situation anymore, and Ushio will leave him alone. He'll be happier, and besides…I really do love Ushio. The more I think about it, the less I regret making out with him. It wasn't gross. It was an expression of love. It's not like he was raping me or anything. I actually liked it. I've never been touched with such emotion before. If that makes me incest then I don't care. After what I've done, there's no way that I can even think about going back now. When I think about it, Ushio was right. Love is a blurred subject, and if it was a natural thing to marry your brother or sister back then, it shouldn't be any less of a crime now.

Besides, it seems natural when I think about it. Animals do it all of the time. There's nothing wrong with my personal choice and nothing wrong with the special kind of love that I feel for my brother.

I get up off of the floor and decide that I need to go and clean my face. My makeup is all messed up now, and I find myself wondering why I put it on in the first place. I just know that I look like crap. Come to think of it, I need to take a shower anyway. I think I'll just wait until Ushio comes back. Besides, I need more time to get ready. Hopefully, I'll have a couple of days to think, since Tadao was pretty angry. Until then, I can just get myself used to my brother. I'll keep telling myself, this is for the best.

I walk into the bathroom and take off my clothes. As I finish taking off my blue and white striped panties, my image catches my eye in the mirror. Standing there, nude, I stare at myself for a while. My eyes are bloodshot and my skin is flushed. I turn to the shower and turn on the water, when it reaches the right temperature; I step in and feel the water washing over my body. There is something so comforting about feeling your anxiety being washed away by the water. Taking a deep breath, I squirt the ocean breeze shampoo into my hair and begin to work up lather. The smell of it floods my senses. I had no idea how much I needed this moment. People have a way of twisting and turning on you, and Ushio wasn't an exception.


I've finally hit my breaking point with this son of a bitch. I won't let him get away with the stuff he's been doing to my sister, and today I'm going to let him know how deep my love for Sumerie truly goes. Today, Tadao, you're mine. I think to myself as I walk down the road, only fixated on one thing and one thing only.

I stalk after my prey, watching his movements as I followed him from a reasonable distance. I have seen him on this route before, so I know exactly where he is going. Something about him gnawed at the back of my mind. It was his typical Wednesday night. He heads over to a bar that is pretty popular around this district.

Every Wednesday Tadao buys a couple of drinks here and hangs out with his friends and a few of the bar tenders. I walk inside and glance around, seeing what looked like the usual inhabitants. I never went to this bar much but most of the people are those I see when I do come here. Tadao sits at the bar, beside of a familiar-looking guy. I think it's one of his friends, but I'm not entirely sure.

Sliding up unnoticed, I take a seat beside of him as he orders his drink. Perfect. I can set my plan into action. Sitting there, I make sure to move wisely. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my weapon of choice. A package of powder with powerful affects. They'll do the job I want them to do. Occasionally, I glance over to Tadao and monitor his actions and I wait until he's engaged in conversation. Taking a hand full of powder, I slipped it into his drink and watched.

Soon, my victim drinks the concoction that I make and begins to feel the sensation of my powder. I overhear Tadao ask to go outside for some fresh air and I get up to follow him. His friend debates coming along but Tadao wears his usual touch guy air and wanted to be alone.

Outside, he stumbled around aimlessly until he finally collapsed on the road side in a patch of grass. I picked up his limp body and it was heavier than planned. His weight daunted on my injuries. I can feel the pain of each step. It was just my luck that he hadn't gone far. I couldn't help but feel the adrenaline rush through my being.

After all this time, I'll finally be rid of him. He won't bother Sumerie or me anymore.

Today, Tadao, you will pay for your sins.

Today is the day of reckoning.


It's been a while since Ushio came back from his walk. I am starting to worry about him more than usual. He's still injured from when that car hit him.

Sitting in my room, I'm painting my nails and listening to the radio as I try to drown out the thoughts that are going through my head. It all seems so complicated now, and as much as I pretend not to care some things still bother me. Maybe I feel guilty about Tadao or maybe I feel like I should have tried harder for Ushio instead. I mean when I started to date other guys, he got so angry and hurt. I have to wonder if that's what he felt all along. I know he'd tell me, now that we made things official but at the same time, I guess I'm a little nervous. Suddenly, I heard a thunk and I shot up from my haze.

“What was that?” I say aloud and dart from my position, leaving the still opened bottle of spring melon nail polish sitting on my vanity. Cautiously, I walk into the living room but I don't see anyone. “Hello?” I call out unsurely, wondering what I just heard. Maybe it's Ushio coming back. I didn't get an answer, so I walk down the hall to his room.

Suddenly, the house feels so eerily quiet, like something could jump up and grab me at any time. I slowly reach up and knock on his door, getting an answer I never expected. “Ushio?”

“Don't come in here.”

His voice is demanding, so I listen to him. I know how explosive and irrational his temper is, but at the same time, there is a sense of madness to it. Little did I know that sound was a prelude to an event that would make everything clear and my mind would be made up for me whether I liked it or not.

“I just wanted to know if you were alright,” I say uneasily.

“Who? Me? I'm fine. I just want to be alone for a few minutes.”

“Alright, I was just making sure that it was you who came in here and not a stranger, you know?”

“I forgot to say that I came in. Sorry about that.”

“I'll see you in a bit,” I decide to let him be and walk down the hall into my room. I finish up painting my nails a pastel green and screw the lid back onto my bottle, placing it on a small shelf that I used to store my nail polish collection. Most of the colors are pastel blues, pinks and pearl whites.

Turning from the shelves, I glance at my clock and hear a vibration nearby. It is my phone. I walk over and see that there is a text message on it. It's from my brother. The words are a simple command and I feel compelled to follow their advice.

You can come to my room now. There's something I want to show you, and something I want us to do.

My thoughts race a hundred miles an hour as possibilities run through my mind. I am anxious, nervous and curious all at the same time. Even so, nothing can prepare me for what I am about to see. I make the same trip as I have many times and walk down the hall. Stopping at the door, I stand there a moment, as if to brace myself before I open the door.

What I see horrifies and shocks me.

There is Ushio, standing to the right of me, and Tadao is also there, handcuffed to the bed post. I whirl around to leave but the door is slammed in my face. I am trapped here with the two of them.

I turn back around, facing Ushio. My face is etched with confusion. “Ushio, what are you doing? Why is Tadao here?” Tadao looked at me; his mouth was taped shut with wide, black, electrical tape.

“I'm tired of these games that we've been playing. We have to keep going forward instead of stepping back,” he looks at me with an unstable expression. I know that I am not going to like this. Dread fills me and I can do nothing but face the situation head on and make the choice with the least damaging outcome.

“What are you talking about?” I ask, confused by all of this and trying to make sense of everything. What does he mean? Does he really want Tadao out of my life that badly? Of course he does….But I can't let anything bad happen to Tadao. I actually don't put it past Ushio to do the unthinkable. I can't let him. I can't let him kill Tadao. This is all resting on my shoulders. I have to get him out of this situation.

Ushio smiles devilishly, and I swear at that moment I can see hell in his eyes. “We're going to show him the true love of a brother and sister.”

I hear handcuffs jingling as Tadao struggles to free himself from the bed post frantically. The only thing he manages to do is cause himself to bleed. Fear races through my heart, it almost feels like anxiety and I attempt to calm myself down. Think Sumerie, think. Nothing good will come of this if you just flip out. You know Ushio, better than anyone else. I honestly don't think he wants to kill Tadao. I just think he wants to show him who I belong to.

If that's the case, then I have an idea of what he's planning.

This might be the cruelest thing I'll do or that I have done. In fact, it's against every grain of morality in the fiber of my being. However, if my brother asks, then I'm going to do what he says.

“If I agree to do what you say, then will you let Tadao go?” I ask, giving him a dead stare.

He sticks his hands in his pockets and walks around me in a predatory way, and then as if snapping himself back to me, he turns and looks me dead in the eyes. “It can't be a hostage situation. You have to do this because you want the world to know about the special bond we share.” He is dead set on his ideals, just like before.

“What exactly do you want me to do?” I ask.

I look to my boyfriend, who's muffled protests I can hear from across the room. I know that he doesn't want me to do this, but I have no choice and it's not even that. In these few seconds, I decide to move forward and bring this whole situation to a close. This has been going on for too long. A look of determination crosses my face as I figure out what I must now do.

Behind me, I can hear the door lock as my brother looks at me, taking my hand and leading me to the side of his bed. He leans back, allowing us both to fall into the plush surface of the white bed. I can see Tadao's wide-eyed expression as our bodies made contact. My brother's words reach my ears in a whisper, “I want you to have sex with me, Sumerie.”

My eyes widen. Did I just hear him right? I mean, it wasn't as if I wasn't planning on it eventually, but this is going pretty fast. However…I glance back to Tadao, whose expression is quickly morphing into one of vexation. I agree, and the answer is a lot easier than I thought. It's like a wave of anxiety is washes from me. I tell him that I'll do it and Ushio's smile transformed into one of sincere emotion. I can also see it in the depths of his eyes.

For once, I see him truly happy…and that smile alone drowns out everything in the background. It is as if I can only see him. His large hand reaches for my face. Fingers lightly stroke my cheek and I lower my head down, kissing his lips passionately. I pull back and we stare at each other for a while. I can feel his eyes wandering over my body; his hands soon follow, gently and carefully examining me. I pull my shirt up as his hands slide up my skinny stomach and to my small breasts that were covered by an intricate black lace bra.

They message them through the fabric as I lean down to him. Our faces are so close that I can feel his warm breath on my lips. I think that he might kiss me, so I move my head to the side. I can feel his breath on my neck. The sensation soon moves to my ear. It is turning me on. He reaches around my back and unclasps my bra, taking it off. I feel the fabric slide down my back as my brother spends time examining my breasts and playing with my nipples. My hips begin to move gently on his hardening erection.

As this goes on, he sits up and places his mouth on my breasts, sucking and licking at them. I run my hands over his back as my fingers trace every indentation of his muscle play. He pulls back panting against my neck and I turn away, allowing him access to the exposed flesh. Ushio begins to kiss it and things are getting quite steamy. I slide my hand up his arm and down his chest a he enjoys touching my long, slender legs. He feels from my ankle to my thigh and tells me that I have a great body, and very sexy legs. I know this is wrong, and I don't care. It turns me on. He rolls over onto me and I feel the plush surface on my back. His hand slides into my panties and began to rub me. For a while, Ushio slides down my body and takes them off. He plays with my thighs before inserting his fingers into me. Then his tongue joins in for an incredible sensation and technique. It's incredible, even better than Tadao. I take the rest of my clothes off as he removes his own. We resume our position again and I feel his hardened member rub against it. We kiss again and I rubbed my pelvis against him. It nearly drives me insane and his hands reach under the bed to grab my butt.

I love the feeling of being trapped beneath him. The kissing becomes frantic as my animal desire increases. I reach between my legs, shoving him into me. I am soaking wet so he slides in with ease. He takes control and starts to buck me. I never have been bucked this hard before. It is amazing. I feel like I am being pile drived into the bed. He grabs my breast hard and I nearly bite his lip. I've never been this aggressive. He tells me that this is the way that my body is supposed to be and pulls at my hair, causing my head to jerk back as he sunk his teeth into my shoulder.

I groan out `holy shit' and he murmurs that he is going to fuck the life out of me. After that, we go at each other like animals. He yanks my hair again, normally I would think that this is painful, but it feels so good. I really like it. We continue to roll around the bed like we are in a wrestling match, until he exploded inside of me. I feel his hot fluids leak into my body.

We have committed the ultimate sin and it feels wonderful. It is the best sex I've ever had. It was rough, dirty and very passionate.

For once in my life, I feel alive.

Ushio rises up from his position as I lay below him, panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat. My body shakes in satisfaction.

“You can never break the bond of a brother and sister,” my brother says darkly, glaring down at the man tied to the bed post. He then turns to me, body glistening in sweat as he gazes down at me with love reflected in his eyes. “I love you and no one else can have you.”

“Can you…please let Tadao go? He's suffered enough…and I can't go back to him anyway. Not after what we've just done,” I pant out, refusing to turn my face towards Tadao.

…To Be Continued