Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Rejection ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


My Sister's Keeper

Chapter 8: Rejection

By: Melissa Norvell/Revamp


I love you, and I'll get you back.

I hear Tadao's voice shout as Ushio walks out of the room, taking my ex boyfriend with him. From here on out, I do not regret any of my choices, and I don't really care about my consequences. I don't care anymore. I just want to rest my mind and body. I didn't remember when it happened, but I found myself falling asleep, entangled in the sheets.

A couple of days later, Koneko stops by again. Usually, I wouldn't mind her presence so much, although she makes me feel a little uneasy, but now it is just awkward. Ushio has stepped out for a moment and she pulls me aside into the kitchen.

The girl looks at me with apprehension and worry written on his visage. “Can I ask you something?” Her voice is meek and timid.

I feel myself tense up. Who knows what she has heard by now. If Tadao has gone around telling people, then she will no doubt inquire about my relationship with my brother. After what I've done, I am pretty paranoid about other people finding out and judging me. I tell her sure and she begins to explain her problems to me.

“I have this problem,” the long-haired girl twiddles with her fingers, occasionally looking at me, then at her hands. I can tell this isn't easy for her to articulate. “You see, I really love Ushio. I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember and we've been close for years,” I can't help but be nostalgic myself, remembering my prince and the day that we decided to take out love to a whole different level. I remember Koneko and Ushio's meeting, as well as when he met Risa, whom I haven't seen in a while. It turns out that she had to move away because of her situation at home. Too bad, I miss her and her friendship, even if she, like Koneko, had a crush on my brother as well. I am tuning out most of her explanation when I drown in my thoughts, when I come to, Koneko asks me something. “Should I finally confess my feelings to him? I'm so nervous and I am afraid. I don't know what to do and since you're his sister, I thought that you could help me out and give me some advice.

Those words make the guilt on my shoulders all the more heavy. How can I tell her what I've done? It will crush her. Then again, telling her not to go through with it is just as discouraging. Should I encourage her, knowing that she'll get rejected? I am so confused and upset.


Damn it.

This is hurting so bad and I don't even want to exist right now. Why do things have to be so complicated? I hate this. It isn't right, but how can I possibly tell her that I am the one that my brother desires? I can't. Now not, and I am not sure if I ever can. There is no way we can just be two normal girls discussing love. I can pretty much kiss those days good bye.

“What does Ushio like?” Despite my unsure answer, Koneko is still eager to please.

I don't have much of a choice. I have to go along with it.

“In general?” I ask, looking thoughtful.

“In every aspect,” Koneko leans in with an excited smile. “I want to know everything I can about him so that I can impress him. When we get into conversations…or some other kind of situation,” she wriggles her eyebrows at me in suggestion that they could possibly do something other than talk. “I mean, not that I think that kind of thing will happen, I just want to be prepared for it,” she blushes and becomes flustered when it hits her that she is being openly perverted about my brother. Koneko thinks that it might be awkward for me to know things like that or hear them. Little does she know I am well accustomed to such things by now.

“Well, his favorite color is mint green, and he loves classic cars, playing sports, jogs in the afternoon, night is his favorite time of day, winter is his favorite season and Halloween is his favorite holiday,” I mention to her, just giving her minor details about him won't be so bad. At least, I think it won't.

Koneko perks up. “I am taking mental notes as we speak,” she urges me on.

I continue to think of more things. “His favorite sports are wrestling and kick boxing. He is really good at street fighting and sometimes he goes to clubs.”

“What kind of intimate things does he like? Can you tell me that?” I have a feeling that this question would come, and it was something that I tried to keep away from.

“Well, he really likes to kiss and touch. Sometimes, he's rough but he's very passionate and attentive to…his lovers. He really likes to rub his hands through his lover's hair and hold them closely.” Okay, maybe she doesn't need to know all of that. I really opened my mouth this time, and let it run on and on. I stand here, quiet for a while before she blinks at me.

“How do you know things like that?” She is more amazed than anything, but I definitely feel as though she can see right through me. “That's really weird. I mean, no offense but not many people know that about their siblings. Did you hear it from his girlfriends?” I sure am glad that Koneko has such an innocent mind on all of this, otherwise coming up with a contrived story like this might be the death of me.

“He tells me everything.” That isn't really a lie, not as much as people would like to believe anyway. Even when Ushio had girlfriends in the past, I was told about his escapades with them.

Koneko's face lights up and she claps her hands together. The girl nearly jumps, as if she can't contain herself. “Wow! You guys must have a super open relationship!”

“Something like that,” I crack a weak smile as I feel the sweat run down the back of my head.

“So, you really don't mind if I ask him out? I know this must put you in a weird situation.” If I was any other girl, then that answer would have been yes. However, that answer is more than yes considering we just had sex before she came over here. I can't tell her my true feelings, I can only trust Ushio and our relationship, so I tell her that I didn't mind and that I was flattered that she would ask my permission. A lot of people never cared what their friends thought, so in that respect she was thoughtful and considerate.

“I would never do something you'd hate me for. I love you too much. I want everyone to be happy.” Too bad that this situation is doomed from the start.

“After you ask him, come back and tell me what he thinks,” I tell her. After all, she is going to need someone to comfort her when he turns her down. I mean, even if we aren't official, Ushio loves me more than anyone. I don't think he will just leave me for Koneko. I feel bad about feeling that way but it is true. It isn't like I want to hurt her, but I can't let her know that we are sleeping together. I don't even want to know what she will think of me. I'm pretty sure that she will be disgusted with both of us, and that she will never want to see me or be my friend anymore.


I don't know what Koneko wants from me so late in the evening. I close my eyes as the wind blows through my long hair and inhale deeply. The scent of the night air is amazing. My eyes open, reflecting the peaking stars in the night sky. Yes, this is truly my best time. I just wish I could spend it doing something a little more constructive. I glance at my watch. She is late as usual, the tapping of sneakers runs through my ears and I glance down the road to my left to see her running up to me. She stops short of my form, panting.

“Sorry I'm so late,” her apology is sincere.

“What did you call me out here for?” I am interested in this sudden meeting, and what could be so important that she feels like she has to take up some of my time that I have planned for other things.

“I have something that I want to ask you,” her smile is plastered on her face, but I can tell that she is nervous about whatever it may be. Don't tell me that it is about what every other girl in my life has asked me.

“What would that be? What's so important that you have to call me out for a special meeting?” I am really suspicious, and I think I know what it might be. There are better things that I can be doing right now. Not to mention Sumerie needs me to be at her side. She always needs me, and now that I have the edge on that slime ball Tadao, hopefully his threats are idle and he will be out of our lives for good.

Blushing and looking bashful, my suspicions are confirmed. Why are all girls like this? I hate these shy little girls. Even so, this is my sister's friend. I should humor her. “I've really liked you…for a long time. So I'm hoping that you'll go out with me.” After pausing several times, she finally gets that dreaded bunch of words out.

Yeah, that's what I thought that she was going to ask, “I don't see what one date could hurt.” I really don't like Koneko, especially not like that but maybe I can get out of it somehow. I find myself instantly regretting my choices in life as she jumps up and down in excitement, uttering `thank you' relentlessly. What have I done? More importantly, what am I going to tell Sumerie? It's her friend. Surely she won't mind.

After all was said and done, I walk home with this odd feeling hanging over my head. I don't want to tell her I told Koneko that I would go on a date with her. I let out an exasperated sigh. This explanation will be nowhere near the vicinity of fun but I dug my own grave so I have to lay in it now, don't I?

I get home and explain my situation to Sumerie, who turns to me with a quizzical expression. “So, you said yes?”

“If I said no then she would have asked why. It's not like I'm cheating on you,” I try to explain, and hope that she understands the situation.

Sumerie smiles at me kindly, understanding. That's something I love about her. “I know. Our relationship isn't something that the world is supposed to know.”

I narrow my eyes. “No, Sumerie. It isn't something You want the world to know,” I shoot at her, and she turns and looks at me as I walk out of the room, irritated by her cynical and shameful view on things. I don't know why she cares so much about this. If she loves me, then why was she so ashamed to admit it? It is like I disgust her, but in private she makes love to me so passionately. I am really tired of these secrets. We both know how the game is going to end. Why prolong it and make it worse?

The next day, I wake up early and dress myself in a white hoodie, blue jeans, and red and white sneakers. This is just a typical date. It's not like I am taking her anywhere expensive. I really don't want to waste money on her in the first place. When I come out of my room, I am greeted with the gentle kiss of my sister, such a warm touch that is filled with love. It lifts my spirits. I smirk a little.

“Have fun with your date,” she pulls back, closing her eyes and smiling at me.

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, whatever,” I say nonchalantly as I hear a knock on the door. Come on Sumerie, it isn't as if I like hiding this any more than I do now.

I open the door to see Koneko, clad in a simple blue dress that looks like something that someone would wear on a clean summer's eve. She greets me with a cheerful hell and bounds inside, clinging to me. I can feel my face contort into an awkward expression. “Are you ready to have some fun?” She asks, looking up at me.

I roll my eyes and act uninterested. “Sure, as long as we don't go anywhere girly.”

She points her finger into the air, “I know! Let's go and see an action movie, or maybe a fantasy? I know a lot of movies that are playing right now. Then, we can go to the ice cream shop! What do you say?”

“It sounds okay,” I have to agree to something or she'll probably make the date longer than I want it to be. Happy with this, she agrees that we leave now.

The two of us venture off on our date, and don't get me wrong. I really try to enjoy it, if for no one else, for my sister's sake but it ends in failure. Throughout the whole movie, she keeps clinging to me and trying to feed me some ridiculous strawberry candies. I bet Sumerie told her that I like strawberry flavored things. At first, I take a few and try to be nice but then she only gets more and more annoying with it. Weird, I always think when Sumerie does these things how cute they are. My sister has the demeanor of a spitfire valkalry and the body of a heavenly angel. This movie would be a lot more enjoyable without this girl around. She is such a typical school girl. Exactly the type of girl I don't like, and she is really on the look out to impress me.

After the movie, she wanted to talk about what happened and she is bouncing off of the walls. I don't know if it is the candy or if it is from the excitement, but she talks my ear off. I barely have the chance to get my opinion in. Eventually, my responses dwindle to nothing and I just let her take over the conversation.

Next is the thing that brings me to my breaking point: the ice cream shop. At first, it isn't so bad after clinging to me the whole way down there and showering my arm with nuzzles we go inside. I order a sundae and sit in the chair across the table. I need room to breathe. She takes her seat across from me and stares at me with her hands propping up her head and that happy smile plastered to her face.

“Hey, Ushio?” She starts a conversation.

“Huh?” I respond lazily.

“Are you okay?” A look of concern crosses her face.

“What kind of question is that?” I am clearly annoyed.

“You don't seem like you're having a very good time. Did I do something wrong?” Oh god, anything but this.

“To be truthful, I'm not having fun. I only did this because it makes my sister happy. I honestly don't even know why you try because you're not my type of girl,” I know what I'm saying, and I know how it will affect her, but at the same time I don't care. This will put an end to people interfering in my love life or thinking that they can be my girl.

“What?” She breathes out. I can tell that I just crushed her. She looks like she wants to cry.

“The only one I love is my sister. I don't belong to anyone but her.”

She looks down at her ice cream as it is put in front of her. “So…that's what this is about. Tell me…in what way do you belong to your sister?”

Is she honestly that confused with all of this? I might as well set her on the straight and narrow, since Sumerie didn't have the heart to. “I don't think you understand. We've done more things together than you and I would ever do. I love her, in the romantic way. We kiss, and we've even had sex. It's not about her, she belongs to me and I belong to her. I do not give a damn what you or anyone else thinks.” I get up, tossing money for our ice cream on the table and leave the girl staring off into space with shock infecting her every pore.


I was waiting for my brother to come back from his date. Turning, I reach down to grab one of my shirts to fold from the pile of laundry in front of me. Suddenly, I black out and I felt my body slump over.

Little did I know, what happens next will lead to every skeleton I ever had hidden in my closet falling out. The mask of illusion grew thin and we can no longer hide who we truly are anymore.

…To Be Continued