Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Denial ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


My Sister's Keeper

Chapter 9: Denial

By: Melissa Norvell/Revamp



It is getting late, and Takeshi and I are just walking around aimlessly. Ever since everything happened between us, things have settled down a lot. It's not so bad, and the pain has weakened in my heart. Takeshi has been such a great help with everything. Until that moment, I never realized what a god send he actually was. Takeshi was my angel with spiky hair, and that man I came to love with all of my heart.

The air is crisp and cold. It was the kind of moment in time where you let the scenery speak for itself. Little do I know, that sentence will serve as a double entendre. When we walk by Sumerie's house, I pause and stand there, just staring ahead. I don't know what it is but I have the worst feeling, as if I should just go there. Takeshi stops beside of me, looking at me with confusion riddled on his face.

“What's wrong, Endo?” He questions, staring at me as something else alarms me.

“Why is the door open?” I ask under my breath, to where only Takeshi can really hear me.

His sights were directed to the door in question. I can tell from the look on his face that he also thinks it's strange. “That's weird,” he notes and seems thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “I wonder if something's wrong.”

That's definitely what it seems like to me. I can't help but feel this eerie emotion wash over me. I can literally feel the hairs on my neck stand up, almost like that day of dread where I found my parents dead. I can't get those feelings out of my mind, and a part of me panics thinking that anyone else can be taken from me at any moment. Since then, I find life most precious and something that only comes around once. It's up to every individual person to savor their life and protect it to their fullest ability.

Right then, I make up my mind and swallow my instincts. My face hardens as I speak my mind. “Let's go check it out.”

I bolt off towards the house, my heart is racing and my feet are carrying me as fast as they can. When I get to the door, I pause a little, waiting for Takeshi to catch up and we both walk inside. I slowly push the swinging door back with a creek. It had been swaying in the breeze and sounded more eerie than usual. We both go inside and look around, calling out Ushio and Sumerie's names but we both get not answer. When I walk through the living room, I glance at the pile of clothes, half folded. It was like they just vanished from the face of the earth. There were no struggles or anything.

I now fear the worst.

Takeshi walks into the room, just as bewildered as I am. “This is really weird.”

“Something is wrong. They wouldn't just leave their door open like this. I'm really worried. Sumerie is usually always home at this time,” I know the two of them like the back of my hand. Even if they left, there is no way that their door would be open like this. The weirdest thing about it is that nothing is gone, or at least it doesn't seem like it.

“Maybe she went somewhere with Ushio.” My boyfriend is trying to be optimistic about everything, but I can't stand for that.

“That doesn't make sense. Her purse, credit cards and her phone are all in her room. It's like she vanished, or someone took her.” This is way too strange to be something she would do normally. I have never known Sumerie to go anywhere without her phone or her purse. The more I think about it, the more it seems like someone took her.

“I sent Ushio a text earlier and asked him what he was going today. He said that he had a date with Koneko,” Takeshi informs me of my friend's brother's activity. I quickly turn to him.

“Did he tell you where they were going?” I am desperate to contact someone, to make them aware that she's gone. If someone did abduct Sumerie, then we have to act fast. Every minute she's gone is a minute is a minute that she could be harmed.

I don't want another casualty because I can't do anything about it.

“To the movies and the ice cream shop.”

“We have to find him and tell him what's up.” My heart is burning with determination, and I can see Takeshi's look harden.

“We do. I feel like something bad happened.”

I just keep thinking about it more and more, and I keep worrying more and more. I feel anxiety wash over me at the thought of what could be going on as we stand here, having this conversation. Sumerie is my best friend. If anything happens to her, I can never forgive myself.

Turning to my boyfriend, I tell him to stay in the house in case Sumerie happened to come back. I am going to go and get her brother. All the while I hope that I am not getting Takeshi in danger by making him stay behind. If something really did happened to her and I left him there, then…No. I shake my head violently; trying to rid myself of the worrisome images of could bees. I can't think about that right now, I have to find Ushio.


I cracked my eyes open, as I felt a cold, damp air against my exposed skin. It's dark, so much that the only things I can see are silhouettes of furniture and a familiar shadow standing a little ways away from me. My vision swims and I can feel a dull pain in the back of my head. Whatever I was knocked out with really hurt.

Slowly, I sit up and my vision adjusts to see Tadao, standing there before me in a pair of cargo pants and a long-sleeved, black shirt. He is facing away with his back turned to me and looking out of the window. It is odd though, because the blinds aren't open.

What in the hell is going on?

“I won't let him take you from me,” he utters in an unstable, crazed voice. It's like he's not in this world and to be honest, he's really scaring me. I don't know what's going to happen to me, but I feel like it's going to be something bad and right now, I fear for my life. What Ushio and I did that day is coming back to haunt me, just as I feared it would. He took it too far, and I should have said no. I should have talked him out of it, but I am also to blame. I didn't have to agree, nor did I have to go through with it.

Wanting to please my brother will be my undoing.

I rub my head and respond to him. “What? Tadao, what are you talking about?”

He turns around and what I see terrifies me. His pupils are the size of pin pricks and he has a wide, toothy smile plastered on his face. Tadao looks like a serial killer from a horror movie. “I told you that I would protect you from him and I will. Here, you will be safe and we can live together, far away from that freak and his mental issues.”

Tadao was dead-set on this still. I think he's obsessed with me in the most dangerous way.

I stand up with a defiant look etched on my features. I have to be strong, no matter what happens. “You can't just sweep me away and think that I'm going to agree and go with you because you used to be my boyfriend!” I shout at him, so loudly that he looks taken aback by it.

“What?” Tadao nearly stutters the word in disbelief and sorrow.

“It doesn't work like that. I don't love you anymore, and this isn't going to convince me,” I continue to tell him exactly what I think of him. He needs to know and get a grip on reality or he will end up hurting or even killing someone, whether it is me or not.

“I just want things to be the way that they used to. Is that so hard to ask?” Tadao is being really blind and that tone of voice, as if he is desperate, hoping for me to say that I'll be his is scaring me beyond belief.

I have to stay strong. I can't let him know that he's getting to me, and it's becoming increasingly harder to defend myself.

“I can't do that anymore. I told you, I'm in love with my brother. You can't make someone feel something they won't and you can't keep them in a fake friendship,” I continue to try and make him see the point. Nothing he can say is going to change my mind.

“What has he done to you?” Tadao is hysterical at this point. “You used to be…such a sweet girl. Don't you see? He's brainwashing you, making you think that it's okay to do these things with him.”

“It's my choice to do these `vile' things. I like doing them, and I'm happy that he treats me right and he damned sure wouldn't do this to me. You went too far, Tadao. You need to let it go and let me go,” I stress as much as I can, trying desperately to get it through his head. I want him to move on, to keep accelerating forward just as we are.

“Can I really not convince you?” His voice is smaller this time, like he is giving up on fighting against me. For a moment, I feel as though I am winning this fight. Maybe, if I keep at it, he will let me go and realize the consequences of his actions.

I shake my head and my voice softens as well, “I made up my mind. I don't love you anymore. This is what I want. This is what makes me happy. Please, Tadao let me go.”

“I can't do that,” he spits out and I feel my hopes crushed instantly.

“What?” I ask dejectedly as I felt the weight of his body collide with mine.

He tackles me to the ground and I land on my back. We begin to struggle around and every movement that is made is like light speed. I throw punches and try to kick him off of me as his large hands try to grab me, tearing at my clothing as he tries to get a grip on me.

“No! Stop!” I shout, hoping that someone will hear my plea and come to my rescue as I continue to hit him. One of my hits manages to land on the side of his face.

“I want you to stay here with me!” Tadao declares as we continue to roll around on the floor. I continue to fight to the best of my ability, kicking and hitting him as hard as I can. In mid-slap, he catches my hand. Thinking quickly, I try to hit him with my free hand, only to have it caught as well. Both of my hands are pinned as he climbs on top of me.

“Stop! You're hurting me!” I desperately try to get through to him, but now Tadao's reasoning is out of reach. He's acting on primal instinct and pure desperation now.

“I won't let you go back so you can be brainwashed by him. He's already defiled you. I won't let this persist!” He thinks he's trying to save me, like some dysfunctional vigilante but he can't be more wrong.

I continue to struggle against him, trying desperately to free my hands. “Get off of me! Someone! Help me!” I shout, but my screams are lost in the damp air.

“No one will help you now. No one can hear you here,” Tadao's voice takes on a more devious nature that sends chills up my spine.

With one swift kick, I nail him in the crotch as hard as I can. I only have one shot so I decided to make it count. After he let go of my arms in pain, I scooted out from under him and run across the room while he held himself.

“Stop this! What in the hell is wrong with you? Don't you think that this is going a little too far? I understand that you don't want to let me go and that you and Ushio hate each other, but I'm not happy with you,” I continue to try and convince him, upon noticing that the door is locked and I can't get out.

“I only want what's best for you-“

I cut him off. “No you don't! You kidnapped me and then you tried to do god knows what with me a minute ago. Do you honestly think I'm going to be okay with this? Hell no I'm not! I never will! Just let me go, Tadao.” It is more like I'm begging him for my freedom now.

From behind me, I heard a loud bang as the door is kicked in.

“I think you should listen to my sister.”

It's like hearing the voice of a god speak to me. Suddenly, everything is lifted and my anxiety is washed away.

“Ushio!” I turn and my face instantly lights up.

My prince truly has come to save me.

“I can't believe that you stooped this low, Tadao. What did you think you were trying to prove? If someone doesn't love you, then they just don't. You'd better give her back or we'll take her from you,” Endo was there behind him and she looked livid. Her posture was angry and she had her hands on her hips with the most stone cold face I've ever seen.

Suddenly, Tadao charges at my brother. “You bastard!” He shouts as he swings at him.

Ushio dodges to the side and catches his offender's fist, throwing him over his shoulder and slamming the other male into the ground. Tadao's body hits with a painful boom. I flinch at how much it looks like it hurts.

Endo runs over to me, wrapping her arms around me, and I hug her back in an emotional moment.

“Are you okay? What did he do to you?” She grabs my shoulders in concern.

“I'm okay. Thanks goodness. I'm glad that you guys showed up. How did you find me?” I wonder aloud, still relieved nonetheless. For a while, I thought I would really have to just defend myself until the very end.

Endo smiles at me. “Actually, Ushio found you. He suspected Tadao and ran over here. What happened anyway?”

“Long story. I'll explain it once I'm out of here. I really do just want to go home.” This isn't the time or the place to be talking over the current events. I want to get out of this place as fast as I can and leave all of this anxiety behind.


I have to admit that its mega weird that anyone acted like that, and I sort of don't feel like I am being told the whole story. I decide to just plant myself on the couch and watch some television. I stay here, doing nothing but worrying about her. Why would anyone want to abduct Sumerie…unless they are some serial rapist or murderer? I start thinking the worst before a sharp sound knocks me out of my thoughts.

It is a knock at the door, and I get up to answer it, expecting anything. I'm apprehensive as I slowly turn the door knob and crack the door open.

“Who might this be?” Opening the door completely, I see Koneko standing there with a worried expression. “Oh, hello Koneko.”

“Is Sumerie here? I need to talk to her about something,” sheis obviously upset, but why? Does she know something?

“Actually, I'm here because we're trying to find her. I'll deliver a message for you.” It's the least I can do, if Sumerie comes back safely.

“I just wanted to tell her that we can't be friends anymore. I really am just done with everything.”

“Why?” I ask, confused at what the hell is going on. Something isn't right here, but what?

…To Be Continued