Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ Relief ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


My Sister's Keeper

Chapter 10: Relief

By: Melissa Norvell/Revamp


“I know what she and her brother do,” Koneko's voice is dark, and I honestly have no idea what she's talking about. I mean, Sumerie and Ushio are pretty close, but what does she mean by `what she and her brother do'? Am I missing the point somehow? Is there some kind of secret that I don't know about? People do say things about them being closer than usual all of the time, but I thought that was just rumors.

Maybe I'm wrong and something really is going on.

“What do you mean?” I ask her. Beyond this point, my mind is going to run me over with thoughts unless I do something to calm them down. The only way to do that is to get answers.

“They have a…special relationship. Ushio told me so on our date,” I can't believe what I'm hearing come out of her mouth, but I can tell that she's not lying to me by the way she looks at the ground. Her eyes reflect a sorrow that could never be acted or faked.

“I was wondering why he was always acting so unhappy with me. The whole time, he acted like he was just annoyed with everything I did, so when we went to the ice cream shop, I finally asked him what was going on and he told me that he belonged to his sister…and she belonged to him,” the girl before me is shaking with instability and looks as if she is going to burst into tears. Koneko's voice is twice as sad as it was before and I feel my heart sink as I continue to listen to her. “He told me that they do things that brothers and sisters don't normally do.”

I don't know what to say.

“What? You're kidding, right?” Now I'm suspicious as to why Sumerie dumped Tadao myself. I mean, why do those two hate each other so much? Is Sumerie really incest with her brother? When I think about it, I mean really think about it, everything is starting to make sense. Ushio detests the thought of his sister being with that guy, so much so that he will sacrifice himself in order to get her feelings projected on him. It's sort of sick in a way and some people might call it desperate at its finest, but there is something else to it. I suddenly look thoughtful. “But, if you came back by yourself, then where is Ushio? There's something I have to tell him.”

Incest or not, the fact that his sister is gone worries me. I mean, I don't know what to think about everything Koneko just told me, but right now, I'm worried for Sumerie's safety. It doesn't matter what she is or who she likes, she is still my friend and above it all, she's a living being, a person with thoughts and feelings. I want her to be safe.

“I think he went to Tadao's. Endo came over. She looked pretty worried and they went outside to talk. When I came out to see what took them so long, all he said was `Tadao' and they both looked serious and took off running. Now I know why they looked that way,” the girl notes, looking worried. I can tell that this situation is disturbing for her and I want to comfort her, but I don't know how. I feel the same way she does, minus the bitterness towards Sumerie for loving her brother just a little too much.

“This is bad. If he goes to Tadao, then a major fight is going to break out. If this is about Sumerie, then something major is going to go down,” Tadao is like that. He wasn't at first, but he is now. Sumerie's ex boyfriend has grown a little obsessive and crazy and we all have taken notice to it. I don't put anything past him.

That is, perhaps, the scariest thing of all.

“You're going to Tadao's too?” Koneko takes a few steps towards me with a look of concern etched onto her pale features.

I can't deny that the thoughts aren't going through my head. I feel compelled to go, and now that Koneko is at the house I would be able to leave if I need to. A serious look crosses my face, and I feel instantly aware of the situation.

“I have to find out the truth,” Ushio and Tadao are like gasoline and oil, and even if Tadao didn't do it, Ushio is going to beat the shit out of him either way. It doesn't matter if he's a victim or a criminal…and if he didn't take her then I hate to even think about what will happen. Tadao never seemed like the kind of guy who would go and kidnap someone, but I don't really know him that well, either.

I guess Sumerie never thought that he would do anything like this, either. I guess you never really know someone, even when you have known them for years. I walk over to the front door and shut it behind me, leaving Koneko inside as I took off down the side walk towards Tadao's place. He doesn't live that far away from them, so it won't take long to get to his house. I can only hope that I don't come in on something horrific.


Tadao runs at Ushio, trying to punch him in the face but he caught his fist and flips him over. The other male's body slams against the ground and I can hear the breath being beaten out of him. Ushio tries to stomp on his chest but he rolls over and springs to his feet, attempting to kick him. His foot makes contact with my brother's hip. That just ends up making him angry. Malice crosses his face as he punches Tadao in the stomach, making the spit fly from his mouth. My ex hunched over in pain as I stand there, frozen in place with Endo at my side as my eyes remain glued on the two brawling men.

I know that I can't tell them to stop. Saying anything at this point in time is futile. One of them has to win. This is about redeeming my honor, and I see that all too well. Ushio is doing it for me, and right now, more than anything, I am no one to be stopping him.

On and on they fight, and blow after blow is delivered. While Tadao puts up a valiant struggle, Ushio has him beat. Over and over he would get punched only to get back up and come back for more. Endo watches intently as our eyes are locked on the both of them.

I know that Endo wants to leave, but I just can't leave my brother. No matter what happens, I will stay at his side. Not only as his sister, but as his lover as well. I know that things will eventually come to light but I've finally found the strength to tell everyone.

Surely they will question him, and he'll tell them but that's okay. As long as I can stand by my prince, I can boldly be strong and sure of what I want. I won't let anyone stand in my way, not if things come to this. I'd rather just be honest and spare everyone the grief.

As my thoughts end, Ushio's fist connects with Tadao's face with a loud pop. His form goes crashing down to the ground as blood rushes from his nose. It is the final hit that ends the fight. My brother looks down on his fallen opposition with disgust.

“If you know what's good for you, then you'll stay down this time,” he warns, coated in sweat. His light blue hair sticks to his face and his eyes are cold to the core.

“Why don't you tell them…Tell them how you and your sister are incest.” It finally comes out, but strangely, I don't feel bad at all. No guilt, nothing.

“What?” Endo's eyes widen. She is shocked as I knew she would be. Her bright eyes look to me, as if silently asking if it was true.

“I'll explain later,” I tell her in confidence. I knew this would be it. This is the marking time for secrets to end.

Now, everything will come to light, and I will see the true value of friendship. If things don't work out, Ushio and I can always make a new life and move away. I know I can't stay here any longer anyway. Maybe we can take Endo and Takeshi with us if they still want to be friends.

Ushio's pink lips twist into an arrogant smile. “Heh, if that's your only come back to me beating your ass, then you're just grasping for straws,” he turns away and walks over to me. The look on his face softens and my lover graces me with a kind smile, and an even kinder voice. “Let's go home.”

I agree and nod, more than happy to oblige.

We exit the house. None of us really say anything and I can feel the tension in the air. It is silent, so much that we can take note of the sounds around us. Soon after, we see Takeshi running down the street. He is coming towards us with a determined expression on his face. When we come into view, I can make out his sudden look of realization as he skids to a stop, nearly slamming into us.

“Sumerie…you're okay…” He pants, clearly out of breath. I can tell that he has been running his hardest, adrenaline and worry was probably fueling him.

“Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to Ushio,” I chide his worry.

“He saved her. Apparently Tadao went crazy and decided to kidnap her,” Endo makes him aware of what happened between us.

Suddenly, his lean arms wrap around my tiny form. Takeshi hugs me tightly and I can smell the faint cologne he wears. Slowly, I hug him back and smile. “Well, I'm fine now.”

“What I want to know is…there something we should know about you two?” Endo inquires as Takeshi released me from the hug. They are both staring at me and I take a deep breath.

“I guess we really can't hide it anymore,” I say in defeat.

“We are much more than brother and sister,” Ushio is there to back me up. Thank god, this is the most nervous moment of my life.

“If you don't want anything to do with us, or you think we're disgusting then I can't blame you for it.” After all, everyone else will probably think that about us. No doubt Koneko already hates me and Risa too. We haven't talked in a while.

“How long have you guys been doing things?” Endo chooses her words wisely.

“For a month, but I do honestly love Ushio. He is my prince, my savior and my one true soul mate. I don't care if we're related by blood. I love him far more than that and the heart chooses what it does.” For once, I stand behind my words. I am confident in what I say, and there is no turning back now. In fact, I feel a great sense of pride for overcoming my insecurities about my lifestyle.

“Koneko told me about everything, and at first I thought that maybe she was lying but it seems that she really isn't. I can tell you that I don't know what I think about it, but it doesn't mean we aren't friends.” Takeshi gives me his usual level-headed answer. I know that I can always count on him to think things through before he says them. That is one thing that I value in him as a person.

“I can agree to that,” Endo replies after looking contemplative for a while. “I mean, you are my friends. Both of you guys are. If that makes the both of you happy, then I can live with it. When I think about it, that's what I have been doing all of this time.”

“Since this happened, to avoid any more mishaps, I think we should move to another town and find new ground.” My brother has the same idea I do. I knew that he would eventually make that decision. We can't have this kind of thing happen anymore. He and I need to start a new life over, where all of this can be put behind us.

The blonde girl smiles. “I'm up for it. What do you say, Takeshi?” Endo questions as she smiles to the Asian.

“I don't think I would mind. I don't have much here that ties me down. When I think about it, all I really want is to be with you, Endo,” Takeshi smiles sweetly at the girl. Anywhere she will go, he will go with her. I can tell that the two of them really care about each other.

Excitement quickly infects Endo's face as she jumps up and clasps her hands together. “It's settled then! Let's blow this joint, and make a new name for ourselves as we take flight with this new life.”

Together, we walked back towards my house as the sun set in the distance, bathing us with the warm light of change. The four of us will be okay. We truly will. I look forward to moving on with these warm feelings of friendship and love.


Written version ended: 12/12/12 10:15 a.m.

Typed version ended: 3/6/13 9:21 p.m.