Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My unfinished stories.... ❯ What they never told you about naruto ( Chapter 4 )

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Naruto: what they never told you. Chapter 1: demoted, new member of team7!
sadly, i don't own naruto but i do own my computer!
I woke up early today since Tsunde-sama, is assigning me to an important mission. I quickly got dressed and walked out of my apartment and went to the ramen bar, Ichiraku.when I arrived I saw 3 genin already sitting there. I walked in and sat down And ordered my usual. It wasn’t long before I heard a familiar voice ‘well, well, well If it isn’t trash I call my sister.’ If I am trash than what does that make you?’ I asked With a smile on my face. ‘Are you bitter because you’ve been a disgraced to the clan Or are you just bitter because I am better than you?’ my sister asked with a wicked look On her face. ‘I want to finish this so badly but I’ve got work to do.’ I said as I put my Mask on. When I reached Tsunade-samas office I stated that I was ready for my special assignment. ‘Mizu I want to say than you are one of my best ANBU ninja but, you need more work in the team work department.’ I stood there listening with a look of awe
On my face as she continued. ‘So I am assigning you a special mission you need to
Accomplish good teamwork skills if you ever want to be a squad leader, I am assigning you a team that I think you will progress the most in.’’ she said with a stern look on her
Face.’ Am I being demoted?’ I asked with a confused look on my face.’ Yes but only for a
Short time if you achieve excellent teamwork skills.’ She responded. ‘COME IN!’ she shouted. Once she said that the door slowly opened and a blonde boy with a goofy look
On his face stepped in first, then a girl with long shiny pink hair, then a boy with black
Spikey hair, and finally Kakashi stepped in.
‘Tsunade-sama are you serious, you’re putting me on this team?’ I looked at her with pleading eyes. ‘I am sorry but this will be better for you in the future.’ She said with
A look of sternness on her face. ‘ You have no mission but you need to train together,
That is all you are dismissed.’ Once we were dismissed we went to a training field and
We all sat down with Kakashi standing in front of us.’ okay since we have
A new member to team 7 we should all introduce ourselves then we can get
To training.’ He said with a worried look on his face. First went the blonde haired kid.
‘ My name is Uzamaki, Naruto. One of my hobbies are eating ramen and eating
More ramen. My goal in life is to become the next hokage!’ after naruto was
The boy with the black hair. ‘My name is Uchiha ,Sasuke. I have no hobbies.
My aspiration is to kill a certain someone. After sauske when the pink haired
Girl.’ My name is Harano, Sakura my goal in life is to get a certain someone
To notice Me.’ she finished off with a giggle. Then Kakashi went’ my name is
Hatake ,Kakashi my hobbies don’t concern you and my goals in life well I don’t
Have any.’ He finished off with a smile.
Then it was my turn,’ my name is Ryu,Mizu. My hobbies they don’t concern
You and my goal in life is none of your business.
To be continued in the next chapter!