Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Not-So-Straight Guy Sex ❯ Cole Hathaway ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual content of a homosexual nature.
Chapter 2: Cole Hathaway
Zach was pretty deep into his program so he did not notice when someone stopped behind his chair in the computer lab at the SAC. He had the timer set on his watch to remind him when it was time for his next class, allowing him to completely tune everything else out while he worked. There were a dozen or so other students working in the lab and most of them were as absorbed in what they were doing as he was. A few were talking quietly, but they kept their voices down so they would not disturb the other students.
“Excuse me, are you Zach Kirby?”
Zach looked over his shoulder, not yet ready to be annoyed, but thinking about it. “Yeah, that's me.”
The speaker sat down in the empty chair next to Zach. “Hi, I'm Cole Hathaway.” He held his hand out with a friendly smile. “I'm president of the GLBTC. Eileen Johnson mentioned that you came by the office yesterday.”
“Oh, right.” Zach saved what he was doing and shook Cole's hand. Cole had that sort of generic good looks that one tended to associate with catalog models. His features were regular and pleasant to look at, and his hair was styled in the current popular fashion of cut short, gelled and spiked. He smelled faintly of cologne but Zach could not identify the scent. “I was planning to stop by the office later.”
“That's all right, I like to meet as many of the new gays on campus as I can and make sure they are aware of the Center's resources.” Cole smiled paternally. “Some kids from smaller towns are still hiding their orientation and I like to give them a safe place to come out. I don't think anyone should have to hide who they are.”
“That's very generous,” Zach replied, but for some reason, Cole's attitude felt a little patronizing, like he was telling Zach how to be gay.
“Have you come out?”
“When I was thirteen.” Zach sat back. “I mainly came by the center to see what the social activities were. I want to take my boyfriend on a date.”
There was a very slight change in Cole's demeanor. “You have a boyfriend?”
“Have you been dating long?”
“About six months.”
“Oh, so you're still in the honeymoon phase!” Cole chuckled. “I remember what that was like. Is he your first?”
“My first long-term relationship. We live together.” Zach put his hands back on the keyboard. “I don't want to be rude, but I really need to get this assignment done before my next class. I was planning to come to the freshmen meet-and-greet on Saturday, so you can meet my boyfriend then if you want.”
“That sounds great!” Cole spoke with a little too much enthusiasm, making the statement sound forced. He stood up. “I look forward to seeing you both there.”
Zach watched him walk away before turning back to the monitor. Cole's manner reminded him of himself when he was trolling for sex partners at the computer club meetings in high school. “I think he was planning to hit on me until I mentioned that I had boyfriend,” Zach muttered to himself. He resumed working on his program. “Well, he'll just have to find other meat. I'm taken.”
When Zach got home from class that afternoon, he was surprised to find Kellen in the kitchen of their small apartment. “You're home!” He dropped his backpack so he could embrace Kellen and Kellen kissed him deeply. Zach started getting hard. “Oh! That's nice! But how come you're not at practice?”
“It was cancelled. The divers were practicing today and one guy hit his head on the high board. It was pretty bad and he got a bunch of blood in the water. They decided the pool needed sanitizing.”
“Was he ok?”
“They took him to the hospital. It looked like he had a concussion.”
“That's too bad.”
“Yeah, but it got me out of practice.” Kellen kissed him again, his tongue delving eagerly into Zach's mouth. Zach kissed back hungrily, his cock bulging to full erection inside his boxers. “You're making me crazy,” he mumbled against Kellen's lips.
“That was the plan,” Kellen mumbled back. His hand slid down and he massaged the front of Zach's jeans. “And it appears to be working.”
“Oh god!” Zach gasped. “I need to get my pants off! This is getting painful.”
“Let me assist you,” Kellen said with a grin and he dropped to his knees. Deftly, he undid Zach's jeans and slid them down his slender legs. Still inside his boxers, Zach's cock was at full attention, straining at the material. “I think these will need to come off too,” Kellen murmured. He carefully lifted the waistband of Zach's boxers over the tip of his penis and slid them down as well. Then he slid his hands slowly up Zach's thighs and grasped his bottom. “Promise me you'll just stand here,” Kellen said firmly. “I want to do this right.”
Zach's eyes went wide when he realized what Kellen was going to do. He had to bite his lower lip when Kellen leaned forward and began to lick his balls. Zach had done this to Kellen countless times and he knew it felt good, but he had only had it done to him a few times. Watching Kellen do it made it feel a thousand times better. He moaned softly in the back of his throat. Kellen's tongue stroked firmly over the skin of his testicles repeatedly. And then he opened his mouth and enclosed one of the balls, sucking on it gently. Zach gasped out loud and clenched his fists. Pre-cum was leaking freely from the tip of his cock and the need to get into Kellen's ass was driving him insane. But he had promised to let Kellen finish this time and he held himself still. Well, as still as a guy trembling with the strain of sexual urgency could be.
Kellen stopped sucking his ball and resumed licking. But now he began licking his way up Zach's cock, working his way slowly but inexorably toward the quivering tip. Zach panted through his open mouth, unable to take his eyes off the sight of Kellen licking his cock. It was maddeningly erotic and Zach was fairly certain he would not survive if it went on for much longer. Kellen reached the tip of his cock and swirled his tongue around it, sweeping off the pre-cum. Zach closed his eyes with a groan. He could not watch anymore or he would completely lose control. Kellen was far and away the hottest guy Zach had ever seen and seeing him on his knees with Zach's cock in his mouth made him nearly incandescent.
Then Kellen went down on him and Zach had to stifle a scream. Kellen's firm, decisive sucking reflected his determination to fulfill Zach with his mouth. He worked Zach's penis skillfully, managing more than once to get all the way to the root without gagging. Zach tangled his fingers into Kellen's auburn hair, crying aloud. He was already so aroused just from watching Kellen lick him that feeling Kellen's mouth and throat stroking his cock was quite simply too much. His body went rigid and he came, the powerful spurts of ejaculation sending waves of orgasm crashing through him. For a long, delirious moment, he could not breathe, could not think and could not make a single sound.
When he finally came down from the sexual high, he felt boneless. His knees shook and buckled and he sank to the floor. Kellen kept his arms around him as he collapsed and Zach dropped his head onto Kellen's shoulder.
“I think,” Zach gasped, “that you just took years off my life. That was incredible.”
“Thanks for letting me finish, finally,” Kellen chuckled. “I really wanted to satisfy you.”
“Satisfy me?!” Zach moaned. “No one's ever sucked me off that hard!”
Kellen's embrace tightened into a hug. “Thanks. But I guess I have an advantage since I completely turn you on.”
“Maybe that's it,” Zach laughed. “But now I owe you one. Your ass is mine after dinner.”
“Sounds fair. But you know my ass is always yours.” Kellen kissed Zach deeply.
Tasting himself in Kellen's mouth instantly reawakened Zach's desire. He pushed his tongue into Kellen's mouth, lapping at the taste of his own semen. He slipped his arms around Kellen's shoulders, pulling Kellen more deeply into the kiss, and suddenly, all he could think about was getting Kellen out of his clothes and feeling Kellen's smooth, firm flesh pressed against his.
“I need to get you naked,” he whispered urgently.
“What about dinner?”
“It's still early.” Zach pushed Kellen just far enough away so he could start undressing him. Kellen did not resist at all. He let Zach strip him and then helped Zach finish taking off his own clothes.
Kellen grinned. “There's lube on the counter. I just bought more this morning. We go through it kind of fast.”
Zach retrieved the tube from the counter. His cock was already hard again and he was starting to pant from excitement. Just thinking about fucking Kellen was enough to get him hard. Seeing him naked and waiting for it caused Zach to start dripping. Kellen rolled onto his back and grabbed his knees so Zach could slip under his heels. He smiled with anticipation as Zach squeezed lube onto his fingers and lifted his hips eagerly. Zach put his fingers in and Kellen rolled his head back with a groan of pleasure.
“Oh, yeah! Use more fingers!”
“You are a complete slut, Kellen Tarrow,” Zach accused breathlessly as he thrust three fingers into Kellen's anus, working them up and down to make Kellen writhe.
“But it feels so good!” Kellen groaned. He clutched at Zach's knees and arched his back. “That's enough! Put your cock in! I need it!”
“I should make you wait.”
But there was no way Zach could resist thrusting himself into Kellen's open and waiting orifice. He shifted forward and guided his cock in. When he had the head fully engaged, he leaned forward, planting his hands on either side of Kellen's torso, and thrust firmly with his hips, driving his cock all the way in.
“Yes!” Kellen cried out with pleasure and his fingers dug into Zach's knees. “Keep doing it like that! Fuck me hard!”
Zach pounded him, slamming his hips against Kellen's ass and ramming his cock deep into him again and again. Kellen lifted up against him, thrusting his hips up against Zach's driving cock, taking it as deep into his body as he could. Since he had just been given a very satisfying orgasm, Zach was able to keep his urgency under control. He watched Kellen's face and saw the flush of full arousal spread from his face to his neck and chest. Kellen's eyes were squeezed shut and he grunted though his open mouth with deep pleasure. Zach knew Kellen's responses so well now, he could almost time the moment at which he brought Kellen to climax. The flush on Kellen's chest gave his pink nipples a rosy hue, darkening and emphasizing the erect buds. Then his back arched more, lifting up his chest and rolling his head back. His grunts turned to gasping cries and tears began leaking from the corners of his eyes. Zach smiled to himself. This was going to be a good one.
Kellen's orgasm nearly lifted him off the floor. He screamed as he came, his engorged penis shooting thick jets of cum onto his belly and chest. His anus muscles clamped down so hard on Zach's cock that Zach was locked in place and the sharp contractions of Kellen's orgasm jerked him into climax. He closed his eyes with a gasp as he came, feeling his cock empty itself into Kellen's rectum. When his orgasm ended, he opened his eyes. Kellen was lying slack with his eyes closed. He looked exhausted enough to pass out on the spot.
“I think I need a nap now,” Kellen wheezed. He opened his eyes and smiled at Zach. “That was fantastic.”
“You inspire me,” Zach replied. He stayed where he was for the moment, studying Kellen's face. Kellen was so incredibly handsome and he never looked more gorgeous than when he was sunk in post-coital bliss. He smiled at Zach with open affection and Zach thought his heart would stop. Sometimes he found himself just stunned by the idea that someone as wonderful as Kellen was in love with him. “I love you, Kellen.”
Kellen smiled, managing to make himself even more beautiful. “I love you, too, Zach.”
“So where is this party?” Kellen asked as they walked up a street a few blocks north of campus.
“Just up ahead, I think.” Zach nodded in the direction they were heading.
“Is it at somebody's house?”
“Yeah, I think a bunch of people from the GLBTC lease it. I believe it's where the center officers live, and maybe a few others.”
“Oh.” Kellen fell silent. He was a little dismayed by the prospect of hanging out with a bunch of gay people. Despite his deep passion for Zach, Kellen still had trouble thinking of himself as gay.
“We don't have to go to the party if you don't want to,” Zach said suddenly. “We could just go out for dinner instead.”
Kellen felt guilty. He knew Zach went out of his way to de-emphasize their relationship when they were in public. He never tried to hold Kellen's hand and he never, ever offered to kiss him where someone might see them. Determinedly, Kellen reached out and grasped Zach's hand. “No, that's ok. I want to go. We've never been to a party together before. It might be nice to go somewhere as a couple and not worry about what other people are thinking.”
After a slight hesitation, Zach's fingers curled around his. “Ok.”
Kellen saw the small smile on Zach's face and was glad he had agreed to come to the party when Zach first suggested it. They needed to spend more time together. With his schedule being so demanding, it seemed like all he ever had time for with Zach was sex, one or two meals and sleep. And while that was certainly gratifying, it always left Kellen feeling vaguely like he was neglecting Zach, or worse, taking advantage of him.
They crossed an intersection and encountered more people going in the same direction, talking excitedly as they hurried along. They arrived at the house where the party was being held to find it brightly lit with strings of bamboo lanterns. It was a large, two-story bungalow style house with a wide porch that stretched the length of the front of the house. Steps led up onto the porch and the front door stood open. Music flowed out into the street, but at a volume that showed respect for the neighborhood. People standing and sitting around on the porch sipped soft drinks as they talked and laughed. A few were smoking.
Zach and Kellen climbed the steps and entered the house. The front door let them into a large foyer. On the left, an arched opening gave access to a comfortable living room crowded with people. On the right was a dining room, but the chairs had been removed to improve traffic flow. A punch bowl and liter-size bottles of soda were at one end of the dining room table with stacks of cups. The rest of the table was covered with party trays of snacks and bowls of chips. The kitchen was visible through a doorway on the far side of the dining room. Straight ahead beyond the foyer was a hallway that gave access to the other ground floor rooms. But directly across the hall was a set of French doors that stood open to reveal a large and well-manicured back yard with a large patio, enclosed on two sides by wings of the house.
“This place is huge!” Kellen exclaimed.
“It sure is,” Zach agreed.
There were people everywhere. Several people in the back yard were dancing, the couples mostly same-sex.
“I want to get something to drink,” Kellen said. “Do you want something?”
“Yeah, I'll try that punch.”
“Ok. Be right back.” Kellen went back to the dining room to pour cups of punch for himself and Zach.
“Are you Zach Kirby's boyfriend?” someone demanded abruptly at his elbow.
Kellen's hand shook briefly and a little of the punch sloshed out of the ladle. He dipped it back into the bowl to refill it and carefully poured it into a plastic cup before looking to see who had spoken.
“I don't believe we've met,” Kellen said carefully. The person facing him was clean-cut and sort of good-looking but, in Kellen's opinion, relatively nondescript. He had a face one would describe as pleasant, maybe even attractive, but be unable to describe in more detail later.
“I'm Cole Hathaway, president of the GLBTC. This is my house. I'm hosting this party.”
“Oh.” Kellen wondered if he was expected to bow or something. “Thanks for having us.”
“So I saw you come in with Zach,” Cole continued. “He told me he had a boyfriend.”
For some reason, Kellen was getting his hackles up. Cole completely rubbed him the wrong way. But since there was really no reason for the reaction, he tried not to let it show. “That would be me, then,” he admitted.
“You're a lucky guy. A cute guy like Zach would get snapped up quick here. You'd better keep a close eye on him.” Cole uttered the last statement lightly, with a smirk on his face like he thought he was being funny.
Kellen was not amused and now he understood why Cole bothered him. The guy had the hots for Zach! “I'm not too worried about that,” he said. “Zach and I are pretty close.” He retrieved his other cup of punch and headed back toward the backyard. Unfortunately, Cole followed him.
“You guys meet in high school or something?” Cole asked in a conversational tone.
“Yeah, we met in high school.”
“And you're still dating in college? That's impressive. Most couples don't last through the transition.”
Kellen had to bite his tongue to keep his irritation from showing. “Like I said, Zach and I are pretty close.”
“Zach mentioned that you live together.”
Kellen stopped and stared at Cole. “It sounds like you had a long conversation.”
“Not really.” Cole waved a hand. “It just came up.”
“Well,” Kellen almost growled, “It seems like you know all about us, then. That doesn't leave much for you and me to talk about. Excuse me.” He marched away quickly, hoping that Cole had brains enough to recognize when he was being snubbed. He found Zach at the bottom of the steps leading onto the back patio and handed him his punch.
Zach stared at him. “What's wrong? You look upset.”
“I just met our host: Cole Hathaway. He seems to know an awful lot about us.” Kellen tried not to sound accusing, but he knew his tone was harsh.
Zach flinched. “Oh, him.” He sipped his punch. “He hit on me in the computer lab the other day, but he backed off when I mentioned I had a boyfriend.”
“Did you tell him we were living together?”
“Yeah, but I didn't think it was a secret.” Zach took another sip and watched the dancers.
“It's not that,” Kellen said quickly. He did not want Zach to get the wrong idea. “It's just… well, the guy irritates me. I felt like he was challenging me or something.”
Zach shrugged. “He did try to pick me up. He's probably just testing to see what his chances are. Ignore him and he'll move on. Guys like that just want to get laid.” Zach grinned lopsidedly. “I used to be like that, remember?”
“You were never like that,” Kellen growled. “You were never a jerk.”
“You sweet-talker, you!” Zach chuckled.
“Hey, Zach!”
Zach and Kellen both turned at the call to see a woman with long blond hair descending the steps from the house.
“Hi, Eileen!” Zach greeted the woman. “Kellen, this is Eileen Johnson, the woman I told you about with the thesis. Eileen, this is my boyfriend, Kellen Tarrow.”
Kellen offered Eileen his hand. “Nice to meet you, Eileen.”
“A pleasure, Kellen!” Her eyes sparkled as she shook his hand and she looked him up and down appreciatively. “Wow, Zach, you weren't kidding! He is totally hot!”
Kellen blushed and he threw Zach a dismayed look. Just what did Zach say to people about him?
“Stop it, Eileen. You'll embarrass him,” Zach said. “He's shy.”
“Sorry!” Eileen released his hand. “So how are you getting on with the swim team? Do you know if there are any lesbians on the women's team?”
Kellen stared. “I have absolutely no idea.”
“Damn! I was hoping you could hook me up. A quick fling with a sexy athlete is just what I need to kick-start my brain.”
“Oh… uh…” Kellen stammered. He had no idea how to answer that. Although he could be completely open with Zach about his sexual appetite, talking about sex with other people seemed raunchy. Even back in high school, when his brief popularity had gotten him laid a couple of times, he had never really talked to the girls about sex; he had just done it with them.
Thankfully, Zach took him off the hook. “Eileen, why don't you come to their first meet with me? You can watch the girls swim and pick out ones you want to hit on later.”
“Oooh, goody!” Eileen clapped her hands. “That sounds like fun! We can watch a bunch of sexy babes getting all sleek and wet and cheer as much as we want. Cool!”
“That's why I go to swim meets,” Zach grinned. “Seeing Kellen in his Speedo gives me all kinds of ideas for things I can do to him later.”
“I bet!” Eileen laughed. “Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go trawl among the freshmen and see if there are any hot ones with long legs. I just love long legs!” She winked at them and sashayed away. “Nice meeting you, Kellen!” she called back, waving a hand over her head.
“She's… something,” Kellen said.
“I like Eileen, too.” Zach swallowed the rest of his punch and turned to Kellen with a resolute expression. “Would you like to dance?”
Kellen smiled. It was pretty obvious that Zach expected him to refuse and he was preparing himself to accept it. Kellen finished his punch, took Zach's cup from him and tossed them into a nearby garbage bin. “I'd love to.” He took Zach's hand and walked out onto the lawn where the other couples were dancing. Zach's eyes were shining. Kellen was not much of a dancer, but swimming gave him a certain amount of natural rhythm, so he rocked and swayed with the music, trying to match whatever he was doing to Zach's movements. But Zach had a sinuous, sexy way of dancing that was exciting to watch. Kellen noticed that a lot of guys were watching Zach dance, their eyes alight. It made Kellen proud to think that the guy everyone was looking at was his. He swayed closer to Zach and whispered into his ear: “Everyone's watching you.”
Zach gave him a smoldering look and licked his lips. “As long as you're watching, that's all that matters.”
Kellen swallowed. Zach's sultry tone went straight from his ears to his libido and he began to get excited. “If you keep talking like that, we aren't going to be at this party for very long.”
Zach flowed closer and draped his arms around Kellen's neck. “Am I getting you hot?”
“Yes.” Kellen put his arms around Zach's waist and they swayed together, looking into each other's eyes. It was the first time he had danced with Zach and it almost felt like foreplay. Feeling Zach's body pressed against his; feeling the movement of his muscles; feeling his genitals pressed against his thigh; it was deliciously erotic and he felt his body responding. “You are going to get so lucky tonight,” he murmured. “I can already feel you fingering my ass.”
“That's good, because I'm planning to ram you until your screams wake up the neighbors.”
Kellen groaned and buried his face in Zach's hair.
“You guys gotta cut that out,” Eileen whispered loudly. She had danced over to them with a wide grin on her face. “You're going to start an orgy. You're totally the hottest couple here and you're getting everyone excited.”
Zach laughed throatily. “No one's ever called me hot before! It must be Kellen's hotness shining through me.”
Kellen lifted his head and looked around. It did seem like nearly everyone was looking at them. Then his eyes fell on Cole, standing at the top of the patio stairs with a sharp frown on his face. Feeling suddenly possessive, Kellen deliberately caught Zach's face in his hands and kissed him thoroughly. It was the first time he had ever kissed Zach in front of anyone and doing it here, in front of so many people, was almost liberating. When he released Zach's lips, Zach stared at him, completely stunned.
“Kellen?” he whispered.
“Let's go home,” Kellen murmured. “I want to fuck you.”
“But we just got here!” Zach looked and sounded flustered.
“We can come back. The party's supposed to go on until 3am.” Kellen lowered his voice. “But I need you inside me right now. So unless you want me to straddle you right here, we need to go home.”
Zach blinked at him in utter consternation, but he did not resist when Kellen pulled him toward the patio.
Eileen trotted after them. “Are you guys leaving already?”
“We'll be back,” Kellen said cheerfully. “I'm just going to take Zach home and fuck him. We won't be long.”
Eileen laughed gleefully. “You guys are great! I have got to get me a girlfriend like you. See you later!”
As soon as they were outside the house, Zach pulled Kellen to a stop. “Kellen, why did you do that?”
“Do what, leave the party?”
“No. Kiss me.”
“Because I like kissing you. And that Cole guy was watching us and he pissed me off.” Zach blinked at him with a confused and uncertain expression on his face. Kellen cupped his cheek in his hand. “I don't know why the guy bothers me; he just does. But I'm glad I kissed you. Now all those people know we're together. So let's go home. I promise we'll come back. But right now, I need you in the worst way.” He watched Zach's face until finally a small smile blossomed on Zach's lips.
“Even if we don't come back,” Zach said, “it was really cool dancing with you like that. We should go dancing more often.”
“I agree.” Kellen took his hand again and they started walking home.