Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: HEH wouldn't you like to know! O.O (sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes in this chapter, I haven't had time to sit down and really edit this)

This CHAPTER is for MISTY! Thank you so much for the two lovely fanarts of Jacob that you drew! I heart you mucho mucho! KYAAAH! They were AWESOME! (glomps the art)

Of Games And Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twelve (OGAL)

Shaine struggled to contain his laughter seeing the other boy’s embarrassment and irritation. They younger boy was almost too predictable at times that Shaine was overcome with de ja vu on more than just a few occasions. Biting on the bottom of his lip, Shaine turned off the music and caught the slight slump in Jacob’s shoulders, the boy was sometimes so tense. Running his fingers through wet hair, Shaine held onto the towel now around his waist, Jacob was always too tense, always so high strung and he wanted to change that.

“Hey do you have an extra pair of clothes I could borrow?” Shaine asked sheepishly.

The younger boy seemed to come out of his funk and he nodded leading him to his room and retrieving a pair of jeans and boxers. Normally Jacob would have wigged out at even the thought of someone else asking to wear his clothes. Even when Kathy had asked him, Jacob refused, he had never been comfortable knowing that someone else’s scent would be on his clothes, but with Shaine it was different. He liked the eighteen year old’s masculine smell and on some occasions he craved for another taste.

“You wanna take a shower?” It was a simple, innocent question.

Green eyes stared into Jacob’s and he felt his breath hitch, he hadn’t meant for it to come out as needy as it did. Then again how could he be so sure of that? Hands cupped his cheeks and soft lips slanted against his own, causing his eyes to shut instinctively. Shaine’s body molded into his as the older boy pushed him up against the nearest wall. Jacob’s fingers struggled to hold onto something, but without clothing all he could feel was hot flesh all around.

Reluctantly pulling away, Shaine heard a whimper of protest from Jacob and he rested his head on the younger boy’s shoulder. Their breath came out in heavy pants and he could hear the other boy’s heart pounding as well as he could feel his own in his chest. Yep, he wanted Jacob so bad but he had to control himself, he just had to. Nodding his head, Shaine brushed his fingers over Jacob’s kiss-bruised pink lips before heading off into the bathroom. A shower sounded nice at the moment and he didn’t want to refuse because of the stiffness building from underneath his boxers were more than noticeable at this point. Oh yeah, it was safe to say that he was addicted to the younger boy.


It was different this time, he wasn’t expecting for it to escalate this far, but he was almost positive that he couldn’t stop it. Shaine and Jacob had talked things out and they decided to “get” together no strings attached, no hints or expectations, but the moment he laid his eyes on the other boy something inside him snapped. They hadn’t even been out of the rain for a few hours when Shaine came out of the bathroom and into the living room, his jeans clinging to his body and the crème colored towel in his hand.

His black hair was as dark as night and the water that ran down his body left his nipples taut. Jacob felt the air leave his body at the sight, he couldn’t allow himself to continue down the road he was beginning to trek, he had to be strong. Hellos were said and two bottles of water distributed, yet the younger boy couldn’t keep his eyes from gazing at Shaine’s lean body. It was like an intoxicating drug and he was becoming addicted.

“So what do you wanna do?” Shaine had the towel over his head frantically drying his hair and paying no mind to the boy across him.

“I-um,” he couldn’t find the words as his eyes traveled downward, scoping out everything that the older boy had to offer. “What do you wanna do?”

Green eyes peeked out from underneath the towel and gazed quaintly at Jacob, he hadn’t failed to catch the tense tones of his companion’s voice. He rose an eyebrow curiously at Jacob’s attempts to act like everything was peachy keen before he stood up and took a few large gulps from the bottle in his hand. Vibes, familiar vibes ran through his veins and Shaine was hoping that he wasn’t mixing up signals because it could prove to be disastrous.

Crossing the space between the kitchen and the living room towards the hall, Shaine flipped on the stereo and smiled as music flooded into the room like rushing water, Jacob had taken out the cd that had embarrassed him earlier. He left his drink on the in table and hummed almost silently as he continued to quickly dry his hair.

“I don’t care, we can always stay in here and play vids,” he said almost off handedly.

Jacob blushed at Shaine’s gaze and he merely nodded, he couldn’t let himself say anything. The older boy lingered there for a moment or two longer before going over to the television and sitting down. The came consul was already hooked up and Shaine held up a controller coxing Jacob to sit next to him. Jacob complied naturally and the game began. It was one of those combat games his aunt had given him for his last birthday and he learned soon just how serious Shaine was about video games.

It became a competition of wits and they struggled to throw each other off their game. At fist he was sure that it had been harmless fun, but by the end it was a match to the death. Shaine was so absorbed that Jacob believe that the boy wasn’t blinking. The KO flashed across the screen for the twenty-fifth time and Jacob growled as he nearly threw the controller and glanced over at Shaine only to see his Cheshire grin.

“I win,” Shaine chuckled placing the controller down and stretching.

“Shut up,”

He was grinning like a mad man and Jacob wanted to wipe the look off his face. “Wow princess, I never knew that you were such a sore loser.”

The tormenting and teasing refused to cease, Jacob quickly grew tired of it and punched Shaine in the arm. However, when the older boy retaliated, Jacob let a growl escape his throat before tackling Shaine to the ground with intent to kill. They tumbled, arms flailing and legs struggling for ground, Jacob was out for blood, but Shaine found himself laughing as he pinned the younger boy to the ground easily.

Jacob thrashed about as much as he could, his blue-gay eyes burning with the fires of hell, yet it was all in vain. Shaine had him pinned, his wrists held securely with large hands, and his legs by strong thighs.

Laughter rang out but Jacob laid still, he was seething trying to figure out a way to escape and get back at the eighteen year old on top of him. Evil thoughts ran through his mind but none of which would work to his advantage. There were a few that he knew would work, however, it would result in something that Jacob was a little uncomfortable with.

Something like that shouldn’t have been the first thing to come to mind, not for some one like him, yet for some reason it did. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Jacob closed his eyes and willed himself to relax, he wasn’t liking the position he was currently suck in, although, at the same time it didn’t necessarily bother him too much either.

“Are you ready to voice your loss and accept me as your master for all time?” His voice was low and green eyes bore holes into Jacob’s.

Jacob’s mouth ran dry and he fought to swallow the large lump swelling in his throat. The way Shaine’s hair fell like a small curtain over the sides of a tanned face, shadowing the color of his eyes and somehow illuminating them also. He was at a loss and for the life of him he couldn’t think of what he should do. There were butterflies fluttering desperately in his stomach and Jacob’s eyes followed Shaine’s mouth as it parted and his tongue swept out over dry lips and he was barely able to suppress a groan.

“N-no,” it came out more aggressive than Jacob wanted and mentally he wanted to slap himself watching Shaine’s mouth twist into an evil grin.

“I know ways of making you cave into my demands princess,” Jacob shuddered, Shaine’s voice was soft and gentle, the older boy was teasing him and it was working.

“I’m not afraid!” He hadn’t meant a lot of what he said because he was scared. He was afraid of enjoying Shaine so much that he’d die.

Blue-gray eyes closed as their lips met innocently at first, then teeth clashed together as their passion rose. He had wanted him for so long, he needed the other boy and now he was certain that he wouldn’t let go.

Bodies arched eagerly, feeling hardness flush against a growing need. Shaine’s hands released Jacob’s from their hold and traveled down the boy’s clothed chest and slipping underneath to touch hot flesh as he devoured the younger boy’s mouth. Jacob’s nails dug into his arms but Shaine paid no mind to the pain as he lifted the clothing in his way. Ending his kiss, the eighteen year old boy trailed hot open mouthed kisses down the column of Jacob’s neck, nipping at the tender flesh, and tasting the salt from both the rain and sweat.

Jacob writhed underneath him, loud and aching moans escaping from his bruised lips. His skin was silky smooth under Shaine’s fingertips and eagerly he roamed Jacob’s body with fingers and mouth, being sure to taste every exposed inch of his humming body. It was like tasting forbidden fruit for the first time. As fast as he could manage, Shaine practically tore the shirt from Jacob, his mouth latching onto panting lips and forcing the younger boy onto his back. His hips jutting forwards to meet Jacob’s and making both boys moan into the other’s lips.

No longer able to think logically, Jacob’s fingers searched for something, grabbing at the twitching muscles of Shaine’s sides and clutching at the jeans as his legs parted so the older boy’s heat was pressed firmly against his own aching need. Shaine groaned loudly, he needed more, craved this unquenchable thirst as he ravished the younger boy’s mouth, his tongue caressing teeth and sliding on in twisting cavern.

His breathing was ragged as he pulled away from the bruising kisses, his body was on fire, it was scorching and he pressed harder against Jacob’s mounting erection as though he was already inside the writhing body. Slowing down his heart as much as he could, Shaine pulled his body reluctantly away from the wanton boy underneath him and he wanted to protest along with Jacob, but he didn’t.

“P-please,” Jacob’s voice was laced with desire and it send sparks of electricity throughout his body.

“It’s okay,” he replied huskily as he kissed his way down Jacob’s heaving chest. “It’s okay princess, I won’t leave you like this.”

Nimble fingers unbuttoned Jacob’s pants and unzipped them slowly as Shaine nibbled the boy’s navel, his tongue dipping into it distracting Jacob as his pants and boxers were pulled down to his knees. The younger boy’s muscles tensed as his aching cock touched Shaine’s hot flesh and finding the strength he was able to pull himself onto his elbows, his blue-gray eyes locking onto green.

“Shaine w-wha?” One moment he was protesting in confusion, the next his head lolled back and his body jumped in surprise as Shaine wrapped his hand around Jacob’s throbbing cock and sucked the tip into his mouth.

Shaine’s tongue teased the head of the younger boy’s erection, swirling around the muscle before inching more into his mouth. Finger’s dug into flesh leaving crescent shaped marks and Jacob could only thrust his hips into the warm teasing mouth as he mewled in pleasure. In all of his life he had never felt something like this, and the way that Shaine took all of him into his mouth, sucking on him as if his cock was something sweet and delicious, it drove Jacob nearly to the edge.

He was lost in some kind of wild fantasy, deep asleep and right before the end he would wake up covered in cold sweat and the vomit would gather in his throat until he purged it. This feeling was too much for Jacob, no one had been willing, hell Kathy had been disgusted and now, now here he was with Shaine with this unexplainable feeling coursing throughout his veins threatening to consume him completely.

From his position he could plainly see damp black hair as Shaine’s head bobbed, a slick tongue caressing his shaft. His chest was pounding, heaving and he gasped frantically for air, his teeth digging into his bottom lip desperately as he tried to hold back this overwhelming feeling that coiled around in the lower part of his body.

Tight, suddenly everything felt tight and an unexplainable sensation of being pulled had Jacob crying out as powerful hands held down his hips and he almost choked on air as he came. Sweat ran down the side of his face and his entire body felt as though it weighed a ton, his toes tingling. The urge to cry was there and he didn’t realize his eyes were closed until a gentle hand swept across his face, brushing away the stray strands of his hair that clung to his skin.

Opening his eyes Jacob found himself staring into deep pools of green. He tried to say the boy’s name, but all that came out was a garbled mess of nothing. A soft smile adorned Shaine’s face and the hot kisses placed on his neck and jaw drew him deeper into relaxation that he thought was possible. He wanted to touch the older boy, to hold him close until he felt like himself again, but he couldn’t.

“I told ya’ so Jacob,” Shaine chuckled brushing his own hair from his face.

Watching the boy underneath him his smile grew if it were possible. Sure he didn’t think that things would become this heavy so fast, but being able to see the younger boy’s face as he came was an experience that he would never be able to forget. Carefully, he pulled up Shaine’s boxers and pants, giving back the boy’s sense of decency. He let a loud sigh escape his mouth and resting on the back of his heels he stared down at Jacob, it was the most beautiful sight in the world.

“Jacob!” A male’s voice rang out as the sound of a front door was heard opening. “We‘re home!”

UPDATE: 5/13/06! I have been compelled to draw and have a picture of Shaine and Jacob on my deviantart account (LINK BELOW) w00t! More ish to come!

http: (double slash) www (dot) deviantart (dot) com (slash) deviation (slash)34597789 (slash)