Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
THIS STORY BELONGS TO ME! If you take it I will eat your heart!

kissy kissy and inappropriate music ^_^;;

Updated on : 2-13-06

Of Games and Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Eleven

Sitting nervously at the booth, Jacob glanced down at his hands. He had agreed to go with Shaine, but now that he was given the chance he asked for, the older boy was silent as the dead. Food was ordered and the drinks were sitting on the table waiting to be drank, however, neither of the boys made a move to take them. Green eyes were downcast and Shaine bit the inside of his cheeks, he didn’t know how to begin, he didn’t know how to explain.

“So why weren’t you there?” Jacob asked bluntly.

“I don’t know,” He was avoiding Jacob’s eyes, he couldn’t’ take it if the boy across him hated him. “I left-”

“Well obviously.”

“Jacob please,” Shaine said urgently. “A lot of things have happened lately, and - I know that my behavior has been unforgivable, but you have to believe me when I say that I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

Jacob played with the straw in the plastic cup, he wanted trust Shaine, he wanted to with almost every fiber of his being but there was doubts flying around in his head. Questions surrounded him, ones that would need to be answered before he wanted to even be in arms reach of Shaine. Pushing his drink away and resting his head in his palms, Jacob sighed, there were so many things to think about, so many things that needed to be considered and he was hiding from them.

Honestly he was afraid of what was happening, afraid that if he let himself become what Shaine said he was that he’d lose a part of himself. He didn’t want things to change, but it wasn’t like he could really put a hole on time no matter how much he wanted to. Shaine frightened him the most, he was smart, witty, and so much more than Jacob could really explain.

The eighteen year old was making Jacob feel things that he wasn’t ready to feel, things that made him realize who he really was on the inside. Scary didn’t even begin to cover the fact that Jacob was starting to believe that he was falling in love with Shaine. Some how it had happened and Jacob wanted to lock himself in his bedroom until those swelling feelings disappeared back into the darkness in which they came from.

“Hey are you okay?” Shaine’s voice was so close and Jacob felt his mouth run dry.

Shooting up his head, Jacob jumped. Shaine had trapped him in the booth, his green eyes pinning him to his spot. The older boy looked so concerned and when his hand touched Jacob’s cheek, he could feel his resolve melting. The hand on his face was so soft and it felt right, it almost was as natural as sleeping. His breath was caught in his throat, Shaine was scooting closer and he could practically feel the hot breath against his lips. He wanted to whimper until Shaine took his mouth and ravished him, oh how he wanted Shaine so bad!

“Shaine - I,” he licked his lips and fought against the urge to close his eyes and lean forward.

“Okay who ordered what?” The voice broke Jacob out of his trance like state and he glanced up to see blonde hair and blue eyes holding up a tray of food.

“J-Jessica?” He asked in a high squeaky voice, “w-what are you doing here?”

The said girl smiled gently at her friend’s disheveled and surprised look and she wanted to laugh. Setting the plates down on the table, Jessica folded the large plastic tray under her arm and sat down across from the two boys. Her long blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun and the outfit she wore belonged in a Halloween shop. The pencil in her ear looked ready to fall as she placed her chin on the back of her hands and grinned merrily. Some people who didn’t know her would guess that she loved her job as a waitress in her moms’ restaurant, and for the most part she did.

“It’s called work silly,” she replied, her gaze never once leaving Shaine. “And who is this tall, dark hunka-hunka burning love?”

The way she had said it brought laughter to the table and the once tense mood seemed to lighten up as Shaine smiled. The girl had given him the distraction that he needed and boy was he grateful. Shaine knew that he had some serious ass kissing to do and that not everything would be able to go back to normal. If he was lucky he’d be able to convince Jacob and him self that he deserved another chance. Now the only thing he had left to worry about was how he was going to do it and would it work to his advantage. He wanted to pound his head on the table but resisted as he chatted with Jessica and Jacob.

“Does this mean that we’re okay?” Shaine asked kicking the dirt clump in front of his foot.

The chat with Jessica lasted about a half hour and the laughter was well spent. They left with smiles on their faces and food in their stomachs, courtesy of Shaine’s wallet. Not deciding to go anywhere in particular, Jacob and Shaine headed in the direction that seemed best and they ended up at the park, or somewhere near by. It wasn’t necessarily a comfortable silence, but they managed, somehow they made it there without killing the other with their shoes.

“I don’t know,” Jacob said offhandedly. “Are you willing to tell me what made you leave me like that and where you’ve been for the last three days?”

Shaine’s shoulders dropped and he leaned against the nearest tree. So much explaining! Why couldn’t they just kiss and make up? Maybe throw in a few lewd ideas and call it a day. Running his fingers lazily through his black tresses, Shaine sat down. Jacob seemed to follow his lead and plopped down next to him, placing his hand behind his head as he laid on the ground. The seventeen year old gazed up at the sky, clouds dancing like ballerinas around the endless blue scenery.

“I went to my nana’s,” Shaine watched the younger boy curiously. “She’s the only one in my family that I can trust anymore. Well I helped out around the house as much as I could and I got my shit sorted out. You know the good stuff.”

“Why didn’t you call then?” Blue-gray eyes burned into green.

Laying next to Jacob on his stomach, Shaine fought against the urge to sight heavily. He wasn’t used to people wanting to know so much, Nicholas had rarely asked for anything and Shaine had liked the privacy. However, that was then and this was now, Nicholas and Jacob were two totally different people and Shaine had to change his way of thinking if he wanted to keep the boy next to him from leaving. Twiddling his thumbs nervously, Shaine stole a glance of the chestnut hair boy and he smiled, he wanted to make the transition if Jacob was the one that he could be with.

“She doesn’t have a phone,” he said sincerely. “My nana doesn’t like the noise they make. She says that if anyone wants to talk to her they have to come over. She’s one of those hard core family oriented people, but it’s spiffy I guess.”

“I guess that’s legitimate,” Jacob leaned up on his elbows and watched Shaine. “But what about school? I thought you were attending that religious college. Whatcha’ma call it?”

Shaine laughed at Jacob, he just looked so cute the way he was sitting with the way he had asked about college. Honestly he hadn’t had the courage to tell Jacob that he has simply dropped out a few weeks before. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a “broader horizon” or anything, he just didn’t want to go to Saint Mary’s.

Talk about being hypocritical there, Shaine had to lead a double life in order to keep his parents funding. To him it was either pretend to be straight and have an education with the respect of his family, or let everyone know that he liked boys and have nothing but himself and a partner. Shaine had finally chosen after three years that his happiness was the most important thing to him and not what his family thought of him.

“Don’t worry about it,” did he fail to mention that his mom and dad had shit a litter of kittens when they found out and disowned him? “I have everything under control.”

In other words Shaine had a huge mess to fix. His nana was kind enough to loan him money so he could pay his bills, but he wasn’t going to be able to ask her for help forever. Sure he had a job, a low paying one at that, but he was in the process of looking for another. He didn’t have much in the first place, living in a studio apartment that ran about four hundred dollars a month, utilities not included, yet he would get by somehow. Another job would give him the support he needed and he wasn’t too worried, he was smart with his money and he could make it stretch six ways from Sunday if needed be. So he had nothing to worry about, well nothing financial wise that is.

“Yeah okay,” Jacob smiled poking fun of Shaine.

“Hey!” he was onto the boy and feigned being hurt. “I’m a rough touch cocoa puff! I can try my shoes all by myself and get dressed too!”

The boy next to Shaine snickered and he found himself entranced by Jacob. He was almost always smiling and Shaine felt the tugging of his heart strings yet again. Sometimes he wondered when his original plan to toy with Jacob ended and where something else took over. When did he start seeing the younger boy as someone he could spend a life time with? When had he fallen in love with Jacob? Was this fate’s way of telling them not all things were too good to be true and that happiness could be tangible? Well whatever it was, Shaine was glad that it had found him because when he was with Jacob, it was like he could be someone he liked.

Glancing over to Jacob, Shaine was taken back, the boy had almost closed the space in between them while Shaine had been lost in his thoughts and it made his mouth run dry. He was practically trapped underneath the younger boy and he could feel the chills running through his body as he stared at the boy’s slightly parted lips. Something a kind to excitement bubbled in his chest and Shaine felt like a little school boy yearning to be taken like a born again virgin. Spreading his legs as Jacob’s thighs touched them, Shaine thought he would die. The younger boy was getting closer somehow, his blue-gray eyes filling with such emotions that left Shaine’s mind a hazy blur.

“Jah-Jacob?” His voice was husky and he was silently pleading to continue.

Eyes closed as lips brushed lightly against his and Shaine let out a little moan of delight. It hadn’t been too long since he had tasted those lips, but oh how he’d missed them. The breath was stolen from his chest as Jacob’s hand fisted at the back of his head, pulling his hair. His gasp of surprise was swallowed by Jacob’s tongue as it darted into Shaine’s mouth and plundered the spoils. Shaine had never felt so turned on after only one kiss, but at the moment it was like his body was on fire. He wanted more, he needed more.

Pushed back by Jacob, Shaine used his elbows to support himself. The boy was becoming more relaxed with everything he was using it to drive Shaine crazy with need. His heart was pounding in his chest as Jacob’s mouth left his only to travel down his neck, Shaine arched into the younger boy. He wanted for Jacob to feel how much the boy had affected him and his body, but he was meet with the same hardness causing both boys to moan. Throwing his head back, Shaine opened his eyes trying to find a way to take the upper hand in this little exchange.

The clouds had rolled in covering the sky and everything around the two of them had become dark. There was nobody around them and Shaine was mentally relieved, he would have been more than embarrassed if there were people staring and gawking at them. A drop of cold water splashed onto Shaine’s nose and he groaned, it was such a mood killer and he didn’t know why.

“Shit Jacob,” Shaine groaned falling onto his back and covering his eyes with the palm of his hand.

“What?” He was confused and frustrated by the other boy’s reaction, ws he doing something wrong?”

“We’d better get going,” Shaine cursed mother nature with everything in him as he peeked a look at Jacob through his fingers. “It’s going to start raining in three… two… one…”

“What are you talking about Shaine? Did you hit your head on something?”

And just like the boy claimed, the sky opened up and the water came pouring down in sheets. Jacob blanched in shock and Shaine only rolled his eyes as he pushed his companion off him and climbing to his feet. Normally he would jump at the chance for a hot, steamy make out session in the rain, but not as trashy as in that Spiderman movie. However, with him trying to get on Jacob’s good side he wasn’t too keen on getting the said boy sick off his ass just for a little, steamy, hot kiss. Damn he was already regretting it!

Taking Jacob’s hand in his own, Shaine ran down the street. They would be soaking wet either way, but it would get them to shelter faster and besides he was able to “innocently” hold Jacob’s hand so it was a win, win situation. Running down the streets, the two boy laughed loudly trying to hide from the freezing cold rain. All they had to do was get to Jacob’s house in one piece and they’d be okay. However, that was easier said than done as they slipped on the wet sidewalk. Shaine fell over once or twice and the two boys were laughing like idiots by the time they made it to Jacob’s street.

The rain hit the two of them like bb’s from a pellet gun and stung their exposed flesh. They were soaked to the bone and their breaths came out in visible white puffs, the water was like ice. Shaine tried to warm up his hands as he and Jacob crossed over the yard to the front door. There were no cars in the driveway and the porch lights were off telling them that there was nobody home.

“Dude,” Shaine whined as Jacob fished in his pockets for his house keys. “Hurry up, my balls are turning blue out here!”

“Keep the pita in the pocket, I’m trying. “Jacob shoved the key into the lock and quickly opened the door.

Once the two of them were out of the cold, Jacob led Shaine into the kitchen where most of the we clothing was stripped from their shivering bodies and taken to the garage where the dryer was. Standing in only a pair of damp boxers, Shaine migrated to the living room. He had been there millions of times, but he always smiled looking at the pictures of Jacob’s family smiling as if they were always so happy and go lucky. Which for the most part, they were.

“Hey Shaine,” Jacob called from the kitchen. “I’m making up some hot chocolate! Go get some towels so we can sit on them, I’ll be in there in a few.”

“Okay,” Shaine was looking at the stereo, he wanted to listen to something. “I’m turning on your stereo princess!”

“Whateve- wait! No don’t!”

Music blared from the speakers and Jacob stood in the living room with only a towel around his waist. Shaine however, stood leaning against the wall holding the sides as he laughed his ass off.

[Ya got the power of the hootchie][I got the fever for the flava of the cootchie][I’m your lovey dovey bedtime playa][Call me the super sexy boogie man slayer][I got the green glow under my car][I got the boom boom system you can hear real far]

E/N: Okay folks that's it! The song in the end is "Fever for the Flavor" by Hot action cop. It's a very dirty song and I recomend that everyone should hear it at least twice! it's cool. I'm getting a job so my writting will be slowing down. Sorry folks, life sucks and so do other things *wink wink* but I'm hoping to have a new chapter out this weekend hopefully. So please review! I love them mucho mucho!


The site is down... no new update since the 5th, but they haven't gotten to read it yet. *tear tear*


Romeus I:
Rawr! I really wanna see that movie! but yeah it's cool. I love Shaine too! Carmen is a girl that is important from the prologue.

If you want more you must leave a review in "FEED THE AUTHORESS" fund or you will be doomed and Santa will leave Mold in your stockings!
