Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This chapter contains somewhat adult themes, if that doesn't fit your fancy, well then you would have stopped reading this story a long time ago! ^_^

Updated on : 2-05-06

Of Games and Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Ten

Shaine and Jacob had been entwined passionately, mouths hungrily feeding from each other. Jacob’s mind shut down and he was reduced to a moaning pile of nothing, his body jerking roughly as he thrust his hips to meet with Shaine’s hot flesh, the tip of his hardened cock jutting against it. He had lost the ability to tell himself that he didn’t want Shaine because the boy’s name was the one that he wanted to cry out as he came. Breathing was harsh and coming out in heavy pants and Shaine smiled, his lips capturing any exposed skin in reach. The veins in Jacob’s neck protruded and he nipped at it, sucking the skin into his mouth, his fingers digging into the hips that were grinding into his body. It was almost too much for him to believe.

The older boy wanted to show Jacob what he had missed and if he hadn’t been incapacitated he would have shown the said boy everything there was and more, but he would have to settle for what he had at the moment. Jacob’s nails dug into his shoulders as his own hands danced across the boy’s ass, spreading his cheeks as he teased the puckered entrance bringing a surprised cry from the boy’s lips. Shaine whispered huskily teasing the entrance, his index finger swirling around it, applying a little pressure which made Jacob’s breath hitch in Shaine’s ear.

“Relax princess,” Shaine urged softly. “Come on baby relax for me.”

Shaine let his hands drift away and one hand attentively brushed against the swelling head of Jacob’s cock as he reached for the ointment that lay innocently on his night stand. Jacob was almost mewling in pleasure as Shaine ran his hand down the seventeen year old’s shaft, he was feeling the silky texture of uncharted territory and he was loving it. Sweat dripped down the side of his face and Jacob felt his lungs as well as his skin burning. The way Shaine’s hand was touching him, it was so hot that words could not describe how he felt or what it was doing to him.

Easily taking the top off the ointment, Shaine squeezed a large amount of it onto his hand before capturing Jacob’s lips in a heated kiss. He may not have been able to feel what Jacob was, but he’d be a fool not to help the said boy out. Thrusting his tongue into parted lips, Shaine pulled Jacob close, letting the blankets around his body to be shoved away by Jacob’s eager hands. He chuckled as Jacob moaned, the boy’s tongue trying to fight back, his legs straddling the older boy’s and his aching length pressing tightly against his abdomen. Spreading Jacob once again, Shaine swirled his index finger around Jacob’s anus, swallowing all of the boy’s protests as he slowly slipped his finger past the beaded ring.

“Nnggh,” Jacob broke away from the kiss, his blue-gray eyes squeezed shut and tossed back his head exposing his bobbing Adam’s apple to Shaine. “Nngh Sh-Shaine, oh god!”

Normally it was mind blowing and Shaine cursed his luck and timing. Here he had Jacob right where he wanted him but the irony was that even though he wanted to ( and boy did he want to), he couldn’t. Letting his eyes wander, Shaine’s mouth ran dry as he inched his finger deeper into a mewling Jacob. Semi-dry chestnut hair was everywhere and he was surrounded in pale skin, creamy pale skin that Shaine couldn’t wait to taste further. The younger boy arched his body on Shaine’s appendage before another was added. Shaine wanted to stretch him, prepare him for what was bound to happen and by the way he was reacting, Shaine knew hat when Jacob feel, he would fall hard.

Pumping his appendages into the eager body, Shaine sucked on Jacob’s neck, his tongue swirling around his Adam’s apple as his fingers crisscrossed. Moans from Jacob were throaty and loud, his body rocking wantonly to Shaine’s ministrations, his cock spilling precum from the tip. He could feel something building inside his lower abdomen, something that was familiar yet estranged. His nails dug crescent shaped cuts into already bruised shoulders as he licked his lips. He was close, so close that he felt that he might have a heart attack and die if Shaine didn’t finish him off.

“Shaine Please,” he said in between grunts. “I can’t, I-…”

“It’s okay Jacob,” Shaine repositioned himself underneath the boy. “Let go, it’s okay.”

Pushing as deep as he could, Shaine curled his fingers and the boy above him stiffened. A loud cry escaped Jacob’s mouth, his vision dancing across his eyes as his muscles tensed. His climax hit him hard and as he spilled his load onto Shaine, he clutched him tightly, his body trembling from release and pleasure. Shaine removed his digits from Jacob and the boy whimpered softly from the loss.

He placed chaste kissed on the sides of Jacob’s face and he couldn’t’ help but smile looking at satisfied half lidded blue-gray eyes. They radiated with light and drew him into them, threatening to never let him come up for air again. Running his fingers through damp locks of chestnut, Shaine helped Jacob lay down, the boy was more exhausted than he let on, but Shaine could practically feel it. Waiting till he was positive that Jacob was fast asleep, Shaine slowly moved to get off his bed. He was still a little sore and the mending wounds itched like crazy, but he had to clean himself off.

Bare feet padding across tile, Shaine grabbed the wash cloth off the counted and cleaned himself off. The smile on his face was like a Cheshire cat’s, nothing could bring hi down from the high he was currently on. Grabbing a bottle of ginger ale from the fridge, he popped the top and gulped it down, boy was he thirsty. Letting a deep breath escape his chest, Shaine glanced around his little studio apartment . It looked absolutely perfect and watching Jacob lay unconscious on his bed, he felt something tug at his heart strings.

A knocking on the door brought Shaine from his thoughts and he quickly scrimmaged around for a pair of boxers before covering up Jacob and going to check the peep hole. He couldn’t be too careful. Opening the door, he was greeted by a impishly grinning pink hair girl, her arms filled with plastic bags and behind her a sheepishly looking Jeff. Inviting them in, Sarah went straight to the kitchen and began the task of putting away the freshly bought groceries.

“It’s so nice to see my parents visiting me,” Shaine scoffed closing the door and locking it. “Next time however call me, I could have answered my door stark nekid and Rocky here would have shit a little of kittens if he saw that I was indeed more flattering than he is.”

“Yes, we love you too Shaggy-Jay,” Sarah retorted hotly. “But I only came to bring the dog some kibble and Rocky here tagged along to be sure that I didn’t kill you for standing us up so you could play hungry slave boy with the evil jackass of the North.”

Grabbing his chest as though he was wounded, Shaine feel to his knees, his dark green eyes staring at Sarah with maliciousness. “You wound me so my sweet cotton candy slut. My soul, it bleeds red jello! I don’t know if I can live without you!”

Sarah merely rolled her eyes before turning away from them and resuming her current task. Sure she knew that their banter was childish, but she had meant what she said. She was angry that Shaine would willingly allow himself to be subjected to Nicholas’ game of “tough love”. It was just so frustrating and sometimes she really believe that her closest friend liked it when Nicholas beat the shit out of him. On some occasions it made her want to pull the hair from her head as she screamed bloody murder.

“Well Shaine you’re gunna have to live without me and learn to like it.” She was being serious and Shaine got to his feet frowning. “I’m leaving tomorrow for a few months, I’m going home to visit my sister Jeanie and her husband Jason in Arizona.”

His heart stopped and Shaine couldn’t believe what Sarah was saying. She was leaving him? He looked at her as if she’d grown another head, or four before glancing back at “piercings and more” Jeff, but the boy refused to meet his eyes or look at him, his guilt showing through. He balled his fists at his sides and glared at the girl in his kitchen, it felt like she was abandoning him and he didn’t know why.

“Why?” His tone was angry and he was practically growling.

“Because I’m transferring to a University over there!” She shouted slamming the fridge shut. “I’m tired of this Shaine and I want to make something of myself! I’m sorry, but I have to go and you’re not going to talk me out of it this time!”

Shaine didn’t have the strength to stop her as Sarah walked past him with tears in her eyes, this was it. Jeff glared at him almost venomously as he followed behind Sarah, and Shaine could only watch as the closest friend he had in years walked out of his life so easily. He wanted to scream but resisted, he would later find a way out of this mess. He would recover and life would once again return to normal. For him this hadn’t been the first time someone all of a sudden left him like yesterday’s trash, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last time either.

“Et tu Brutus? Et tu?”

Grumbling to himself, Shaine sat down on the edge of his bed, she didn’t even have the nerve to say good bye and it only dampened his mood even further. Things looked as though they were on the track to destruction and Shaine didn’t know how to prevent it, he didn’t know how to fix what he had somehow managed to break. His past was repeating itself and the sudden urge to tear his eyes out had come back from hibernation. He didn’t want to have the darkest part of his miserable life to come to a head again. There weren’t enough drugs that would keep him sane.

“Fuck,” Shaine growled fighting back the tears that stung the back of his eyes. “I’m such a fucking idiot!”

Standing up, Shaine stomped over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans, a muscle t-shirt and a black over shirt along with socks and shoes. He needed to get out of his studio, it was smothering him. He didn’t bother with brushing his hair or teeth, once he was finished dressing, he grabbed his car keys and slammed the front door behind him. There was no destination, no specific place that he had to go, but Shaine wanted fresh air. He wanted a place where he knew that he could scream his heart out and not be afraid of the repercussions.

Getting into his car, Shaine started the engine and drove out of the parking lot and out onto the road. The music was blaring, making the windows vibrate, but he didn’t care, his heart felt like it had been torn out of his chest and thrown away. Sarah was like the sister that he always wanted but never had, and now she was going away for good. Even he knew that when she said a few months that she wasn’t planning on coming back. She was running away from everything and like Sarah, Shaine too was running away, he was running from everything that he could.


Jacob sat bored in his English class, it had been almost three days since he had that very intimate moment with Shaine only to wake up in an empty studio. At first he had been scared, then upset, but now, now he felt a little of everything. He had gone home that night distraught because of the giant step he took and only to find nothing. Katherine bugged him every day and he found himself hiding out in the library. It was a place where he could hide from reality and get stuck in a world of happy endings and fantasies that never had to end at all.

That’s how he met Carmen, he had been hiding from Katherine when he accidentally knocked the poor girl over, all her text books and belongings falling in a heap onto the floor. He had apologized profusely, helping her up and picking up everything. Of course it had been on accident and the smiling brunette only laughed, she was pretty scatterbrained for a cheerleader, a varsity one at that, but then again appearances could be deceiving. There was no need to introduce her to his friends because they already knew her (some better than others) but somehow they all managed to get along.

Jacob was brought from his thoughts as a large text book was slammed on his desk and he was barely able to suppress the cry of surprise as he jumped. The teacher looked angry while his classmates snickered none too silently. Great, he would have a detention to serve and he couldn’t be able to hang out with Sebastian and Jessica like he planned to. Muttering an apology to the instructor, Jacob picked up his pencil to keep himself from flipping off the balding teacher. Sometimes he wondered if the man was an evil dictator in his past life because the man was worse than his Aunt May was during that time of the month and then some. His aunt could be evil if she wanted to be.

Class dragged on after that and once the bell rang, Jacob gathered his belongings and left, there was still two more periods that he had to make it through before his punishment started and then after that hell was over it would be home. Sighing heavily, he went to his next class, at least in government he didn’t have to think, it was just take notes and pretend to pay attention day. This would be easier, all of it would be easier if Shaine would answer his calls and talk to him.

Sitting down in his assigned seat, Jacob pulled out the materials needed and tapped irritably on the desk with his pen. Other students filtered into the room, some talking jovially about nonsense, and others laughing while throwing fake punches like they were Muhammad Ali. If government hadn’t been a required class there would only be about ten students in the room and unluckily Jacob would have still been one of them. There was no room for slackers in his family and his Uncle Harold received his masters degree in history so it wasn’t like he couldn’t say he’d never use it when he was older.

Warning bells rang and students rushed to their seats while some ran to their respected classes either to the left or right. The teacher walked into the room with a book in his hand and went to the overhead, switching it on as the final bell rang. Yes, it was notes day and Jacob had found a temporary escape from his thoughts. The rest of the day was a little better and once school ended, Jacob met up with Sebastian and Jessica explaining the newest development and apologizing before he left them and headed back to his English class. Mr. Johanon would be waiting for him with a lecture planned and he couldn’t wait to hear it. Yep, they were like a needle in the eye fun, those long lectures.

An hour and a half was spent wasted and once he was off campus, Jacob let out a heavy sigh. Same shit different day, and it was all a living hell. His shoes scraped against the cement as he walked home, he had a lot of home work to do and he would be lucky to finish it before midnight. Jacob couldn’t wait until the weekend started because he could sure use the break and be able to sleep it all away not thinking about anything that would upset him even more.

“Hey Shaine!” It was Carmen, but he kept walking.

Shaine? Frowning, Jacob looked up to see a pair of green eyes in front of him and he stopped dead in his tracks. What was he doing here? And how did Carmen know him? Talk about it’s a small world after all! Jacob wanted to be angry and scream, hell he wanted to ignore the boy now in front of him and walk away, but the look in Shaine’s eyes left him frozen in place.

“Hey,” Shaine scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Is it okay if we go somewhere? I need to talk to you.”

E/N: Finally got to introduce Carmen completely into this story plot! and yes, I did make a reference to "Ceasar" by Shakespeare. I felt that it just fit, however, the whole scene with Sarah, Shaine and Jeff never was in the original plot it had to happen. Sorry if you liked them folks! I'm working on a little one-shot for this story, but it doesn't have anything to do with it.. It was one of my original plot lines, but it never made it into the final cut. rawr!

This chapter was written while listening to the band "Lost Profits" and three different versions of a song called "Lilium" by Kayo Konishi & Yuko Kondo(regular and music box version),and Griffin Chrous(male version).OMG IT'S SO COOL! On another note, much of what Shaine actually says I say almost everyday and it's really spiffeh to incorperate some of myself into this story without placing myself into the story! I also went and saw "Swan Lake" on Friday with my friend Jazzy and it was the one with the entire male cast of swans where Prince Sigfried dies in the end along with the swan, it was sad... I wanted to cry!


Nomadic: henh, yeah I'm wierd like that. Sorry to leave you hanging! But it's nice to know that my only reviewer from this site isn't afraid to threaten me in order to update. Though you would be upset because I have no enedited files because I post a chapter right after I finish writing it... Sorry, no love for you! lol jk jk!


Romeus I:
Yes, so you win! Shaine is smexy, mucho mucho! Yep, you're right, he does have green eyes... pretty green eyes... Thanks for reviewing!

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