Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This chapter contains somewhat adult themes and some offensive material. Please don't act anal because not all of what is said is my personal belief (Just most).

Updated on : 1-21-06

Of Games and Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Nine

Time stopped for Jacob as he stood there in the doorway, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sarah, however, took the initiative, she pushed Jacob out of her way and went directly to where Shaine’s body lay and tossed her coat over his exposed form. Her mouth was a straight line and a frown marred her face, the girl looked a lot older than she did a few minutes before. Jacob found his bearings with Sarah’s venomous tone and closed the door, rushing to the cupboards to get dish towels or washcloths that could be used.

“If you can, look for some Epson salt and gauze,” Sarah was like a doctor shouting orders as she untied what looked to be ties from Shaine’s wrists. “He should have some ointment behind the mirror, but I dunno… God Shaine what did he do to you?”

He tried not to think, it wasn’t something that he could handle if he thought about the situation. Jacob knew that there was no point in asking the pink hair girl what she was talking about, it was already obvious. Handing the asked materials that he could find over to Sarah, Jacob risked a small glance down at the boy who had once spent countless hours harassing him and confusing him.

Shaine looked so helpless, he looked defeated and Jacob found the bile rising in the back of his throat and struggled to hold it down. Pale skin was marred with cuts, some deep, others superficial, bruises ranging in color from dark purple and blue to a sickening green and yellow. There were welts on his chest and abdomen that looked painful and angry, the unharmed skin shiny and slicked with dried sweat.

All of it disgusted him, how could someone purposely do this? How were people so capable of inflicting so much pain on the ones they claimed to care about? Rage, Jacob felt the rage in his heart, to the point of bleeding red and breaking his sanity. He wanted to hurt the person who did this to Shaine. Jacob wanted to bash in his face with something hard and metal until he couldn’t be recognized by his own mother. The seventeen year old wanted to break every single bone in the sadist’s hand with a hammer, listening to the painful screams of mercy. Revenge, that’s what he wanted, he wanted more than flesh and blood. Jacob wanted punishment worse than death itself.

Sarah called his name a few times and even threw something at him to get his attention before he snapped out of his dark thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to be selfish, Shaine needed him, he needed the attention at the moment and Jacob felt the guilt clawing at his stomach. Sometimes he could be so insensitive. More orders were barked at him but he only nodded and did as instructed, there was someone more important that needed his time and Jacob could be sure to give it willingly no matter what the circumstances. There was just that feeling that he got in the pit of his stomach, a sharp pain like a knife cutting flesh and muscle. It threatened to overwhelm him as his eyes gazed to Shaine’s battered body. This feeling, it wasn’t anything he had ever remembered experiencing but he knew that it was obviously something that he couldn’t afford to lose.

Hours were like minutes, passing by like a gentle summer breeze and it left both Sarah and Jacob wondering where it had gone. Shaine was bandaged and clean, Sarah had given him a sponge bath and Jacob had a blush so red he was as dark as an apple. The familiarity, the intimate touches that the girl used made Jacob jealous, he wanted to frown and shove her away. Jacob knew that they were signs of possessiveness and it frightened him. If he couldn’t control his jealous feelings then how was he supposed to keep himself from one day blowing up at Shaine (or anyone for that matter) and knocking him around? The thoughts reminded him of why he didn’t care for basketball. Why pay a guy so much money just so he could get arrested for beating up his wife or girlfriend? So pro-basketball was out of the question.

He tried to occupy his time positively, but only wound up empty handed, he was becoming a nervous wreck. Shaine still hadn’t shown any signs of waking and it was getting late, he could see the worry in Sarah’s eyes. He could feel it pouring off her body like too much cologne on a high school freshman. Around nine or so Jacob called his aunt and uncle, he had found the phone cord sticking out from underneath the bed and told them that he would be staying out a friend’s place. They knew where he was staying so no information was needed to be given, his Aunt May always understood, even if she didn’t know the situation. Sarah had left not too long after he called home, she didn’t want to go, but she couldn’t afford not to go to work. She still had bills to pay and her boss wasn’t a very understanding person. She was a real wicked witch from the west.

Being alone with Shaine made Jacob nervous more than he should have been, so he did the one thing he did best under pressure, he cleaned. Sure Shaine’s studio wasn’t that big and there wasn’t much there, but with the mess it had become, he couldn’t just sit around and do absolutely nothing. Spilled soda was cleaned up with hot soapy water, dishes were done, clothes washed and dried, left folded and sitting on the small dresser.

Things were dusted and books were put back onto shelves and Jacob even had the stereo going at one point. However, it was turned off in favor of the television and a nice pot of coffee. Jacob had made sure that the window and door were closed and locked, the front door dead bolted and chained. He couldn’t help but be precautious, there was no hint if Nicholas would come back and at the moment Jacob wasn’t ready for any uninvited guests.

He was tired, the day’s events had caught up with him in an instant and his limbs were dead weight. His eyes drooped and more than a few exhausted yawns escaped his throat. Although sleep was far away, he was just too tired to be allowed the bliss of a few hours of sleep. Either Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien were making jokes about Bill Clinton and mutt comparisons barely kept him conscious and a phone call or two from Sarah kept Jacob lucid.

He was there for Shaine, and he would always look after the older boy as much as possible. He was an important person in his life, too important and Jacob wasn’t going to let anything happen. Not while he was around! Stifling a few more yawns with the back of his hand, Jacob climbed off the floor and to his feet. It was a little chilly and he wanted to turn the heat up. There was no use of a human popsicle when the could keep warm. Spare blankets were thrown around Shaine and Jacob found himself brushing the dark colored bangs from his sleeping companion’s face.

People always looked so innocent while they slept, Katherine always did, Rebecca did and Jesse, she was like an angel, but Shaine, he was number one on Jacob’s list. He couldn’t explain why but he was and that was all he wrote. Sitting on the bed near Shaine’s head, Jacob got comfortable and wrapped the blankets around his tired body. He would have to make up all the missed work for the classes he would be missing in the morning, but as he sat there, his eyes watching the sleeping boy, school wasn’t important. That subject was one of the furthest things from his mind. Closing his eyes, Jacob felt his body relaxing and his mind was slipping into the darkness. Sleep, it was finally there to whisk him away.

Early morning had come and gone and near one Jacob stirred. The light snuck in somehow, waking him from his light sleep. Stretching his numb appendages, Jacob groaned at popping bones and rubbed his neck before standing. His mouth was fuzzy and he felt sweaty, grimy, and dirty. He scratched his stomach padding into the kitchen, he had been over plenty of times and had basically remembered where everything was place. Well at least in the kitchen that is. The coffee pot was rinsed out and refilled with water, he wanted something strong that would wake him up.

Raiding Shaine’s cupboards and fridge proved to be a disappointment, the said boy had nothing to work with, it was all empty besides soda, a few jars of jam, bread, bottles of ginger ale and chunky peanut butter. How could he eat the same thing day-in-day-out? It was almost pathetic not to mention disturbing. Sighing a little over dramatically, Jacob pulled out the jam and bread, guess he would have to live with toast and jam. The sweet smelling aroma of coffee made him smile pouring himself a cup and almost inhaling it, Jacob had always loved hi coffee black. It was something about, dark, strong, and hot that would leave him smiling like a fool.

He had quickly finished off his coffee and worked on his toast overflowing with blackberry jam. It made him moan, the delicious taste, it was absolutely wonderful. Jacob was glad that he convinced Shaine to buy a jar because it was heavenly. When the last piece of toast had been swallowed Jacob licked his fingers clean, sucking on them at a point. He could never get enough of blackberry anything. A little obsessive, maybe, but who cared?

Deciding minutes later that it was safe to take a quick shower, Jacob brushed the crumbs of bread off his lap and placed his cup in the sink, one cup was enough to get him through the day. Peeling off his shirt and socks, he tossed them into the hamper, he would wash them later. Although, he might have to borrow some of Shaine’s closes till he got the chance, but he was sure that the older boy wouldn’t mind. He had done it before after all. Tossing the rest of his clothes into the hamper, Jacob closed the bathroom door and stepped into the shower.


Shaine had woken up numb all over and hearing the sounds of another person. He didn’t know what day or time it was, but kept silent. He recalled Nicholas always leaving right after pulling a stunt like he had, yet he didn’t want to be wrong. His wrists were no longer bound and at the bottom of his churning stomach he knew something wasn’t right. The tongue in his mouth felt enlarged and his throat was so sore that it felt like he had swallowed sandpaper. It took him a few tries to open his eyes, his eyelids weighed a small child and getting them to focus was a task all on its own.

He blinked a few times before the fuzzy blur went away and he could see his ceiling. The white spackle paint job always made him smile, but the muscles on his face weren’t working correctly. Nicholas had picked his drug cleverly this time, Shaine could feel it. Jiggling his head, he somehow was able to turn it and when he did, his breath hitched. Jacob sat on the counting facing him, chestnut hair laying tangled over closed eyes, a pleasured look on his face as he sucked on his fingers as if they were lolly-pops or something more delicious. Oh god he wanted to moan at the sight, he wanted to jump up and tackle the poor boy and ravish him like a sex-deprived monkey. The image, oh, he wanted Jacob so bad that it hurt, literally. His cock stirred from his lust filled desires but went flaccid, he couldn’t, not until whatever Nicholas had given him was out of his system. And that could take days!

Torture, that’s what it was, pure torture, and Shaine was a slave as he closely watched Jacob strip his shirt unaware of his audience. Shaine was dying, punishment! It was almost as bad as Nicholas, they both ended the same, but god was he fighting back a loud moan. He would be whacking off to that beautiful sight once his little man came back from his vacation. When the bathroom door was finally closed and he could hear water running, he let himself go and moaned deeply, that boy would be the death of him.

Trying to calm his nerves, Shaine glanced at himself to assess the damage done but his vision was obstructed by the blankets surrounding him. They were everywhere and probably explained why he felt like there were a bazillion pounds on him. Exhaling loudly, Shaine wasted time plotting the death of Sarah, somehow he knew that she was the reason why his temptress Jacob was there instead of her. Oh, he would give her a thank you with a big fat evil bitch on the side.

Shaine had lost track of time trying to think of a logical plan but when his ears heard the sound of a door opening, he smiled. His arms didn’t feel as heavy as they once had so he was able to maneuver himself. Green eyes locked onto Jacob’s body only covered in a large towel. Chestnut hair dark with water dripping from the tips and dancing across his form. Shaine’s desire had come back and he fought against the urge to groan again, Jacob was unintentionally making him crazy with need. Biting the inside of his cheek, Shaine took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. He then licked his lips as he focused his attention onto Jacob like a hungry cat, a smirk coming to his mouth.

“Princess,” his throat was scratchy and hurt but he refused to let it show. “Aren’t you just a dream come true? Do me a favor and drop your towel and give in to me already.”

A gasp escaped the other boy’s mouth as he turned, blue-gray eyes staring wide with relief and shock. Shaine chuckled and gave off his best reassuring smile, god how he really craved the younger boy. Jacob rushed to his side and put a hand on Shaine’s forehead, there was something in the way that he looked at him that confused Shaine, he had seen it before but what was it?

“How do you feel?” Jacob asked checking the bandages around Shaine’s wrists. “Do you hurt anywhere? Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

Shaine wanted to laugh, the boy sounded like a worried hen, but it made him feel better to know that the highschooler felt something for him. He had the sudden urge to run his fingers threw Jacob’s wet hair and he closed his eyes picturing it. He hadn’t been this horny for the touch of another man since, well, since Nicholas and him had an unrigged moment of lust. Hands touching is face brought him from his thoughts and he glanced into the worried eyes of blue-gray.


Leaning into Jacob’s touch, Shaine let out a heavy breath. “I’m fine princess, I just had a rough night the other5 day and right now you aren’t helping me much.”

“What do you mean I’m not helping you much?” Jacob was a little hurt and it made him angry. Didn’t help much his ass! He had stayed up all night for him!

Shaine didn’t bother to explain his reasoning, he didn’t need to because it was more than obvious. However, he did plan to show Jacob just how much the said boy affected him. Squirming, Shaine closed his eyes in pain as he tried to sit up, the blankets were heavier than normal and not to mention that he was getting a little warm underneath them. Jacob helped him, putting the older boy’s arm around his shoulder to situate Shaine in a more comfortable position. When his back was against the headboard and able to sit without any pain, Jacob released his hold on Shaine and tried to pull away but Shaine’s grip on him tightened.

“Shaine you can let go now.”

“N-no,” he sounded pained staring strangely at Jacob. “I can’t.”

Pulling Jacob closer, Shaine crushed his lips against his own in a hungry kiss. Something in his mind screamed to make sure that Jacob was real and not another fantasy of his. Jacob was hesitant at first, his usual thoughts begging to run away, but as Shaine’s hands touched his sides, he felt his resolve slipping. Shaine’s tongue swept across Jacob’s mouth, his fingers digging into the damp towel around Jacob’s hips.

He gave in quickly, opening his mouth and allowing Shaine to plunder it to his heart’s desire. Jacob’s body was on fire and he desperately craved for more. His moan was soft at first but as the other boy’s hands grabbed the towel covering him with a vice grip, it easily fell. Jacob gasped loudly trying to pull away only to have Shaine capture his mouth once again. Eagerly Shaine devoured Jacob’s mouth, his tongue memorizing every last detail as his hands slid lower, cupping Jacob’s ass and pulling it roughly against his own body.

They both moaned loudly and Shaine felt his cock beginning to stir before going limp once more. However, he felt the other boy’s hard erection pushing against him and he arched his back, he wanted to feel it against his bare skin. His mind was a blur as Jacob’s tongue fought against his, the younger boy was becoming more daring. He was trying to overpower Shaine, but he wouldn’t have it and he dug his fingers into the pale skin of Jacob’s ass. The boy bucked his hips and Shaine moaned, if only he could… Then he would show Jacob what he had wanted to show him for such a long time.

E/N: Another chapter has been finished and I would like to thank everyone who has spent the time to leave me a review. I appreciate it MUCHO MUCHO! lol This chapter was inspired by the music of Chevelle (wonder what's next) and Creed (weathered) and by the little side story I was making for this story that I started that will turn out to be most of chapter 11!

OKAY on another note, Please review and tell me which character you like best! Me, my friends, and my sister are having a debate to which one is the absolute favorite...

Adult fanfiction:

Nomadic: I'm glad that you like this story and to answer your question yes Shaine was gagged ( I had to explain this to my little sister also) but Nicholas has a history of "Naughty" behavior and by now he would know what his name sounds like behind a gag. He didn't know whose name it was but that only it wasn't his.


Kagamiko: Yeah it was a pretty mean cliffy huh? It's good to see that you decided to stick with the story despite it's "yaoi-ness" lol Shaine's gunna be fine (wink wink)

Romeus I: No I don't think you're wierd, I'm a girl too. Yes, rape is bad, but I write it so well! I hope that you liked this chapter!

Yamikitsune: Yes he probably does deserve to be in jail, but I like him toooooooo much! (hugs her Nicholas plushie)


(insert infamous Japanese wind)
