Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This chapter contains ADULT THEMES. Please, You have have WARNED!

Updated on : 1-1-06

Of Games and Love

By Miztikal_Dragon

Chapter Eight

Green eyes opened slowly and gazed hazily up at the brightly lit ceiling. He didn’t know how long he’d been out for but judging by the aching in his head it hadn’t been long enough. Things didn’t add up correctly in his mind as he began to wake up from his short nap. The last thing he remembered was sitting in the bathroom and after that everything was black. Trying to move his arms jarred his mind and soft laughter was heard before there was movement from the corner of his eyes. He could feel the rough material digging into his wrist and he wanted to cry, they were his uniform ties by the feel of it.

“Hey babe,” Nicholas’ taunting baritone voice floated into Shaine’s ears. “I was wondering how long you’d be out for.”

A lump was quickly forming in his throat realizing just how much trouble he was in. His bathroom door was closed, but it was different, no doubt Nicholas had broken the precious door. At least he was considerate enough to replace what he broke, unlike last time. There was soft music playing in the background and he wanted to scoff, Nicholas had been trying to set the mood, for himself of course. The twenty-three year old had a strange habit of turning on classical music whenever he wanted to get laid, nothing over the top, just a little Mozart or Bach to get his cock hard. Shaine was almost positive that the older boy carried a mixed CD wherever he went, obsessed? Just a little.

The bed dipped as Nicholas sat down next to Shaine, his once coy smile now an irritated frown as he stared down at the bound boy. He wasn’t a very happy camper - Shaine could plainly see it, but he wasn’t too keen on voicing his opinions. Blonde hair was unkept as brown eyes searched for something, they were twinkling with a knowing expression and Shaine already knew what the look Nicholas was giving meant. It was lust, Nicholas was aroused by the boy laying nude on the bed and he wanted Shaine to relieve him of his body’s torment. Sometimes Shaine wondered if the only thing the older boy wanted was sex.

“I want you to untie me now and get the hell out of my home,” Shaine growled tugging at his binds. “Who the fuck do you think you are huh? You just can’t go around breaking into people’s homes tie them to a bed and strip them expecting sex!”

“Why the hell not poppet?” Nicholas straddled Shaine and lowered himself until their faces were merely inches apart. “I never heard you complaining before.”

“That’s because you drugged me dumbass!” Shaine growled baring his teeth, he wasn’t afraid to bite the older boy’s nose off.

Hungry lips crashed down on Shaine’s and devoured them. Nicholas wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted and the measures he had gone to only proved it. Eager hands roamed the bared flesh and even though Shaine wanted to be let free, he could feel his cock waking. His eyes were screwed shut and he pleaded with his body not to react but as moist lips trailed down his neck he found it useless. It was responding and as fingers pinched his nipples roughly, Shaine couldn’t find the strength to keep from arching his back and moaning.

Traitor! It was what his mind was screaming as his cock came to life and pressed against Nicholas’ eager body. Hot kisses trailed past his jaw and down the column of his neck, the older boy’s tongue swirling around the heated flesh. Shaine wanted to scream for help, he wished that someone would come busting through the window to save him, but none of it happened. The only thing he was capable of doing was softly begging the other boy to stop, all the while his body responding to Nicholas’ touch. His breath came in heavy pants and his heart pounded almost frantically as Nicholas’ torturous hands stopped and a pair of dark brown eyes peered at him behind matted blonde hair. Shaine could feel the lust radiating from the other boy, consuming him and threatening with something so much bigger than before.

Hot breath caressed his thigh and the air in Shaine’s chest hitched, he would not like this! However, Nicholas did and his lips brushed against the other boy’s tip before sucking it into the wet cavern. A loud sharp cry escaped Shaine’s throat, but he couldn’t stop his body from arching toward the heat. Nicholas’ fingers traced Shaine’s body trying to distract him and for a moment it worked until his tongue swept across the slit of Shaine’s cock, tasting some of the precum that leaked from it.

The eighteen year old thought he would die as his ex-lover teased him, nipping at his flesh, sucking on his head, never going any further. It was torture that was meant to be remembered. After what seemed like forever, Nicholas’ eyes burned into Shaine’s flesh, he had been crying for release, mewling for anything that could be given, submitting weakly like a bitch in heat. He always knew which buttons to press and Shaine was helpless as the other boy inched the rest of his cock into the skilled mouth.

Shaine wanted to sigh but he couldn’t because Nicholas wasted no time and began bobbing his head, deep-throating the rigid cock in his mouth. Moans reverberated from those tight lips and hit Shaine so fast it was like a tidal wave. He didn’t have the strength to hold on and he felt himself slipping over the edge as he spilt his essence into the other boy’s hungry mouth. He was frantically milking Shaine dry, taking every ounce of energy the said boy had left in him with it.

“See poppet,” Nicholas’ voice was husky with need. “You can’t deny it, we both know how much you need me. No new boy toy of yours can take away what we have. He’ll never measure up Shaine, you’ll learn one way or another.”

A whimper fell from Shaine’s lips and his eyes stung with unshed tears, he was a fool. A damned fool thinking he could get away and the current situation proved him wrong, just like everything else did. He felt his body being shuffled and the pillows his head laid on were taken. Shaine knew what was coming next, he could see it from more than a hundred mules away, Nicholas wanted more, he always did.

“Please no, I can’t.” it came out as a choked sob but the only reply he received was soft hushes as a hand gently caressed his cheek.

“Hush love,” the tender voice no longer was able to ease his mind. “I’ll be gentle.”

Pillows were pushed into place underneath his lower back and ass, propping him up in the desired position. Shaine was spread out for hungry eyes to see and listening to the moan from Nicholas’ lips as the stray hand traveled down his body made the younger boy want to wretch. He didn’t want this, but it wasn’t like he could stop it. His green eyes stayed screwed shut as his heart raced, Nicholas had pulled away and left the bed and that little moment was what scared Shaine the most.

He didn’t know what the older boy was up to and honestly he wasn’t too sure he wanted to know. The sudden sound of water running was alien to his ears, though it didn’t last long and once again Nicholas was at his side. The boy’s hands lifted up Shaine’s head and two fingers found their way into his mouth, depositing something far enough back in his throat that Shaine couldn’t spit it out. Shaine gagged, coughed, and gasped for air as water splashed down his throat forcing him to swallow whatever Nicholas had given him.

“That’s it poppet,” his stomach churned and threatened to purge itself of whatever he took, but with a chaste kiss from Nicholas, Shaine found himself with a large piece of cloth shoved into his mouth. He was being gagged and his eyes flew open at the sound of tape. “I can’t have you waking up the entire neighborhood now can I? So be a good boy and give in. It’ll only hurt worse if you struggle.”

The duct tape was fitted over his mouth and he was forced to watch as Nicholas stripped himself of every last piece of clothing and grab a small tube of lubricant from the discarded pants. A condom was also pulled out and quickly placed over the twenty-three year olds throbbing cock before a supple amount of the gel was smeared over the rubber. Nicholas stoked himself a few time, his mouth slightly parted and hips arching up, he was preparing himself and Shaine could still hear the classical music over the loud baritone moans coming from Nicholas. Lust-filled brown eyes stared at him and as his body loomed over Shaine, the older boy wore a Cheshire smile on his lips, he was ready.

Green eyes widened and Shaine’s breath came out in quick pants as Nicholas took his cock in his hand and led himself to Shaine’s entrance and pushed his tip inside the unwilling body. A muffled scream was wrenched from the boy’s gagged mouth and louder ones followed as Nicholas chuckled, shoving the rest of his aching length into Shaine’s tight cavern. His vision danced and he howled in pain, the hot tears falling from his eyes, his body felt like it was being torn apart, he was being ripped apart from the inside out.

The black haired boy choked on his gag as Nicholas pulled out halfway only to slam back in and repeating it. Shaine continued to scream until his throat was raw, his former lover not once slowing down, not caring for his companions well-being. The thrusts became deeper and despite how he was feeling emotionally, Shaine’s cock reacted to Nicholas and it wasn’t long until it was once again hard with arousal, aching and throbbing with an unknown need.

Choked sobs came from Shaine as Nicholas pounded into his body, his nails digging into flesh and leaving crescent shaped marks on his hips, almost tearing the skin. The older boy angled his thrusts and shoving himself deeper into Shaine’s body he hit the younger boy’s prostate, an involuntary moan from his partner’s lips his reward. It was pure agony for Shaine, sick pleasure and pain mixed together and as Nicholas sped up he found himself moaning and groaning like a little wanton slut.

He couldn’t stop his body from reacting as lips nipped at his hardened nipples, drawing them into Nicholas’ hot mouth where the boy bit down none too gently. Shame filled him feeling the signs of his release, the tensing muscles as Nicholas drove himself still deeper into him, white light exploding in front of his eyes. It was all too much for him. Arching his body as much as he could, Shaine clenched his eyes shut and screamed out as he came, the muffled version of the first thing that came to mind spilling out of his mouth.


An angry roar was his reply and Nicholas pulled himself out of the spasming boy, he had heard it loud and clear and he was livid. Hell, he was now out for blood. Something crashed to the ground but Shaine was too lost to care what it was. His head lolled to the side where Nicholas stood stark naked, his brown eyes now filled with more than hatred and his blood ran cold glancing down at what was held in the older boy’s hand. It was the leather belt Nicholas always wore and as the boy wrapped part of it around his knuckles, Shaine could only stare in bewilderment.

“Oh poppet,” Nicholas growled venomously. “When will you learn?”

Metal collided with Shaine’s sensitive skin and somehow another scream echoed followed by the snapping of the belt. Shaine couldn’t escape from the pain, it was too much for him, but he would never get away.


Everything seemed to fall back neatly into place after his little chat with Jessica and Jacob found himself more relaxed. The two of them didn’t spend the entire day together, but for the majority of it they were closer than peas in a pod. However by nine he left for home, his Aunt May and Uncle Harold had plans to go out for their ten-year anniversary and he had volunteered to baby-sit Rebecca. Jacob spent his entire night playing goldfish and watching the children’s movies his cousin picked out. After the six-year old finally passed out, the seventeen year old picked up the cordless phone and called the one person he was sure would be glad to hear from him.

Unfortunately for Jacob, Shaine never answered and it left the boy feeling a little empty and depressed. Sure he thought that Shaine was probably out with his fellow classmates, Jacob remembered him saying something or other, but he still wished that he could talk to the said boy. Two o’clock had come and gone and when his guardians came home, they found Jacob hunched over the kitchen table head hidden in his arms and the cordless clutched in his fist. It was a cute sight and his aunt would use the picture to her advantages later on.

He woke up early in the afternoon laying on the couch and feeling like he had spent the night rolling around in a trash can. A quickly shower left him feeling brand spanking new and after a nice bowl of cereal, Jacob called Sebastian and Jessica to make plans for the day. He had the urge to go bowling and as much as he wanted to go alone, he didn’t have the courage to. Something about doing group meant activities by yourself creped Jacob out and he avoided it at all costs. There were alternatives yes, yet his mind told him to devote his time for the day having fun, or at least trying to. The four of them (Stacey actually tagged along) had a lot of fun hanging out at the bowling alley making fun of each other’s “fabulous” bowling skills, until Jacob recognized a pink haired girl heading his way. It was Shaine’s infamous weird gal pal Sarah Greene.

“Hey dimples!” She called out, it was a nickname he didn’t know how came to him or worked but whatever, the girl was pretty psychotic so he wasn’t going to yell at her today about it. “Have you heard from Shaine lately?”

The mention of Shaine’s name was still a touchy subject with Sebastian but something tugged at the back of Jacob’s mind. Fist of which was how Sarah knew where he was and the second being why in the seven hells was she asking him of all people where the older boy was. Jacob put down his drink and glanced back at his friends and apologized silently, hopefully they would understand the interruption.

“No,” she looked crestfallen as her face fell and she few pale. “I haven’t talked to him since the other day why?”

Her nails dug into her palms and she worried on her lower lip. “We were supposed to go to the movie mania double feature the other night with a group of friends but he never showed up. I tried calling but he never answered. I even called when I got home, but - I’m worried Jacob.”

“Don’t worry Sare,” Jessica and his group were eavesdropping and he could feel their eyes on his back. “He’s probably asleep. He’s been pretty tired lately and maybe he just didn’t want to answer the phone.”

“Bull shit!” Irritation flew through her eyes as she jabbed Jacob in the chest. “Don’t you are piss on my boots and tell me it’s rain! Shaine has never missed movie mania double feature, never! Even when he caught the flu, and not even dating Nicholas! Those showing are like church to a Jesus freak!”

Her analogies angered Stacey, but the meanings behind them rang true. He remembered Shaine trying to convince him to go unsuccessfully, but Jacob memorized the look of pure pleasure in green eyes while Shaine talked his ear off about the double feature group shows he went to. He apologized yet again to his friends and promised to make it up to them before nodding to Sarah and following her to the car she arrived in.

The ride was less than comfortable as the girl put the pedal to the metal, she was blabbing about bad feelings and Jacob wasn’t paying any attention. Arriving at Shaine’s complex took no time at all and Sarah’s manicured nails dug into the flesh of his wrist as she practically dragged him to Shaine’s door. They knocked but the door hadn’t been closed all the way so it cracked open and Jacob’s blood ran cold. Something wasn’t right. Pushing the door open, the Jacob’s eyes widened and a gasp escaped his mouth as he stared at the body on the bed.

E/N: Please leave a review folks, they make me happy and want to write more. Next chapter when I finish writing it!
