Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Summer at the Manor ❯ Guests ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter five: Guests
The next morning, Basil and Kohana were sneaking around the manor. They were creeping down the hall when they heard the doorbell ring. Curiosity filled them. So the girls tiptoed to the living room. "I'm coming." Basil's mom said as she hurried to the door. Basil and Kohana watched as the door opened. A man dressed in black with a girl looking about twelve dressed in pink were at the door. "Who are they?" the princess whispered. "I don't know." Basil answered softly. "Ah. Shunji-san. Come right on in. My husband will be right with you." her mom said proudly. The man and the girl followed behind Joobarausagi-san. "Why are they here?" the girls wondered. So they decided to spy.
When Basil and Kohana moved to get a better view, Joshu was sitting with Shuji-san and the young girl. The two men talked are money and finances. The girls would have gotten away with spying if Kohana hadn't fallen down. Joshu, Shuji-san, and the girl looked up. They saw Kohana and Basil. "Oh Shunji-san. This is my daughter, Basil, and her friend, princess Tsukibara." said Joshu. Basil just bowed. Kohana got up off the ground and bowed.
While the men talked, Basil and Kohana played with the girl. When the guests left, Basil promised not to spy next time.
Chapter Six: