Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Summer at the Manor ❯ The Beach ( Chapter 6 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter six: The Beach
The next day, Basil and Kohana were sitting around the manor bored out of their skulls. That was until Basil came up with a great idea. "Oh Kohana." said she. "Hai?" the princess asked. "How would you like to go to the beach?" her friend asked. Kohana's eyes lit up. "I want to!" she exclaimed. "Well go get you stuff, we're going right now!" said Basil. "Yay!" Kohana yelled. Then she ran to go get her towel. Basil wrote a note explaining where they were.
The weather was gorgeous at the beach. A bunch of kids were there. Kohana and Basil were on Basil's pink beach towel. Basil stood up. "Where are you going?" the princess asked. "To the water." her friend asked. Then Basil took up off her dress and continued walking. Kohana watched her friend go in the cool beach water
Finally, Kohana stood up. She took off her little yellow dress and ran along the sand. Basil looked up. She saw the princess running towards her. Kohana leapt to the water. She landed into Basil and knocked her down. "Whoa!!!" Basil wailed as she was falling. She landed in a huge splash. "What was that for?" Basil asked. "For leaving me." the princess answered. "Oh. Sorry." said her friend. The two girls stayed at beach until evening.
The next day, Basil and Kohana were sitting around the manor bored out of their skulls. That was until Basil came up with a great idea. "Oh Kohana." said she. "Hai?" the princess asked. "How would you like to go to the beach?" her friend asked. Kohana's eyes lit up. "I want to!" she exclaimed. "Well go get you stuff, we're going right now!" said Basil. "Yay!" Kohana yelled. Then she ran to go get her towel. Basil wrote a note explaining where they were.
The weather was gorgeous at the beach. A bunch of kids were there. Kohana and Basil were on Basil's pink beach towel. Basil stood up. "Where are you going?" the princess asked. "To the water." her friend asked. Then Basil took up off her dress and continued walking. Kohana watched her friend go in the cool beach water
Finally, Kohana stood up. She took off her little yellow dress and ran along the sand. Basil looked up. She saw the princess running towards her. Kohana leapt to the water. She landed into Basil and knocked her down. "Whoa!!!" Basil wailed as she was falling. She landed in a huge splash. "What was that for?" Basil asked. "For leaving me." the princess answered. "Oh. Sorry." said her friend. The two girls stayed at beach until evening.
Chapter Seven: