Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Summer at the Manor ❯ The Fields ( Chapter 7 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter seven: The Fields
Joshu woke the girls up early the next morning to take them through the countryside. Kohana was fully awake but Basil was still asleep. The princess wanted to wake her up but Joshu said let her sleep. The princess wanted to wake her up but Joshu said let her sleep. The three of them were going strawberry picking.
Once the car stopped at the strawberry fields, Kohana turned to Basil. "WAKE UP!" she yelled. Her friend awoke screaming. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!?" she yelled at last. "We're here." Kohana answered. Basil looked. "Oh." she said at last. Then she, Joshu, and Kohana got out of the car.
The strawberry fields were as wide as the ocean. Red ripe strawberries were all over the place. The girls' eyes were all lit up. They started running to the fields. "Wait!" Joshu yelled. Basil and Kohana stopped and turned to him. "You're forgetting your bags." said he. Then he handed them their bags. Then the girls began running to the fields. "Basil." said Joshu. She stopped and turned. Joshu came over to her. "Keep a close eye on Kohana." he whispered. "Hai san." she answered with a bow. Then she ran to catch up with the princess.
By noon, Kohana and Basil had full bags of strawberries and decided to rest. So they lay down in the tall grass. Kohana began eating her strawberries. "Kohana! Look!" said Basil. The princess looked up. "What?" asked she. "I see a fish." said her friend as she looked at the clouds. "Where? I don't see a thing." said the princess as she looked around. "Right in the sky in the center. That cloud looks like a fish." Basil explained. She had to guide Kohana a bit. "Oh. I see it!" the princess said at last. The girls had fun naming the shapes of the clouds.
Joshu woke the girls up early the next morning to take them through the countryside. Kohana was fully awake but Basil was still asleep. The princess wanted to wake her up but Joshu said let her sleep. The princess wanted to wake her up but Joshu said let her sleep. The three of them were going strawberry picking.
Once the car stopped at the strawberry fields, Kohana turned to Basil. "WAKE UP!" she yelled. Her friend awoke screaming. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!?" she yelled at last. "We're here." Kohana answered. Basil looked. "Oh." she said at last. Then she, Joshu, and Kohana got out of the car.
The strawberry fields were as wide as the ocean. Red ripe strawberries were all over the place. The girls' eyes were all lit up. They started running to the fields. "Wait!" Joshu yelled. Basil and Kohana stopped and turned to him. "You're forgetting your bags." said he. Then he handed them their bags. Then the girls began running to the fields. "Basil." said Joshu. She stopped and turned. Joshu came over to her. "Keep a close eye on Kohana." he whispered. "Hai san." she answered with a bow. Then she ran to catch up with the princess.
By noon, Kohana and Basil had full bags of strawberries and decided to rest. So they lay down in the tall grass. Kohana began eating her strawberries. "Kohana! Look!" said Basil. The princess looked up. "What?" asked she. "I see a fish." said her friend as she looked at the clouds. "Where? I don't see a thing." said the princess as she looked around. "Right in the sky in the center. That cloud looks like a fish." Basil explained. She had to guide Kohana a bit. "Oh. I see it!" the princess said at last. The girls had fun naming the shapes of the clouds.
Chapter Eight: