Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ The Beginning of the End ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

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The Beginning of the End
Part 4: Revelations
"Sephiroth!" one of the council members of evil shouts. "Do you know what you are here for."

"It is because I drew up an army of orcs and brainwashed an insane cult to help to conquer this realm," Sephiroth replies.

"No, that is not what you are here for."

"Then what is it?" Sephiroth asks in shock.

"We are gathered here today to bestow upon you the title of evil overlord and to grant you back the powers that were forcibly taken from you. And you get to team with Hidalgo to retry your plan to take over the realm."

"My lords," Sephiroth says as he falls to his knees. "I will not disgrace this gift. I will complete my plan!"
"Good," replies the member

"Sephiroth!" calls another member


"Do not fail or you with be swiftly and severely punished."

~Back with the heroes~

"Ug, why did I have to sleep on a fricken rock," grumbles Mahiko.
"You should have slept on the dirt it was quite soft," says Staim

"Well the rock did look good...at the time."
Where ever Ashura was at, he still could not see. Feeling dazed, he overheard the guards talk. Foolish orcs, Ashura knows now what the god's weak spot is, but he needs to convey it to his friends. But he doesn't know how. He needs more rest; Ashura might not be able to relay the message, oh well.
*Translated from orcish
"Ha, pitiful human creature," one of the orc guards says.

"Yes, he has been isolated from his god and help," replies the other guard.

"Thank the council of evil for this anti-religious cell."

"Yes, now he won't be able to escape while they change him."

The orcs start breaking out in uncontrollable laughter.
Ashura is put in his cell, still weak, and now weaker. He was once from the council of evil, but he attempted to change.

"No, I don't....wanna...come back....I need to leave..."

Ashura rested, hoping to gain more energy. It's not enough.
Back at the council a black goatish devil known as Raabjorn questioned Sephiroth.

"Raise your left hand, and swear to me that you will kill them! Swear on my skewed tongue that you shall kill them."

"I shall," responds Sephiroth

"Good..." replies Raabjorn in his coarse gurgled voice.
"I must admit that even though I was one of the council that pushed for you to get your powers back, I do NOT believe you have what it takes to kill them, after all, they ARE us..." Another council member, Okiham, said in a serious tone.
As Okiham says this, the Council member Haru Siochi steps into the room drawing everyone's attention. "Hello there Sephiroth. Apparently you heard your reinstatement yes?"

Sephiroth puts down his hand. "Yes I have, but it's surprising that you have came out for once. Usually you stay away from the council, why so now?"

Haru wraps his arms together. "The business of mine is none of yours."

Sephiroth, looking at the council member, gets a little upset considering the guy is treating him such in a rude manner. I mean he is the newest member there, but he should give him a break!

"Were you getting upset of my remark Seph?"

"Enough of this!" Sephiroth thinks to himself after all he was on the council too! He didn't have to take shit from another council member.

"So, Sephiroth. What have you been doing? Have you found any information regarding the "intruders"?"

Sephiroth at the brink of exploding stands there looking into the eyes of the council member watching his every move.

"Yes, they are attacking my orc horde."
"They have with them, a bard, a samurai, a mage, a pirate, a drunken dwarf thing, an avian bowman, and their newest member is a sword singer," Sephiroth says.

"A lowly bunch of seven creatures beat you and a contingent of a million orcs and cultists!" Haru shouts.

"You know nothing of them. I was there, I fought them. They are more powerful then you think."

"How powerful can a group of mortals be?" Raabjorn says.

"Ashura used to be on their team," Sephiroth states. "And the bard, his name was Raryn I believe; it was he who was able to turn the orcs upon themselves."

"Raryn!" Hidalgo shouts. "That good-for-nothing is still alive!"
Okiham stands up. "YOU WILL HEAR ME!" he shouts. "I am an equal member of this council as well! You must not take these warriors lightly! As I said before I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, some of them are our exact counterparts! They have the potential to become as powerful, if not more powerful then us!" Okiham, still standing, makes sure they all heard him this time! "I will NOT have this council destroyed so easily by underestimating an adversary such as them!"
"Oh were you talking Okiham?" Hidalgo says as he comes back from his thought.

"Yes I was Manicotti," Okiham says venomously.

"Sorry about that," Hidalgo says falsely. "But what he says is true. Some of these......well.......mortals, are our exact counterparts. Even mine is there."
Haru stands up with a furious look on his face.

"Okiham you will sit down now or be silenced! I understand your anger for us "partially" ignoring you, but with this show of anger does not help out matters! If you are so worried about this sort of problem! Why don't we send ourselves there? If what you say is true about the exact counterparts of us, why don't we just fight ourselves then? After all I don't think they could have made counterparts for all of us yes?"
"Whatever happens happens," Hidalgo says. "So I will travel with Sephiroth as intended, to see through the final processes of our invasion."
Returning to his usual calm self, Okiham sat down and began to speak, "Yes, you go with Sephiroth..."

"The truth is," Okiham thought to himself, "I fear that they are already on an equal level with us... I can sense Mahiko's power, and I fear that even his fire can destroy my ultimate water... its unheard of but still... why does he seem so powerful? And who knows what he would be capable of with proper training... I am unable to sense the strength of the others..."
Haru, somewhat cooled down from the little argument a few second ago, comes back to his normal state.

"Well, Okiham. Just to be on the safe side i will go to. You can stay and monitor the court for me wont you?"

"Your still not realizing what power they possess Haru! You're taking them way too easy!" Okiham says.

Haru slammed his fists on his chair

"Okiham! We understand that you want us to not lose against these people."

"You don't realize it at all! You just think you do!"

Haru, taking deep breaths ignores Okiham's comment.

"So, when shall we leave?"

"Tomorrow," Sephiroth says amazed at all the controversy in the court.
"Tomorrow? Good, see to it that these mortals are slaughtered," voices Raabjorn. "Praise their flesh too me... with your blade."
"Wait a minute," Hidalgo says. "I thought it was just me you was going with Sephiroth?"

"Change of plans, we all travel now," Haru states.
"Haru! You know how this council is run! We vote on the decisions." Okiham replies calmly yet in a firm voice. "You, nor anyone else, runs this council, it was founded by the three of us, and we agreed that everyone in the council would have an equal say!"

"Even though I believe we should do everything we can to squash them as soon as possible, I cannot allow you to go against the council's laws..." Okiham was once again thinking to himself.
"Fine fine fine!" say Haru. "SO! Does EVERYONE agree that TOMORROW we are going to go!?!?"

Haru waits impatiently...
"I agree, this should be handled as quickly as possible, and at full force!" Okiham votes.
"Yes," Hidalgo says.

"Me agree as well," Raabjorn states in a booming voice.

"Fine then, tomorrow we set forth, and let what happens fall in our favor," Haru states as the council is adjourned.