Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1:Dreams
It was a cold day, but everything was on absolute silence. The only thing you could hear was slow moving footsteps and the sounds of metal clinging against one another. This was by the result of a metal collar, much like the ones you would use to tame animals such as dogs. This collar however was attached coldly to a person. A girl in her early twenties. She wore a black singlet with a black vest and also a black pants and worn out ripped joggers. Her clothes looked extremely worn out like she was. The cold steel attached to her neck where her skin has many scars. There, she stood frozen, emotionless as her eyes just stared down through her red hair, which was tied back, and her long fringe, which makes it difficult to see. She just stood there in the middle of a warehouse full of men about 20 men, all at least in their 30s. Then a mouth was drawn near her ear and it opened as it whispered one word.
As that one word enters through her ear up to her brain, a hand clicked open the cold collar releasing her, unleashing her. That second, her eyes were wide open, it was dark violet with dark black eyelashes.
She ran quickly and jumped to a men and held him by the throat as she attacked him with her bare hands using them as if they were claws. Then she went and got another men by the head and began hitting it ruthlessly before she jumped to another one twisting their neck. She fought in a way almost barbaric and extremely ruthless, and not afraid of using her bare hands to just rip someone apart. She killed about 17 men before she came to approach her last victim, which was sitting on a desk. He attempted to fire a bullet to her but she dodged it by a simple flip on the air before jumping on the table and holding his head down by her feet. She knelt down still holding him in this position as she growled savagely like she was a wild animal.
Then laughter followed as a short but fat man came to her side. He was wearing a white Armani suit and wore expensive watch and jewelry, no doubt that he was a mob. He was the one who said the word `kill' to her and the one who took her collar off. He chuckled still.
“When you borrow money from me you're expected to pay it back!” said the man as he went and opened the drawers helping himself to some money taking about 8 thousand dollars. “If you pay me, the collar stays on. If you don't then the collar comes off. It's a simple set of rules.” Said the man putting the collar back on the girl. She calmed down. “Lets go.” He said as she follows along with two other men. It was obvious that he was the boss. They exits the warehouse and went in a Mercedes Benz, which was waiting outside for them. The boss got into the back seat with the girl while the other two men sat at the front.
“You did well back there, here's your reward.” Said the boss holding a piece of chocolate all crumbled in his hands. He held it towards the girl. She went and ate it from his hands like a dog would for a treat, however, she was no dog, and she was a full-grown woman. He then petted her head like a master would.
The boss was pretty much boring his two right-hand men talking about the dream he had the previous night.
“I had that dream again last night. You know that dream when you lay on the beach, and then these girls just come over wearing those little grass skirts giving you the drinks and all.” Said the boss.
“Yeah, I had a dream similar to that too boss, with the girls all fighting over to get your attention.” Said one of his right-hand men who were driving.
“Perhaps that's because you couldn't get any in real life!” said the other one chuckling. So the one driving just hit the other one on the head.
“Anyways…” the Boss continues, “the dream was then ruined when a gang came over and started shooting everyone. It was the bloodiest thing.” Said the boss. “Oh well, at least the start was good.” He looked over to see the girl just having her eyes glued out to the window staring curiously at a piece of rubbish that was stuck on the window of the car. She stared at it as it was blown around. “I bet you've never had a dream in your life, have you Hotaru?” said the boss.