Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Violent Kisses ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: This is the third chapter. I hope you enjoy. Don't be afraid to comment. Thank you. =]

Chapter 3

The chill of the night racked through my body. A shiver ran down my spine. I sometimes really hated the cold, specially when traveling.
“Cat, are you alright?” I guess she saw my tremor.
“I’m fine.”
She smiled softly at my attempt to hid my discomfort. “We might as well stop at the inn and get a room.” It’s like she could read my mind.
I nodded slowly, walking up to the door of the local inn. I was exhausted after the long boat ride to the location we were now at.
“One room please.” Seth’s voice was distant as my thoughts and senses took over. Blood thirst waved over me, making my senses run wild. “Cat! Cat!”
I quickly ran out of the inn. “Catalina!” A familiar voice ran through my ears.

“Catalina!” I stopped quickly and turned.
“But Kain!” We were both 13 and our senses were heightening.
“No buts, you have to try to control your blood lust! You could hurt someone you love!”
“Kain, you gave into it!”
“Yes, but I didn’t want to, I killed an innocent person.” I looked over at him, my eyes softened and they quit glowing. I remembered how he felt the night he gave into temptation. I should have known he would try to protect me.
I slowly retreated from the guy I knocked unconscious and followed Kain back home. “Do you think the temptation will weaken?” I looked up at him with curious eyes.
“It should after we mature more…I hope.”

::End of flashback::

“Cat! Are you okay? You really frightened me the way you ran out of the inn.” Seth’s frightened faces shadowed mine. Tears pricked at my eyes. I quickly wiped them away.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry about that, temptation took over.” I slowly walked back into the inn, distracted by everything.


I was in a dungeon that was cold and dark. My vision was blurry, and my head was throbbing.
“Catalina.” A stern voice rang through my ears. Kain.
I quickly turned and looked at him. His eyes were completely white, pupils not visible, his face hard, and his expression cold. I knew what this meant. “Kain…?” My eyes widened to the size of saucers.
I was instantly in pain. I glanced down at my side where blood was seeping from my clothes. My vision started to blur again. I grasped my side to stop the bleeding.
“Why are you doing this? I don’t understand!” My side throbbed in agony, and I was breathing heavily. I was losing blood, and fast. “Kain!”

::End of Dream::

I woke up with a scream and with a cold sweat running down my face. I could feel the tears prickling the back of my eyelids. I couldn’t understand the dream.
I crawled out of bed, grabbed my bags and quietly walked out of the inn.
I kind of felt bad leaving Seth there, but this was something I had to do.
The night was cold, and it nipped at me through my clothes. I involuntarily shook and wrapped my arms tightly around myself. Of course it didn’t help much.
I started thinking about the mission, why was I the one that had to find him? Couldn’t someone else go? It didn’t make sense to me… Yeah, I understand that I was his partner, but I never found myself to be strong.
Kain was always the bronze of us, he was the one that always fought. I always thought it was a guy thing, the urge to always fight.
I slowly sat down in front of a tree. What was I thinking?! I couldn’t do this alone, so why did I leave Seth behind? I mentally kicked myself for bring so stupid.
I went back to the river and saw a boat. “Going somewhere?” The captain asked.
“Take me to the next island?” I swiftly, gracefully, hopped into the boat.
“Of course.” The captain quickly turned back to his work. The engine soon whirled to life, and I heard the slow churning of the water. I sat down by the side, resting my chin on the palm of my hand, looking down at the dark, murky water.
Why? That was still the thought running through my head. My eyes soon felt heavy, and I instantly fell asleep.
The sun glistened over the now blue water, and shined over my eyes. My eyelids fluttered open.
“We’re almost there, Miss.” The captain announced. I lifted my head from my arms and stretched.
“Thank you.” I gave a small smile towards the captain. He smile back at me.
After reaching the island, I slowly walked up to a pub. The place smelled highly of alcohol, and blood from so many bar fights.
“Hey beautiful.” Ugh I hate drunks. I rolled my eyes, and walked up to the counter.
“Can I get you anything?” The bartender smiled at me, looking me up and down. I gave him a small smile.
“Yes, actually you could help me.” I flashed a picture of Kain. “Can you tell if you’ve seen him?” I watched the bartender’s expression turn from calm to almost terror. I slightly smiled. Kain always made people quiver.
“He was here just a week ago.”
“Did he say anything about where he was going?”
“Just that he needed to know the quickest way around the mountains.” I quickly looked outside finally noticing the mountains in the distance.
“And what did you tell him?” I gave the man another smirk.
As soon as I got the information from the man, I rushed back outside. I jumped gracefully up in a tree, then jumped from tree to tree. The bartender said that the fastest way was to go over them.
It only took me about an hour to finally get over all the mountains. By the time I was on flat land again, the sun was beginning to fall behind the horizon.
I leaned against a tree, sighing softly. I had no clue where to go anymore. I was hoping for a sign.
I soon heard the leaves in the tree rustle. I stopped breathing so I could listen better. I then heard a giggle from above me. I quickly turned around to come face to face with a wide grin of a young girl. I narrowed my eyes and jumped backwards.
“Don’t be afraid,” Her voice chimed through my ears like music. “I won’t hurt you.” She giggled once more.
I looked up and instantly met her soft purple gaze. I soon felt dizzy and fainted.