Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ We Stars Who Have Been Oucast ❯ Chapter 2: Odd Looks From A "Spacey" Girl ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In that look, just a split second long, she had conveyed three things; She wanted him to be at her house that afternoon, she didn't want to speak in public, and she held utter disdain for his choice in friends. He sat there bemused, and thought about her.
“So I was thinking we could go after school today?” asked his friend Max.
“No.” said James automatically.
“Why not?” asked Jane, one of the popular girls.
“Because I have to be somewhere.”
“Where?” asked Max.
“My cousin's in from out of town and her family's moving in.”
The small group around him laughed.
“Well, tell your mom it's too bad, we have a concert to go to.”
“Sorry Max, but this time I'm doing what I want to.”
“Nice try Jamesy, but you have no choice.”
Max!” said a voice, the speaker's shadow hovering over him.
“Yes Mrs. Kindersley?”
“Come to my office now! Jane, you too! The rest of you are to eat in silence and James, you have a guardian angel watching over you.” She put the last bit in a whisper to the brunette.
Across the cafeteria, he could have sworn he saw Rachel blink at him over her book as she ate.
That afternoon in Ms. Linn's class James texted Rachel.
Jay: Thx 4 Ur help 2day in the caf.
Space: No problemo.
Jay: Wut was the Japanese hw?
Space: I'll let U copy on break.
Jay: Thx.
Rachel! James! Quit with the texts so I can teach?
“You're doing a fine job without our attention.” Smart-mouthed Rachel.
“Yeah, we are excelling anyways, no need for us to learn what we already know.” Said James.
“You lovebirds are in for a world of trouble!” shouted Andrea across the classroom.
James and Rachel both went a little pink.
“Oh, so you're not helping your cousin move in at all, you and the Queen of the Dorks are having a love fest at her place!” shouted Max.
“I prefer Queen of the Sporks, and what's it to you, are you his mom or something?!” she shouted back.
“Yeah, well, you only like him for his personality!” pushed Jane, who sat next to her.
“Even if that had made sense it wouldn't have made sense!” She viciously retorted. “You're such a stupid prom queen in training, I feel sorry for your parents!”
Boy did that do it! Jane jumped up and hit Rachel hard. Rachel socked Jane in the stomach. The two wound up in the office.
Rachel, why did you do this?” asked Mrs. Kindersley.
“Repressed aggression. My family was murdered in front of my eyes.”
“Who did it?”
Jane's mom's ex-husband.”
Is this true?”
“Of course it isn't!”
“You liar, you father was sentenced to death!”
“Because you told the police!”
“So I was supposed to just let him go on living while I rolled over and died?!”
Rachel, how much of that was true?” asked James later as she walked out of the office crying.
“Come by my place in half an hour.” She bit her lip.
“The ship?”
She nodded and as a group passed between them for half a moment, she vanished, as he had become accustomed to with her departures.