Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Closet ❯ The Night...at the Wet Closet ( Chapter 3 )

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A figure standing at the waiting shed, wearing the school uniform again with a bag flanged at his right shoulder and his right hand fumbling with its strap, was waiting patiently. A gadget in his left hand placed on his left ear, hearing the voice directory's repetitive words…
“Where are you Greg?” asked Marvin to himself while trying to contact Gregor by his cellular phone (cellphone).
It's been 15 minutes after their basketball practice and it's a habit for Gregor and Marvin to go home together. It doesn't seem they're close yet they consider each other a friend even though they don't speak of things. Presence is enough to them.
Basketball try-outs last year made them known to each other even if they'd been classmates since middle school. They can't say basketball made them aware of each other; well, at least not for Marvin, for he didn't really like basketball. He just wrote his name in that particular club for he doesn't have any other choice. The school requires anyone to join a club so, that's how it is.
Sunset is peeping forth and students are at their houses already, but still Greg's nowhere to be found and has his cellphone turned off. He dialed the landline number of Greg's house. After five rings someone picked it up…
“San Residence” a guy's voice stated.
“Is Gregor in there?” Marvin asked. Base on the voice, it's a guy.
“He's not yet here, anything else?” Somehow, the voice seems not in the mood, so Marvin…
“Nothing more, thanks.” And he hanged up the phone, trying to search in his mind where could be the basketball genius be and thinking if he should just leave or wait and search for him. Nah, Gregor's big enough, he can handle himself.
He waited for about 10 minutes more until the guard said it's closing time. Marvin doesn't have a choice, then.
“I'll just call him tomorrow morning,” he assured himself. At that he started to leave the waiting shed beside the school-gates, not knowing what situation his friend is in at the very moment.
Gregor's sitting and leaning at the wall, left leg curled up while left arm dangling above it and his right leg stretched out, eyeing the girl one meter away from him. He was hoping that she would stop crying anytime soon for she's doing that since…well, Gregor doesn't have a timer.
He already conducted a plan on how to get out of here knowing very well that no one could help them since it's already nighttime, that all the people in the campus was long gone (even the janitors). But he needs the girl's opinion about it. It's not that he can't do it alone; his conscience is just telling him she's involved here too, so he can't just leave her, especially in that state. Don't mistake it for concern; it's just a guy-should-consider-when-a-girl-is-there thing.
The girl seemed to finally calm down now, for she wiped her tears with the back of her hands, with just a few hiccups produced by non-stop crying. After a few minutes, she's back to her `normal' self again, then noticed Gregor's watchful eyes. She smiled back with no reason at all.
He was taken aback by that. Normal people would do anything except smile after crying. He can't help but to smile back too but he controlled his mouth from twitching up, reminding himself as to what he should do. Before he could utter a word the girl beat him…
“What's your name?” she asked, smile still plastered at her face.
It seems surprises won't stop today. “Gregor San,” he simply replied.
“Gregor…I'm Shannon Juanata, sixteen-year-old, section 3-B, and I have this pretty little headband with springs but one of my classmates took it. I chased them but one of the girls, I think Erin's her name, tripped me and I fell face-front—” pointing at some scratches on her face while frowning, “—but that's not what I'm sad about.”
She paused for a second to grab her mocha-colored bag with weird key chains attached to its zippers. She unzipped one of the side zippers then pulled something and held it in front of her for him to see. It's a picture frame where a man was holding a toddler, a girl to be exact, but there's a crack across the glass frame.
As he goes over her little story, he can't help but realize his early musings makes sense…
“You…I haven't seen you before, are you new?” 'The headband proves it…And the picture frame, why was it broken? “Shannon, right?” he quickly cut her off, before she could ask anything further about him. The girl nodded.
“Shannon, I know a way on how to get out of here. You see the window above me?” He pointed the window centimeters above his head.
“Yes, you want me to shout as loud as I can so anyone could hear us then unlocked us? Sure I'll do it,” she answered gleefully and she was still smiling.
`This is harder than I thought.' “No, I'll use that window to climb through outside. Then when I'm out there, I'll run towards the male's restroom to unlock it from outside to get you out as well.” He looked at the girl to see her reaction.
Shannon focused her sight on the wall to her left, indicating she's thinking through his words. Gregor stood up, not waiting her reply for he can't waste anymore time. It's getting late based on the midnight-blue sky outside and he did told her his plans anyway.
He was about to jump up but a hand from his shoulder ceased him. He tilted his head to see Shannon staring at him with her eyes filled with panic.
“N-no, d-do-n't leave,” she said. He can't help but notice that she was stuttering and that she looked…afraid??
“It's necessary, there's no other way,” he replied, but still the girl swayed her head firmly, saying she disagrees.
He sighed. How can they get out of here then? He can't consider the `yelling' thing, it's too childish and even so, no one could hear them; there's no point at doing it. And then, there's this girl who won't let him leave her.
`Girls are really unpredictable.' He heard the girl's voice again as the hand stopped him before dropped at her side.
“I know I look rueful but…can't we just wait for someone to unlock it?” she suggested favorably as her smile vanished, replaced by a frown.
“That's applicable but if we would…we might get out of here tomorrow which I don't prefer at all.” He told her as if she-
“Arrgh,” Gregor muttered as he glared at Shannon. “What was that?” he spat, irritated. His head still hurts from that bang with Marvin and now it doubled because of her smack.
“I'm not stupid you know! I know it would be until tomorrow!” she said, with her voice rising a bit than normal.
“If you had let me climb up the window a while ago we could've been free already!” he argued back, same tone of voice she used.
“I told you not to leave!” she insisted.
“Why not?” he replied.
“You…won't return!” she spoke with a hint of anger and a sort of anxiousness.
“Now, you're a fortuneteller?” he replied sarcastically, arching his left eyebrow.
“No…” she replied weakly. `I can't tell it… must change the subject'.
Shannon was silent. It's not that she's scared of being alone, she's used to it since she turned fourteen-years-old…It's just that…
“Oh wait! Can you sign at my notebook?” she asked excitedly while rummaging her bag.
“”What??” he asked confused at the sudden change.
By the time he asked that, the notebook and pen was already in his hand while Shannon's waiting for him to sign into it.
`What's the point of arguing with this girl?' “Fine, I won't leave. It's tiring anyway.” Gregor told her as he lay down on the floor, returning to the same position he had this afternoon (both arms at the back to serve as his pillow) after he signed the notebook of hers.
She flopped down as well, but she remained seated, legs crossed underneath her. She can't believe he actually gave up.
`Maybe he just wants to sleep badly. I disturbed him when I banged the door and then he came up with a plan but I ruined it just because I'm scared…not only that, he patiently waited for me to stop crying, he didn't yell at me to stop or anything…I must be so selfish..' Shannon thought with guilt.
“You could do whatever you want, just make sure it won't disturb my sleep,” he said one last time before he closed his eyes. He's not aware that she felt guiltier to those words.
`Sigh, it's the least I can do…' she thought. She reached for Gregor's hand and put his thumb on a marker, and pressed it beside his signature. That was a habit of hers whenever she met someone that would spare attention to her even just for awhile. So far, Gregor's the first one in this school that has marked in her notebook.
`Better to have one than nothing.'
After a few minutes, sleep is seeping through her body as well, so she lay down, without realizing she's near Gregor. And within seconds, she's fast asleep.
As soon as Gregor felt someone's near him, he opened his eyes and side-glanced to witness the girl sleeping peacefully with her chest rising then drooping, which tells him she's in a deep slumber and still alive ofcourse.
`Plan B worked.'
He sat up, and was about to ready his legs to support his weight for standing when suddenly, an arm draped around his waist. He followed the arm with his gaze and saw that it was connected with a body, or rather Shannon's body. He sighed and tried to pry off her arm around him, but it seems no matter how hard he tries her grip's just getting tighter.
`I could just imagine how my dead body would be in the front page; Gregor died out of Shannon's deadly grip. Not a perfect sight at all.' Gregor thought wearily.
One last try, he added more effort on his arm to take off Shannon's arm. It was nearly away from him then…
“Father…don't leave…me” she muttered as she snuggled closer for warmth. It's getting a bit cold now that it's nightfall, `or maybe around midnight'. He doesn't have any idea at what time is it for he left his watch and most importantly, his cell phone, `Which could have been a great help now' he realized.
He settled down again in his ever-famous position and let the girl get closer beside him `It's cold anyway'. He decided to brood for awhile before sleeping.
`That's why she's preventing my leave…it's something with her past which involves her father leaving. And she's being bullied by her classmates, especially Sheila Santos for her weirdness' he concluded.
With nothing better to do, he fixed his gaze at Shannon and observed her. Her hair is ebony-colored, cut in layers at the back with long side-bangs that framed her face and reached three inches below her chin, and her face had glitters on it. Her eyebrows are average; same with the nose, but the lips are full, pinkish and slightly parted for breathing purposes. Her complexion is light tan and her body is average too, not thin nor fat. She wears the prescribe St. Nicholas uniform for girls—which composed of a white buttoned-up blouse with a necktie in the same color as her teal green skirt that reached below her knees.
However though, it's not as plain as you can imagine; wristbands (right) and bangles (left) in her wrists, then one black sock reached her mid-foreleg while the other white one was shorter than it.
What Gregor noticed since earlier is that, Shannon, with no doubt, is weird; to her appearance until her personality or moods. Physically, her style can't be seen on TV or to anyone, so it's very obvious she follows her own taste. Then, her moods are very abashing…smiling after crying then pissed and angry with him then suddenly asking his signature then sad mode then currently sleeping. At least six moods in a moment; honestly, no one other than her can change moods that quickly.
Gregor never met such a person before and it's pretty amusing, but socializing is his weakness, because for him it's a drag. Marvin is the closest thing he could ever call a friend so he doesn't make an effort to meet new people and he doesn't intend to at the moment. But he can't ignore the fact he's a bit interested to Shannon's antics.
`I really can't get girls but weirdness is not bad at all.' At that statement, Gregor found himself embracing unconsciousness as well…
With a weird girl named Shannon beside him.
The janitor yawned several times this morning while sweeping the corridors.
In St. Nicholas Academy, the janitor is the first one to get up from their sleep to clean and check the whole campus and then repeats this work during club hours. They also have the spare keys of the classrooms and other types of rooms; take the restrooms as an example, and it's with them wherever they went (only around the campus).
This particular janitor finished cleaning the corridors at the 2nd floor, and was on his way upstairs to clean the 3rd floor. When he reached the last step of the long stairs, he walked towards the restrooms at his left to check it.
He reached for his pocket to get the set of keys which are all fastened to his chain. When he found what key he needed, he inserted the key to unlock the door, and turned the door knob.
As he opened, he dropped his keys on the floor, eyes as wide as saucers and mouth opening and closing like a fish. In front of him, lay two students. The two stirred when they heard the sound of the keys clanging, and stared back, in a state of bewilderment as well.
He's trying to think how on earth those two ended up here! Yes, he saw the two students sleeping together in a very awkward position. He recalled that he locked this door during club hours and made sure no students were roaming around the particular area. So how come they are here now?
A realization dawned on him. `The window!' Right, the window can be used as a passage. For one, it doesn't have a lock and you just have to be tall enough or jump high enough to reach and climb through it. At this thought, he decided to tell this to the directress of this school for the students' false actions.
Finally, he approached the two and yelled, “Irresponsible youths!” as he stared down at them.
They quickly stood up to explain, but the janitor interrupted, “The Directress shall know about this imprudent. Follow me.” He immediately darted downstairs, leaving the two behind.
They looked at each other as silence followed. Shannon was the first one to break it. “We just have to explain this, right?” `I hope it's just that though.'
“Yeah, let's go.” He motioned for them to move now. `I have a bad feeling about this.'
My note: `karupin_019' edited some of my sentences for it lacks periods, conjunctions (she said) and such but the plot is still the same so, thank you for that. You see, I don't really follow sentence rules or whatever are those called, I just write what's in my mind ignoring rules, haha..but `karupin_019' does so she won't let me post a chapter until she reads it first (I think). I don't know if someone's reading this story but I thank those readers who reached this chapter so far. That's all, see you till next chapter.