Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Wet Closet ❯ Detention Part 1 ( Chapter 4 )

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`Something's not right.'
A lone figure lying on bed wearing white shirt and blue boxer-shorts and bed sheets entangled in his limbs, thought deeply. The room has a dim-light effect furnished by the moon's luminosity.
It's been awhile since that call and no sign of his blood-related brother yet. It's strange since Gregor always arrive home right after him. It's not that he cares, it vanished long time ago and replaced by the desire to overcome him.
He doesn't remember when but he sure knows the reason why he hated his brother. For others opinion, it's not a big deal but for him, it means a lot; it means he's better. He wants to prove that he's not just next to Gregor; that he's far more deserving and capable of than his older brother. However, right now, he doesn't intend to discuss this over his head. There are other plans that would sure lead him to `that'….
“Tch, what a waste of effort.” he muttered to no one in particular, convincing himself that it's not worth a thought.
There's still school tomorrow and he doesn't really want to fight his eyes from closing during classes so, he started to clear his mind by staring at the ceiling. He doesn't like the idea of sleeping with the thoughts of the day for there's a possibility he would dream about such. Yet, he can't shake off the nagging thing in his mind. He can't pinpoint what it is but it's affecting his sleep greatly. No, he's sure it's not about I-need-to-defeat-Gregor-in-everything but something more to that. He tossed side to side, willing himself to get sleepy for he still needs to wake up early. Not for the sake of not being late but to see Gregor's annoyed face every morning.
`I should just ignore it for awhile.' as his mind started to get blank and black at that.
He finally buried his head on the pillow, lying on his stomach signaling his already in the verge of sleep.
A girl with two pigtails wearing the school uniform (necktie replaced by ribbon) barged in the office, her mom's office actually. The room was spacious enough as expected of directress' office; two couches that fits two people in each with a small round table at the center. Right after those is the Directress' table complete with a title, computer, phones and paperwork or files at her desk. The Directress was seated in her office-chair looked at the child abruptly.
“Mom, can I just skip classes? It's really boring me, let's just play.” a girl in her toddler years was trying to convince her mom.
“Sweetie, it can't be. Come on, you go now to your class.” The mother replied sweetly to her daughter as she bent down at her level.
The girl pouted but approached and pecked her mom to her cheek and then run towards the door to the office. She's well aware school is a must but she just wants to be with her mom for much longer. It's not that she hates schoolwork, she actually loves learning but what sadden her is her classmates. They're not hurting her or anything; she just knew the fact that they're only being nice for she's the daughter of their directress. No sincerity at all, not like her mom…
She was about to walk towards her class but she saw shadows lurking towards her way. Curious as to why they're here, she hides in one of the rooms just beside the directress' office. Leaving the door just an inch open for her to peek on whoever's coming.
Three persons passed by, if she's not mistaken two of them are students; a guy and a girl. The guy seems pretty normal but the girl, she's all too weird, especially with that style. She finds the urge to burst from her hiding place to tell that lady to fix herself in more appropriate way. Seeing that they're being led by a janitor to her mom's office, she let it slipped.
After two knocks the directress' voice muttered a `come in' as the janitor opened the door for the two students to enter before him, and then shut the door. The young girl wants to know why those two in that office. It's really rare for her to see two opposite sex being brought to the office. It's usually a group of friends being called to the office for detention.
Since kids want to know everything these days, she decided to lean over the surface of the wooden door to eavesdrop.
`This could be interesting' she thought while giggling silently.
“Is this true?” The directress asked the two youths sitting in front of her.
The two seems too mortified to speak. Both heard what the janitor's side-story of what happened, which they were fully aware was a big misunderstanding, cannot seem to utter a word to clarify it.
The directress noticed the janitor's mocking smirk at the two which somehow makes her want to fire him for he's silly actions. She can't make up her mind if she actually believes the story but she can't just disregard the two teenager's side.
“Janitor” she called his attention.
“Yes madam.” The janitor replied looking at the directress quickly.
“You may leave.” “Huh? But…“the janitor seems to think of a reason to stay for him to witness what would take place but…
“I'm certain you're no longer needed here so, you may go.” The directress stated truthfully.
Sighing in defeat the janitor walked towards the exit. He turned the knob but it just suddenly opened followed by a body landing not so softly on the floor.
“Ehehehe” the girl awhile ago laughed unsurely knowing she's caught red-handed (not literally).
The eyes of the occupants are on her. Wondering how come she's in there? The room was filled with silence for awhile. Everyone doesn't know if it can be labeled as awkward silence. For the little girl though, it's more than awkward. She wanted to regret the action she did, but regret is useless at this moment. So she stood up as if nothing happened, and waited for her mom to say something or worse, to scold her in front of them.
“Bridget, sweetie, what are you doing here? Did I just tell you to go to class?” the directress-mother asked her daughter without a hint of anger.
The janitor, who was just ordered to leave, left already as soon as the directress spoke. Bridget was taken aback by her mother's normal voice. She's not expecting this…
“Mom, I'm sorry.” that's the first line that came to her mind.
“Take a sit for awhile, there's something I need to settle first.” the directress-mother inquired.
Obeying, Bridget took a sit beside the weird girl. She doesn't want to upset her mom any further. Atleast she's now inside and can see what would happen to these two teens.
“As for you two-“both hearing the directress spoke, they looked up and saw her motioning for them to supply her with their names.
“Gregor San”
“Shannon Juanata”
“Indeed, Gregor and Shannon. I-“she was cut off by…
“Excuse Mrs. Zildjan, I just wanted to say the janitor's story is completely wrong.” Gregor stated without uneasiness.
Shannon was totally astounded. She can't understand how Gregor could just say that coolly. She was sweating profusely and heart is pounding hardly as if it would break through her ribcage while him…he just stood up and said that without second thoughts.
`It's as if he's just reciting in class, how's that?' she thought while Bridget's just observing them innocently, waiting for what would happen (like watching a drama).
“I'm well aware of that Gregor, but since you two still disregard one of the school rules-students should leave the campus before 7 pm-then you should do the compensation to it or to be more precise, detention.” Mrs. Zildjan told him with a stern voice.
“You haven't heard our side yet.” Mrs. Zildjan nodded, signaling for him to defend their case.
“The janitor didn't actually do his job well. He's supposed to make sure no ones there, right?” Gregor started.
“Indeed” Mrs. Zildjan agreed.
“But he didn't, he just actually assumed no ones in the bathroom, so he locked it not even opening the door to see it's really empty. See, we are actually the victim of his irresponsibility.” Gregor finished.
Mrs. Zildjan stayed silent for awhile. Thinking over what Gregor stated to her. His side undoubtedly has a very good point. The janitor is really at fault here `I should talk to the janitor later' but then…
“Gregor San, I'm well aware that there's a window that fits one person in the bathroom,” he became silent at that.
“May I ask why you didn't use it to get out?” she asked.
“I'm also very certain that you could climb it easily for you have your companion, Shannon, with you.” She indicated Shannon by pointing her palm to her.
“And as much as I don't want to think it this way, why were you two at the Male's Bathroom at the first place?”
`Damn it, she saw through it. I know this is personal but…'
Before Gregor could utter a word, he saw in his peripheral vision a quick stumbling in front of him. He turned his head to see what it is, or rather, who it is…
“Mrs. Zildjan, we accept the compensation of our actions. You are right; we should've used the window by any means.” Shannon finally spoke and admitted something even though they're not really wrong. This is to prevent Gregor saying anything about her that night.
`I'm sorry Gregor San' she knew how Gregor made a big effort to get them out of this, but she just ruined it….'again'
`What?!' Gregor can't actually accept what she just said.
“Very well, you would have two detentions-“Mrs. Zildjan was cut off once again
“Two, Isn't that a bit much?” Gregor questioned.
“No, it's fair enough since you are two.” She paused as she took a glance at her daughter…
“The first one is simple.” She smiled sweetly as she said that.
“This is getting boring.” Bridget exclaimed insipidly.
`Why are we here again?' Gregor and Shannon thought in unison.
As much as they disagree with this kind of detention, they couldn't. One, the Directress told them so. Two, Bridget is the Directress' daughter. And three…
`She said yes'
`I said yes'
The detention was to `simply' look after Bridget. However, it's more like `baby-sitting' than `looking after' the toddler. The two teens were expecting a detention that requires a lot of work and humiliating like working in the school canteen.
`There's still a second detention though' both thought hopelessly.
Now, here they are, at Bridget's private room that is vast enough to be called a playing station. As if all kinds of toys and games are here (for toddlers though); dolls, dresses and suits, board games, you name it…
They have been here for half a day now. Hence, doing whatever Bridget feels like as to finish the detention sooner but it seems they fail miserably. Bridget keeps on changing minds whenever they started playing again. The three already did hide and seek, dress-ups, tea party, playing catch (whoever failed will sing) and so much more to the point they ended up completing the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle yet…
“This is getting boring.” Bridget repeated.
The two sighed exasperatedly. There, she said it again, and that means they have to think of another one to entertain her `till the dismissal comes.
“Now, what do you want?” he asked irritably. Gregor hates kids. Sure, he became a kid once but he's not this bratty like this `pigtail kid'.
Bridget stare, a little abashed at Gregor. She's not used to that tone. Shannon seeing this, tried to divert the little girl's attention to her…
“..Erm…Bridget, what he means to ask is...if you could suggest anything?” Shannon finished with unsure smile. Wondering if Bridget understood what she just said because she's now staring at her.
“Hm…I want you two to try…this.” the toddler showed the book in her petite hands.
Gregor grab it quick and scanned the pages; as usual, story book for kids with matching pictures. Shannon leaned a bit at Gregor's side to peek as well. Bridget's eyes seem to glimmer at her sudden idea. Who would've thought a toddler at the age of five could think such a thing.
“So you want one of us to read it?” they assumed at the same time.
“No, I want something else…but I want you to wear that attire first.” She pointed the said `attire' laid at the bed lifelessly.
The two teens followed Bridget's hand. Realizing what the toddler's request and what are those for…
“You honestly can't just!-“they didn't continue their protest because…
“Yes, I want you to act it while I narrate the story.” Bridget said excitedly with hands clasped begging for them to agree.
A heavy sigh only escaped from their lips as they stared at Bridget's pleading form…