Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What If ❯ Downhill ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Two weeks later Jesse left for the army. It was probably one of the hardest times for me in my life. I went to the bus stop and for once I could not hold my emotions back from him. He meant a lot to me and now my best friend was leaving. I know it was not going to be forever. But this was the first time we had ever been apart, since we had met. And for once I wasn't sure how to react to it.
“Cat listen to me you need to trust me, I will be ok.”
“Jesse I'm sorry I can't help it.” I said through weeping tears.
“I told you I would write each week right?”
“Yes, but.”
“No butt's ok? I promised you and I keep my promises remember? Now I have to go, they're waiting on me.”
“There is no way you can stay longer is there?”
“No. But I will tell you what. As soon as I get there I will call you. Let you know how the ride went and everything. Will that be ok?”
“I just don't want you to go.”
“Catherine I already told you this. I have nothing else, besides would it be right of me to stay here when my country needed me?”
“Your right, I know it too. But that doesn't change me wanting you to go.”
“Cat I have to go they are waiting on me. I will call when I get there.” Jesse said as he hugged me. “And take good care of that jackass I left at your house.”
“He's not a jackass.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Bye Jess.”
“Never bye, always see you soon.”
That was our motto between us never to say goodbye. A year after we had met, a friend of ours died in a car wreck. The last thing either of us said to him was goodbye. It brought us into a shock that we didn't realize saying goodbye was so final. Since then it has always been, see you soon, so it was not final. Saying see you soon meant someone would always be there for you no matter what even if they were gone.
Jesse turned and walked away. He stopped at the bus door but did not look back; instead he took a deep breath and stepped onto the bus. He was really doing it, going back into the army for his country.
The rest of the day was nothing but a blur to me. I more or less went through the motions of being alive, of driving back to my parent's house. Hell I don't remember how I even got there. The only thing I had on my mind was seeing Jesse step on that bus. He never looked back nor did he wave, and every time I thought of it I would start crying again. Nothing mattered to me the rest of the day; nothing other than Jesse was so far away.
I got back to my parents and went out by the paddock. Venom was loose in it having a good romp. He looked like a young colt out bucking, kicking and having fun. I bet Jesse would have loved to be here to see it. That is all it took and I was back to crying once again. God how I missed him, and it had not even been a whole day yet. Sheesh, if I was this bad at half a day, what was I going to be like from here on out?
No one seemed to understand how I felt. I had this pain in my body like someone ripped out my heart and slammed it to the ground. This included our new resident on the farm Allison.
“Girl you need to get out of this slump.”
I turned around to see Allison walking toward me. I looked at her trying to figure out what she meant. But I already knew, hell everyone knew. It wasn't any new surprise to anyone that has been around lately. But why did she have to gloat so much. It seemed like she didn't care.
“You don't know how I feel, so leave me alone.”
“I may not know how you feel but I can tell you one thing. It isn't going to change anything, get over it, because it is done and over with.”
“You don't understand.”
“What's there not to understand?”
“You don't know Jesse like I do.”
“You don't think this is affecting me at all? Just because I am not as close as you and Jesse are?”
“No I don't.” I snapped and started to turn away.
“Listen here Catherine I been through a lot myself and this is not easy on me either. But we need to deal with it and maybe, just maybe we can do this together.”
“It's hard Allison.”
“Let's go for a ride. The horses all need exercise and the girls are watching a movie with your parents.” Allison said “Plus you need to get out and relax. And just maybe both our tempers will calm down.”
“You're right.”
“Yea I know I'm right.” she interrupted. “Now stop thinking about it and come on. Fighting isn`t going to solve this problem especially now.”
I watched Allison walk toward the barn and I held back a few. I saw a side to her today I never thought about and maybe she was right. But of course she didn't know what happened to me either. Jesse was just the start of everything.
Allison stopped and turned around; I knew she was going to say something to me just by the look on her face. God how I hated that look, It was the same look my mother gave me when I was in trouble for who knows what that week.
“Listen Catherine, you may think this is none of my business, but you need to get over this. You drag your ass around like your dead to the world. Hell you have even ignored anyone that has tried to talk to you.”
“You don't understand Allison.”
“The hell I don't. Jesse was my friend also.”
“It's not that.”
“Are we going to start this all over again?”
“You`re the one that started it. I just wanted to be left alone.”
“Then tell me what it is? You can't have anything more wrong that I have right now.”
The fact that Jesse was back in the army was hard enough but there was more to it. I still had to get up the nerve to tell my family that I got laid off from my present job. The store decided that they had too many workers and because I was one of the lowest I was the first to go. But what held the topping on the cake set right in my pocket. I didn't want to tell anyone, just yet.
“You don't understand.”
“Try me. Just try me Catherine. Look where I am right now. Do you have two children whose father cares nothing for them.”
“Are you pregnant or something and scared you can't tell no one?”
“It's not like that Allison.”
“Then tell me dam it. What is so god dam bad that it has you so upset?”
“I can't, I just can't talk about it.”
“Well your going to have to talk sooner or later. So it might as well be now.” Allison said as she glared at me.
I wasn't about ready to tell her. This was my problem and I had to face it myself. Allison couldn't possibly know how I felt at that point in time.
“I'm not in the mood to talk right now.”
“You're never in the mood any more. Not to talk, not to do anything. When are you going to be in the mood to talk?”
“When I dam well feel like it.” I said angrily.
I stalked past Allison on into the barn. I had had about enough of this. Within minutes I had Mischief saddled and bridled and was on my way to the pasture with her. I had to get away from everyone and everything else. I needed peace and quiet. But that wasn't going to be the case. Allison had followed me into the barn and cornered me.
“I don't know what is up your ass right now. But I think it is high time you tell me.”
“It is none of your dam business, so just drop it.”
“No I'm not going to drop it. I came out here to help your family and Jesse and what do I see? You're acting like the whole world has crashed down on you.”
“Well, maybe it has for me.” I mumbled under my breath.
“Catherine, get over it. Dragging your ass around here is not going to make him come back any faster.”
“Allison, back off me. You don't know what is going on. You don't understand what has happened. And I am not ready to talk about it.” I said as I broke down and started crying.
“I think it is time for you to tell me what is going on.”
I couldn't handle this any longer. They were going to find out sooner or later. Just why did it have to be now. Why now? When I didn't have anything left in my life, just like Jesse. Oh God, this was just like Jesse. I knew how he felt now. What he had to do. It was only right of him to do that.
I walked over to a bale of hay and sat down. I still had not said a word to Allison. I knew she was waiting for me to speak but I couldn't. So I reached into my pocket and pulled out my problem. A simple piece of paper was all it was. But what was written on it was a different story. I had got the paper the day before. I couldn't even have bared the thought to tell Jesse. I slipped the paper back into my pocket and looked up.
“Allison I just can't talk right now. Give me some time, ok?”
“Fine, whatever. Just remember I am not going to let you pine over this forever.” Allison said as she walked out of her horses stall. “Now what would you like to do?”
I laughed because what I was about to say was something Allison may never have done before. It took all day and the help of Dusty.
“Go grab Dusty we will need him.” I said.
“Okay you lost me here Catherine. First you're crying and now you're laughing? I am beginning to think you have lost your mind.”
“No, I didn't lose my mind. We need to check the fences. It is something I like to do once a month or more.”
“But what does that have to do with Dusty?”
I walked to the back of the barn and uncovered an old milk cart. One that ponies used to pull. I had revised it with rubber tires and compartments. In them held barbed wire, nails, a few hammers, and other odds and ends.
“Unless you would rather carry everything Dusty will pull this.”
“Ah I see now. At least I think I do.” Allison said very confused. “Why not get a tractor?”
“Let's just say I prefer four legged power to four wheel drive. I kind of decided at one time Dusty had to earn his keep around here. This was cheaper than gas prices and it also gives him a work out.”
“So you're telling me that you would rather use Dusty than a tractor?”
“Yep. It's kind of peaceful instead of having a lot of noise. Reminds me a bit of the old west.”
“I don't see the point in it but I guess the supplies has to get out there somehow.”
“You will see what I mean.”
As Allison went to get Dusty and his harness, I loaded up the cart. Putting extra metal fence posts, nails, and barbed wire. Even with loading the cart I could not get my mind off the slip of paper in my pocket. Maybe working out in the field would help me. Taking Allison with me would help her learn the farm also. But I also knew taking her was going to be bad in a sense. I knew that I would have no way out of answering her questions. Maybe in the ride I could figure out a way to tell her.
“Ok I got Dusty ready.” Allison said.
“Let's head out. I have a section of fence I am worried about.”
“You're awful quiet Catherine, what's wrong.” Allison said over and hour later.
Covered in dirt and sweat I looked over at Allison and stopped what I was doing. The fence could wait a few minutes while I took a small break. So I walked over to a tree stump and sat down. She was true to her promise and left me alone for a while, but now I needed someone to talk to.
“Have you ever had something on your mind but couldn't explain it?” I asked still working on the fence.
“Yes I know what you mean. Happens a lot to a lot of people.”
“I am having that problem right now. It is something I don't know how to explain. I can't get out of it and I can't solve it.”
“This doesn't happen to have anything to do with Jesse does it?”
“No, not really. It has more to do with me, but it also has some to do with him.”
“So this is what has been on your mind all day and made you a royal bitch all day.”
“I wouldn't go that far.” I said snotty.
“So what is all over your mind that you can't solve?”
“You think I have been on vacation for 2 weeks right?”
“Yea, I thought it was so you could help Jesse get ready to leave.”
“Well I haven't been.”
“What?” Allison let out with a surprise.
“After Jesse told me about him going back into the army I got laid off from my job. I never told him because I knew it would worry him.”
“But Jesse would understand that, and you will find a new job. I wouldn't worry so much Catherine.” Allison said as she sat down on the ground.
“It's not only that Allison. I received something in the mail yesterday that totally shocked me.” I said as I pulled the paper out of my pocket.
“What's that you have.” Allison asked me.
“This is what I received in the mail yesterday. I could not tell Jesse before he left today.” I handed over the paper to Allison just to see the shock come up on her face as she read it.
Form 39.
Provost Marshal's Office,
____3___District, State of ___Kansas___
___March 2, 2005
To _Catherine Parker____
You are hereby notified that you were, on the ___2__ day of __March__, 2005, legally drafted in the service of the United States for the period of ___3 years__, in accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress, “for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes,” reapproved February 20, 2005. You will accordingly report, on April 3, 2005,at the place of rendezvous, in Salina, _ or deemed a deserter, and be subject to the penalty prescribed therefore by the Rules and Articles of War.
J.W. Scott _
Provost Marshal,
__3___District of Kansas_
“You're joking me. Tell me this is a joke Catherine.” Allison finally managed to say.
“I don't know. I didn't know there was even a draft going on.”
“This has to be a cruel joke. Lets go back to the house the fence can wait till tomorrow.”
“What are we going to do back at the house?” I asked. She already had me confused and I had done enough of that myself lately.
“Well for one, you're going to call the U.S. Recruiting center. Find out what the hell is going on.”
“Recruiting center!”
“Well, where else would you expect me to call?”
“Allison please do me one favor.”
“It depends on what the favor is.”
“Don't say nothing to my mom and dad till I figure out what is going on. Please!” I begged.
“Fine I won't say anything till we can figure out what is going on.”
“What do you mean we?”
Something was concocting in Allison's brain and I am not sure what it was.
“Hey, I'm in this with you.” Allison said. “Do you think I would just ignore it? I'm not that kind of person Catherine.”
I was almost speechless. This was the same person that just yelled at me all day? Now she was going to back me up and see what was going on?
“Now let's get back to the house before they send out a search party.” Allison laughed.
It took less time to get back to the barn than it did to get where we was. Even the horses did not get up in a sweat. But it was good exercise for them anyways. I stopped Mischief short of the gate and sat there a minute. Allison looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. We now shared a common secret.
The call to the recruiting office was a different story than I expected. Yes they were doing a nation wide draft. This time it was not only men but women as well. They scheduled me to meet with one of the officers later in the week. There I would get started in what I would need, what to take with me, and what to leave behind.
This would be my filling out any paperwork that needed finalized time. In just the matter of a few days my life will be turned totally upside down. Everything I knew I was going to be leaving behind me.
Allison was going to drive me to the recruiter's office in the next town. True to her word she never said anything to my parents. She had told me that it was best if I told them myself. I would do it after the appointment with the recruiter. This way I would have most of the answers that my mother would be throwing at me.
The big trick was getting out of the house for two days. Allison wanted to take her kids to see their grandparents, which was close to where we were going. So she told my parents that I would go along so she wouldn't get tired driving. It was an expectable excuse to me but still made me a bit strange. We would leave the day before the meeting and drive over staying at the grandparent's house. The meeting was in the early morning so we would leave from there. The grandparents had already said they had wanted to spend some time with the kids and it was a great way for someone to watch them while Allison joined me at the recruiter's office.
“Catherine Parker, won't you please come in, and take a seat?” a tall burly looking soldier said. “My name is Sergeant Daniel Stone, and I will be assisting you.”
“Yes, um thank you. This is my friend Allison. Would it be ok if she sits in on this?”
“That is fine. This is only an appointment to tell you what you will need and not need. And some basic paperwork that will need to be filled out before meeting at your destination point for pick up.” he said walking towards his desk. “Please take a seat.”
I walked over to one of the two chairs that sat in front of the desk. Simple chairs you would find in most offices. A bit dirty and worn but somehow it fit in. I stared at it for a moment before I took a seat. It felt just like it looked, worn and comfortable. How many times did this chair have someone in it just like myself? Scared, unsure and worried all at the same time.
“May I see the letter in question?” Sergeant Stone asked.
“Yes I have it right here. We were not sure if this is a prank or real that is why we came to you.” Allison stated.
The Recruiter looked at Allison then at myself as if trying to decide just what type of relationship we had, then glanced down at the letter. After a few minutes he got into his desk and pulled out a folder and began writing.
“What is your full name?” he asked.
“Catherine Jane Parker.”
“I will need to see a drivers license, birth certificate, and social security number please.” Sergeant Stone said as he looked up from the paperwork.
Allison looked over at me with a puzzling look, like she was questioning what was going on. But I had no clue either I was just as lost as she was. I shrugged my shoulders and got into my billfold and took out everything that I had.
“Yes sir I have them right here. Can you tell me what is going on? What this letter is about?” I said as I handed over the required things.
Sergeant Stone laid the stuff in front of him self and looked up.
“I will be totally honest with you Ms. Parker.”
“This paper you handed me is a legal draft notice. Now we just fill out the proper paper work to get you started. There will be a lot of questions that are asked please do not feel offended of them. They are just standard procedure questions.”
“You mean it is not a joke?”
“No Ma'am.”
For a moment I thought I was about ready to pass out as he said that. It had just started to sink in that here my life was changing. He continued to ask me questions that somehow I came up with answers to. The time just passed me by in an instant. First I lost Jesse by him going back to the Rangers, then my job due to lay off, now this. I looked over at Allison trying to find something, anything that would reassure me. Nothing was there; she was as blank as myself.
“Ms. Parker?”
“Huh? I am sorry I did not hear you.”
“I need to ask you a very personal question, please do not feel offended by it.”
“Do you have any sexual preferences for the same sex?”
My eyes widened with surprise. “No.” I finally managed to stammer out.
“Thank you, that was not meant in any way to be disrespectful, just a standard question we do have to ask.”
“I understand.”
“I need you to sign here and here. Now here is your copy of the paper work. These other copies you will take with you and give to the appropriate personnel. Here is a check list of things that you will be responsible for.”
I sat there and listened to the Sergeant ramble on for an hour, just nodding my head yes or no. He told me where I was to go and on what date. I would receive my rank, company, and orders upon my destination. I would be issued standardized identification dog tags along with my personal numbers. He then looked me over and went to a nearby closet and opened it up.
“I know this is all a bit confusing to you so here is some more papers explaining everything I have just said.”
“Thank you so much. I did not know how I would remember everything.” I said as he handed me the papers.
“Here is your destination paper,” he said.
“Um wait a minute, this says Texas.” I said as looked the paper over.
“Yes, there is a new base that eighty percent of the women will be stationed.”
“But you told me that I was going to Salina.” I said shocked.
“You will be meeting in Salina and continuing on to Texas from there.”
“How? I don't understand?”
“I do not have that information at this time.” Sergeant Stone replied. “You should receive more information with in a week.”
He was correct in me getting more information that week. I had received my standardized identification dog tags to make it official along with addresses and more papers to read. Now it was time to tell my parents and that was going to be hard. I had still not mentioned to them what was going on, and Thursday was the day I planned on doing just that.
Thursday came so fast I still was not prepared to tell my parents about the draft but they already knew something was up. I decided to tell them over dinner with Allison there. They would be less likely to yell with the kids there. It was half way through a very quiet dinner that Allison brought up the topic of the draft.
“Did you guys hear about the nation wide draft?” Allison asked my parents.
“Yes, it's awful. I heard they are taking women also and that is not right. Women are supposed to stay home and take care of the families here.” My mother stated.
“Now, now Sheryl women have been in the military for awhile now. They can take care of themselves.” My dad pitched in.
“Yes Jon but not drafted.”
“What does that have to do with anything? Women wanted equal rights and now they have them even in a draft.”
“What if it was your own daughter Jonathan?”
“Well more power to her I guess. Right Catherine?”
“Um, well, I did.”
“See Sheryl, Catherine agrees.” then my father stopped.
“What!” they both said in unison.
“I got drafted into the army.”
“Catherine this is no time to be joking.” My mother spouted at me.
“I'm not joking.” I mumbled as I looked down at my plate.
“When did this happen? It has to be a joke.” My mother stammered. “Jonathan talk to her!”
“I got the notice over a week ago. When Allison and I went to visit her parents we also went to the recruiting center and looked into it. At the time I didn't even know about the draft so was totally shocked myself.”
Ok this was not good my parents were sitting there in silence just looking at me. Why wouldn't anyone say anything? Just say something please yell at me do anything just don't stare at me. This was worse than I had thought. Both were in complete shock over the recent events.
“How long do you have before you leave?” My father finally asked.
“April third I have to be in Salina then will be transferred to a new army base just south west of Port Arthur, Texas.”
“April third is only about 2 weeks away. Why didn't you tell us sooner Catherine?”
“I didn't know what to say, or do or even if it was true. So I done everything I could think of till I could tell you. And if it wasn't for Allison asking about the draft I probably wouldn't have told you now.”
“But why Catherine?”
“I'm scared is why. I lost my job 2 weeks ago when I found out that Jesse was going back to the Rangers.”
“Probably from you missing so much.”
“No mother they had a lay off and I was low man on the totem pole. They didn't want to lay me off but could not help it.”
“Why didn't you tell me about that?”
“Because mom I knew you would react that way.”
“And what way is that?”
“Exactly what you said that I was missing when I wasn't.”
“Well how many jobs have you gotten fired from due to attendance?”
“Mom I was younger and going through a faze, now drop it.”
“Well, I guess we should be getting you ready.” My father spoke up.
“Already done. I can bring my truck out here and Allison and myself are going to go talk to my land lady tomorrow about the apartment.”
“What do you mean about the apartment?”
“Well I was thinking about taking over the rent and moving in there so Megan and Melissa would be closer to the school this fall. I could still come out and take care of the horses and even get a part time job in town.” Allison pitched in.
“If need to be we can always bring my stuff out here mom or Allison could use it.”
“You have thought this through haven't you?”
“There is no way I could get out of it. I had to think it through.”
That was all that was said for the rest of the night. Here my parents little girl was getting ready to go to boot camp and then possibly off to war. It was every parent's worst nightmare. I even think that getting pregnant would have been better off in their minds.