Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ What Stephenie Meyer and Anne Rice Never Told You ❯ Ah, the Blinding Hospital Lights Again... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

While Marcus' attention was focused elsewhere, I wisely decided to go with the cowardly tactic- get the fuck outta there. I didn't have time to grab a coat, keys or phone- I grabbed the knife and bolted. Well, sort of. It was more of a hurried limping.
Damn it, Kinney, not good enough! I made it a few blocks before I felt that the fight was over. Crap. I wasn't nearly far enough away. Marcus could find me easily in a ten0mile radius. Oh, I'd kill for a car. But who the hell drives in Portland? Too late now.
I gave up. I knew he was coming. One second I was staring at the deserted street and the next he was in front of me. I did have the presence of mind to hold the damn knife correctly. Go me. He read the thought that slithered across my mind.
"No, you're not going to die tonight." he said apathetically. "That one will regret interfering."
"Why the hell do you keep stringing me along like this?" I demanded. Angry heat burned through my veins. "Why can't you just kill me and be done with it? You're more than powerful enough. You could have let James kill me."
He stepped forward (perhaps a better word is slid, or slithered) and almost gently took the knife from my trembling hands. I was about done for. He tucked the knife into his coat and cupped my chin in his palm so I couldn't look away. "As I have told you before, Joannah Kinney, you are mine. No one else will kill you if they value their hide. I chose you long ago." His voice sent shivers down my spine. He spoke so factually. It's the kind of voice you expected to hear from someone like Ted Bundy before they killed you.
"Then why haven't you done it yet?" Gods, was that my voice? I sounded so damn pathetic.
He didn't answer for a moment. Fog began to creep into my vision. I struggled to remain conscious. Who the hell knew what he'd do to me if I passed out? I was losing the battle and slipping away when he answered. "You're not ready to face me yet."
Why, why, did I keep waking up with injuries lately? My body felt like one huge ass bruise. When I found the will to open my eyes, I was instantly blinded. I turned from the blinding overhead light and saw my sister. Why was she covered in red splotches? Oh, right. sunspots. She pounced the second she was sure I was awake.
"Jo, honey. Are you awake?"
"Yeah." I said thickly. My throat was dry. Danni helped me take a sip from a nearby plastic cup. The cool liquid eased my throat a little. I eased myself into a sitting position while Danni fussed like a mother hen.
"Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head. I wasn't dragging her any further into this than she already was. "The cops found the apartment completely trashed. You were in the kitchen with a knife in your hand. I can't believe you tried to fight a burglar!"
I was too stunned to speak. Trashed? No way. Then it hit me- but why would Marcus go through all that trouble? I tuned back in to Danni's frequency.
"-for at least a few weeks, so we're just going to move. Is that okay? Maybe we can find a place closer to Danni's school. I called your friend, Luke. He's going to be over later. Are you sure you're up for visitors?"
I have this theory that when Danni talks, she breaths inwards on certain words so that there isn't any pauses. I mean seriously, who can say all that in one breath? It took my mind a moment to catch up. My response was brilliant. "Uh-huh."
She frowned at me. "Maybe I should tell him to visit tomorrow-"
"No! No. Please, Danni. I need to talk to him. Work stuff." I pleaded. "I'm just a little groggy."
After much discussion which consisted of me listening meekly while she ordered me not to stress myself, I was finally alone. I relaxed for a minute before I realized that I had no idea if it was daylight outside. Shit! Oh, well. If they got me, they got me. I dozed off at some point, which only made it ten times worse when my cell went off. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I was less than charitable when I answered.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Good to hear your voice, Jo."
I groaned. "Mike, what is it? I'm in no shape to go out staking tonight."
"So I hear. Just wanted to let you know that I don't buy any of the shit the police are passing around. Are you going to be okay?" Translation: Am I going to have to stake you in a week?
"Nah, Mike, I'm fine. Just beaten up. That's a really fucked up story by the way. Wait till you hear it from Luke."
"What are you accusing me of now?" I grinned at Luke impishly over the phone.
"Disturbing the peace, speeding, frightening the pigeons. The usual."
"I'll let you go. I expect a report as soon as you can walk."
"Sure thing." I hung up and made a disgusted face at the flowers Luke was holding. They were one of those two dollar bouquets that are two seconds from dying.
"Pink. How thoughtful."
"It's always easier to get in if you have flowers." he grinned. Then his face became serious. "So what's the real story?"
I told him the whole thing. I'm not one to make a long story short. You may have noticed. Good old Luke just sat there patiently, taking it all in.
"So he took the knife away and told me that no one else was allowed to kill me. In a nutshell. Then I passed out."
Luke's expression was grim. "You know better than that. He could have hurt you. Or worse." 'worse' means 'bitten'. Keep up with the code, okay? We love reading between the lines at SS. I looked down at my bandaged hands. When the hell had I injured those?
"I know. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm lucky to be here, and human." His voice was softer when he spoke again.
"I'm not blaming you, Jo. You had a rough night. I just don't want to see you dead... or undead."
I grinned half-heartedly. "Naw, me?" Luke laughed and gave me a brotherly pat on the back. Then I was left alone to my thoughts. Something kept bothering me. I couldn't shake the look in Marcus' eyes when I asked him why he hadn't killed me. There was an emotion I couldn't name. I barely noticed when the nurse came back to give me another sedative. Soon I was back in la-la land, happily tiptoeing through the tulips and beheading vampires with a bright smile.