Other Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Ch4 Ill ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Savior- Ch 4 Ill
A/N: Rosario + vampire is a real anime/manga. Watch on youtube.
It's been 4 days since Yuko came into my life. I've done every thing I could think of to find Yuko's parents. I've put up posters, I've put ads in the newspaper, I even went out and passed out flyers to people on the street to try and see of people knew her, but to no avail. Every time I went out she adopted a sad look and her eyes would become empty. I never knew what she was thinking but leaving the house every day broke my heart for some reason. Today I took a day off of searching and catch up on some unread manga.
Yuko was in the corner of my bedroom finishing her homework while I had already completed mine and was lounging on my bed while reading the new manga “Rosario + Vampire”.
“Koji. Could you help me on this last one? I don't get it.” She requested.
I closed my book and sprang out of bed. I walked over and peered at her paper. “Sure. Which one is it.” I replied.
“Umm…here “Create and graph a relation that's a function and has an inverse that's a function.” I don't get it.” She stated.
http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm109/Skeith3rd/?action= view&current=thwhiteandblue.jpg (This is the link for the previous chapter, sorry it didn't work.)
http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm109/Skeith3rd/?action= view&current=a-2.jpg (Sorry for the eyes my bud Zack used the wrong color. He's pretty talented for being 14 huh? (I'm 15))
I knelt down next to her so my head was just above hers. “Here. For it to be a function the numbers must repeat right.” I pointed to various numbers and figures on the paper.
“(Yawn) Right.” She answered as she rested her head on my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck. My face went red as a cherry tomato.
“Um Yuko, what are you doing?”
“Sorry. I'm really drained. Could I just rest for a minute please?” And with that she was out. I tried nudging her in attempt to wake her but in response she wrapped her arms around me. I sighed, realizing that she would not wake. I gave her a soft smile and picked her up, being careful not to jostle her. I pulled the covers back, laid her down, and pulled the sheets back over her. I marveled at her small form and how she could just sleep in a house of people that she doesn't know.
“She must really trust us.” I sighed at the realization that she seemed to be cooped up in our house lately and only left for school.” I should take her out. Maybe a movie or something. She needs to have a social life outside of school.” I whispered to myself.
School let out just like everyday but something was wrong. Yuko never showed up. “When I got home I'll have to check on her.” I said to myself. I arrived home to the familiar greeting of silence. Nobody was home it seemed. Mom must be out drinking again and Suzuka must be next door playing with Natsuki, our neighbor. Who the hell knows where dad is? I stood and stared at the empty house, worshiping this rare quiet. I took it in for a few seconds, and then went to my room. I entered and threw my bag on my bed. A small squeak escaped from under the sheets. I looked over and noticed that there was something in my bed. I pulled the sheets down and discovered a young girl with blue eyes and white hair.
“Yuko! Why are here?”
She tried to speak but had to cover her mouth to keep from coughing on me. When she regained her composure she finally spoke. “H-hi Koji. I'm t-think I'm a little sick.” She gave me her signature small smile. “Sorry I missed school today. I'll make it up to you somehow.”
I was shocked. “Baka! Don't worry about me or school what's important is you.” I placed my forehead onto hers and checked her temperature. She blushed slightly. I pulled back and let out a sigh. “Hold on.” I left the room and came back a few minutes later with a wet towel. I placed it on her fore head and sat down next to her. There was a long pause that was finally broken when she spoke.
“Thank yo-.” She coughed into her hands before recovering once again. When she took her hand away there was a smudge of blood on the corner of her mouth. Terror filled my eyes when I rushed to her side to wipe it off.
“Are you okay!!!?” I took the cloth off her head and cleaned the blood off her face and hands.
“I-I guess I'm a l-little w-worse off than I th-thought.” Her eyes closed and she slipped into unconsciousness.
Tears flowed down my cheeks and I began to shake. “Please be okay, please be okay.” I sat next to her for hours as no one came home. I clutched her hand and buried my head into her chest as her breathing became labored. I place my forehead against hers again to test her temp. It was hot. Must have been at least 102 f. My tears streamed down like a river as an arm wrapped around my back.
“It's okay Koji,” Came a whisper. “I'll be fine. I just need to rest. Please.” She fell silent yet again.
I nodded my head between sobs. I knelt down and kissed her cheek. “Please be okay.” I blew into her ear and then walked over to the corner of the room. I sat down and looked over at the clock on the night stand which flashed 10:26 pm. I heaved a heavy sigh, leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
Koji's eyes shot open and darted toward the clock. He found it and was surprised that only 30 minutes had past. He quickly stood and went to the bed. The sheets were askew and Yuko was gone. He panicked and rushed to the door only to come in contact with it as it opened.
“Oww!” Koji yelped as he hit the ground. He rubbed his head and looked up to find out who opened the door to see two blue eyes were looking back at him.
“Yuko!” He jumped up and wrapped his arms around her. Yuko was shocked and her face became red.
“Koji! Wha-what are you doing?” She stuttered
“I'm so glad your okay. I was so worried.” He cried
Yuko smiled with tears in her eyes. She returned the hug and closed her eyes to take in his warmth. “Thank you Koji.” She whispered. “You stayed by my side all day. You're the only one who has cared for me this much. “Koji?” She made sure he was listening.
“Yes?” He answered.
“I think I… well… I…” She was having trouble forming the words. “I think I lov-.” She was cut by a low growling sound. “Koji?” His full weight hit her and she had to kneel down to keep from dropping him. “Koji?!” She looked at his face to find that he had fallen asleep in her arms. She laid him on the floor since she was not strong enough to lift him and put a pillow under his head and a blanket over his body. She slid a stray hair away from his peaceful face and placed a kiss upon his forehead. She said nothing but two words as she lay down beside him. “Good night.”
A/N: Hello Dylan here. I'll be taking a break from writing for camps and school. I promptly start again in September. Highschool sucks bye.