Other Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Ch 3 A New Student ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Savior- Ch 3 A New Student
A/N: sorry for the delay. My computer dumped all my data so I had to start from scratch. Well here's the next installment. I will be placing URL addresses into the story that contain pictures that my friends and I drew so you can get a better feel of the story.
Something warm was pressed on my back. I stirred in my sleep due to the sudden change in temperature. My eyes slowly opened, Bloodshot from the fact I fell asleep not too long ago. I look to the clock. It read 6:34 pm. I groggily sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked over too the bed and noticed Yuko was gone. I began to panic and my eyes darted around the room only to stop on the spot next to me. I heaved a sigh of relief that was short lived when I took a closer look only to discover she was crying.
“No, please, stay away!” she whimpered. She's having a nightmare. Trying to think of what to do I remembered a trick my mother taught me. I leaned in closer and lightly blew air into her ear. Her cheeks turned red as her tears ceased flowing and she settled down. She snuggled closer to me and the word “mate” escaped her lips.
“Mate? What's that about?” I pondered. After about a minute of thought I let it pass and laid my head down to get some rest. I had school in an hour-in-a-half.
“Koji! Time for school!” Shouted my mother.
“Yeah get up loser we don't wanna be late.” Suzuka commented.
“Ah gomenasai.” I apologized clumsily came down the stairs.
“Took you long enough let's go! We're gonna be late because of your sorry butt.” She turned in a huff and walked toward the door.
“I Gotta go. Bye mom.” I said making my own way to the door.
“Whatever.” She looked away. Her eyes full of disdain.
“Mom.” Only she gives me that look. Every time she does… I die a little inside.
“Riiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggg! Riiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggg!” The bell blared as school started and students began to shuffle into the classroom. I maneuvered my way over to the row of empty desks on the far end of the classroom and sat down in the end desk. The minute I sat down my thoughts wandered through the events of the previous day…
“Class. Class we have a new student today. It was a little last minute that she enrolled here but we were able to squeeze in so give her a warm welcome.” She turned to the door. “You can come in.”
“Will it be a boy or a girl?!” Shouted on student
“I hope it's a girl!” Shouted another.
“I hope she's hot!” Shouted a third. The last boy shouted louder than the rest and jerked me out of my thoughts. Remembering what the teacher said I sighed at their immaturity though I too was slightly curious at who this new student was. The door opened and the new student stepped in.
“H-hi everyone I'm so g-glad to be here. My name's Yuko Shirayuki.
http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20white%20hair/blackshim mer/Anime%20Female/whiteandblue.jpg?o=229 (Hold Ctrl then click on it, click full view in the corner of the picture for better resolution.)
She had deep Sapphire eyes and long snow white hair that was braided on both sides. She was clad in a simple blue sailor school uniform with a small skirt that went down 2/3rds of her thigh.
“She's so cute!” Shouted the whole class. I stared in disbelief at who was standing in front of the class.
“Damn mom! I can't believe that she made her come to school after what she went through just because you didn't want to look after her today.” I cursed my mother's name.
Yuko franticly swept the room with her eyes, looking for something that might ease her nervousness when her eyes landed on a single student. Her cheeks turned a slight shade of crimson she smiled with joy. “Koji!”
I looked up to see her along with everybody else staring at me. “Oh! Hey Yuko.” I scratched the back of my head.
She ran over and leapt into my arms shouting “Koji, Koji, I'm so happy you're here.” Her voice shifted to a hushed whisper “This place is scary. Why are they all looking at me?” Her fear was evident in her voice.
“Why is she hugging him?” “Why is she so close to him?” “Who does he think he is?” “Hey sit by me!” Apparently the whole class wanted her.
Her face grew increasingly fearful and she began to tear up.
“Shhh. It's okay. They just want you to sit by them.” My words seemed to sooth her as she became a little more cheerful.
“But I want to sit by you.”
“Well I guess it's decided.” Chimed in the teacher. “She'll in the empty seat in front of Koji.”
“Awwwwww.” The others groaned.
“Quiet down. Quiet down. Class is going to start again.” She turned and began to write on the board. Yuko still looked a little frightened but I could tell she was more excited that scared. “Alright open up to page 444 and read from…”
“Riiiiinnnnnnggggg! Riiiiiinnnnnggggg!” The bell sounded to release us from school. We were just exiting the courtyard when I stopped her with a serious question in mind.
“Yuko? Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”
“Personal?” She tilted her head with confusion evident on her face.
“Oh sorry I was wondering if I could ask you something important.”
“Oh sure what is it?”
“Um, how did you end up in the woods?”
Her eyes became stone cold, then softened. “I don't remember. Ask me later `kay?” She flashed me a smile.
I let out a small grin of my own. “Okay I don't want to push you. How do you feel today? Better than yesterday I hope. You looked a little sick.”
“Yeah much better, thanks to you. I don't know how much longer I would have lasted if you hadn't come. Call this a thank you for that and last night.” She quickly brushed her lips across my cheek in a delicate kiss and jogged away. I stood in awe just holding my cheek for 20 seconds before realizing that she had left.
“He wait up!” I called after her.