Other Fan Fiction ❯ (Rakin Bass: JACK FROST)... Jack is Back! ❯ I'm so Lonely. ( Chapter 1 )

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Yes, you all have heard the story before.
Nobody's ever seen Jack Frost because he's invisible. There was a time when he became human.
But it's probably time you heard the story when he came back.
* * *
In one of the Northern Countries, where was a little village called…January-Junction.
A long, long time ago, The Evil King of the Cossacks, Kubla Kraus had ruled over the village.
Taking all the people's money, making it so they can have peace and harmony.
But Thanks to Jack Frost, they were able to make ice coins out the icicles he made.
But on the day before spring, Kubla Kraus was over-throw, but by what, or whom, nobody knew.
* * *
Elisa and her husband, the noble knight, Sir Ravenaugh Rightfellow, were ridding near the lake on Ravenaugh's white-steed.
Towing behind them a sleigh carrying Elisa's parents, the pumpkin farmers.
“Ah, the sun is shining brightly on this fine winter's day.” He said, “Wouldn't you agree my dear Elisa?”
Elisa turned to her husband and said, “Oh yes, it certainly is. I wonder what Jack Frost is up to this year.”
“Is she always at it with Frost?” asked her papa. “Papa, behave yourself!” said Mama.
In January-Junction, Elisa was only person to admit once that she was in love with Jack Frost.
Not just because of his work making winter, She loved the way her nose felt cold of the winter's wind, and it was her belief that it was Jack touching her nose.
She wished that just once; she could learn to get to know him. Meet him face-to-face.
However, that was all just an erotic fantasy, because she was happily married to Sir Ravenaugh, her golden knight.
A brave warrior who had saved her form the palace of a wicked Kubla Kraus.
But that was all over a year ago, Now Kubla was gone, and her village was no longer threatened by him.
Now someone else was living in his castle. It was the home of the village Taylor and her dear friend…Jack Snip.
Elisa had met him last winter, and really saw up to him as close friend. However, something seemed unusual about him.
She could swear that there was more to him than meets the eye.
For one thing, she wished he was there for here wedding to Ravenaugh last Spring, but he never came, and Papa said he did get the invitation.
Now Jack only was seen in the village every winter. When spring came, he would leave the village and return at next winter.
Jack did have all of Kubla's old possessions.
Such as his castle up on the mountains, a small fortune which he shared with the town, even his old mechanical horse.
However, Jack had recently traded that metal horse in for a real one, which he took very good care of, and left her to the farmer's care when he left the village.
Jack worked a great paying job as a Taylor for the village people, who were very delighted with his work.
Sir Ravenaugh was most grateful to Jack for even mending up his cape so many times for him.
But out of all the things Jack had, the one thing he didn't have was a family. No parents, No siblings, not a single relative.
The only friends he seemed to have were a very small gypsy named Holly, and an old man who couldn't remember his own name.
But they had not been seen in a long time, and Jack was even lonelier than before once again.
Elisa did think of helping him, helping him find a family he can call his own. After all, no one should be alone like that.
However, every time she tried, Jack would insist that she not go to all the trouble and he was just fine.
Something was obviously troubling Jack, but whatever it was, he didn't seem to want to tell her Ravenaugh, or anyone in the Village.
Elisa did want to help her friend out, and so did her family, but what was that was troubling him exactly?
Nobody could tell
* * *
At the foot of the lake, Elisa spotted a familiar looking white horse. It was “Snowy” Jack's horse.
She was tied to the tree and munching on a few carrots, and right in front of her was Jack Snip the Taylor, he seemed to be ice fishing.
She and her family rode over to him, “Hello Jack.” She said kindly when he turned to face her.
“Hi' Elisa…Sir, Ravenaugh … folks!” he said to them both tipping his stocking-cap, and the bell on top of it jingled.
“Good Day to you to Mr. Snip.” said Ravenaugh, “My family and I were just strolling by to have a picnic, but we did not expect to find you here.”
Jack smiled and said, “I've been working pretty hard lately, so I'd thought today I'd take a day off and do a little fishing.”
Elisa though of something, and whispered it to Ravenaugh, he nodded at the idea, and Elisa said “Jack, would like to come with us?”
Jack didn't know if he was dreaming or if he was awake, Elisa just asked him to come with her husband on their picnic.
He looked shyly at Ravenaugh; but he smiled and said, “You are indeed welcome to join us, my good man.” He said.
“Yes, please do come!” said Mama, “We have not seen you for a long time, kid!” Papa.
Jack nodded, and gathered up his things. Then he saddled Snowy and rode off with his friends.
Elisa was thrilled that her friend Jack was coming, but for some reason, she detected just a small bit of sadness in his eyes.
* * *
They arrived at a clearing near the edge of the lake where there wasn't much snow covering the ground.
A perfect place for a wonderful Picnic-lunch and for Jack to continue at his fishing.
As they ate their lunch, Elisa and her family again tried again to convince Jack to let them help him find a family.
But as always, Jack insisted that they not even bother. What he was going through couldn't possibly be helped by anyone.
“Nonsense there, Lad.” said Ravenaugh, “We feel more than just friends to you. We feel as though you are one the family, and we wish to be of assistance to you.”
“Please Jack.” said Elisa, “What's really bothering you?”
“Come on, Kid?” said Papa, “Spill the beans, what is wrong with you?” said mama.
Jack decided to tell them. “There's a woman, that I'm love with.” He said sadly.
“I thought that she loved me, she even said it herself. But she never knew that I felt the same… and now she's gone.”
“And it's all because she didn't know…who I truly was! I really do love you all like Family to me…but”
“It's just…not the same!”
“What are you saying, Jack?” said Elisa
Sad music began to fill though the air as Jack stood up and began walking toward the water…and he began to sing!
“Well…you see!!”
* * *
-I'm so Lonely, So lonely
So lonely and sadly alone
There's no one, Just me only
Living in my house of stone
-I work really hard and live up to demands
But nobody listens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me
And so…I'm lonely
*Sniffles* A little lonely
Poor little
* * *
Jack's song brought to Elisa eyes that Ravenaugh had to pass her a tissue, even the horses had a tear to shed for him.
The music kept on playing, as Jack stood up to walk over to the lake, “And with no family of my own.” He said.

* *
-There's nobody I can relate to
Feel like a bird in a cage
It's kind of silly, but not really
Because it's filling
my body with rage

-I may be clumsy, but I'm clever, and physically fit
But nobody else seems to realize it
I longed to have a wife, someone who
to be with me
-But I lost her… So I'll just be lonely
Yeah, a little lonely,
Poor little me!
* * *
Even Ravenaugh had a few tears to shed now, he felt so terrible for his friend, Jack
Jack looked at himself on the reflection of the water, and let his tears falls down into it.
* * *
-I'm so Lonely!
* * *
By the end of the Day, Elisa and her family had invited Jack home for dinner. But he refused and said he had to catch up on some work at home.
So they said their good-byes. Elisa even kissed Jack's cold check which filled him up all warm and fuzzy inside.
“I'll ask Jack Frost to keep an eye on you tonight, Jack.” Said Elisa, I just know he'll be there for you.”
Then they rode off back to the village, and as it was getting late, Jack loaded up his things, mounted Snowy, and rode off to his castle on the mountain