Other Fan Fiction ❯ A Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal ❯ Tom and the Bra ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thea: well i'm here all on my lonesome, Anony is off on spring bresk *in no-internet land!* and ImUrGirl is away at school at the moment, but i'm sure you'd much rather have something more to lsaugh at than wait an entire five days for some more, right?
so i belive i have permission to write this *looks left and right, up and down* as long as they don't catch me before i hit "add Story"
Hope you enjoy! *and i know, its short. :(
Bill was lazing lackadaisically on the couch, watching his fully gay brother gush over an absolutely huge bra with the two other boys. A fan had thrown the monstrosity of lace and sheer size up on stage during In Die Nacht.
It had landed gracefully on the neck of Georg's bass. It was sea blue, with unimaginable amounts of lace and sparkly rhinestones.
“It's so huge,” Gustav mumbled in a state of awe, still not quite sure what to make of the double 'G' sized cups.
“'Course it iz, it'z a dubble GEE, doz yu haz N E idea how bigz her boobzez wud have 2 B?” Georg finished talking with a dreamy look in his eye, he seemed to be visualizing the whole thing.
“Yeah, not to mention how big the rest of her would have to be,” Bill interjected, “the band could probably wrap around the four of us easily.”
It was true, the bra was sized as a GG 67.... in English... H.U.G.E.
Gustav and Georg both blanched considerably, obviously trying to picture who the bra could possibly have belonged to.
“I have a awesome idea!” Tom suddenly piped up, a look, somewhat resembling 'genius' erupting on his adorable face. He pulled his hats off his head and untied the scrunchy that held his dreads in place, releasing them to fall gracefully across his shoulders, he gave his hair a shake, reminiscent of a nineties hair model and grabbed the bra from Georg's relaxed grip.
“Look, “ he beamed, while placing one of the cups over his head, much like a scull cap. “I'm a jelly-fish.” He smiled widely, and wiggled his arms at his side, his three band-mates couldn't find the brain power to move so they simply blinked, not so much surprised as horrified that Tom had put the thing on his head.... it was Tom, though.
“See? I have testicles,” he picked up a few dreads and waved them as if they were flowing in water. “Wooosh, wooosh,” he even added the sound effects.
“Okaaaay...” drawled Gustav, “I'm going to assume he meant tentacles.”
“I shud hopes u haz testiclez, other wize, ud be a gurl.” Georg added, with a face breaking smile.
“I think he would have been smarter if he had been born a girl.” Bill muttered and rolled his eyes.
Tom was now bobbing his head and weaving about the room, waving his 'testicles' around. He lapped the room a few times before he stopped suddenly in front of Georg and pinched him sharply on the arm.
“Ow! WTF was that 4?” Georg exclaimed jumping back.
“I told you, I'm a jelly fish, and jelly fish testicles sting people.” Tom explained, as if a sixteen year-old running about the room pretending to be any kind of animal was a normal occurrence.
“Okay, enough jelly fish and testicles please,” Bill groaned while swiping the bra from his brother's head. “I have a better idea.”
Chapter End Notes:
there you go! i hope you enjoyed that, and if you died, iether form laughter, or from the horribleness of it all, i claim no responsibility!
so i belive i have permission to write this *looks left and right, up and down* as long as they don't catch me before i hit "add Story"
Hope you enjoy! *and i know, its short. :(
Bill was lazing lackadaisically on the couch, watching his fully gay brother gush over an absolutely huge bra with the two other boys. A fan had thrown the monstrosity of lace and sheer size up on stage during In Die Nacht.
It had landed gracefully on the neck of Georg's bass. It was sea blue, with unimaginable amounts of lace and sparkly rhinestones.
“It's so huge,” Gustav mumbled in a state of awe, still not quite sure what to make of the double 'G' sized cups.
“'Course it iz, it'z a dubble GEE, doz yu haz N E idea how bigz her boobzez wud have 2 B?” Georg finished talking with a dreamy look in his eye, he seemed to be visualizing the whole thing.
“Yeah, not to mention how big the rest of her would have to be,” Bill interjected, “the band could probably wrap around the four of us easily.”
It was true, the bra was sized as a GG 67.... in English... H.U.G.E.
Gustav and Georg both blanched considerably, obviously trying to picture who the bra could possibly have belonged to.
“I have a awesome idea!” Tom suddenly piped up, a look, somewhat resembling 'genius' erupting on his adorable face. He pulled his hats off his head and untied the scrunchy that held his dreads in place, releasing them to fall gracefully across his shoulders, he gave his hair a shake, reminiscent of a nineties hair model and grabbed the bra from Georg's relaxed grip.
“Look, “ he beamed, while placing one of the cups over his head, much like a scull cap. “I'm a jelly-fish.” He smiled widely, and wiggled his arms at his side, his three band-mates couldn't find the brain power to move so they simply blinked, not so much surprised as horrified that Tom had put the thing on his head.... it was Tom, though.
“See? I have testicles,” he picked up a few dreads and waved them as if they were flowing in water. “Wooosh, wooosh,” he even added the sound effects.
“Okaaaay...” drawled Gustav, “I'm going to assume he meant tentacles.”
“I shud hopes u haz testiclez, other wize, ud be a gurl.” Georg added, with a face breaking smile.
“I think he would have been smarter if he had been born a girl.” Bill muttered and rolled his eyes.
Tom was now bobbing his head and weaving about the room, waving his 'testicles' around. He lapped the room a few times before he stopped suddenly in front of Georg and pinched him sharply on the arm.
“Ow! WTF was that 4?” Georg exclaimed jumping back.
“I told you, I'm a jelly fish, and jelly fish testicles sting people.” Tom explained, as if a sixteen year-old running about the room pretending to be any kind of animal was a normal occurrence.
“Okay, enough jelly fish and testicles please,” Bill groaned while swiping the bra from his brother's head. “I have a better idea.”
Chapter End Notes:
there you go! i hope you enjoyed that, and if you died, iether form laughter, or from the horribleness of it all, i claim no responsibility!