Other Fan Fiction ❯ A Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal ❯ A Moment With Jost ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Chapter Notes:

Anony: poor jost! XP yes, yes, this next chappie from Billa is from jost's perspective...poor man, having to deal with those sexy sexy boys XD

Billa: ooh yess, i feel soooo sorry for him.

Anony: i'd take his job any day ; )

Billa: a new spin on the 'band manager' cliche

The bus was driving between Munich and Kuln, and David was driving in the truck behind, he never traveled in the bus with the boys, he found it too stressful, if you can imagine (i'm sure you can).

He had his music turned up full blast, Lorena McKennett (hey, don't diss till you've listened, he found it very calming thank you!) He had his windows rolled down, and his half finished cigarette resting in his left hand out the window, to keep the ash form falling inside the car, he didn't care about the smoke, heck, if it stayed in the car maybe he wouldn't have to smoke so much.

He was stressed, managing teenage boys was not exactly the 'dream job' he'd imagined when he started off in the music world, even if he did love the boys like his own kids, and even if they had been normal, it was no easy ride.

But they weren't normal, not by a long, long, very long shot, he had four very unusual boys in his care. An oversexed guitarist with an IQ lower than his age, a bassist who only spoke in some weird form of Internet...thing, a drummer who couldn't go out in full sunlight, but was otherwise mostly normal, and a singer who thought the universe revolved around him, his ego only matched by the sheer size of his hair.

Yes life was not in the least bit.....normal, or routine, the only thing that ever made sense now-a-days was the carefully planned schedule, it was the only thing that kept him sane, and the fact that he made sure never to ride with the boys on their bus, not after that last time; he swore to himself Bill would never get behind the wheel of a vehicle again.

David shuddered at the thought, the memory. With a quick flick of his wrist he knocked off the ash from the tip of his cigarette and raised it to his mouth to take a long, grateful, drag.

Just as he finished, he swore he saw something white and fluffy catapult itself from one of the side windows of the bus, but he couldn't be sure, he had been seeing things lately, strange things...unusual things, must be the boys wearing off on him. He dismissed the notion that someone had actually catapulted something from the window until he noticed it happened again, just moments later.

'Damn boys, what the hell are the up to now?'

Chapter End Notes:
Billa: just a short little bit i felt jealous that anony got to update, and i swear i worked relly hard on the next chapter, but i'm having serious doubt issues