Other Fan Fiction ❯ A Twilight Fan Fiction. ❯ Rosalie,Pride ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
-noun 1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
Pride, Arrogance, Boastful, Conceit, Egoism.
I was stunning when I was a human.
To say the least.
I had men drooling all over me every day. They would buy me gifts and write me songs.
No one could compare to me.
The girls in town despised me. They were jealous I suppose. With me around none of the men paid any attention to them, the plain ones. But who needs friends when you have your beauty?
I was my family's joy. Their beloved Rosalie with the face of an angel, skin as soft as petals and hair as golden as the sun. I could do no wrong. And on top of that I would bring in some income with my looks. Men would pay a handsome fee to take me to dinner. Or to just talk to me.
Life was good. I had about a dozen men to choose from to become my husband, but none suited me. I was too beautiful for them all. I deserved much better than them.
They had flaws. I had no flaws.
I was perfect.
I decided to take a walk one day, down by the banks of the river. It was spring time and there were little pink flowers floating on the water.
They would look so pretty in my hair. Therefore adding to my already brilliant beauty
I tried to reach for the flower. It was too far away. I leaned in more, but suddenly I began to slip. Then I was in the water.
The cool water floated around my head. Around my body.
I was strangely calm underneath the water.
There were other beautiful things under the water.
Rings and necklaces.
But the longer I watched the dimmer they got.
Until everything went black.
Fire burned through my veins. I tried screaming but no sound came out.
It was like my body forgot to work.
The pain kept getting worse and worse and I thought I couldn't handle it
for a minute longer.
I longed to be under water again. With all the pretty things. Pretty things like me.
I would rather be anywhere else then here, wherever I was, experiencing such pain.
As the pain got worse I couldn't even think anymore.
My body began to shake, and my face was wet with tears and perspiration.
It seemed like decades before the pain ended.
But just like that, it was gone. How could it just disappear so fast? Had I imagined it?
I could never have imagined something that hurt so badly.
Was I dead?
I couldn't be dead, could I? What would the world do without my face there.
What would my family do?
I opened my eyes to see three inhumanly beautiful faces starring right back at me.
Of course they weren't as beautiful as me, but they were still beautiful.
There were two men and one woman.
They explained to me what happened, and what I had become.
I refused to accept it.
How could I, Rosalie be a Vampire?
Vampires were of course fairytales made to scare young children.
These people are crazy, I thought. I needed to get out of there before they did something to me. Like scar me for life.
I ran out of the room and was suddenly filled with a sensation so strong. I had never felt anything like it before. I could smell the trees outside. I heard a twig snap. I could hear the people upstairs talking as if I were in the room with them.
How could this be possible?
Was I really a vampire? And if so, what did I look like?
I made my way around the house looking for the bathroom. I finally found it. What I saw in the mirror both pleased and startled me.
I was even more beautiful.
My hair had become more golden. My skin pale like the three people or vampires, upstairs. I examined my self more closely. My teeth were even more white than usual.
But something was different about me.
Then I realized.
I had blood red eyes.
Then I knew. I was a vampire.
I soon adapted to my new families ways. They didn't drink from humans but from animals. They pretended to be regular people, they went to school and had jobs.
But that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to be human. I never asked to be a vampire.
I had wanted to drown that day.
Although I was more beautiful that still wasn't enough.
I was a monster. I drank blood. I drank blood. I would never die. My family would die, the men who went after me in my human life would also die. I would watch them all wither away. Here today, gone tomorrow.
I felt alone.
It didn't help that the one that I was made for, Edward, didn't want me.
He didn't want me!
In my whole life this had never happened before. I was always the one who didn't want them. I was too good for them.
What he was saying was that he was too good for me.
I wasn't attracted to him or anything, but just the thought that someone didn't want me made me angry.
No matter how I dressed or what I did with my hair, he still showed no interest.
I was so angry it made me hungry even though I hunted a week before.
So I went hunting again. I could smell a bear and… something else. The sensation filled my nose and made my mouth fill with venom
Human blood.
I found the bear mauling a man. Something about him… I had never felt that way before.
I wanted him.
I threw the bear off of his now limp body trying desperately not to sink my teeth into him.
I don't know how, but I made it home without tasting his blood. I hoped that I made it home in time for Carlisle to save him.
Carlisle came out and brought him into the house. I needed to leave before my wild side took over and I finished him off.
I ran into the forest.
But I could still hear his screams of pain.
And for once I felt pain for another person other than myself.
When he woke up he was even more breathtaking. His body was huge. He had so many muscles I couldn't even count them. His face was cute. I knew he could see me staring.
He stared back
I was in love.
His name was Emmett
From then on we were inseparable. The perfect couple.
Once when Edward saw us together, a look of jealousy came over his face.
I smiled pleased with myself. I had finally made him jealous.
But then I realized. He wanted a relationship like mine and Emmett's. Something he had never had. Not me.
When two more vampires joined our family ( Alice and Jasper) they were a couple too. I saw the same look in Edwards eye as he looked at them.
I pitied him.
But he had his chance with me.
We had just moved to Forks a year before. We were going to the high school. A new girl came to our school.
Isabella Swan.
She definitely wasn't as pretty as me. But there was something about her. Something that made all of the boys at the school want her.
I was enraged.
How could a petty human compare to me?
And to add to that, even Edward was interested in her.
What did he see in her?
At first I thought that she was just a toy to him. He was fascinated with how human she was. How she blushed every time he looked at her. Or how her heart sped up at the mention of his name.
But I could tell there was more to it.
He loved her.
And she loved him.
I hated her.
What was wrong with me? I was practically throwing myself at him and he still didn't care. But she blushes once and he's in love.
I was prettier then she was.
I was a vampire and she was a mere human.
I didn't understand.
She was ruining our family. Humans weren't supposed to know our secret.
Didn't Edward know how dangerous this was?
My family said I was jealous.
How could I be jealous of her?? I was a vampire. I was beautiful. I had everything that she didn't. Except that she was human.
Ok. Maybe I was a little jealous.
But I would never tell anyone that.
Something about Bella had Edward hooked. I was pleased when he decided to leave Forks.
To leave her.
He left “for her own good”. But I was still pleased.
I had my family back.
When Alice had a vision that Bella tried to commit suicide I was surprised.
She didn't seem like the type.
Oh well. At least now Edward could get over her. Ever since he left he had been depressed. His moping made everyone else depressed too.
I called him.
I told him.
Bad idea?
I guess so because he tried to kill himself by going to the Volturi.
Luckily Bella and Alice went to Volterra and stopped him.
If Edward had committed vampire suicide I would have never forgiven my self. Sometimes he got on my nerves but he was like family to me.
My family would never have forgiven me either.
At that point I thought maybe Bella wasn't so bad.
Just a little annoying.
But she wasn't bad If she made Edward happy.