Other Fan Fiction ❯ Kin ❯ Chapter 1: Glenn ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1: Glenn

Disclaimer: I don’t own The Wheel of Time or any of the characters except Glenn.
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Thanks you for the review

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“You̵ 7;re who?!” Mat said surprised.

“Lan’s cousin, Glenn Mandragoran,” he said.

He remounted his horse and told them that he’d ride with them. They rode on and they asked Glenn questions but all he said is he would tell them when they made camp. Well, everyone except Lan and Moiraine, they stayed silent. They made camp on a hill where they could see all around. Moraine made a barrier to disguise them from the numerous beasts that dwelt in the Blight.

“So, how are you Lan’s cousin?” Perrin asked Glenn.

“I’m his father’s brother’s second son,” he replied.

“Second son?” Rand asked.

“Yes, I had two brothers and a sister, until the Blight swallowed Malkier,” Glenn said bitterly.

Lan came over and sat by his cousin.

“I thought you died to the Blight after I left with Moiraine,” Lan said quietly, “no one lasts in the Blight long.”

Glenn sighed and looked to the sky. There he spotted a raven and he quickly drew his hand to a pouch at his waist, drew a flat piece of metal, and threw it, killing the raven. He snorted and muttered something inaudible.

“What was that you threw?” Mat inquired.

He drew another one and showed it to Mat.

“Throwing knife, they’re very useful,” he said as Mat took it.

It was a flat piece of metal, about six inches long with three inches of it tapered to a point, it was extremely sharp and very dangerous. Mat handed it back and Glenn returned it to his pouch. He looked at Lan and smirked.

“And as for your earlier statement about surviving in the Blight, trollocs don’t stand a chance against my swords and I,” he said.

He got up, walked to his horse, and got his twin blades. They looked almost identical to Lan’s sword. He buckled them onto his back and drew them. Glenn went through several forms with the same grace as Lan did. It was almost like a dance but deadlier.
Lan got up and drew his blade. He walked in front of Glenn and he stopped. Then in an amazing show of swordsmanship, they began to spar. They slashed and parried, thrusted and defended. Lan disarmed his cousin of one of his blades but he readjusted to two-handed and continued to fight. Soon Lan disarmed of that one too. He put his sword to Glenn chest and said, “You are beaten.”

Just after he did this, Moiraine came from the other side of the invisible wall that separated the men side from the women side.

“What are you doing?” she demanded, retaining her Aes Sedai calm.

“Nothing, Moiraine Sedai,” Glenn replied.

Glenn gathered up his blades and returned them to their sheathes on his back as Lan sheathed his sword.

“Really, I was coming to tell you gentlemen goodnight but instead I find your sword on your own relative’s chest,” she said.

Glenn returned his swords to his horse and bowed to Moiraine. Then he went to his bedroll and promptly went to sleep.

“I’m sorry Moiraine, it’s my fault,” Lan said.

“Don’t let it happen again Lan, goodnight,” Moiraine replied before walking back to the other side.

Lan told Mat, Perrin, and Rand to go to bed before doing so himself. They talked about Lan and Glenn’s duel for several minutes before going to bed. The next morning Glenn told them regrettably that he was headed for Fal Dara to join the Shienerians for the march to Tarwin’s Gap.

“Goodbye Lan I hope we meet again,” he said before turning his horse and galloping off to Fal Dara. He reached it three days later just before the men at Fal Dara marched to join the main host at Tarwin’s Gap.

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A/N: The next chapter will contain the Battle of Tarwin’s Gap through Glenn’s point of view. Review please!