Other Fan Fiction ❯ Miss Spencer Loves Her Candy Cane ❯ Chapter 1- Why are we in Japan? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miss Spencer Loves Her Candy Cane
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters associated with the game “Rumble Roses”. This is basically a vehicle for lesbian sex between my two favourite characters (and a few others). Please enjoy it on that level and nothing more.
The sex is graphic, but I need plot and character development in my stories, so just beware. Also, I can spell, unlike many smut/Hentai authors out there. If you notice any typos, please tell me. Then prevent me from committing seppuku in the corner…
Miss Spencer walked tall and proud from the ring. A sheen of sweat covered her skin, the result of terrific exertion, but she had emerged triumphant from her first match in the Rumble Rose tournament. Reiko Hinomoto, daughter of the legendary women's wrestler Kamikaze Rose, lay vanquished in the ring, not yet able to move.
Miss Spencer passed through the curtain and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. Her body ached and her heart was pounding as she tried to center herself. True, she still practiced wrestling at the gym and was proud of the fact that she had a body girls ten years younger than her would envy; but perhaps she was willing to admit that this tournament was a little more intense than she had expected.
“Well, forgetting to take your glasses off before the match began should have been the first sign that you were out of practice…” she said to herself. It was simply amazing that they hadn't been shattered into a thousand pieces. Especially when that Reiko girl had kicked her in the head…
She groaned wearily and rubbed her neck. It was stiff from that one headlock her opponent had put her in. She had been on the verge of blacking out when she remembered a rare countermove and applied it, stunning her opponent long enough for Miss Spencer to get her second wind.
Where on earth would she find the stamina to get through the rest of this tournament?
That's silly talk! You're not here to wrestle with a bunch of pretty women! You're here for one thing and one thing only- to retrieve Miss Welsh and bring her back to school! If she doesn't get back soon, she may very well fail!”
She thought of her dear student. Miss Welsh had always been one of her favourites, even if none of the other teachers saw any value in the girl. True, she was a real firebrand, impetuous and rebellious, prone to talking back and running off, but this time was different. For several days she had seemed agitated and sad, not her normal sanguine self.
Miss Spencer was probably the only member of the staff of St. Marguerite d'Youville's School For Girls that knew for certain about Miss Welsh being Candy Cane, the lead singer and guitar for the all-girl punk band “The Killer Bambies”. Miss Spencer had coerced it out of one of Miss Welsh's fellow students earlier that year. As absurd as she found the notion, she followed Miss Welsh one evening as she snuck out of the dorms and hitched a ride into town.
The club that the Killer Bambies (a club named “Sans Mercie”) was playing at was little more than a box full of screeching metal noise and grinding, gyrating and surging bodies. Miss Spencer had dressed for the occasion and watched from the crowd as the Killer Bambies played their set.
The crowd really got into the music, especially when Miss Welsh began shaking her behind at them from beneath her schoolgirl skirt. Miss Spencer bit her lip upon seeing the white shirt knotted just below her bosom and the non-regulation thong her student was wearing.
“Unbelievable!” she had said to herself. “Why would any student of mine participate in anything as raucous and pointless as this?!
Confusion gave way to shock, however, as Miss Welsh/Candy Cane pulled a girl up onto the stage and began kissing her. The crowd went wild, cheering and cat-calling. Miss Spencer stood there, her jaw almost slack.
Miss Welsh had the young lady pressed to herself, their arms holding each other close as they tangled their tongues in each other's mouths.
Miss Spencer was still standing like a statue when she felt someone wrap their arms around her from behind. She shuddered in surprise and whirled around, to see a young, drunk or stoned woman leering at her. She pressed herself up against Miss Spencer, their breasts squashing together as she kissed her sloppily. Eyes wide, the teacher pushed her assailant away and began pushing through the crowd, making her way to an exit, any exit…
She burst through a door and into an alleyway behind the club and tried to compose herself. Her mind was reeling from what she had seen. Her precious, precious student, acting like a… she couldn't even bring herself to think it.
She gathered her thoughts and tried to explain this to herself logically. There had to be more here than met the eye, didn't there?
Very well, let's begin with what we know…she has always been something of a rebel. She'd had a very hard life before coming to St. Marguerite's. What was she rebelling against?
True, life at the school could be rather rigid. The nuns were very very strict. The girls' daily lives were heavily regimented, precisely to keep them out of trouble. After all, weren't idle hands the tool of the Devil, according to Voltaire?
Miss Spencer believed in fun, of course, but where was the fun in this? Sneaking out of school after lights out, driving into town and acting like a maenad, always with the danger of being caught and…
She heaved a sigh and laughed to herself. There was her answer. Miss Welsh was a free spirit and it was her strictly regimented life that disagreed with her so.
She thought about what she had heard her student playing and singing up there on the stage, what she had been expressing. Her songs had been about dark rebellion and screaming back at a world that didn't want you.
Miss Spencer had to admit, she herself sometimes felt that way at St. Marguerite's. She was the only teacher at the school who wasn't a nun, although the school had been her alma mater. She had been a privileged child from a wealthy Anglais family and the nuns had doted on her. Her grades were always perfect, her extra-curricular activities abundant and she was popular with everyone…
Except the bad girls; how they had hated her. Her junior year had been bad.
She remembered the night she had heard that a small group of these girls were planning to come into her little room in the middle of the night, gag her and drag her out to a secluded part of the grounds and do bad things to her. Never being one to shrink from a challenge, she had confronted the girls and dared them to meet her at the chosen spot at 3 am. To their amazement, she was waiting for them.
“I don't know what your problem is, ladies, but I am quite certain I've done nothing directly to offend you…” she said, her piercing gaze on the group of five students. “If you have issues, I'm here to settle them for you.”
The girl who was obviously the ringleader, a senior named Eve, stepped forward and pointed her finger at Miss Spencer. Her long, dark hair hung down her back in a ponytail.
“Can the speeches, bitch!” she spat in heavily accented English. “You're going to get what's coming to you tonight. We're sick of you and your prissy bullshit!”
Miss Spencer cleared her throat delicately behind her hand. “Watch your language, missy.”
“Or what?” taunted Eve, cracking her knuckles. “Are you going to run to Sister Lolette and tell on us?”
“No, nothing of the sort.” Miss Spencer replied. “I'll show you the error of your ways myself.”
“Big talk, bitch!” hissed Eve, angry that the prey was not intimidated. “We're going to lay a beating on you and then tear off your clothes and fuck you. How do you like that?”
“I see.” Miss Spencer said calmly, not even batting an eye. “Is that all you wanted? A fight?”
“No, I'm going to beat the shit out of you and then cum on your face while you lie in the dirt.” Eve growled, gritting her teeth. She could sense her supporters wavering. They knew that the Spencer-bitch was the champion wrestler of the school. No one could touch her. Eve had to act fast or she'd be acting alone.
Miss Spencer pondered her opponent's words for a moment. “Very well, tell you what- if you think I'm such a priss, here's your chance to prove it. You and I, one on one. The first one to make the other `cum', as you so disgustingly put it, wins. The loser does not interfere with the winner in any manner for the rest of the year. Agreed?”
Eve was taken aback. She had expected this prissy bitch to back down in horror and lose face, even if no fight happened. Now she was calling Eve's bluff. The girls were whispering to one another behind her about how cool this was. They'd come to beat someone up and instead they were going to get a sexfight.
Eve whirled around. “Shut it! I haven't agreed to that!”
“Oh? Are we afraid, mademoiselle?” quipped her blonde opponent, smirking.
Eve was caught and she knew it. If she backed down or called it off she would be humiliated. But if she fought this girl, there was a good chance she would get beat. Her only hope was that this prissy bitch knew nothing about sexfights and wouldn't be able to make her cum. Unlike herself, Miss Spencer was a proud, self-proclaimed virgin.
“Alright, bitch,” Eve said at last, nodding slowly. “Whoever cums first loses, but I'm upping the stakes. The loser is the victor's bitch for the rest of the school year.”
“Fair enough.” Miss Spencer said easily. “I could use a lout to carry around my books…”
The girls laughed as she spurned Eve's attempts to intimidate her. She stood there waiting, one hand resting on the hip she was leaning into. Eve snarled and lunged at her foe, her fingernails flashing at Miss Spencer's face…
She caught the brunette's wrists and spun her around. Before Eve knew what had happened, she was in a full nelson. She squealed and struggled, but the prissy bitch's grip on her was too strong. Miss Spencer swung her left and right like a rag doll, to the gasps and whispers of the girls watching.
Eve went limp, attempting to pull the blonde down to the ground and roll her over. Miss Spencer felt the change and dropped to her knees as well, keeping the headlock firmly in place. Eve strained to reach her opponent's arms, struggling to try and get some purchase on her for.
“God… damn… you… bitch…”
“Now now, language!” Miss Spencer said as she shoved Eve forward onto the ground, planting her face into the turf. Now on her knees with her face pressed to the grass, Eve sputtered and struggled wildly, but Miss Spencer still had a death-grip on her wrists. She pulled on Eve's wrists with terrible strength, pinning them between her legs and crossing her ankles so that she was immobilized.
She then sat on the girl's back, crossing her legs and smiling challengingly at the onlookers. Eve could do nothing but cough and groan in frustration and pain.
“Have you had enough?” asked Miss Spencer nonchalantly. “Oh, but wait… this is a sexfight, isn't it? Like those ones you girls have on occasion to determine who leads the pack.”
The spectators gasped in amazement, obviously astonished that the blonde knew anything about their little dealings.
“Well, if I can only win by bringing you to climax, I suppose I had better do so, hm?”
She shifted position and sat on Eve's behind, which was still stuck in the air. She pulled up the hem of her skirt and looked down at the girl's underwear.
“Oh, so pretty and white. Well, at least there's one regulation you don't routinely break…”
She reached down and poked between the cheeks of Eve's behind with a finger. The pinned girl keened and shuddered. Miss Spencer then stroked a finger up and down along her panties, feeling the moist folds of flesh beneath the cotton part at her touch.
Eve trembled and gasped.
Miss Spencer pulled on the panties, clearly outlining her foe's womanhood for all to see. She smirked at the other girls.
“Bitch!” cried Eve. “I'll fucking get you for this!”
“If I were you, I'd be quiet…” chided Miss Spencer, continuing to stroke her finger along the increasingly moist slit. “The last thing you need is for one of the sisters to hear you and come running. I would get off with barely a reprimand, but you, you've been in trouble so many times, I think they'd probably put you in solitary, wouldn't they?”
Eve just whimpered, crimson with humiliation.
Miss Spencer slowly pulled the panties to the side, revealing her opponent's pink lips. Outside she remained detached, but inwardly she found herself getting hot. This same feeling, this arousal, happened every time she wrestled. But now, seeing her opponent's sex and touching it, the feeling was so much stronger. She steeled herself, determined not to show her state of agitation.
She slid a finger along the bare, slick lips and then dipped it inside Eve, feeling her warm, wet tightness. She marveled at the simple pleasure it caused her.
So this is what a girl feels like… is this what I feel like inside?
Eve gasped loudly at the penetration, her hips squirming around Miss Spencer's finger.
Miss Spencer pushed her finger far in and then curled it up against the lower wall. She flicked the finger out quickly, making a wet popping sound. Eve almost wailed.
“This is going to take too long…” Miss Spencer said to no one in particular. She pulled the panties down to her opponent's knees and then shimmied them off, keeping her pinned.
“I hope you showered before you came to this little soiree, missy…” she said as she began to remove her own underwear. The spectators gaped in shock, totally stunned by what they were seeing.
Miss Spencer stood and roughly rolled Eve onto her back, her submission hold finally broken. The brunette gasped for air, her muscles screaming in pain as her limbs stretched. Ignoring her opponent's discomfort, Miss Spencer grabbed Eve's leg and straddled it. She gripped it tightly and scissored herself against the girl, nestling her own sex against her foe's.
Desperate to not lose, Eve tried to raise herself up and fight back, but a steely glare from Miss Spencer cowed her already broken spirit. She lay back down and waited for the inevitable.
“She's going to pussy-fuck her…” one girl whispered to another. “Who'da thought?”
Indeed, those were the blonde's intentions exactly. She began moving her sex against Eve's, feeling the other girl's pussylips mingling with her own. She was nearly as wet as her opponent, and the grinding felt immeasurably good, a pleasure she could not put into words.
Eve groaned and arched her back, whimpering in unwelcome pleasure. Against her will, her hips ground back against Miss Spencer's.
“Please… no more…”
“Now now, ma'amselle…” Miss Spencer said, controlling herself as their pussies slithered together. “I believe it was you who set the rules here… there's no winner until someone cums, right? I wonder who that will be…”
“Bitch…” sobbed Eve, her body no longer hers to control.
“Well, if this is so odious for you, feel free to climax and end it.” Miss Spencer suggested reasonably. “I am quite capable of keeping this up as long as is necessary.”
She thrust her mons harder against Eve's, causing the girl to shudder and pant. The sensation of their pussies grinding and their clits rubbing sent warm tendrils of pleasure snaking through her. She felt so hot and wet…
“Urgh! Fuck me!” begged Eve, almost weeping. “Let me cum!”
“Live with it… bitch…” was Miss Spencer's response.
The two girls writhed and humped, Miss Spencer squirming her sticky pussy into Eve's. The brunette's breath started coming in staccato gasps and then she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her body shook violently as she came, pumping madly against Miss Spencer's as her juices flowed out of her. The victor continued grinding against her, eliciting choked moans and sobs of pleasure.
Eve lay limp on the ground, her orgasm having subsided as Miss Spencer continued. She felt a white heat building in her, centered in her pussy and spreading out like a tingling fire. She arched her neck and thrust against Eve hard, three times. The dam broke and she convulsed as she pumped her pussy against her foe's, her cum smearing Eve's whole nether region. She rolled her hips and rocked violently, reveling in this new and unreal ecstasy.
A full minute later, her chest heaving, she relaxed. She allowed Eve's leg to slide slowly down, her own legs still scissored between them. She looked up at the watching girls, who stepped back almost involuntarily, scared by the light gleaming in her eyes.
“Wow, um… was that… was that your, uh… your first time?”
She nodded slowly, looking at them steadily.
“Oh… uh… good job? Yeah, uh… congrats.”
“Thank you.”
“How… how did you know… how to…”
Miss Spencer shook her head. “If you girls actually showed up for Greek Literature once in a while, you would have read Sappho with me. That's how I know.”
She rose slowly, determined to not show how unsteady her legs felt. She stood over her defeated foe, placing her hands on her hips and looking squarely at the girls.
“I assume you remember the terms of this little wager?” she asked.
They all nodded.
“Good. I expect you four to hold her to this- because if she doesn't, then I'm coming after you. And believe me, she got off lucky.”
The four girls went pale and nodded.
Miss Spencer looked down at Eve and shook her head. She knelt down and took her by the shoulders, hauling the limp girl up.
“Please rise…”
She stood Eve in front of her, who just looked at her sullenly, completely disheveled, green and brown stains on her cheek and sod in her hair.
“I do believe our dispute is concluded. I'll be keeping these…” she said, holding up Eve's panties. “I do not expect to be inconvenienced like this again, understand?”
Eve looked away but mumbled a `yes'.
Bien. Oh, and one finally thing…”
She suddenly slapped the girl across the face, hard. Eve's head snapped to the left, right before Miss Spencer's palm cracked across her cheek and sent it the other way. Four solid slaps and then she sent Eve flying backwards with a fifth. She landed in a heap amidst her former conspirators, crying in shock and pain. The girls looked at the triumphant blonde in terror.
“I don't think I'll be requiring your services as a book carrier. It would do my reputation no end of harm to be seen in the company of a troll.”
The girls gathered up Eve and fled into the dark.
She stood there alone, trembling with nervous energy and emotion. The rapture she had felt; not merely triumph over an opponent, but the raw, wet heat of sexual bliss. Even though this, her first climax, had been with a girl she despised, she had found it wholly enthralling and wonderful.
Tonight, I mark my march into womanhood…
Outside the back of the club, she found herself leaning back against the wall, eyes squeezed shut, one hand caressing her breasts through her tight, tattered shirt while the other had slid down the front of her short leather skirt and was massaging her swollen, wet netherlips. She shuddered as she awoke from her reverie, looking around in a sudden panic to see if anyone had noticed her.
“Thank God… no one is around. Time to get out of here!”
She had driven back to school and quietly slipped past the sisters and into her room. Once there she had allowed herself to relive those first moments of her sexual life, fingering herself to a shuddering orgasm. She fell asleep, naked above the sheets. Whatever she decided to do about Miss Welsh, it would wait until the morning.
“That all seems so long ago…” she mused as she walked down the hallways of the giant arena hosting the Rumble Rose. “Poor Miss Welsh, why is she participating in such a dangerous tournament? I must find her and get her back to school post haste, before she hurts herself!”
She felt a kind of empathy for the rebellious girl. After all, it's not like she herself had never broken the rules. She believed in Miss Welsh's good heart and perhaps the school was a little stifling for such a free spirit.
She had decided not to pursue the matter of Miss Welsh sneaking out to the clubs to play. As long as she came back safe and sound, Miss Spencer was content.
Besides, if she allowed her to sneak out, there was always the opportunity to follow her and watch her play again…
She rounded a corner and very nearly collided with the person she had come to find. The young red-head recoiled in surprise.
“Geez! Teach?!”
“Thank Heaven, she fine!” Miss Spencer thought, elated. “She's such a beautiful young girl; I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her!”
Indeed the girl was fine. She was supple and athletic, with a perky bosom and long, slender legs. Her red hair, put up in pigtails, set off her green eyes beautifully. As usual, her shirt was knotted at her midriff and her plaid school skirt was short enough to show a hint of her panties.
“What are you doing here?” the student asked, still flustered by her teacher's presence.
I should be asking that question, young lady!” Miss Spencer replied firmly, trying to sound outraged. “Get your things at once, we are going back to school!”
“I don't think so!” shot back Candy Cane before she turned and shot down the corridor in the blink of an eye.
“Wait!” Stop!” protested Miss Spencer to her wayward student's retreating rear end. “Get back here! Unbelievable!”