Other Fan Fiction ❯ Miss Spencer Loves Her Candy Cane ❯ The Mad Mud Match ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miss Spencer Loves Her Candy Cane
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters associated with the game “Rumble Roses”. This is basically a vehicle for lesbian sex between my two favourite characters (and a few others). Please enjoy it on that level and nothing more.
The sex is graphic, but I need plot and character development in my stories, so just beware. Also, I can spell, unlike many smut/Hentai authors out there. If you notice any typos, please tell me. Then prevent me from committing seppuku in the corner…
Chapter 1
Miss Spencer found herself standing knee deep in mud, staring at her wayward student, now calling herself Candy Cane. Despite her annoyance with the young girl for running off and forcing Miss Spencer to chase her all the way to Japan, she suspected that the pounding of her heart was not anger-based.
Candy Cane stood in front of her defiantly, obviously still somewhat bewildered to see her teacher here, of all places.
“I have you now, Miss Welsh,” the buxom teacher stated, staring down the girl. “It is time to return to class. You have missed too many days of school as it is.”
She gazed at Candy Cane's apparel, a tiny two-piece bikini that made her pulse race. “And that outfit… far too inappropriate.”
The girl snorted and stepped up face to face with her teacher. Miss Spencer tried to keep from shuddering as the girl's breasts touched hers.
“You're one to talk, look at your get up!” Candy said, putting her hand on Miss Spencer to indicate her hypocrisy. She had to admit, Miss Spencer really knew how to fill out sexy clothes. The teacher was wearing an abbreviated pair of tattered, cut-off jeans over a black thong and a tight white halter-top over a spaghetti-string bikini-top that matched the thong. Under other circumstances, she wouldn't mind doing some things with her.
Miss Spencer looked aghast at the accusation. “I am an adult! But… but you are not! You put your clothes back on this instant!”
“In one ear, out the other…” Candy said with a note of disdain.
“Miss Spencer's eyes narrowed. “Very well. If you won't listen, I will make you understand. I am sorry, Miss Welsh, you leave me no choice.”
“Yeah, whatever, teach.”
A bell sounded, indicating that the mud-match was to start.
Miss Spencer felt how the mud slowed her movement down, how it threatened to make her lose her balance. She was shifting her weight from one foot to the other experimentally when Candy lunged in and stepped onto Miss Spencer's thigh. She slammed her elbow down on top of her teacher's head, stunning her and causing her to collapse into the mud.
“Don't you think you're a little old for this type of game?” she sneered as she stood over her prostrate mentor. Her cockiness, however, had gotten the better of her. Miss Spencer, while initially stunned, recovered admirably. She continued to look dazed, drawing the girl in. She suddenly hooked a foot behind Candy's and shoved her other foot against the girl's shin just below the knee.
The girl squealed and fell backward into the mud with a splash. The crowd cheered wildly.
Candy thrashed and sat up, completely covered in mud. She spat out the slippery brown liquid and glared at Miss Spencer.
“Not funny, teach!”
“Do I look like I'm having fun, young lady?” Miss Spencer asked, standing over Candy, also covered in mud.
Candy flung mud up into Miss Spencer's face, blinding her. As her teacher tried to clear her stinging eyes, Candy tackled her midriff and the two of them tumbled into the mud. They rolled and tussled for position, grunting as they strained to keep a grip on each other. But the mud made their bodies very slippery, and firm purchase was impossible.
Candy cheated and grabbed Miss Spencer's hair, bunching her fist in it.
“Let go!” keened the teacher in protest. But Candy held on even tighter and pushed down with all her might, forcing Miss Spencer onto her back and under the mud. She straddled Miss Spencer's chest, pinning her down.
She had no intention of drowning Miss Spencer but she remembered enough about human physiology (even Candy didn't skip class all the time) to know that struggling to hold her breath for thirty or forty seconds should take the fight out of the older girl.
Unfortunately for Candy, the teacher retained her faculties (Candy wouldn't have appreciated the pun) while submerged in the muck. She gripped Candy's arms and held her still while she buckled in the middle, rolling her legs up and out of the mire. She hooked her feet onto Candy's shoulders and yanked the girl backwards into the mud. Candy thrashed and rolled to her feet as Miss Spencer did the same. She glared at her teacher, flicking dripping ooze from her hands and clenching them.
“I cannot believe you hit me!” Miss Spencer said, obviously shocked.
“I told you not go get in my way, blondie!” retorted the redhead.
“Such disrespect! What has gotten into you, child?”
“I told you! Get outta my way or you'll get hurt!” Candy insisted. “I'm gonna win this tournament. That prize money is mine and I'll do whatever it takes, even if I have to go through you!”
She lunged in low and tackled Miss Spencer, taking her down into the mud again. She attempted to put an armlock on her teacher, to make her submit, but the mud was too slippery and Miss Spencer far too cagey to let this happen.
She rolled and pinned Candy down, using her own suffocating tactic against her. Their bodies writhed in the mud and she found it hard to concentrate as she felt the girl's slippery skin against hers. Her breasts pressed against her students, sending shudders of pleasure through her.
“Dammit! She's stronger than me!” Candy thought, distressed. “Gotta even the odds, do something unexpected…”
She ceased struggling and instead grasped Miss Spencer's top. With a demon's strength she ripped, tearing the halter top and the bikini beneath. The teacher reared up and back in shock, her huge breasts springing free of their confines. Covered with mud though they were, she covered her chest with her arms as the crowd went wild. Candy used the pause to surge up and knock the teacher down while scrambling to her feet.
Miss Spencer had gained her own feet and now glared at Candy, her fists clenched in fury at her sides, her bare breasts obviously forgotten.
“How… dare you?!” she seethed. “How dare you do that to your teacher?!”
Candy shrugged. “What's it gonna take to get through to you, teach? I gave you lots of warning. Now you're payin' the price.”
“Intolerable!” Miss Spencer sputtered, her breasts swaying hypnotically. “Look at what you've done!” she fumed, pointed to her chest.
Candy smirked and glanced where indicated, taking in the sight of her teacher's breasts. They were amazing, she thought to herself. She would love to have a chance to nibble on those suckers. Why any of her fellow students couldn't be built like-
Miss Spencer's palm cracked across Candy's cheek, spinning her and sending her sprawling onto her hands and knees. Stunned, Candy shook her head, trying to clear it, feeling the sting of tears in her eyes from the slap.
“Playtime is over, Miss Welsh!” the teacher said ominously, advancing on her quarry. Candy heard her coming and scrambled on hands and knees to get clear.
“Oh no you don't!” Miss Spencer warned, reached down and grabbing the back of Candy's bikini top and pulling. The student squealed as the top was yanked away, leaving her as exposed as her teacher. She flopped in the mud before turning over and gazing up at her teacher, who was holding the bikini top high in the air for the crowd to see, who hooted and cheered madly.
“Oh, it's on now…” she said through clenched teeth. She lashed out savagely with one of her long legs and swept Miss Spencer's feet from beneath her. The teacher crashed into the mud and Candy was on her like a tiger. Miss Spencer was on her knees and they locked wrists, struggling to break the deadlock. They glared into each other's eyes.
“This… must… end here… Miss Welsh…” strained Miss Spencer.
“I already… told you, teach… whatever… it takes…” replied Candy. She pressed forward, her nipples kissing Miss Spencer's. There was a shiver of shock between them at the contact.
“Oh no…” the teacher gasped. “You're… not the only… one... who can… pull those tricks…”
She pressed back against her student, rubbing her nipples back and forth, the slippery mud squishing between their breasts. Jolts of forbidden pleasure shot between them as they pressed harder and harder, even as their arms strained for advantage.
The cheers and roars of the crowd had melted away. They could only hear themselves and each other, the heaving of their breath, the squishing of the mud and the pounding of their hearts.
It was a moment that secretly both hoped would never end.
Candy's strength finally gave out and Miss Spencer bowled her over backwards into the mud. She lay atop her supine student, her breasts still pressed to Candy's. The feeling was electrifying.
“I cannot believe this… her breasts… her skin… so warm…”
“Geez, teach, do you hafta make this so difficult by feeling so damn good?!”
Candy thrashed to her left and rolled over on top of Miss Spencer. She arched her back, pressing down with her chest to keep her foe pinned. Miss Spencer wrapped her legs around Candy's hips and squeezed hard, rocking back and forth to break her balance. Unable to keep herself on top, Candy broke their hold and scrambled away, rolling to her feet. Miss Spencer did likewise and the two squared off, moving slowly around in a circle, looking for an opening.
“Those pants need to go, they're fallin' off you now, teach.” taunted Candy, her eyes locked with her opponent's.
Miss Spencer growled and removed them, never taking her eyes off Candy. Those had been her favourite lounging shorts. She now only wore her bikini bottom.
“Try to keep you eyes off my tits, huh?” pressed the student.
“Do not lecture me, young lady, you've been taking in a good eyeful yourself!” retorted Miss Spencer.
“You wish!” Candy said harshly, darting in when she saw an opening.
It had been a ruse. Miss Spencer had appeared to let her guard down in order to get Candy to close in and commit to an attack. She deftly twisted sideways and got behind the girl, placing her in a full nelson. Candy squealed and tried to escape, hoping the mud would allow her to slip out, but Miss Spencer held on tight.
“Someone needs a spanking!” the teacher warned, before heaving Candy into the air and flinging her backwards over her head, suplexing her. Mud flew in every direction as the girl landed on her shoulders and collapsed. Miss Spencer Whirled around and knelt, determined to get the pin, convinced that her foe was stunned into submission. This had to end before Miss Welsh got herself hurt.
Head reeling but far from admitting defeat, Candy scrambled to her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. Her hair was too far away to grab hold of and her limbs too slippery, so Miss Spencer grabbed the one place available- Candy's bikini bottoms.
The girl shrieked as her teacher bunched her hand in the back of the bikini and pulled back. Candy scrabbled and tore at the muck, trying to get away, feeling the material stretch, threatening to tear.
Miss Spencer could not help letting her gaze shift down to between Candy's legs, her now-revealed womanhood glistening with mud.
“Goodness! What am I doing?! Can I really be putting my precious student through this?! No, this is for her safety and her own good! I must not let my feelings interfere with protecting her from herself!”
She pulled back hard, hearing the tear of the fabric. Miss Welsh was now completely naked, only the mud obscuring the crowd's view of her. Candy fell to her side in horror, trying to cover herself, the crimson flush of her cheeks obvious even through the mud.
“No! Don't!” she cried out.
Miss Spencer had her. The girl was beat. All that was left was to end this and get her back to school. She tackled Candy into the mud again, pinning her shoulders and raising one leg in the air for leverage. In spite of the embarrassing position, Candy didn't even try to resist.
1… 2… 3
The bell rang, declaring the end of the so-called “Mad Mud Match”. Miss Spencer let Candy's leg down and rested on top of her defeated student. Both of them were exhausted from their exertions. Miss Spencer' breasts pressed into Candy Cane's as their chests heaved. Miss Spencer felt the length of her body against her student's, the warmth of her skin, the unearthly pleasure of her Candy's pussy against hers. Candy's hands were resting on Miss Spencer's back, almost an embrace. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
Miss Spencer eventually got up and walked unsteadily over to the side of the mud pit, where she retrieved a large beach towel. She came back to where Candy was and sat her up, wrapping the towel around her shoulders, concealing her from the ogling crowd.
“Now then, Miss Welsh, I believe enough is enough. It is time to return to school, young lady.”
Candy shot her a look. “I don't think so. That prize money is mine!”
Miss Spencer held out a hand, offering to help her to her feet. “Why is this prize money so important, if I might ask?”
“Pft, what do you care? Leave me alone!” snapped the girl, swatting the proffered hand aside and looking away.
“I do care. And that is why I must take you back to school. Do you realize how your grades have suffered?”
“Don't care! I'm outta here, titty-monster! We'll have a rematch!” Candy said before suddenly thrusting out with her shin and sweeping Miss Spencer's feet from beneath her. The teacher splashed into the mud as Candy's sprung up and sprinted away. “Later, teach!”
“No, wait! Come back here! Miss Welsh, do not disobey me!” yelled Miss Spencer, reaching out towards her retreating student. “Come back this instant! Ohhh, darn it!”
This was proving to be much harder than she had anticipated.