Other Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Chapter 1

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“No! I'm leaving! I can't stand to be at this school any longer. I'm going to art school, it's where I belong.” Mystery yelled.
“What art school? You can't go to art school! What the hell is art going to do for you?” Mystery's mom asked.
Mystery couldn't stand this, every time her mom said the word art, she said it with pure disgust and it sickened her. Art was her favorite thing in the world, and not just drawing, it was acting, singing, photography, and playing her guitar. They were the only things she could use to get away from the multiple lives that she pretended to be happy living, that and her best friend Craze.
“I'm going whether you like it or not!” Mystery replied.
“Oh really?” her mom smirked. “How is that? You have to pay for that school.”
“I'll ask dad,” Mystery said simply.
Mystery's mom was taken a bit aback by the response but she quickly covered it up with another smirk.
“He needs my permission. And even if he did go ahead and completely ignore me, the school would still need my signature. And I'm definitely not going to sign.”
“What if they need only one parent's signature?”
“They can't I'm your legal guardian and even if they didn't, how would you get there? Its all the way in New York!”
“The school isn't just a private art school. It also doubles as a boarding school for talented kids in other parts of the world.”
Mystery's mother cringed, it seemed like Mystery had come up with every single detail to get out from under her grasp… except one.
Mystery's mom smiled that cynical smile that Mystery was always so afraid of.
“I'm still your legal guardian and you're only fourteen. You have to do as I say.”
Now it was Mystery's turn to smile, she saw this coming, this was her weapon of mass destruction, it was also a touchy subject.
“I can still ask for a change of custody,” she said.
Before she could even blink something collided with her face. Mystery felt a sharp pain over the right side of her face.
It all felt numb though, this happened at least twice a week.
“I have reasons too,” Mystery said standing up, acting like the slap had no impact on her.
“And what would those be?” her mom asked.
“Two words… child abuse.”
Mystery's mom slapped her again, harder, this time. Mystery fell to the floor and grasped her cheek in pain.
“This isn't child abuse! You abuse me! You stupid girl you!” She yelled, her face red with anger and rage.
“Do you really think, that school is going to except you? Do you really think you're so good at art that you are even good enough for that school?” Mystery's mom yelled.
This was it; Mystery hated this about her mom. This was her mom of all people putting her down. Honestly, she was worst than those girls at school. Her mom completely ruined her life, something every teenager says but in Mystery's case, was very true. Everything she did was never good enough, and she hated it. Mystery finally fought back.
She blocked a punch that was about to go straight to her nose and pushed her mom into the wall behind her.
Mystery's mom looked surprise, “You'll see what real abuse is once I get a hold of your brothers,” she said walking into her bedroom and dialing the phone.
Ah, Mystery's brothers, also another contribute to most of the bruises Mystery had.
Mystery's brothers were eight to nine years older than her, making the elder one twenty three and the younger one twenty two.
They weren't wimpy adult brothers either; they worked out for about two hours every day and their punches hurt. Compared to the bruises her brothers gave her, the bruises left by her mom seemed like scratches.
Mystery could hear her mother screaming about the art school over the phone.
She wished it wouldn't come to this; she never wanted it this way. But the place she called “home” was anything but. It was time to start a new life, this charade, it was all for show. Mystery had actually gotten a scholarship to stay at the boarding school that the art school held. Being a good artist, she forged her mom's signature.
She pulled out the suitcase from under her bed, it was heavy but she was strong for a skinny girl. The suitcase had her necessities for school, a couple of clothes but she had enough money to buy some when she arrived at the school.
Before she left she called her best friend, Craze. Craze knew all about the art school and encouraged Mystery to go; he knew that the Abigail Prep Academy wasn't where she belonged. It wasn't where he belonged, and he promised to join her in the following semester.
Mystery warned Craze she would have to take extreme measures but Craze, being the positive one of the pair, told Mystery everything would be just fine.
She grabbed her cell phone and dialed number one on speed dial. After three rings Craze picked up.
“Mystery?” he asked.
“Cr- Craze?” she said, her voice was cracking now. Mystery wasn't known to cry, but she couldn't keep it all in. And hearing Craze's voice and thinking that it might be the last time she spoke to the one person who understood her (sometimes better than she understood herself) made her cry.
“Its not that bad is it?” he asked, worried.
“I can barely walk.” Mystery croaked. “I knew it wouldn't work.”
“No just hold on Myst-“
“Craze, you know I've never been really expressive of my emotions and I'm really sorry about that. But I care about you so much. I want you to be happy. Just promise me that, I wish I can see you again, hopefully someday, we'll cross paths.”
Craze sighed over the phone, he knew Mystery well, meaning he knew how stubborn she was. “I promise, live a safe life. Don't forget about me when you become a famous artist.”
Mystery stifled a laugh, even at such dark times like this Craze could just make her forget all of it.
“I love you man, I'll never forget you. You've been the best friend I never knew I could have.”
“Love you too, Mystery, take care of yourself, I still might be coming next semester.”
“I hope so, I'll be waiting. Take care.”
“Bye.” Mystery waited to here Craze stop breathing and then the click of the phone. Warm tears streamed down her face as she got her things together and quickly ran out the door and down the street into the engulfing darkness of the cold night.