Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ The Bestest Friends, or More? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 1: The Bestest Friends, or more?
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
Ned lay upon his bed. It was the middle of the night, yet he was still awake. He had been doing this for quite some time now. He just couldn't get Moze out of his head. She was constantly on his mind. He couldn't help it. He likes her. Hell, he loves her. He loves her from the deepest regions of his heart.
He glanced in the direction of Moze's house and sighed. `How am I going to tell her how I feel?' He asked himself. He yawned and said softly, “Man, I'm tired! What time is it?!” He glanced at his bed stand on which sat a digital clock, a small reading lamp, and a picture of Moze. The clock read 2:00. “Already two in the morning! Well, better get some sleep,” Ned rolled onto his side. As difficult as it was, he finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Ned slowly awoke. Stretching and sitting up, he glanced at his clock. It read 9:00. “Damnit! I over slept!” He growled. It was June 5, meaning school was already out. Yet, him, Cookie, and Moze all tried to be up by eight so they could all hang out for as long as possible during the summer. Getting out of bed, he pulled on a white and blue striped flannel shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and his shoes and headed downstairs to see that Cookie and Moze were already waiting for him. “Hey guys,” He said.
“Hey Ned,” Cookie replied. He was wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans.
“Hey sleepyhead,” Moze said, chuckling slightly. She was wearing her pink jacket, a light blue T-shirt on under it, and a pair of blue jeans. She had her hair in a ponytail.
“Sorry guys, I don't normally sleep in,” Ned said, rubbing the back of his head.
“Hey Ned. You usually are up by now,” said Mrs. Bigby.
“Yeah, I just overslept,”
“Well, come get some pancakes. You too, guys,”
“Thank you, Mrs. Bigby,” replied Cookie and Moze.
“Thanks, Mom,” said Ned.
“Well, it's my pleasure,” said Mrs. Bigby, smiling.
Ned, Moze, and Cookie headed into the kitchen and grabbed a plate. Ned and Cookie both filled their plate with a “tower” of pancakes smothered in maple syrup, while Moze only got a few pancakes. All grabbing a fork, they all sat on Ned's couch, Moze in between Ned and Cookie. They plopped their feet up on the coffee table and set their plates in their laps. They all then dug into their breakfast. Ned caught a glance at Moze before digging in.
They all had downed their pancakes within five minutes. Taking their plates back into the kitchen, they then slouched back down on the couch. “So, what are we doing today?” Ned asked.
“I don't know,” They replied.
“Well, we could…take a walk…” Ned suggested.
“Sounds good,” Moze replied.
“Well, then it's settled! Let's get going,”
“Right!” replied Cookie and Moze.
Ned, Cookie, and Moze then stood up, took their plates into the kitchen, and put them in the sink. With that, Ned and his two best friends headed for the door. “We're gonna take a walk, Mom. We'll be back after while,” Ned called to his mother.
“Ok, Honey. Be careful,” Mrs. Bigby replied.
“Don't worry, we will,” That said, Ned headed out the door with Cookie and Moze at his sides. Closing the door behind them, they made for the street, Ned's arms around Cookie and Moze's shoulders and theirs around his.
As they continued to walk, Ned asked, “So, where to?”
“How about we head down to the docks and just, well, hang out?” Moze suggested.
“Ok, that would be great! We haven't done that in ages!” Ned exclaimed.
“Yeah, it has been awhile,” With that, they fell silent as they made their way towards the docks.
Once there, they went up to one of the boat houses and leaned against it.
“Hey, Ned! Haven't seen you here in awhile!” A voice called to them.
“Dad! Hey, it's a surprise you're here,” Ned exclaimed.
“Yeah, I just got back from a run,” Mr. Bigby replied. “I'm gonna be in for tonight, then I'll be back off tomorrow…I'm sorry that I won't be able to stay for long like I did last time,”
“Hey, it's ok, Dad. At least you're gonna be back for a little while,”
“I see you brought your friends along, too,” Mr. Bigby said. “Are you and Moze more than `just friends' yet?”
“Dad! We're just friends, nothing else!” Ned shouted, blushing. Moze blushed, too.
“I'm sorry, Ned, Moze. I couldn't resist asking,”
“It-it's alright. W-we don't mind, do we, Moze?”
“N-no, we d-don't mind,” Moze and Ned were still blushing.
“Well, ok then. I'm gonna head to the bar to catch up with the other fishermen,” Mr. Bigby said. “I'll see ya at home, Ned, and maybe you too, Cookie, Moze,” Mr. Bigby gave Ned a quick hug, and then headed off.
So, what's new with you guys?” Ned asked.
“Not much, just rejected Loomer for the thousandth time,” Moze replied. Ned and Cookie chuckled at this. Moze couldn't help but chuckle as well.
“Well, I finally got a date with Lisa Zemo!” Cookie said as a wide grin lit up on his face.
Moze and Ned both gave Cookie a pat on the back. “Congratulations, man!” Ned exclaimed.
“Good for you, Cookie,” Moze replied.
“Thanks, guys! You guys are the best!” Cookie exclaimed. Ned and Moze smiled at this. “What about you, Ned? What's new with you?”
“Well…not much other than the fast that I just beat Call of Duty 2,” Ned said.
“Good for you, Ned! That game rocks!” Cookie exclaimed.
“Yeah, it does!”
Once it was 11:00, Cookie looked at his watch for what seemed like the hundredth time and said, “It's 11:00! Time to go meet Lisa at Pizza Joe's!” With that, Cookie headed off with a big smile on his face.
“You wanna grab some lunch at your place?” asked Moze. “It's been awhile since it's been just you and me. We have some catching up to do,”
“Y-yeah,” Ned replied, blushing slightly. As he put his arm around Moze's shoulder, they started back towards Ned's house.
A/N: Well, what'd y'all think? Please go easy on it, it's my first NedMoze fic, as well as my first Ned's Declassified fic. Please R&R, and no flames. Takes place before Field Trip (which kicked ass by the way).