Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ Lunch at Ned's ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 2: Lunch at Ned's
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
As Ned and Moze were getting back to Ned's house, Moze had leaned in close to Ned, making him blush furiously. She was blushing, too. They didn't know what they were doing; it just felt right.
Once they got to his door, they realized how close they were and quickly pulled away, their faces turning as red as a tomato. Slowly opening the door, Ned called, “Mom, we're home,”
“Ned, welcome back. Did you all have a good time?” Mrs. Bigby replied with a smile on her face.
“Yeah, we did,
“Where's Cookie?”
“He's with Lisa,”
“Oh, he finally got a date with that girl? Good for him!”
Yeah, it's kind of a relief really. He had always been bugging us to ask her out for him, so it's good that he finally asked her out himself,” Ned chuckled. “So, could you get Moze and me somethin' to eat? We're kinda hungry,”
“Sure, Honey,” With that, Mrs. Bigby went into the kitchen to start fixing lunch.
“So, what do we do `til then?” asked Ned.
“Like I said, we have some catching up to do,” replied Moze. “So, what have you been up to? I know you well, Ned, and I know you've been doing more than beating a video game,” By now, Ned and Moze were sitting on the couch.
Well, I…” Ned stuttered. `Oh no! What do I tell her! I could tell her the truth, but what if she doesn't feel the same way?! I'd be crushed! Damn, what do I do?!' Ned argued with himself, panicking. “…I…I…uh…”
“Come on, Ned! Spit it out!”
“Spit it out, Ned!”
“Fine, you caught me,” Ned said finally, looking down in false defeat. “It was supposed to be a surprise, but since you wanna know, I might as well tell you,”
“Tell me what?” Moze asked, blushing slightly.
“That…I have been planning for you, me, and Cookie, and Lisa if she'd like, to go to the park this Friday,” Ned didn't like lying to Moze, but he felt that he should wait a little longer before telling her the truth about how he felt about her.
“Oh…that would be great, Ned! We haven't been there in awhile either!” Moze exclaimed.
“Ok, good! I'm glad you feel that way!” Ned exclaimed, smiling. `I'll tell her at the park! I have to, or it'll eat me up inside,'
“I'm glad, too, Ned!” Moze replied, returning the smile.
“Want a soda?” offered Ned.
“Sure, what do ya have?” Moze replied.
“We have Coke or Dr. Pepper,”
“Cool, I'll take a Dr. Pepper, please,”
“Alright, back in a sec,” Ned stood and went into the kitchen. “When will lunch be ready? It smells good!” He asked.
“In a few minutes, Ned. I'm making a sausage and pepperoni pizza: your and Moze's favorite!” Mrs. Bigby replied, grinning slightly.
As Ned grabbed two cans of Dr. Pepper from the fridge, he said, “Dad's back. Moze, Cookie, and I had gone to the docks to hang out and I saw him there,”
“That's great! For how long?”
“It's only for a day,”
“Well, that's better than nothing, right?”
“Yeah, you're right,” Ned said as he went back into the living room. He sat back down next to Moze and handed her a can.
“Thanks, Ned,” Moze said, opening her Dr. Pepper and taking a sip.
“No problem, Moze,” Ned replied, opening his own Dr. Pepper and taking a drink.
A few minutes passed, and Mrs. Bigby hollered, “Ned, Moze, pizza's ready!”
“Coming,” replied Ned and Moze in unison. Heading into the kitchen, Ned and Moze got a plate and both grabbed two slices of pizza. Plopping back down on the couch, they both started to eat their pizza. Ned stole a pepperoni off of Moze's as they were eating. Moze only smiled and continued.
They had both finished their pizza within ten minutes. They were heading into the kitchen for seconds when there was a knock at the door. “Come in, door's unlocked,” called Mrs. Bigby.
The door opened. It was Cookie. “Cookie, get in here and grab a slice of pizza before there's none left,” Ned said.
“No thanks for now; I just ate five slices at Pizza Joe's,” Cookie replied. “Save me a piece though, ok?”
“Don't worry, we will,”
As they all sat down on the couch, Ned once again in the middle of Moze and Cookie, Cookie leaned in and whispered, “After we got done at Pizza Joe's, me and Lisa kissed! It was totally awesome!”
“Congrats, Cook,” Ned whispered back, and then he passed the news onto Moze, who gave the thumbs up to Cookie.
`Why couldn't that have been me and Ned, and not Cookie and Lisa?' She thought.
After Ned and Moze had finished their third and fourth slices of pizza, which left an extra two slices for Cookie, they headed up to Ned's room. “I'm sorry about the mess,” Ned apologized. `Thank goodness I remembered to move the picture, or this could have been really awkward!' Ned thought, relieved, and yet, for some reason, disappointed at the same time.
“Hey, no problem, dude. We've seen worse,” Cookie replied as they entered Ned's room and piled onto his bed.
“So, anyone up for a little PS2?” asked Ned.
“Hey, you know I'm in,” Cookie exclaimed.
“I'll play winner!” said Moze.
“Alright, awesome! Which game?”
“Let's see…how about…TimeSplitters: Future Perfect!” Cookie exclaimed.
“Alright, very good choice! Is that alright with you, Moze?”
“Hey, if it's a shooting game, you know it's quite alright with me,” said Moze.
“I know that all too well,” Ned quickly popped open the PS2 tray and put in the disk. After the tray slid back into the PS2, he picked up the player one controller. Cookie already had his controller in hand. When it booted up, Ned chose two Player, and then Arcade. “What mode?” He asked.
“Deathmatch, no bots!” Cookie announced.
“Alright, then,” Ned replied. Choosing Deathmatch, he then chose the stage: Mexican Mission. After choosing the settings, he hit start. He chose Time Assassin, and Cookie chose Dr. Peabody.
“Three, two, one, go!” announced the game. Ned quickly got the shotgun and headed in Cookie's direction. Once he spotted Cookie, he fired twice, killing him. He quickly reloaded and doubled back to the outside of the arena to collect the flare gun and the rocket launcher.
This continued on for the next five minutes. Cookie kept getting killed before he could get any good weapons. It ended in a score of 37-14. “Alright, I won!”
“Damnit, Ned! It's only `cause you were getting all the good guns and killing me before I could get any other weapons!” Cookie growled.
“Whatever…anyway, this way you don't have to face off against Moze, the master of shooters!” Ned replied.
Moze grinned at this comment. `I really hate to beat him, but I can't help it if I do…' Moze thought to herself.
“Yeah, that's true,” said Cookie as he handed Moze the controller.
“Hey Ned, let's go for ten minutes instead of five so at least you have a slight chance of defeating me,” Moze said, grinning.
Taking head of this, Ned changed the time limit to ten minutes. He also changed the stage to the Mars Prison. He then changed the weapons. They now included the machine gun, 12-guage, plasma autorifle, sniper rifle, and heatseeker.
Hitting start, he chose R-110, and Moze chose to be a Splitter. “Three, two, one, go!” As the game began, Ned grabbed the plasma autorifle and began his search for Moze, as he this time had the radar off. Before he knew it, Moze had sniped him out. Respawning near Moze, he attempted to take her out with his machine gun, but she quickly took out her autorifle and mowed him down.
At the end, the score was 96-27. “Damnit, not even close!” Ned groaned.
“Ha hah! You got owned, Ned! You got owned!” Moze exclaimed.
Shutting off the Playstation, Ned, Moze, and Cookie lay back on his bed with their legs hanging off the edge. “So, what do we do now?” He asked.
“Well…we could do something we haven't done in like, forever…” Cookie said. “Truth…or Dare…”
`Oh god…he wouldn't dare…would he…?' Ned and Moze both thought.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think? I can't believe I already have chapter 2 up! WOOT! ImI>.<ImI lol, anyways, please R&R, ok? By the way, I couldn't resist having Ned get beaten at a video game by Moze, lol! ^^ Later!