Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ A Movie ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 8: A Movie
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
Ned still couldn't believe that he had Moze asleep in his arms. As Moze rested her head upon his shoulder, he simply looked at her, smiling and stroking her hair gently. When he realized that Cookie was staring at him, he blushed.
“Ned, you've been doing that for the past hour. Man, you're one lovesick puppy, you know that?” said Cookie.
“Shut up, Cookie!” growled Ned, blushing.
“Dude, don't worry! I didn't mean it as an insult,”
“Good. So, what am I gonna tell my mom about this when she gets home?!”
“Hey, your mom trusts you. She won't suspect anything,”
“No, not that! Ew, why would you even bring that up?! You pervert!”
“Ned, don't hide it. You know you would if you could,”
“Shut up! I'm not like that, Cookie! You know that! Anyways, what I meant was about you being here! My mom, as well as the rest of the town, know that you had nearly burnt down Seth's house, twice!”
“It was an accident! I swear!”
“I know that! Though, that still doesn't make it look good on your part. Therefore, my mom sort of doesn't trust you being here when she's not,”
“Yeah, I figured that much. Anyway, I'll leave in a couple of hours. Knowing your mom, she won't be back `til eight or nine,”
“That's true,”
“So, what do we do now?”
“How about you play a video game. I'd play, but I don't wanna wake her,”
“Alright,” Putting Ninja Gaiden in the Xbox tray and closing it, Cookie sat down next to Ned and Moze.
Ned smiled warmly at Moze's peaceful, sleeping figure. `Wow, she really is beautiful,” thought Ned. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. When he kissed her, her lips curled into a smile as she continued to sleep.
“Dude - started Cookie.
“I know!” replied Ned.
Ned rested his head against Moze, and he was soon asleep. When he opened his eyes, Cookie was just shutting off the Xbox. Moze was still asleep. “How long was I out?” Ned asked groggily.
“About an hour and a half, dude,” replied Cookie. “Well, I'm gonna get going. See you later, Ned!” Cookie then started for the door.
“See ya later, Cook,” replied Ned, waving as Cookie stepped out the door, closing it behind him. Ned then pulled Moze a bit closer to him.
As he did, she slowly opened her eyes. “Let me guess, didn't wanna disturb me, right?” She said, yawning.
“Yeah, that's about right. I did eventually fall asleep, too,” Ned replied, smiling innocently. Moze simply giggled and smiled back.
“Well, I better get going before my mom starts to worry,” said Moze, standing up. Ned stood up as well. Ned walked her to the door and held it open for her. “Thank you, Ned,” Moze said, smiling.
“Your welcome,” replied Ned. After a moment, he then said, “Hey, why don't ya ask if you can stay over tonight? It's been ages since you've stayed the night,”
“Alright, sounds like a plan,”
“Yeah, I'll be waiting to here from you! Bye!” Ned waved as Moze started for her house. Moze waved back before hopping the fence that separated their yards. Closing the door, Ned could suddenly feel his heart pounding. He didn't know why, but he felt happy. He didn't know why he felt that either since he saw Moze almost everyday. He didn't think he should have been that excited, but he was.
Taking out his cell phone, he dialed Mrs. Bigby's cell phone number. After three rings, she answered, “Hello?”
“Hi, Mom,” Ned replied.
“Hey, Honey. Listen, I'm kinda busy, so can it wait?”
“Don't worry, this'll only take a sec,”
“Ok, what is it?”
“Is it alright if Moze stays the night at our house?”
“Of course it is, Honey. You didn't even need to ask!”
“Alright, thanks Mom. Bye,”
“Bye, Hon. I'll be home within an hour,”
“Ok, bye,” That said, Ned hung up and headed up to his room. Ned plugged his cell phone in to charge. He then headed back down into his living room.
Sitting on the couch cross-legged style, he picked up one of the two remotes in one corner of the coffee table. Pointing to the stereo next to the TV, he pressed a button, which turned on the radio. “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd was playing. He always listened to the radio and meditated when he was waiting for something.
Four more songs after the first one - “Lit Up by Buckcherry, “Lonely Train by Black Stone Cherry, “Shallow Bay by Breaking Benjamin, and “The Empty by Red Line Chemistry - played through without anything happening. Then, when “The Empty” was just finishing up, the phone started to ring. Ned's eyes shot open and he grabbed the remote, turning off the radio. Then, he raced into the kitchen and grabbed the phone. “Hello?” He answered.
“Hey, Ned!” replied an excited Moze.
“Hi, Moze! I'm glad it's you!” Ned paused, then said, “So, the verdict is…?”
“Yes, I can stay!”
Ned's heart began pounding even faster than it already had been. “Awesome! So I suspect you'll be over in a few? I already called my mom, and she gave the ok,”
“Yeah, I'll be over in a few minutes. I just need to change and get a few things, and then I'll be right over! Ok, bye! See ya in awhile,”
“Bye, Moze!” With that, Moze hung up. He knew that it would be a little while before Moze got there, so he headed up to his room. Heading into his bathroom, he took a quick shower. After getting out and drying off, he put on a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. Heading back into the bathroom, he put on some deodorant, as well as some sweet-smelling cologne he had gotten when he had gone shopping with his mom. Combing his hair a bit and putting a bit of gel in it to make sure it looked nice, he then headed back downstairs to wait for Moze.
After another five minutes, there was a knock at the door. Ned was there to answer it in an instant. Moze was standing there in a red skirt that reached her knees and a dark red T-shirt with her pink jacket over it. She had a duffle bag hanging from her shoulder. She had her hair pulled back in low pigtails. “Hey,” She said, smiling.
“Hey, Moze! Wow, you look nice!” Ned replied, smiling.
Moze returned the smile, saying, “Thanks, you look pretty nice yourself, Ned,”
“Thank you,” Ned stepped aside to allow Moze inside, closing the door afterwards. “I'll take your jacket for ya,”
“Thanks, Ned,” Moze replied as she handed Ned her jacket, who then put it on the coat rack next to the door. “You sure are being sweet, Ned,”
Ned blushed. “Thank you, Moze,”
“So, what are we going to do first?” Moze asked.
“I don't know. What do you wanna do?” replied Ned.
“I was thinking maybe we could just sit down, eat some popcorn, and watch some TV. We haven't done that in quite awhile,”
“That sounds good to me,” Ned replied. Ned then headed into the kitchen and soon returned with a big bowl of popcorn. As he sat down on the couch and put the bowl in his lap, Moze sat next to him.
“So, what's on that's good?” asked Moze.
“Well, let's find out,” replied Ned as he turned on the TV. He then started flipping through the many channels, his arm around Moze all the while. Finally, he came to the movie Mission Impossible. “Awesome! You wanna watch this?!”
“Only if you do,” Moze replied. Not another word was said as Ned and Moze were sucked into the movie. Moze rested her head on Ned's shoulder as they continued to watch the movie. Though she was perfectly comfortable in Ned's arms, Moze didn't once fall asleep.
About an hour into the movie, Mrs. Bigby got home. “Hey, Ned,” She said as she stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. She was carrying three separate shopping bags.
“Hi, Mom,” Ned replied.
“Hey, Mrs. Bigby,” said Moze.
Mrs. Bigby smiled in Moze and Ned's direction, though neither of them noticed. “So, what are you two watching?”
Mission Impossible,” replied Ned.
“Well, I'll get out of your way,” said Mrs. Bigby, heading into her room, which was nest to the kitchen.
A minute later, Ned glanced at Moze. `Her face is so beautiful, I can't stand it!' Ned thought. He couldn't take it anymore. In a split second, Ned leaned in and gave Moze a kiss on the lips.
A/N: Well, what'd ya think? Sorry that it took a bit longer to get up than the previous chapters. Anyways, there's just one more chapter to go before the park! Yay! Well, please R&R! Bye! ^^