Other Fan Fiction ❯ More than Friends? ❯ Finally Together ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: More than Friends?
Author: the ultimate SoBe Master
Chapter 11: Finally Together
Email: mightysobe745_8@yahoo.com, sobe_rocks@hotmail.com
Category: Ned's Declassified SSG
Time seemed to stop for Ned and Moze as they kissed. Ned couldn't believe it. He had finally told Moze how he felt about her, and on top of that, she liked him in the same way. On the inside, Ned was cheering and fireworks were going off. Basically the same was happening to Moze. Finally, after at least 30 seconds, Ned and Moze finally broke away. “Best damn kiss ever!” They both said.
“So, when do ya wanna have our actual first date?” asked Ned.
“I was thinking tonight,” Moze answered. “Now, just kiss me,” Moze pulled Ned to her and their lips met for the second time, and once again time stopped for them. It was as if Moze was kissing Father Time.
“That is it! I'm not gonna buy it any longer! You are not going out with Moze, Ned Bigby! You are mine!” screeched a familiar voice.
“Missy! I'm not with you, and I never will be! I'm going out with Moze!” Ned growled.
“Ned, don't try to fool me! Now, come with me!” Missy retaliated.
“No, I'm serious. All those other times, me and Moze have been pretending to go out so you would leave me alone, but now we really are going out. So, with that being said, get lost!”
“Fine! I'll leave, but I'll be keeping my eye on you, and if you even give a hint that you aren't with Moze, you're mine!” With that, Missy stomped off, steaming with rage, as well as jealousy.
Ned and Moze spent the rest of the day together, making out, taking a boat out onto the lake, etc. Surprisingly, Ned actually had his boating license. By 6:00, they finally met up with Cookie and Lisa, hand in hand, at their favorite spot by the lake. “Well, this has been the best day of my life! What about you guys?” Ned said, a huge smile upon his face.
“Hell yeah!” said Cookie.
“Definitely!” said Lisa.
“You already know my answer, Ned,” Moze said, kissing Ned on the cheek.
“Yep! Well, shall we get going?”
“Yeah, let's go,” The others replied. That being said, they all started for the road. As they continued down it, Moze got closer to Ned and now had her head resting on his shoulder. Cookie had his arm around Lisa's waist, and she had her head resting on his shoulder as well.
“Ned, me and Lisa are gonna go grab a bite to eat. You and Moze wanna join us? It'd be a double date!” said Cookie.
“Nah, you two go ahead. I have something else in mind for a first date,” Ned replied.
“Alright, then I guess we'll see ya later,” With that, Cookie and Lisa broke away from the group and began heading for one of the several seafood restaurants in St. Polk.
“So, what do you have planned for a first date?” asked Moze.
“You'll see, and I think you're gonna like it,” Ned replied, smiling.
Ned and Moze soon neared Ned's house. When they got there, Ned told Moze to close her eyes. Moze obliged and shut them. Ned opened the door and led her inside. He shut the door and then told her to open them. When she did, she saw a large pepperoni and sausage pizza on the coffee table. Several movies - The Chronicles of Riddick, Shrek, The Fantastic Four, Brave Heart, and Oh Brother, Where art Thou? - sat upon the table beside the pizza. Several Xbox games were there too: Halo, Halo 2, Far Cry Instincts, F.E.A.R., and Star Wars Battlefront 2. “Ned, what is this?” Moze asked.
“I bid you, Jennifer Mozely, to a very special edition of Movie-Video Game-Pizza Night!” Ned said in his best announcer voice.
“Ned, I can't believe you remembered! Ever since you had started to date Suzie, we hardly ever did this anymore! Thank you, Ned! I love it!” Moze exclaimed, giving Ned a big kiss on the lips.
“Ned, Moze, I see you're back!” Mrs. Bigby said, smiling.
“Yeah,” replied Ned.
“So Ned, is it true you and Moze are finally together?” She asked.
Blushing, Ned said, “Yes, it's true,”
“That's great news! I had always wondered when you two would get together!”
“You had?”
“Yeah, it was obvious there was something there between you and Moze,”
“Yeah Mom, I know. Now, could you please let us be alone?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Mrs. Bigby then headed into her room, shutting the door behind her.
“So, where do ya wanna start?” Ned asked, taking Moze's hand.
“Let's start with some gaming! We can watch a movie later,” Moze replied. Picking up a controller, Ned and Moze played every game at least once within the next three hours. Moze led on the scoreboard with a total 35 wins. Ned only had 29 total wins.
Shutting off the Xbox off, Ned asked, “So, what movie should we start with?”
Um…how about we start off with some action: Fantastic Four?” Moze suggested.
“Alright,” replied Ned. He then stood up and put the movie in the tray of his DVD player. As the movie started, he sat back down next to Moze, his arms going around her and pulling her closer to him. Her warmth felt soothing to Ned. He wished that this feeling would never leave him. He finally felt whole, finally complete. For the rest of the night, Ned and Moze watched every movie that Ned had out. This was truly the perfect day for Ned, and only the first of many to come as he continued to date Moze.
The End
A/N: Well, it's finally complete. I know it wasn't as long as some of the other chapters, but it's still good in my eyes. Anyways, go Ned!! Woot! Lol, anyways, please R&R!! Also, if any of you have read my story The Image of Truth in the past, check it out within a few days, `cause I'm gonna make some changes to the existing chapters, then I'll be continuing it `til it's complete. Well, see ya later! ^^ Ned and Moze together forever and ever always!!!