Other Fan Fiction ❯ Mutation and Death ❯ Victims and Friends ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mutation and Death
By: Zero Alkaiser
This story contains scenes depicting sexual acts, profanity, violence, non-consensual sex, anal, incest, and various other naughty naughty things that little children are not to view. If any of this bothers you do not read and also don't bother me. If you are underage do not read, Read No Further, Another Warning. All characters belong to who created them, unless they are an OC (Original Character) then they belong to me so no thieving them please unless you consult me first. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
“X” Spoken words
“X” thoughts
<X> Sign language/ telepathy
Chapter 3: Victims and Friends
The glow had yet to fade but Zack knew what she was becoming there was only one thing it could and if she did indeed become that he would rip that bastards head off. Tia stood mesmerized but out of her peripheral vision she could see Zack his muscles bunching up under his clothes preparing himself for something and he wasn't the only one all the other pokegirls were stiffening up, hair bristling on some, others giving out sparks or flames something bad was about to happen.
The glow started to fade but even with hope against what she wouldn't became it didn't change the glowing blue eyes, red skin tone, and the orange hair with leather clothes; despite the fact that her hair was orange instead of red didn't change the she had become a Penance.
The former Kitten, now that the glow had dispersed, could see her `master' and immediately bolted from the scene no one trying to stop her.
“Come back here you insolent wench!” Kuno shouted as he started to go after the Penance but was cut off by a crowd of angry pokegirls.
Tia looked over to where Zack was to tell him that they need to beat the hell out of this bastard badly but Zack was nowhere to be seen, she scanned the crowd but could find no trace of him. Where the hell could he have gone too? We need to beat the hell out of this guy until he cant get it up any longer. Tia thought angrily at the absence of her bodyguard.
Zack however was attending to other things racing after the Penance as fast as he could I have to find her, the others can take care of the asshole back there, if she escapes here who knows how long she will wonder from town to town frightened, just like Charlene. Zack ran faster in the direction of the abused pokegirl remember every detail about Charlene and how she never recovered I won't let that happen! Zack thought as he finally caught sight if the running girl, an hour after the chase started heading towards a brick wall. She can't bust through that nor can she leap over it and the only other way to go is to the left…I can cut her off at the turn! With all his speed he rounded the corner outside of the one where the Penance would come out and headed straight to the entrance of where she would come out of into the street.
Just in time too as the Penance came charging down the path practically right on top of Zack who braced for the impact. Said collision was bone jarring and if it were not for the fact that it was Zack who she ran into would have been bowled over and seriously hurt. The Penance felling, seeing as she closed her eyes at impact, that she was in somebody's hands started thrashing right away her bladed fingers, toes, and hair ripping slices down his clothes, face, and flesh.
So much for when you catch one, they wont run but they still struggle apparently. Zack thought as he felt her bladed biting into his flesh, if it wasn't for the `toughness' I would have been killed already. Finally he spoke to the frightened girl “Look here I'm not that Fucker Kuno!” Zack shouted which broke the girl out of here frenzy.
Now that she could see who was holding her she could also see the cuts, some deep others not, that she had inflicted upon him dropped to the ground and started to ball her eyes out. See what she was crying at he bent his legs so he could look her in the eyes “Look I know they look bad but I'm much tougher then that.” Seeing as her crying slowed he took that as a sign that she was listening “I know what you are going through I my self have evolved, so too speak, at the cause of much pain” The crying Penance looked on through her watering eyes as he tore off the shredded sleeve and glove of his right hand. The pokegirl's eyes widened at what she saw, where a normal arm should have been was only a muscular furred humanoid arm with the dark green fur, the same color as his hair, extending into his shirt and only ending at the back of his hand where a muscular hand that, although look humanoid, ended in a set of really sharp claws.
“I know frightening isn't it, this extends all the way to my shoulder.” He said motioning with his other hand “That's not all but my leg on the same side and my eye is just like it.” Again calling attention to each said part with his hand. “Would you like to know how it happened.” The Penance seeing that he indeed was asking her a question only nodded seeing as members of her species are mute.
Zack sat down beside the red-hued girl and began to speak “Truth is now a day I don't like to interact with pokegirls much, but back up until I was ten I loved pokegirls so much so that when my Uncle Hugh, whose ranch I was raised on since I was five, dared me to take the tamers test at nine I passed and ranked at the top ten percent of the class.”
The Penance know listening intently to his story so much so that she was no longer crying looked at the young man as he leaned against the wall they were beside. “The incident, as it became know as, took place on my tenth birthday.”
I was so happy about it being my birthday that I was hyper all day. We had a cake ice cream the works however since this was the dining room of the main hall at my Uncle's ranch pokegirls were not allowed in and that hurt because a lot of the pokekits were my friends and I wanted them to join in on the fun too. I was later that after everyone had went to bed that I got the leftovers from the party, cake and all, and headed over to were the kits usually slept.
I entered the room it was lighted which was unusual and I looked around to see why someone turned it on but then I saw them pieces of my friends littered all over the place and I screamed and screamed.
I was brought out of my fit when I heard a strange noise coming from the ceiling like two pieces of I would say a cross between metal and some kind of mineral rubbing together. When my eye reached the ceiling I was caught in the glare of two sets of eyes set in front of black creature and I was frozen on the spot in terror, it was a Widow. I was about to run when I jumped down in front of me, raising its right claw it slashed at me with such force it slammed my right through the door. After I stopped moving I got up to see where I landed only I couldn't see out of my right eye and I felt something warm on my face. I went to reach up and wipe it of but I couldn't get my hand or arm for that matter on the right to move.
Looking over to see if maybe I broke it in the fall and see that there was no arm any more I was about to scream once more when something heavy landed on me, I had forgotten about the Widow! That was when I noticed something strange it wasn't killing me in fact it was trying to remove my pants, this Widow was in her second stage. In her frustration on failing to get my pants off she just ripped off my leg at mid-thigh, and lick was on her side, but not on mine, for when she tore my leg off most of my pants came off with it. From there it was an easy matter to remove my underwear that I was wearing at the time and she then proceeded to mount me her spikes lining her vagina driving into my pelvis rendering my stiff all over for her use. I could no longer feel anything I knew I was dieing, and then I heard someone cry my name, with a screech the Widow leap off of me and ran towards the house I thought I heard something being said in a language I didn't understand and then a horrific howl and a concussion pierced the night air. I still couldn't move and I was getting sleepy, and all at once Uncle Hugh appeared in my vision and he picked me up and moved my to the pokekit quarters. Finally he placed my down and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer that's when I heard him say something “Please forgive me.” And I fell into what I thought was the sleep of death.
It was two weeks before I woke up from that attack and all at once I knew something was different my eyesight in my right eye was different, much clearer then what was there before. I brought my right hand to rub my face to make sure I wasn't imagining things and all at once I remembered I had no right hand anymore the Widow took it! Pulling back my hand I found what you see today a claw and I let out a scream like on the night of the attack and fainted. When I came too next Uncle was there, he explained that in order to save my life he used all of the pokekits that died as ingredients for a spell, remembering how he was a mage and all I recalled the strange language before the howl and boom that night, it must have been magic, said spell brought all the parts together to my body and fuse with my injured areas repairing them but leaving them in the state you see know.
So I was to be part pokegirl I could handle that I loved pokegirls. When I got along enough in my recovery and practice of my new limbs I went to see the girls around the ranch to tell them that I was all better but they didn't join me in my enthusiasm in fact some of them started to cry when they seen me, some ran off, others seemed scared, and a few beat me. Uncle later told me that because they know what was done to save me they now are reminded of their children when they see me.
“For six years that went on so I began isolating myself from them to spare them but you know I hated that so I went on this journey with Tia, Uncle Hugh's niece, to see things that I denied myself for myself and I moved on” Zack said finishing his story “So you see we both have went through unwelcome pain to be where we are now and just like me you will move on and find things some bad some good and I'll help you if you wish.” Standing up Zack reached down to the Penance offering his hand whom looked at it wearily and reach out tentatively to take it wow she already is starting to become less dense but still the blades hurt ouch! Zack thought wincing as he pulled her up. She saw the wince and looked down to see that his clawed hand was bleeding where she gripped it she reflexively jerked her hand away.
“Don't worry about this.” He said holding his hand up “like most of the wounds I received tonight it will stop bleeding in a second and it doesn't hurt all that much.” The Penance looked over his body where she hurt him earlier and he was right for the most part most of his wounds, besides the deeper ones, had stopped bleeding in the course of his story. “See now I'm worried about you before you evolved you took a good beating so lets go to the pokecenter to check you out and heal you if needed.”
The Penance looking at the man that she shared so much in common with and suddenly grabbed him and started to cry “Shish don't cry If I have my way you will never have to go to a center to get healed again, and when I find that bastard that did this I'll make what the Widow did to me look like a lover's spat!”
It was dark by the time Zack got back with his charge only to be met by a furious Tia. She started to rev up for a rant about him abandoning her and running off but when she seen who was with her she lost all of her steam.
“So that was why you left!” Tia whispered more to herself then to Zack then she saw that he was injured. “Hold on I'll get the NurseJoy” the tamer went off to find the attending Nurse…in the direction of the restrooms.
“You know I know she means well and cant help it but sometimes that is just funny.” Zack laughed to the Penance who managed a tiny giggle, which made him in turn and laugh harder and in a cycle of endless laughter from both parties that was broken only when the NurseJoy who was attending check to see what was up.
“Oh my!” The Nurse pokegirl gasped as seeing the recently evolved Penance and an injured citizen bursting at the seams from laughter both of whom quieted down at the sight of the pokegirl.
“Ah…NurseJoy, sorry I don't know what your name is but I need you to check her out for injuries if that is all right with you.” Zack said laughing somewhat still.
The Nurse nodded “Of course! Are you her tamer now.” The Joy asked tentatively looking at the man whose arm was cover inside of his coat.
Zack only smiled at the Joy “Only if she want to me to be, and Nurse while you are back there could you get a psychic to see what her name is that why who ever does become her tamer can call her by her name?”
NurseJoy only smiled at the young man “Certainly and its Cassie by the way…my name I mean.” Zack smiled back.
After figuring out that the bathrooms were not in fact the nurses station and called out her pokegirls to lead the way to freedom. Upon exiting the restroom she was greeted by the voice that she went in search for the nurse for.
“Have fun?” Zack said leaning against the wall just beside the door to say she was mortified was an understatement. “By the way what went on with Kuno?”
The memory of that brought a smile to her and her girl's faces “well after you left Kuno was mysteriously beaten within a inch of his life but when the Officer Jenny's showed up there was a bunch of witnesses to the evolution of a Penance but no witnesses to the beating coincidently.”
Zack just smiled and spoke with as much sarcasm as he could “No really?” Tia's girls just giggled.
“That's right and the beating was so bad no only was his taming career ended but he was rendered sterile and impotent.” Makoto said with one of the evil grins he has ever seen.
“Well Kisa should be happy to hear that.” All of the friends looked over to the voice that spoke.
“Ah Cassie is that the name of the Penance?” Green haired teen spoke to the Joy, which she confirmed.
“Now if you will there is still the matter of your examine.” Cassie said to the crowd of friends and all humans present shook. “What did I say?”
Heading to the medical area Zack wanted the answers to a couple of questions. “Excuse me but where is Kisa now?”
Cassie smiled at the teen “Concerned are we? Well don't be I just gave her something to help her to sleep she looked like she needed it.” She heard Zack sigh and smiled inwardly. “I have a question for you if you will?” Zack just said sure shoot “How is it that you just met that Penance and cot her to soften so much?”
“So she softened a great deal then?” he asked and she nodded “Well the truth is that there only a few people that can understand what a Penance goes through right after she evolves with out interacting with one, not only am I one of those people but I have also interacted with a Penance before so I feel just as strongly as pokegirls do about it if not more so.”
Sighing to herself she just looked at the green haired teen “It sounds like you two are alike in more way then one” Zack said nothing to this which was in it self an answer to the affirmative. “Its good to know she pick such a good tamer to be her master.” Both Cassie and Zack were grinning now.
The next day went about uneventful the only exception being Zack receiving a pokedex, some pokeballs, and Registering and replacing the leather outfit that marked her evolution collaring Kisa which she loved apparently tackling him to the ground and kissing him before blushing realizing what she had done. The final preparations were underway and a constant stream of tamers and pokegirls of all type filtering into the town. Booths were set up each having a picture of the tamer in question as well as their stats of which Tia's and Zack's photos were a part of where pokegirls if the so choose can drop their pokeballs into.
“And when was I going to learn of this?” Zack asked looking towards his fellow tamer who was worried because she couldn't read his face under his hood.
“W-well I thought that since you agreed to be a tamer it would be all right so I asked Cassie to help set it up.” Tia said tentatively pushing her pointer fingers together then she started to glare at the hooded tamer “By the way what did you do to Cassie? Every time the subject of you came up she went pale.”
It was obvious that Zack looked away but his expression was still hidden by his hood. “When she went to heal me she had me strip off my most of my clothes and I guess she didn't like what she saw.”
Zack didn't have to draw her a picture to figure out how that went. “So are you glad for tomorrow girls?” Tia asked her pokegirls who just responded in a smile.
“Well I'm staying in I don't feel like running into a psychic type that wants to read my mind for fun…how about you Kisa” Zack asked the orange haired pokegirl who just hugged him
<Me, you> Kisa signed and Zack smiled. All through the day he had been teaching her sign language stating that `She might not speak again but she can still talk.'
Tia upon seeing him sign immediately began asking how he knew how to do that “Charlene taught me before she died.” His answer spoke almost in a whisper. Tia just asked simply `Who the hell was Charlene?'
“She was a Penance that Uncle Hugh took care of for a while before you can to the ranch.” Tia looked shocked at this seeing as how no body ever mentioned her. “Her tamer made her became one in order for her to fight using the abilities that Penance has but since she couldn't speak he taught her sign language to make up for it.” Everyone was now listening as hard as they could. “Finally the caught up to him and shipped of Charlene to the ranch to be rehabilitated, Uncle and I would come in and talk to her but all she would do was cry, so I started to come on my own to lessen the burden on her for some reason she never cried when it was just me.” Tia raised her eyebrows at this and the others just had a questioning look to them.
“Its one of the few memories that I have of my father, he explained that I have curse form of the `Comforter' blood gift.” Zack said almost sad Millie asked how could there be a curse form to that gift? “You see it does the exact same thing as the gift but whenever the person who has it needs to be comforted other tend to ignore him and instead seek comfort from him when he needs it more, in order for anyone to get around its effect would be for them to actively be around the person where the could read the person well enough, or the empathy blood gift.” Zack shook his head as if to clear it “Anyways over two years she slowly taught me how to sign but in the last couple of weeks she had stopped eating anything and slowly she died, and one of the last things she sign to me was <I'm lonely little one I miss my daughter>, it was only later that we found out that she had a kid with her tamer that died right after she became a Penance, she died never recovering from when she evolved.” Tia figured that the time span when she died must have been right before she came there and not by much time, Makoto was just looking at the ground while Millie and Kisa were openly crying.
“Anyways we have to look on the bright side where she is now she is no longer lonely her daughter is with her now.” That statement seemed to make everyone feel a little better “Now what are you girls planning to do tomorrow?” Switching the subject seemed to be a good idea as everyone cheered up as they started to list the things that they were going to do.
The room they gave me suck ass! It has a tiny bed and an even smaller storage space I guess I'll get my sleeping bag and sleep on the floor and let Kisa take the bed. Zack told himself. Kisa however didn't take the suggestion very well seeing as she started to pull on his arm to the bed “What you don't want to sleep alone?” Kisa nodded in answer. “Well are you sure you feel right about this because you might not have enough room to stretch out and the fur on my arm and leg can be quite itchy.”
She just kept pulling him until finally after he said ok, started to undress down to his boxers, did Kisa let go and pulled off her one piece white dress which caused Zack to look away out of embarrassment. Now in his boxers and Kisa in her white panties.
“W-well we should get some sleep.” Zack stammered because of the lovely girl that was practically naked that was going to sleep in the same bed as him. I know she is a year younger then me and the proper age for a pokegirl but still having her that close like that will get embarrassing for me. He thought to himself hoping that she wouldn't find the source of his embarrassment.
“Well I hope you had a good first day because tomorrow will probably be boring unless you wish to go with Tia for the day then…” However he didn't get to finish his sentence as the Penance started to sign `No' over and over “Ok, ok if you don't want to go that's fine but I'm staying here all day.” With that the room settled down and the both got under the covers and fell into a good sleep.
Warning: Lemon obstruction ahead… take alternative road if the scenic route is not your thing.
About midnight Zack woke up to the feel of something warm on his neck and at first he didn't think anything of it because it left a second later and he started to head back into sleep then there it was again but he noticed that a soft feeling that came with it. It left once again and now he waited to see if it would come back and it did and with a gentle rocking against his hip. What was it? Damn it was is that? I'm too tired, I feel like I'm forgetting something but what? Zack couldn't help thinking to his self but then he felt it or more precisely two things poking into his arm and the realization smacked him up side of his like a Snorlass. Kisa I forgot that she was sleeping in the bed with me, she must be having a `good' dream. However he was surprised to look over and see that he eyes were open and glowing fiercely. The feeling on his neck was her kissing him gently and the rocking was her bare hips against his Wait bare hips where is her underwear and mine for that matter? Suddenly he could feel her hand drifting down and down until…
Zack moaned as Kisa's hand came in contact with his rapidly hardening member. Kisa was seemingly mesmerized as she watched it grow pant faster the larger it got. Suddenly the rocking warmth at his hip changed to a moist feeling. Finally he reached his maximum length a modest seven inches, which in the world today is about normal.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” his voice startled her for a second but she rapidly recovered and just smiled griping him harder making him gasp. Slowly she swung her leg over his hips as to straddle him. Time seemed to slow as she placed him at her entrance that was currently dripping onto him lubricating him even before she touch him. She seemed to smile brighter as her nether lips touched his head. Now looking into his eyes Kisa lowered herself onto him and eased Zack inside of her, her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in a silent moan. As last they were joined as close as possible. Kisa gazed at him as if asking him if this was all right?
“You can go at your own pace.” Zack told his pokegirl. At first it seemed like she wasn't doing anything but eventually it became noticeable that she was shallowly lifting her hips growing in distance by the minute. About ten minutes into this act of taming the augmented teen started to thrust his hips up in time with Kisa's downward motions. This caused her folds to clench at him as she stopped for a minute; it became noticeable that she had achieved orgasm as the wall of her insides rapidly grabbed and released him as she gushed liquids out off her and onto the young man who had came up to embrace her when she stopped and continue where she left off picking her up and easing her back down upon his throbbing erection intensifying her climax. As the Penance came back from her detour from reality she noticed what was happening and that the flame inside of her hadn't abated in the slightest it was in fact glowing even more harshly then before. She resumed from where she left off at aiding Zack in his effort.
Everything was leading up to a wonderful experience, a culmination of both of their affection for each other. At least Kisa's eyes snapped shut and Zack grunted out both had achieved release at the same time, Kisa's inner sanctum was flooded with both her fragrant essence and Zack's seed. They stayed like this for some time then at last as the last of their energy ran out they collapsed onto the bed spent from their night of activity. Zack went to withdraw himself from her but her hand grabbed him when he tried shaking her head he understood what she wanted and just went to embrace her once again and pulled the covers over them both so that they may sleep the night in each others company.
End of lemon detour we now return you to your safe yet slightly less then erotic road to ruination.
“Zack get out right now you cant be serious about staying in there all day!” Tia shouted at the locked door expecting an answer. “What about Kisa did you ever think she might want to see what is going on out there?” It was then that she heard a shuffle at the door about time lazy ass! Tia thought as the door opened a crack to reveal a naked Kisa at the entrance.
Well, well, well, what have we got here? “Hey Kisa what have you been up to or was it Zack who was up last night.” Tia added in a tone that meant exactly what double meaning she meant. All Kisa did was blush and look away no way she actually did “I…see so anyway I came up here to see if you wanted to get away for a while and check out things down here, I sure its much better then up here.”
The Penance shook her head then smiled and raised her hand and shut the door locking it as she did so. Tia stood there in shock “The bitch just flicked me off!”
End of chapter 3
PENANCE, the "Handle-With-Care" PokéGirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Dark/Steel
Frequency: Extremely Rare (Not rare enough in some people's opinion)
Diet: Human-style, only eats with permission in a Harem
Role: Victim needing rehabilitation
Libido: None, raises if placed with kind Tamer
Strong Vs: Psychic, Flying, Normal, Dragon, Ice, Water, Magic, Steel
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting, Fire
Attacks: Cry, Scratch, Tackle, Pummel, Claw Slash, Claw Carve, Harden, Midnight, StrengthDrain, Wrestle
Enhancements: superdense body, obeys without question, fingers, hair, and toes condensed into blades, completely invisible in the dark
Limitations: terrified of everything, cries at random intervals for no visible reason, totally incapable of speaking, skittish and hostile towards anyone they don't know
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Any PokéGirl that has been brutally abused mentally, physically and spiritually for a long period of time.
Abused PokéGirls that are killed or commit suicide are the lucky ones. Those who don't, who stay with their abusive Tamers, accepting berating after berating, beating after beating, taking so much abuse that their very soul starts to wither away, become what is called a Penance. Their body changes, losing any animal, plant, or insectile features, becoming fully human again. Then their body starts to become denser and denser, a 'thick-skin' to protect against physical abuse, their skin and hair turning blood red and their eyes glowing blue. Their fingers and toes atrophy, morphing into bladelike claws, their hair becoming razor-edged strands. Any clothing they wear goes through a transformation as well, becoming form-fitting straps of leather. Their body hardens tremendously, a sign of their withdrawl from reality, and their personality degenerates into a frightened, skittish wreck. They will always run away from their original Tamer and hide in the wild. Any other PokéGirls that witness an evolution to a Penance becomes extremely angry and attacks the one responsible for creating the Penance, usually leading to severe injuries to the one they are attacking.
Finding a Penance is tricky enough, as they run from all contact. It's also uncertain how many Penance may exist, as they're often so skittish that one could very well be sighted in multiple towns, fleeing from city to city. A greater challenge comes from trying to catch one. They have incredible defense with their superdense skin, and fight fiercely to get away. Once captured, the REAL challenge begins, trying to get a Penance to trust their Tamer. They won't run away once re-caught, but they will be very fearful, constantly shivering and crying until a Tamer can convinces the Penance that they can be trusted.
Because they have been so abused, they have to be treated with kindness, gentleness, and above all PATIENCE. They will obey without question, but Taming is impossible due to the dangers of the Penance's superdense body. Eventually, with consistant kind, loving treatment, a Penance's body will start to 'soften,' becoming more light to the touch. The Penance's appearance will not change, save for the hair, toes, and fingers de-atrophying and looking normal again, although the skin/hair color and glowing eyes will remain as before. The Penance, if well-treated enough, will regain part of the personality they had before they became a Penance. (Although they remain totally mute, and cannot change into another form, as Penance is a dead-end evolution.) Tamers who have managed to get their Penance acting like their old self again and not like a skittish, terrified young girl are regarded as saintly.
Once a Penance has been healed from the abuse they had suffered, they become excellent fighters for their Harem. They can remanifest their ultradense skin and bladed digits and hair at will, and shed them once the fight is over, fighting in a more coordinated fashion than before they had been 'softened' by their master's kind treatment.
Note from the Author:
Behold! It is I once again just so most of you know that this was uploaded along with the first and second chapter on 1/23/08 so please read and review because as of yet you could not have said anything that anyone else has because this is a new series.
Thank you and remember “Read and Review!”