Other Fan Fiction ❯ Mutation and Death ❯ Festival Days! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mutation and Death
By: Zero Alkaiser
This story contains scenes depicting sexual acts, profanity, violence, non-consensual sex, anal, incest, and various other naughty, naughty things that little children are not to view. If any of this bothers you do not read and also don't bother me. If you are underage do not read, Read No Further, Another Warning. All characters belong to who created them, unless they are an OC (Original Character) then they belong to me so no thieving them please unless you consult me first. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
“X” Spoken words
“X” thoughts
<X> Sign language/ telepathy
Chapter 4: Festival Days!
Bitch who dare she flip me off, just because she is getting laid by that bastard, doesn't mean she has to be rude! Tia fumed the last hour had not been pretty for her. First Mako-chan wants to go to see some things by herself, which is fine but then Mill-chan all sparkly like said she would accompany her, which is fine considering Mako-chan's problem with almost all the guys we have seen coming into the fair today, this leaves me all alone so I thought that maybe Kisa wanted to come along but instead she want to get fucked all day and becomes rude when I ask, all I wanted was some company.
“Excuse me miss” the voice a NurseJoy calling to her broke Tia out of her inner tirade. Tia looked up to where the Joy was located she was currently sitting down. “Why are you in the bathroom stall with me?” An extreme blush appeared on the girls face as she dash out without thinking where she was going.
“Damn blood curse, that would never to a normal person…ok now to go back to my…” Tia trailed off because she now had a chance to look around to where she had run away from that situation to. “Ah damn it! I'm outside and I have no one to guide me, lets see if all goes according to how my nature works…then I'm fucked.” Tia sighed knowing it was to late to go back because there was no back for her ever. “I may as well check things out then see if I can get more `girls to my booth.” To say that for the next two hours that she got anywhere would have been a lie it wasn't until she met another tamer by the name of Gray, who was taller then Tia by a foot wearing a one-piece blue jumpsuit, that she got anywhere. Gray's hair like his name was gray as he was an older tamer who was retired looking for a companion.
“And then she said `that's not me that's my Dildo Queen.'” The man in the jumpsuit finished his story laughing along with Tia who was caught up in the laugh as well. “Oh I haven't told that story to anyone in a long time…well you said you wanted to see some booths where to first?” Tia didn't have to think long seeing as the first booth with a pokegirl was right next to them containing a G-Poindexter, with short purple hair and small in stature with a small b-cup which looked appropriate on the five foot even pokegirl, and an obvious questionnaire. The blond tamer just pointed to the booth and Gray led the way were the G-point was waiting.
“Hello my name is Tia how are you?” Tia asked politely but the pokegirl didn't look interested in names at the moment.
“Hold all names until the end if I need it.” Tia looked shocked for a second but remembered her sister was like this when it came to certain facts and after nodding her head the `girl continued. “First question can you explain how extra-dimensional travelers come to be part of this world?”
Tia just looked at the pokegirl like she was crazy `How the hell does she think that I can answer, I can't even answer how I can be anyway at one point.' “Umm can I have a different question?” Said G-point was willing to give the tamer another shot.
“Alright then answer this please, why do girls threshold and not boys?” The G-point looked smug for asking this question however she didn't know that Tia came from a research family that included a Supe-bra Genius.
Tia smiled because she gets to surprise the `girl with her knowledge in this subject “The double X-chromosome, Sukebe designed it so that when pokegirl DNA is mixed with another species, specifically human, that the DNA from the pokegirl would attach itself to the normal strand and at specific point, puberty, would in turn mutate the DNA to resemble pokegirls this in turn causes what we know as threshold.” The G-point's jaw dropped not at all expecting this at all from the blond tamer, who wasn't down with her answer “As for males since they don't have a double X they are not subject to threshold however if for some reason they encounter a mutative substance designed for a pokegirl that changes them they themselves are subject to it and my threshold another pokegirl or human female might.”
The G-point after collecting herself just said one thing “You said your name was Tia?” Tia nodded to the affirmative.
Lunch came around as they where in the park where all of the food venders all gathered and the older tamer offered to buy for the both of them, which Tia didn't argue about.
“Ah I love a fresh slice of Pokepizza with extra cheese.” Tia beamed happily at Gray who just smiled back at the shorter tamer while taking a swig from the lemonade that he had bought for his self. She then went over what she had done before lunch had arrived “Let see I visited that Poindexter, which I think I made a good impression on, a Ka-D-Bra, who read my mind and gave me two thumbs down, a Domina, who I didn't like one bit, a Amachop, who said I want fit enough to be her tamer, and an Armsmistress, who wanted to know the process of forging greaves to which I had no clue of how.”
“Indeed you have had an active day young lady maybe you should take a quick nap yes?” Gray said as he put his arm around Tia.
Suddenly Tia started to get sleepy “That strange I wasn't tired a second ago maybe a nap would do me some good.” With that Tia fell asleep.
Tia woke up to the feel of someone fondling her thinking it was Mako-chan or maybe Mill-chan she just ignored it. It wasn't until she felt those same fondling hands on her rear and in her panties that she noted that they were larger then both aforementioned pokegirls. “W-what is going on here” Tia said trying to overcome sleep.
“You woke up sooner then I expected my little prize.” The voice startled Tia into full awareness the one who was touching her was Gray! She and gray were in an alley that was slightly hidden and out of the way from the mainstream celebrations, trash and various other garbage lying around. “I expected you to be asleep for another hour but you woke up before I even started to play with you oh well with that drug in your system I doubt you'll be able to scream or run away.”
Tia couldn't help but try to struggle at both to get away from him and his hands that were worming their way into place that she didn't want them “S-stop please don't do this.”
Although the blond girl couldn't see it the elder tamer was grinning “But why my dear I mean after all the reason females became tamers is because they like to get laid right I'm just trying to help you out and plus I haven't had a human girl in quite some time.”
Hearing this Tia couldn't let him do this to her so she released her stored electricity like she had done on many occasions in the past mostly, against her sisters and Zack, thanks to her `Electric Shock' blood gift.
Gray lacking anything to protect him was immediately electrocuted and let go of Tia as a result “AH YOU BITCH! Your just like the rest of those pokesluts out there aren't you, aren't you!” Gray shouted at the grounded girl who was struggling to move but found she couldn't thanks to whatever drug that Gray had laced her pizza with. “Well at least you can't get away from me now, I was going to let you go after I had my fun with you but that attitude of yours needs to be corrected.” After Gray said this he went to his pack and pulled out a black ball “Here it is the ticket to an attitude adjustment a mod-ball with this you'll be my pokegirl and I'll send you through a level 5 taming cycle.”
Tia's eyes grew wide at this and she squirmed trying her best to get away from guaranteed threshold but she knew that she could so trying to scream she yell out for help only it came out in a squeak her voice being robbed courtesy of the drug just like he said.
`No I don't want this to happen I want to go and continue on with my journey with Mill-chan, Mako-chan, Zack, and any other `girls that we come across I want to go home at one point and show my sisters how good of a tamer I have became, no this can't happen, it shouldn't happen, not now, not ever!'
“I wander what kind of girl you will became? Lets find out together!” Gray spoke as he chucked the illegal ball at Tia who just raised her hands to protect herself.
A second passed with nothing happening and then another `Where is the ball I thought I would at least feel it.' Looking up she seen the figure of Gray in his jumpsuit looking angrily at another figure in a leather coat holding the mod-ball.
“Sorry about taking so long Tia I got here right after you shocked him.” The green-haired teen spoke up to the frightened girl still looking at the elder man “I did however hold back for a good reason you see I got a recording of this incident on my pokedex and sent it to the police station and the Officer Jenny's should arrive at anytime to take you away hopefully you'll provided them with an excuse to beat your sorry ass.” The last words were emphasized by the crunching of the black ball in the young tamers claw that was exposed at the moment.
Gray seeing that he was caught released his Amachop “Body Slam!” Caught off guard the teen was slammed into the wall beside Tia. Gray seizing the opportunity ran off while his `girl was distracting his enemy.
“Damn he is getting away.” Zack said reaching into his pokebelt and releasing Kisa. “Kisa knock her out and protect Tia I'm going after that bastard!” Kisa nodded to her tamer and shifted to her blade like body Zack ran off after said runner.
“Damn I'm didn't want to release Kisa to that type of `girl but if I didn't this asshole will get away!” Zack said to himself chasing after the older man. He seen the man heading towards the exit of the town where some fighting types were hanging out and he had an idea. “Hey girls stop that old guy from leaving town!” he shouted the pokegirls seeing the old man heading for them just stood in his way not wanting to get involved too much. Gray seeing as how his escape route was blocked just turned around and pulled a pokeball from his belt and released a Hun “Thanks this bastard has a lot to answer for” Zack said as he slowed to face the tamer and his Hun that was standing strong at seven foot even with dark colored hair and a dull gray color to her skin but what was most notable was the falchion that she was wielding.
“You called me out to deal with this kid Master, I wonder if you could be anymore pathetic but oh well sorry kid a job is a job.” The Hun said shrugging all at one the Hun lunged at Zack who narrowly avoided getting disemboweled by the huge sword by rolling backwards. On the passing swipe Zack noticed several things the blade was giving off a blue glow and a cold feeling rushed into him as it passed, `Ice blade' Zack mused. The other things were that the fighting types that were guarding the exit just watched as others gasped at the spectacle.
`Shit she's faster than I thought and with all her enhancements to physical attributes there won't be much I can do and with Kisa helping Tia I have no chance unless I use my trump card then I might not have the strength to catch that guy' Zack dodged another Ice Blade infused falchion slash `On the other hand this bitch will cleave my ass in two if I don't do something.' Leaping back using his unnatural abilities to gain enough distance he shouted “Hey Hun if you are one of the greatest fighting types you should be able to stand up to what ever a human like me can through at you unarmed so why are you trying to kill me right away? I think it is that you know you can never withstand a blow from anything much less a blow from a human.” That got the expected reaction from the fighting and ice type who planted her sword into the ground and offered to take his best shot on her honor. “You asked for it.” Holding his uncovered right forearm with his left the Hun looked on with superiority and her tamer as well as the fighting types watched on with curiosity. Suddenly his claw started to glow and the look on the Hun's face changed to uncertain, when the glow on his claws reached their peak Zack rush forward. The Hun wanted to avoid the attack but because of her honor she was compelled to stand her ground. Sweeping his glowing claw in an upward motion, both Human and pokegirl released a scream one of fury the other of pain.
One of the fighting types gasped at this “A Sabre Claw!?” As the Hun dropped clutching at the slashes in her flesh her blood was running out of her, as her screams started to get softer her tamer recalling her into her `ball.
The police now called to handle the disturbance was on the scene demanding to know what was going one “Now surrender to the OfficerJennys, you have lost!” Zack said on unstable feet `Damn I always hate this feeling after I use that attack.' Gray was about to make a run for it but the OfficerJennys called for the fighting types to stop him and it was an Amachamp that grabbed.
“Gray Delbin you are under arrest for the possession of an illegally modified pokeball with the attempt to use it on a human as well as attempted rape of a human.” One of the Jennys said, “As well as ordering the attempted murder of a human.” For some reason the hold on Gray became unbearable and one of his arms snapped like a twig under the hold of the four-armed fighter.
Zack seeing all that was going on finally sat down so as to collect his breath and energy that had been expended under the assault. `It always takes about ten minutes before I can walk steadily again and half an hour before I do that again.' Suddenly he was surrounded on four-sides in an embrace. Kisa, Makoto, Millie, and Tia had gathered him in a hug. “Ok, ok that's enough.” All of them looking at him, and him at them, as they put him down. Kisa looked a little worse for wear but otherwise fine. Makoto was in a similar condition and Millie didn't have a scratch on her. Tia looked to have mostly gotten over whatever ailed her.
One of the Jennys came over to wear the enveloped tamer was. “Zack Elrin, may I get your statement as well as Tia Amory's statement back at HQ.” It was clear that it was not a question.
It was night before Zack Tia, and their respective harems made it back to the `center all of said party was tired from the days activities
“Um Zack” Tia started getting said teens attention “I just wanted to thank you for saving me today if it wasn't for you I would be a pokegirl right now.” Zack shrugged it off saying `no thanks necessary' “And there was something else you see I…” Tia was cut off however by none other then herself or more precisely her stomach.
The green haired teen just smiled “Yes I'm hungry as well so lets go something to eat.” The last was emphasized with the reappearance of Kisa who clomped onto Zack immediately. “Why don't you bring out your girls and lets head to the kitchen.”
“Right.” Tia said kind of downheartedly.
Dinner went with out a hitch in fact better then normal although both Makoto and Millie needed to be milked the latter because of her obvious consumption of the Milktit's milk. Carrie came by afterwards with their respective boxes but before they opened them Zack had a question “You know I don't remember having my empathy test so how did I get a ninety two?”
“You know I didn't remember either and I got a eight-one, Carrie the tests are taken here can you help us?” Tia asked the NurseJoy of the pokecenter who looked at them a little guiltily.
“Well you see” She started sheepishly “We have couple of psychics check you while you sleep or during the day that way no one can lie or avoid it.”
“Isn't that illegal?” Makoto asked, the NurseJoy agreed with the Milktit.
“Normally yes but the police here legalized it a couple of years back because of a tamer with a blood curse that complained that they tricked him in the interview to get a lower score.” Carrie explained to all of them; they all nodding saying that makes sense “Anyways there are your boxes have a nice day.”
Everyone at the table looked at one another “You first Tia.” Zack politely motioned slightly older tamer.
The boxes had two locks both needing a unique key for each one in order to open it “Alright I'll go first.” The two locks were removed and the box opened revealing four pokeballs. “Wow I got a lot all thing considering!” The girl exclaimed. She retrieved her `dex from her pocket to scan the balls “Lets see the first one is a Dildoran, the next is a Maggieton hmm I'll have to look that up because I don't know what that is, do you?”
Zack tilted his head to the left and back to look at the ceiling thinking back to any knowledge on a Maggieton “I want to say there is something about their personality that is off but I can't remember what it is”
“Oh well like I said I'll look it up later” Tia said dismissively going back to her cataloging her new acquisitions “the third new one is…a Psilady!” Tia looked up at Zack who just shook his head and stating that `you are the one who has the Kawaii fetish and Psilady's are very Kawaii'. “Well ok but I hope she treats you right because we are traveling together; now let see the last one is a G-Poindexter hmm I wonder” The curiosity being to much she released the G-point.
Out of the field came the five foot purple-haired G-point from the booth earlier today. “Hello Tia.”
To say that the green-eyed female tamer was happy would be a mistake giddy would be a better word “It is you” giggled and hugged the smaller girl “I can't believe you chose me I mean your so Kawaii that I cant believe it.” Zack started to mumble about her Kawaii fetish.
“R-really you think I'm Kawaii, I-I think your Kawaii too.” The G-point who was now rather shy in this unfamiliar setting stuttered but then managed to gather her wits “I never got to tell you my name.” Tia let go of the recomposed intellectual realizing the truth in her words. Once the situation was in the control of the G-Poindexter it was obvious that she was feeling much better. Bowing to the tamer she introduced herself “Hello Tia, my name is Nina Fulright and I was very impressed with your answer today.” Tia not used to praise just blushed and stammered an `ok' “and I was wondering how did you come know about such things.”
Tia beamed brightly and started to reveal her life story; Zack and Makoto just groaned having already heard this story before Millie and Nina, however, just was listening and starring intently, hearing the rather long and rather boring. It wasn't until the serum that her sisters were testing on her and others was explained that Nina's eyes brightened “What is the success ratio, as well as any side effects if you know either?”
Tia looked rather embarrassed and reddened considerably, Zack just stiffened up in his seat slightly. To anyone else this wouldn't have been noticeable but under the scrutiny of the G-point, Tia's harem, which was used what she was normally like, and Kisa, who was just watching the exchange, all caught this behavior and stared at the two tamers.
“T-the success ration is forty percent, four out of ten subjects that had ninety percent or more to threshold didn't in fact go through it however…” Tia trailed off as everyone looked on expectedly Nina motioned for the tamer to continue, “W-well you s-see there was a couple of si-side effect.”
Nina who had been making a mental evaluation of this entire conversation couldn't help but want to know more “And those side effects are?”
“Well the most harmless side effect was the appearance and/or strengthening of blood gifs and curses.” Tia said in an almost offhand manner as if to dismiss the subject or at least hope too.
Nina didn't let the subject drop like she hoped she would, “and what else?” Tia put on a face and acted like she was ignorant…it didn't fool anyone “You said that, that was the most harmless which means the is a more harmful effect to the serum.”
Tia just started to laugh and Zack just muttered that he didn't think it was funny; Tia laughed harder continuing to blush all the while. To this display everyone just stared and Nina raised eyebrow seemed to emphasize all of their curiosity.
The next voice to talk was Zack “The `serum' increase the libido of girls who threshold and as pokegirls they usually tended to be either high or extreme.” All of the `girls had a look that said `and that is a bad thing?' ignoring their unspoken question he continued with his explanation “as for those who didn't threshold a little after they hit puberty they all manifest the blood curse of `Tamer's Disease'.”
There was a collective gasp at that last bit of information and everyone looked over to Tia, the blond girl was just looking at the floor guiltily almost like a kid who was just caught stealing a cookie from the jar. Makoto started to ask her if it was true but Zack just repeated a part of his earlier statement `All manifest the blood curse' there was no mistaking the emphasis on the word `all' this time.
No one had time to ponder the exchange of good and bad about the serum as an unlikely source as Makoto started to yell at her tamer “So is that the reason you choose me as your first pokegirl huh?” Tia was startled to say the least and that led to a hesitation that was mistaken for an admission of guilt “So that was it I bet, you said all those nice things to me so you could get your fix to stave off a going feral of a different kind, anyone of those girls would have done wouldn't they, but I bet none of them were swayed by your sweet talk either, that or they all knew and left me to the proverbially Lupinas, so you came to me and I fell for it yes.” Makoto had enough and got up to leave.
Tia however had collected enough of her wits to grasp the Milktit's arm however in her state of mind Makoto did something that surprised everyone; she slapped Tia. With a resounding crack palm met cheek but because the wielder of that slap was a pokegirl and said pokegirl who although was not a fighting type had fighting training before she was a pokegirl, the meeting of flesh caused the human girl to be knocked to the ground. For a second no one moved Makoto looked like she wanted too for a second but her expression changed from a look of apology to a look of disdain as Makoto turned on the heel of her foot and left the cafeteria.
`That bitch how dare she use me like that!' Makoto thought as she started to head towards the door forgetting just what day it was and the fate that could befall her. `TO think that for the most part I spent most of my life imagining that I would end up with someone like my first tamer who was such a wonderful guy, then I get lost in a battle for salvage then traded to that ranch and then hoping that my “love” would find my and get me and when he did all he said was “Your just not what I'm looking for in a girl” and left me.' Heading past the Nurse's station and for the door to leave the `center `My life involve my imagining spending all my life with him and then Tia shows up and seduces me so she can get off and stay same…and what is worse is that I thought I felt something, something special, I never thought of any girl in this terms and after awhile I started to imagine her in `His' place in my life, I ever started to look for replacements less and less what a fool I was'
Makoto was opening the door to the after-dark hunt that was taking place outside and seal her removal from Tia's harem but it was not to be as a hand grabbed her before she could remove herself from the building and pulled her back; several pokeballs could be heard striking the door as well as some curses from the failed attempts at a easy capture.
“Damn that was close!” A male voice sighed heavily. The pokegirl looked back at the green-haired teen. Not realizing what had just about happened to her she turned to her human restraint with all of the fury that she was harboring but didn't have the chance to vent as two resounding smacks sounded out shocking her out of her rage for a second “Do you have any idea what was about to happen to you if you went out there?” Makoto was about to shout at the young man holding her but the memory of the dull thuds hitting the door earlier and the obscenities that followed returned her to the plane of reality `Pokeball and tamers are out side the door waiting for any pokegirls not satisfied with what they thought would be a good tamer to capture them they could have caught me and that would have been that' Zack saw the change of attitude at she realized what had almost occurred “Now that you know or remember that going outside is a bad idea I will be able to talk with you.”
Makoto sighed sadly “What is there to talk about she needed a fix I was there that's all there was to it” Zack got a look as if he was going to some how melt her with his eyes and started to drag her to the rooms where the tamers stayed. There was of course the normal sounds of taming sessions going on that were not quite buffered from the sound proof walls there was however a sound that was not normal and it got louder the closer they came to a familiar door. “So what are you going to ask me to go in and forgive her or show me something to change my mind?” Makoto asked of the quite Zack who just motioned for her to listen. What sounds that were slightly obscured by the walk and her talking now became clear it was crying and not the crying out of someone in joy or out of climax just crying. Makoto started to go for the door out of instinct to her tamer but stopped when she realized that her body was `She is probably just crying because she lost her favorite plaything and what about Millie I thought at least that she would defend me but no she didn't come after me or anything.' Voices now could be heard through the door, which caught the cowgirl's attention.
“She hates me, she hates me.” The sobbing voice cried which was easily identified as her tamer. “She thinks that I did all that stuff because of my damn blood curse and now she'll get a new tamer and never think about us or look back.”
A new voice popped up then so soothe the unhinged girl “From what I can gather I don't believe you are as she had assumed you are, for you seemed almost ashamed of it to keep it from your harem for so long as for me I think what you volunteered for was admirable.” Nina spoke in a voice that showed her own emotions on the subject. “However I'm glad you balled your Shieldmaiden she looked as if she was about to kill”
Makoto was shocked to hear this but at the same time slightly relieved as it meant that Millie did mean what she said earlier. Remembering that little incident before they had found Kisa fending off another pokegirl protecting Tia `“Mako I want to talk to you.” Millie almost whispered the cow pokegirl who looked at the quite girl “I wanted you and me to go together today because I wanted to tell you something.” Makoto had a felling what was about to happen she wanted to leave the harem, it was obvious that she had trouble taming with their Mistress and often required her help, so she did this because she wanted to say good bye to her. “I know you love Tia but…but…” it was nerve racking for her to wait for the good bye that she was waiting for but it never came and what did surprised even her “I love you Mako” Makoto just stood there silent for a while seeing as this was about a far from her original thought as possible “I know that you love but please let me share a place in your heart!” Seeing her face she knew that there was indeed a place for her there and told her; the weeping lasted up until they found Kisa and Tia.'
Slowly Zack moved the stunned girl away back to the cafeteria. Zack ordered something for them to drink while they talked. “She left crying like that after you left.” Makoto just stared at the male tamer having almost all the wind taken from her sails “You surprised her with your announcement you know and with that you asked her something for which her mind again hadn't come up to speed for.” Again that took Makoto into retrospect as she looked back at her argument and found that she was a little hasty in what had transpired. “Do you know why she didn't tell you about her tamers disease?” Zack asked the downcast girl who for all her anger earlier just weakly shook her head “The same reason I didn't show you my arm and leg…and fact I still haven't shown you my leg…do you want to see just how truly far my pokeparts go?” Zack asked in a serious tone girl opposite of him just paled slightly “Ya that is exactly how she feels people will react to her when she tells them, Tia hates the fact that she used to have to have sex with complete strangers just to keep same just like you or any pokegirl probably” Zack toke in the girls look of remorse but would not let up “In fact she doesn't even tell anyone how she lost her virginity because of how they will look at her; In fact no one knew about her tamers disease until her first attack where she raped someone and lost it.” Makoto was stunned, she lost it unwillingly almost like she was the one raped for all the reasoning she applied, then it was the thought that she needs to find the person who got that piece of her so that she could `discuss' the situation together with him and Tia. Zack now saw the pattern of looks go across her face and knew that all was right the only thing left was forgiveness “Well now that our little talk is over why don't you go back to bed and find out how everyone is?” Makoto didn't even say good night as she just got up and headed for Tia's room.
Zack got up and stretched as he let out a yawn. “Damn what a hectic day I will look over the girls I got tomorrow.”
End of Chapter 4
G-POINDEXTER, the Intellectual Pokegirl
Type:Very Near Human
Element: varies between (Normal, Magic, Psychic, including combination of the two)
Frequency:Uncommon (never wild)
Diet: eats human style food
Role: librarians, clerks, secretaries
Libido: varies from pokegirl to pokegirl
Strong Vs: varies depending on element(s)
Weak Vs: varies depending on element(s)
Attacks: Drone, Recite, Aura of Cute
Enhancements: Very Near Human (some have almost no distinguishing traits), improved flexibilty, above average stamina, Knowledge Specialty, Memory Recall
Disadvantages: Physical skills are usually on par with normal humans if even that. No combat potential unless trained, even then still very low. Typically only good in support or command positions
Evolves: Supe-bra Genius (normal)
Evolves From: None
G-Poindexters, or the more commonly called G-Points are a very near human, though most can be indistinguishable from normal humans save for their flexibilty. Though some have some strange haircolors. Found in universities and such G-Points are intellctual pokegirls who are known for their intellect and desire to learn, which is nearly as great (in some cases greater) than their libido. Most appear as comley human females, and are a bit shy and bookwormish.
Their Knowledge Specialty is usually centered on a single field. While their Memory Recall allows them to instantly recall anything they've heard, read or seen in detail. A skill which make them excellent walking aides to lawyers, researchers, and as secretaries.
Their only attacks are Drone and Recite. Using drone the G-point begins talking in a monotone voice with no presence of emotion or change of pitch, most pokegirls (and humans ) tend to fall asleep when Drone is used. Recite allows a G-point to recall in a lecturing tone anything that they've read in such a way that it will drive others to want to get away from them. It is often combined with drone to drive those who won't succumb to Drone's sleep effect away. These techniques are most effective on domesticated or semi-domesticated pokegirls.
HUN, the Ice Warrior Pokegirl
Type:Very Near Human
Frequency:Rare (Edo League, former Mongolia area), Very Rare (other Arctic Regions)
Diet: Human-style
Role: Arctic warriors, hunters
Libido: Above Average
Strong Vs: Rock, Plant, Flying, Dragon
Weak Vs: Fire, Electric, Psychic
Attacks: Snow Storm, Slash Wave, Ice Wall, Spincut, Ice Blade, Sentinel, Ice Blade Mark II, Assault, Heat Drain, Mirror of Equity, Cold Snap, Cry of the Fallen, Ice Armor, Broken Castle, Snow Blind
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Endurance (x4), Enhanced Durability (x4), resistance to cold, natural hunting ability
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Huns are tall, muscular Pokégirls, about 6'9" with D-Cup breasts and long, black hair. They have skin the color of stone, with eyes that are black in the sclera and gold in the iris. They usually wear leather clothing, hoods, and cloaks, and usually weild scimitars, although some have been known to use spears. They are also expert marksmen and very skilled with a bow and arrow.
Huns were one of the most deadly problems the Edo League faced during the Revenge War, made for coordinating the efforts of Ice-type Pokégirls in that area. For the old Chinese Empire, they were a nightmare reborn, as they and the other Pokegirls teamed with them tore down the Great Wall and invaded, tearing through city after city before the remaining army of the nation began to rally. Many lives were lost just from the blizzards created, as they were frequently teamed with Snow Queens, the Snow Storm power both Pokegirls had bolstering each other and creating intense, gusting snowstorms and thick snowfields. Huns consider themselves to be the best of the ice-type and fighting-type worlds, but they will not be overbearing about it, only stating their view if asked.
Huns are brave, courageous fighters, and will fight endlessly for their masters until defeated or victorious. They make good Alphas, but if they aren't, they won't try for the position. However, if the chosen Alpha is not a good fighter or strategist, or if the Hun views her as incompetant in general, they will speak up and try to get the position of Alpha for themselves. They also function as hunters, finding food for their Tamer and Harem sisters, capable of finding edible items in places most other Pokégirls wouldn't think to look. Due to their ice-type nature, they radiate cold a great deal of the time, and seek out battles and taming to keep warm. Although their need is not as extreme as a Shaguar's, it is still very intense.
The Feral state of a Hun is light, similar to that of a Fighting type, although due to the fact that Huns keep together in tribes, they are very group-oriented and very protective of their 'warrior sisters.' Tamers that want to catch a Feral Hun usually have to earn the tribe's respect, showing that they value their Harem and are brave before they allow a Tamer to claim one of their own.
Huns, due to the Pre-Sukebe history associated with the name, were very unpopular at first. But when a tribe of nomadic, Tamerless Huns were seen attacking Madame Arctica of the Limbec Pirates, it caused the stigma surrounding the breed to fade. The leader of that tribe was questioned by the authorities, and she told her that Madame Arctica was there to try and recruit the various tribes that wandered the area. Hers was the fourteenth tribe to turn her down, as they viewed the Limbecs to be dishonorable, an insult to true warriors everywhere. Still, while in most of the world, the stigma surrounding Huns has faded, those of Chinese descent in the Edo League still possess a distrust of them, almost like a genetic memory.
No Threshold cases of becoming a Hun have been reported.
AMACHOP, the Tough Pokegirl
Type: Humanoid
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Uncommon to Rare
Diet: human style
Role: physical labor, particularly in construction
Libido: Low, often more interested in testing her strength
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Special Weakness: Can't swim
Attacks: Body Slam, Toss, Crushing Punch, Low Kick, Focus
Enhancements: high density, armored skin, Enhanced Strength (x8), reinforced musculoskeletal structure
Evolves: Amachoke (normal), Amachamp(evolved Amachoke; normal)
Evolves From: None
Amachops are very short, standing roughly four feet in height. They have grey skin which is quite tough and their breast size varies, but is usually A to B-cup. Despite their short stature, they tend to eat as much as a larger pokegirl and because of their muscles, weigh over two hundred pounds. Their skin's density is such that small arms fire was ineffective against them.
Amachops are not favored for their appearance, but rather their great strength. An Amachop is easily one of the most popular strong pokegirls, though whether this is because their short stature doesn't threaten ego-driven tamers or because they make a nasty surprise for hot-headed opponents is uncertain.
Amachops love to get stronger. Some will simply bodybuild, but most wind up studying the martial arts. Amachops stuck with tamers who either won't let them pursue their goal of getting stronger will generally become unruly and will likely abandon the tamer before long.
To prevent this, tamers who get Amachops are advised to take up the same habits as their Amachops.
Note from the Author:
It has come to my attention that some of you might not know what a Falchion is to her it is as I know it
Falchion: like a scimitar in the fact that the curve is the same but instead of the slender sweep of the blade the falchion is to the scimitar as the Broad sword is to the long sword, much thicker and heavier usually taking two hands (human standard) to wield.