Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kai sat by the window, sighing to herself. She wasn't quite sure why she found herself
sighing, especially on beautiful days like this. The sun was shining generously on Ouran
Academy, only making the place seem that much more beautiful.
"What a mess I'm in" she muttered to herself.
A host. That was what she was now. It was the result of breaking an obscenely expensive
ugly vase. She was the "Dark prince", the "bad boy" of the group. How the other females
didn't know she was a girl was mystery. She didn't look that boyish.
She and her best friend applied here in the summer, both were skeptical on their
acceptance. Haruhi was here on Academics, and Kai? She was here on an athletic
scholarship. Not a big surprise, considering who her mother was. Its not like she wasn't
smart. She just sucked at math. Which sadly kept her GPA a constant 3.8.
What was sadder? Breaking a vase and owing rich kids money, or the boys not knowing she
and Haruhi were girls. Either way, they figured it out eventually. Whether it was glimpsing
them half naked, or trimming their hair and disposing of their glasses, they realized it. And
damn wasn't it amusing.
Looking to her left, she noticed her "king" was sputtering more lines to her best friend. It
would be kind of cute if he wasn't so bad at it when it came to Haruhi. She was laughing at
him, completely oblivious. Her dark brown hair shook, and her amber eyes were moist with
unshed tears from laughing. She shook her head at them. Her friend was blind if she didn't
see his feelings for her.
She should be jealous of Haruhi for attracting the opposite sex, but considering her history
with boys, she considered it a blessing. Love doesn't happen for everyone. Especially for
her. Besides, Haruhi deserved happiness. Tamaki was good looking, but vain. Very vain.
Also, Tamaki was a drama king. Not her type. She chuckled at her own joke.
"What's so funny, Kai-Chan?" asked a small boy, who was sitting near her, clutching his
stuffed bunny.
"Oh nothing Hunny Sempai. Just laughing at the painfully obvious" she said, shaking her
The twins and Tamaki left earlier, thank god. They said they had to go take care of "Official
host buisness". Which left the quiet boys behind, and that suited her just fine. She did not
need that headache right now. Turning her head, she heard a dark chuckle.
"Ah I see. You know Kai, we got everything here. You can head home" said another boy,
with black hair, and eyes the color of ebony.
He smirked at her, and she shuddered mentally. The boy was a complete mastermind. She
glared at him.
"Sure Kyouya Sempai. Then how will I pay my debt back? It's alright. I think I can handle
some dishes and vacuuming. You guys go ahead".
"You sure Kai? You want me to wait for you?" asked Haruhi, walking up behind her.
"Yeah go ahead and go . I need to throw around a bit anyways. My arms aching".
"Okay, I'll be in the library. Call me when your done" she said, getting that frown on her
"Alright then, have it your way Kai-Chan! See you tomorrow! I saved you some sweets if
you want some though!" yelled Hunny, who was jumping on his tall companions back.
"Check the fridge" said Mori, his baritone voice warm, as he steadied Hunny on his back.
"Alright! Bye Guys!" Kai said, and shut the door after them.
"Phew" said Kai, wiping her forehead. Grinning to herself, she stretched and got started on
the dishes. Turning on her ipod, she clicked to a perfect song.
Dog days are over by Florence & the Machine-
Laughing to herself, she finished everything and stretched. Heading to the bathroom, she
changed into her softball uniform. Grabbing her bag, she headed to the field.
The grass was perfectly green, and freshly mown. Her cleats dug into the ground, and she
took off. Running a few practice laps around the field, she came to a stop at home plate.
The season was over, but she did have to stay in shape. Grabbing a bucket of balls, she
headed over to the mound. Looking at the x on the fence ahead of her, she took a deep
breath, and threw.
Perfect throw. She heard girls cheering her name, and she barely managed holding back a
roll of her eyes.
'Don't they have better things to do?' Kai thought to herself.
She heard familiar voices, and shuddered.
"Hello pet!" chimed the twins, sneaking up behind her.
They both were still dressed in their uniforms.
"Hikaru. Kaoru. Don't you guys have other things to do? Go bug Haruhi" Kai said, shrugging
them off, and throwing another strike.
"Aww Kai, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't like us" said Kaoru, pouting.
He hid his face in his brother's shoulder, fiengning to be upset. Hikaru patted him gently,
and the girls watching screamed in delight at the brothers love scene. Camera's clicked and
she swore girls passed out. Yikes.
"I like you guys. Jeez, your more sensitive then women at times" said Kai sighing, throwing
her mit down in exasperation.
"Really?" asked Kaoru, face lighting up. "Prove it" said Hikaru, giving her signature smirk.
Uh oh.
She didn't know what was worse. Their scheming, or her reaction to Hikaru. Mentally hitting
herself, she promised herself she'd deal with that later.
"What do you want me to do then?" asked Kai, crossing her arms and glaring.
The twins smirked at one another , then held their arms out for a hug.
"A hug? That's it?" she asked, suspicious.
"Yep!" they said in unison.
Kai took a deep breath and stepped forward. She should run away now, but she was never
one to listen to her instincts. She leaned over, and gave them a hug. Crap.
The fangirls squealed and the twins began to chuckle. Knocking her off balance, they pulled
her to the ground with them, and tickled her.
"Guys! Knock it off! I swear when I get out of this you guys are going to be blue and black
all over" Kai screamed, as she laughed hysterically.
The twins rolled their eyes, and stopped.
"Surrrre" they said, picking her up from the ground.
"You forget, Hunny and Mori have been giving me lessons in Karate. Sooner or later, I'm
going to get good enough to kick both your butts".
"Your threats are empty, because you know without us, who would keep you from killing
Tamaki Sempai?" asked Kaoru, leaning against his brother.
"True" she said, taking a deep breath.
There was a definite silence, and the fangirl onlookers held their breath.
"Guys?" asked Kai, stretching her legs non chalantly.
"Yeah?" they asked together, backing away as her glare became definite.
They took off, screaming bloody murder. It was kind of hard to laugh and run at the same
time. She probably chased them all over the field until she got tired.
"Yeah thats right! Run!" Kai said, stopping as soon as she was out of breath.
They looked back at her, sticking their tongues out. She rolled her eyes and collapsed on
the ground. Laughing, she put her arms around her head.
"Hey? Kai you okay?" asked Hikaru, walking up to her with a worried expression.
Kaoru was already leaning down, fanning her face.
"I'm fine. I'm just tired. You guys have longer legs than me, you know" she said, laughing.
"Your the athlete!" scolded Kaoru, wagging his finger in her face.
"Frankly I'm dissapointed" said Hikaru, his tone light and teasing.
"Oh you guys can bite me" muttered Kai, rolling her eyes.
The twins did their trademark chuckle, and she gave a glare in their direction.
"Don't even think about it. I will knock your teeth out before they even get a chance to bite
me" Kai said, sticking her tongue out.
The twins eyes went wide with actual fear.
"She means it. She did it to a boy once in the 4th grade" said a voice.
Kai looked over and rolled her eyes at her best friend.
"He had it coming, Haruhi. He made fun of my freckles" said Kai, then cursed. Realizing
what she just did, she looked on in horror as the twins were on the ground laughing.
"Freckles?" asked Hikaru, holding his sides as he laughed.
Kaoru was laughing as he inspected her cheek. "Where are they?" he asked, looking very
closely. She swatted his hand away.
"Oh they're there. I just hide them really well" she said blushing, as she hid behind Haruhi,
who was now having a good laugh.
"You wear make up?" whispered Hikaru, grabbing her face. Kai bit back a gasp. Damn. Why
did he have to touch her?
"Yes! I am a girl you know!" she whispered back, pulling her face away, and hiding it in
Haruhi's shoulder.
"Oh this is too good! Come on Brother, we have some investigative journalism to do" said
Kaoru, and Hikaru gave the girls smirks.
Kai gave them glares, and she said "I'll have my revenge. Just watch. Tomorrow will be
judgement day!".
"Can't wait!" they yelled in unision as they walked away.
"UGH!" yelled Kai, crossing her arms in irritation. Part of her was amused though. At least
those two kept it interesting.
"Come on Kai, its not so bad" said Haruhi, grabbing her arm as they walked to the gates of
"Not so bad? They are evil!" Kai said, pushing her bangs out of her eyes.
"You know you like them. Admit it" she said, as they waited by the entrance of the school.
"Yes. Unfortnuately they are hilarious and they brighten my day. So what? They still mess
around too much" Kai said, scowling in denial.
"True, but friends do that" Haruhi said, punching her arm as she laughed at her.
"Your scary when you make sense" Kai muttered, punching her back.
"Haruhi! Kai! Your chariot has arrived!" yelled a familiar voice.
"Dad! I didn't know you were picking us up" said Haruhi, getting into the car. Kai followed
suit, tapping Haruhi on her butt. Haruhi gave her a glare, then looked back at her dad.
The man with long hair laughed and said in a sing song voice "Well I don't have work today,
so I thought I would surprise you" .
His long hair was up in his ponytail, and he had on a t-shirt and jeans. Unusual considering
his line of work.
Kai laughed and said "Well I'd prefer this over a bus. Old ladies scare me".
Haruhi joined in with her laughter, and Ranka shook his head at them chuckleing
"So, its friday. What are you kids doing tomorrow?" he asked, grinning at them in his
rearview mirror. It was a knowing grin, as though he knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
Haruhi and Kai both narrowed their eyes at him, and said in unision "Don't know yet.
He chuckled and said "I'm just asking. Jeez you guys are touchy". Haruhi and Kai crossed
their arms and stuck out their tongues.
"I guess we will see what adventure awaits us tomorrow, eh Haruhi?" asked Kai, strecthing.
Haruhi sighed and nodded.