Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Jungle Fever ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"You have got to be kidding me" muttered Kai, surveying her surroundings.
"Whats the matter Kai? You don't like my family's version of paradise?" asked Kouya,
smirking at her through his glasses.
Kai glared and said "No, its fine. I'm just surprised your taking us here, considering
something bad is BOUND to happen".
She felt arms snake her waist, and she mentally shuddered.
"Aww whats wrong pet? You scared of a little fun?" asked the twins, both whispering in her
She blushed, and ran away from them and hid behind Honey. The twins laughed at her and
winked, then ran away to find Haruhi.
"Why are you all red Kai-chan?" asked Honey, touching her face.
She shook her head and said "Sun burn". "Not likely" muttered Kouya, and she stuck her
tongue at him.
"Where's Haruhi?" asked Kai, looking around for her best friend.
"Changing rooms I think. You should go get changed Kai, before you get your uniform all
sandy" Kouya said, looking down at his clip board.
"Can I dress like a girl, or should I stick to swim trunks and a t-shirt?" she asked
sarcastically, walking away.
Hunny got wide eyes and exclaimed "Your going to wear girly clothes? No way!".
Kai sent a glare his way, and watched as he and Mori cowered under it.
"Whatever you prefer" he called after her, and she rolled her eyes.
"Fine. I'll show him" she muttered.
Walking across the lumpy warm sand, she looked around the giant rainforest. There were
tall trees and chirping birds. Pretty peaceful, but that probably won't last long. The changing
room was pretty nice, and the twins were leaning against it, waiting for Haruhi.
Noticing she was approaching, the twins jumped up and said "Yay! We can play dress up
with you! Go get changed!".
Kai rolled her eyes at them, then went into the room. Shutting the door behind her, she saw
Haruhi pulling on a shirt hoodie and a pair of shorts.
"Hey Haruhi, whats up?" Kai said, as she rummaging through a pile of clothes. It was kind
of cool the twin's mom was a fashion designer, but this many clothes was just ridiculous.
"Nothing much, I'm just ready to go home now" she said, her voice sounding quite
She rubbed her neck in annoyance, and Kai couldn't hold back a laugh.
Kai nodded and said "I feel the same way. But I'm going to show them that I AM a girl.
Stupid guys".
Haruhi laughed and said "Does that mean your going to take off the wraps?".
Kai gasped and said "Oh lord no. I haven't had them off in public before".
Haruhi giggled and said "Well they won't be convinced otherwise. I'll see you in a bit. Good
luck". She waved then walked out of the room, leaving Kai staring at the pile of clothes with
"Well, its now or never" she muttered, and chose a pair of baggy guy shorts, and a tight
tank top.
She unwrapped her breasts, and nearly passed out when blood flow went back into them.
She glared at the door, and said "Ok, lets do this".
She grabbed a baggy hoodie, and put it on. She walked out of the changing room and
headed back to where everyone was. Upon arrival, she noticed Haruhi putting on sun block,
and giggled.
"You know were indoors right?" Kai said, pointing to the well lit ceiling.
"Yes, but you can never be too careful. Besides, it gives me something to do" she said,
sighing in obvious defeat.
Kai nodded in agreement, and took the bottle of sun block and slowly applied to her face
and arms.
"Kai, Haruhi!" called Hikaru, running up to them. Kaoru wasn't very far behind.
"Wanna come on the water slide with us?" asked Kaoru, pointing to the gigantic slide in the
Kai looked at the slide, and gave a nervous sweat drop.
But before she or Haruhi could answer, Hikaru narrowed his eyes and asked "Wait, whats
with the deal with those clothes you both are wearing?".
Kai shrugged, and the twins shook there heads at her. They looked at Haruhi expectantly,
and she sighed.
Haruhi glanced at her clothes and said "Oh this, Tamaki sempai gave it to me". The twins
nodded, mentally putting Tamaki on there most wanted list. "So your not going to swim?"
asked Hikaru, throwing his banana peel on the ground.
"I'll swim later" said Kai, grinning and looking away. She had a plan first.
Haruhi smiled at Kai knowingly, then said "I like swimming just as much as the next guy,
but I'd rather be at home. All you need to play in the water is a plastic pool".
"A plastic pool? Whats that?" asked the twins, looking very confused.
Kai fell on the floor laughing, and Haruhi shook her head at them. "Well, its a round hollow
pool, that you blow up with air, and fill with water".
"Oh you dunce. You must mean an inflatable boat" said the twins, sticking out there tongue.
Kai just laughed harder, and Haruhi exclaimed "No! Haven't you ever seen little kids playing
in one?".
Tamaki rushed in out of nowhere, and whispered loudly to the twins "If Haruhi says its a
pool its a pool. Its not her fault she's an ignorant commoner".
The twins narrowed there eyes and said in confusion "So are we supposed to lie to her?" .
Haruhi picked Kai up from the ground, and stated "I can't help to feel that I should be
offended by that comment".
Kai nodded in agreement, and dusted off her shorts.
The twins looked at Tamaki and asked "Why did you make Haruhi put on the awful pull
over?". Tamaki remained silent, and the twins rambled on.
"I mean, it seems like you would be all for it. Wait, I know what he's up to. He wants to
cover her up so he can be the only one to see her in a swim suite. Pervert"
Tamaki blushed and exclaimed "Thats not it at all. I was just trying to protect her
innocence, as any father would have done. It is not proper for a young lady to walk around
half naked in front of boys and-" he cut off when he felt daggers shooting in his back. The
twins pointed to a disgruntled Haruhi, who was glaring at Tamaki profusely, while Kai shook
her head at him.
Before anything else could be said, Hunny ran up to them, skipping in his usa-chan floaty.
"Haruhi, Kai, you want to come in the tide pool with me?" he asked.
Haruhi looked at the water and shook her head.
"Nah, I'm not in the mood to swim, but I'm sure Kai will join you".
Kai smiled and said "I'll swim with you sempai, just give me a minute!". Hunny jumped for
joy, and did a little skippy dance.
"Hey wait a minute, why do you need the floatie? Don't you know how to swim?" asked
Haruhi, looking curiously at the contraption.
"Yeah, but it just looks cuter this way, you know?" said Hunny, striking a pose, then running
away back into the water.
"He's right" said Kai, smiling at Hunny's retreating figure.
"The bunnies are pretty cute" said Haruhi, laughing.
"He's so innocent" said the twins together, and Tamaki nodded in agreement.
"NO WAY, YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG" said an annoying voice, echoing around the whole
"Is that..." asked Haruhi, watching the ground rumble.
"Renge. Damn it" muttered Kai, cracking her knuckles.
Renge appeared out of the ground, it a tight black bikini.
"How does she follow us?" muttered Haruhi, shoulders beginning to sag.
"That outfits pretty impressive" said a grinning Hikaru, and Kai shot him a death glare.
He cowered under it, and hid behind his younger brother.
"Whats with the bikini?" asked Kaoru, and Renge smiled sweetly. "I'm cosplaying LaLa" she
said, and Kai guffawed.
Renge shot her a false sweet smile, and said "Hello Kai, didn't see you there". Ouch. A short
jab. Two could play at that game. "Hello Renge, who are you stalking this week?" asked Kai,
crossing her arms, preventing her from ripping Renge's hair out.
"Oh Kai, don't be rude just because I get more guys then you do. It's simply because I'm a
female, and you are gay. There's simply more fish in the sea for me then there is for you"
she said, her tone becoming more obnoxious.
Kai laughed with humor, and said "Are you sure your a female? Because I'm sure your rack
looks like one out of a boob job magazine".
Everyone got dead quiet, and backed a few feet away from Kai. Kouya chuckled off in the
distance, and Renge smirked at Kai.
"Don't worry Kai. I'm a hundred percent all natural. However, if you ever want to consider
getting a rack, I have a couple buisnesses you can call".
Kai rolled her eyes, and said "Why are you here Renge? Were trying to have a vacation".
"Well, you obviously need help understanding Hunny's hidden motives. Observe" she said,
pointing at Hunny, who was now jumping around next to Mori in the water, having a cute
"What are uou talking about?" asked Tamaki, looking very confused.
"Think about what he said to you earlier" she said, and Hunny's words echoed in everyone's
"Its just looks cuter this way, you know?"...
"He's not being as sweet and innocent as you think" she said, smiling smugly.
"I agree" said Kouya, who was now walking up to them.
"Try putting I at the beginning of that sentence" he said, and everyone proceeded to put on
there thinking caps.
"He planned that?" they exclaimed, and Renge and Kouya nodded.
"Well he probably felt threatened, so he has taken steps to keep his rank as lolita boy. I
should give him more credit, he's alot smarter than I thought " said Renge, making her
dramatic exit.
Once she exited, Kai sighed and took a sip of her juice.
"I'd rather put hot coals down my throat, then hear her talk again".
"You really don't like Renge huh?" said Kouya, amused.
"Its because when we were younger, there was this girl who always used to pick on Haruhi.
I confronted her, and she started messing with me. So, I pulled her hair, and told her if I
ever got wind of her talking bad about me or Haruhi, I'd do worse things than pulling her
hair. Renge reminds me of her" said Kai, crossing her arms in irritation. Haruhi smiled and
punched Kai on the shouulder lightly. "I remember that" she said, and Kai grinned at her.
The twins and Tamaki awwed at the cute moment.
"Oh yes. I do remember reading that somewhere in your file. Which reminds me" he said,
and reached into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope and handed it to the twins.
"OH HECK YA!" they said, and pulled out the contents.
"Aww Kai you were so cute! What happened? Your such a boy now" they said, and Kai
yelled and lunged at them, knocking them both on the ground. "Give me those! I swear to
god I'm going to kill you both" she exclaimed.
"No way" they said, and ran away with them. Kai gave Kouya the look of death, and he
simply smiled at her. Before she could kill anybody or do anything else, Hunny called out to
"Kai-chan! Come swim with me" he said, waving to her. "Coming!"
she said, then unzipped her jacket.
Kouya raised his eye brows, but said nothing. Tamaki began to stutter to Haruhi, asking her
if she had any surprises he should know about. She shook her head and laughed.
You laughed and jumped into the water. Luckily it wasn't that cold. Hunny and Mori began
to splash at you, and you squealed. You dove under water to evade them, and couldn't help
but grin to yourself. You had managed to surprise the guys. You were sure Mori and Hunny
noticed, but they didn't say anything. You grabbed a snorkel, and proceed to swim where
everyone else was standing. Leaning against the wall, you could barely make out what was
being said. You heard the twins approaching.
"Who was that hot girl swimming with Hunny and Mori? And where did Kai go?" they asked,
and Haruhi burst into laughter.
"That was Kai. That's her "undone", so to speak" said Kouya, chuckleing.
The twins must have been so surprised, it took them a long time to say anything.
"Damn!" they said, their voices low.
You grabbed a near by water gun, and jumped up from the water. "Thats what you two
get!" you yelled, and squirted the twins.
The twins screamed and jumped in after You. You gave chase and swam to hide into the
water fall cave. It was dimly lit and far away everyone else's view. Unfortunately for you,
the twins advance fast and backed you against the wall.
"That was awfully naughty of you Kai-chan" they said in unision. You blushed as they both
leaned one hand on the wall, faces getting closer. 'Great, I like both of them? Kill me now!'
you thought, mentally screaming.
"Who knew you"...
"Were such a.."
"Dirty girl" they said together huskily, breathing it into your ear.
"Ahhh" you moaned quietly, goosebumps gathering on your neck. You couldn't breathe, and
it felt like your body was on fire.
"Ohhh did you hear that Kaoru?" Hikaru said, his hand grabbing the back of your neck.
"It seems our pet has another side of her we never knew" Kaoru said, blowing your bangs
out of your face. You closed your eyes and gasped as you felt hands roam from your neck to
your shoulders, leaving a tingling sensation across your skin. You opened your mouth to say
something, anything, but a finger to your lips stopped you. "Sssh" they said, and it got dead
quiet. "Hikaru? Kaoru? Kai?" called Haruhi, not far away from the cave.
"It was just getting good" Kaoru said, pouting as he pulled away.
"I know, but we have all the time in the world" said Hikaru, also backing away.
You opened your eyes and realized you were dizzy. The twins were smirking at you, and you
didn't think you could move. They grabbed you and guided you out of the cave. Swimming
with them, you tried to gather your thoughts and think about what just happened.
"Kai! There you are! What were you guys doing?" Haruhi asked, helping you out of the pool.
You gave her a fake grin, and said "We were exploring. This place is pretty big".
Haruhi nodded and said "Yeah it is, are you going to go back in the pool?".
She gave you a searching look, and you smiled and said "Yeah, I think I will go put my feet
in it. I'll see you guys later!". You waved to the twins, who looked awfully confused, and a
bit guilty. Haruhi just shook her head smiling, and went to sit down.
The twins, who obviously were slightly confused with themselves, decided they would
challenge Tamaki to a water gun fight. After much convincing, Tamaki agreed.
Unfortunately, due to his lack of balance, he ran into a totem pole, and unlocked a hidden
switch that made a tidal pool. Everyone watched in horror as a huge wave began to form.
"Honey sempai!" screamed Kai, who was already in the pool.
She rushed to get to him, only to get engulfed as well. They dissapeared, and the rest of
the host club began to freak out.
"Kai! Honey- Sempai!" screamed Haruhi, and she ran into a random direction. The rest of
the club(Except Kouya) , followed blindly, only to be face to face with crocodiles. "What the
heck!" they screamed, an ran away back to Kouya.
"Okay listen up, I guess the designers for this place have a few kinks they need to work out.
Thanks you guys, I collected alot of data today" he said, smiling at them.
Everyone glared at him, waiting for more information.
"Here is a map of the place, its safe to assume Honey and Kai washed up here. It may be
tough, considering we will be going though rought terrain" he said pointing to a spot in the
"It looks like there are alot of undeveloped areas. Any ideas what may be lurking in there?"
asked Haruhi, and Kouya shook his head. The tension in the group grew.
"Alright, Gentleman, this is a mission of survival. It is our sworn duty to save Kai and Hunny
Sempai!" yelled Tamaki. Everyone nodded, than ran off in the direction where Hunny and
Kai were.
After marching for a good hour, rain began to fall, and took cover under a gazibo.
"Mori, there going to be okay" Haruhi said, grabbing his arm. Mori must have been feeling
guilty for not being able to do anything to help his cousin and friend.
"Your right" he said, smiling at her.
Tamaki then began to freak out over the fact that he thought Mori wanted to be Haruhi's
new "daddy". Kouya was being distracted by a phone call, and the twins were teasing
Tamaki. Mori, unable to wait any longer, walked off in search. Haruhi ran after him, and
after walking and tripping behind him, he began to carry her.
Looking around, Haruhi screamed as police officers surrounded them and tried to grab her
from Mori.
A scream erupted as Hunny came into view, knocking soldiers out, one by one. Haruhi
watched in absolute shock as he took them all down. The rest of the host club ran up to the
"Haruhi! I was so worried" he said, running up behind her and holding her, much to her
"Oh wow!" said Koaru, and Hikaru added "You okay sempai? Where's Kai at? Is she okay?".
Hunny frowned and said "Kai-chan is hurt! I told her to stay put until I found you guys".
Haruhi gasped, and ran ahead, the twins right behind her. The twins beat her to Kai though,
and knelt down to find that she was dozing against a tree. Tears were almost dried on her
cheeks, and her wrist a black and blue color.
Haruhi touched Kai's shoulder, and said "Kai? You okay?". Kai stirred and opened her eyes.
"Huh? Oh I'm fine. Just a bruise" she said, wincing as she examined her arm. Hikaru and
Kaoru frowned as they wiped the excess of the tears off her face.
"Kai..." they said together, their voices meloncholy.
"Does it..."
"Hurt" they both asked, their fingers grazing the tender flesh.
Kai tenderly smiled, and said "Well its not supposed to tickle. I will be fine though. Lets go.
Next time, I'd rather go to the beach". The twins helped her up, and she leaned on Haruhi
for support. "Me too" said Haruhi, smiling at her friend, though obviously still worried.
"That can be arranged" said Kouya, as he and the others approached.
"A trip to the beach would be lovely" said Tamaki, smiling at Haruhi and Kai.
"Then its settled!" Kai said, smiling at her friends. Her gaze traveled to the twins, where it
lingered for quite some time...