Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Beach time! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"The host club members were sitting in the music room, either working on school
work, or eating cake. Haruhi sat at her regular "Thinking desk" while Kai layed
lazily on the couch, cuddling with her pillow.
"So, you guys ready for the beach?" screamed Hunny, mouth full of cake as he ran
up to Haruhi.
"The beach?" she asked, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Of course silly" said the twins, getting up from looking over Kai's shoulder.
"But why?" asked Kai, groaning into her pillow.
"Don't you remember what you said?" asked Hikaru, spitting his tongue at her.
"You said you'd like to go to the beach" said Kaoru, leaning on his brother.
"This must of been when I hurt my wrist. Must of been the pain talking" said Kai,
returning to her book and ignoring the twins.
She was doing her best to not look them in the eyes after what happened at the
resort. First they flirt with her, then they get concerned over her injury. What the
heck is she supposed to think? It's not like she should care anyways. She wasn't
their type, and there were TWO of them. Two more than she could handle.
"You said it. Now, we brought some swim suits for you two to choose from" they
said, pulling Kai up from her thoughts, and dragging Haruhi to the hundreds of
swim suits on display.
Hunny ran up and chose a pretty green one, and said "I think this one would look
cute on Kai-chan".
The twins nodded and said "Great choice Sempai!".
Kai glared at the twins and said "Not going to happen. Wouldn't want to give you
guys heart attacks, because where oh where would I be without you guys?" she
asked sarcastically.
They scowled at her and said "Just wait pet, just you wait".
Kai spat her tongue at them, then went back to reading.
Hunny grabbed another suit, and said "How about this blue one for Haru-chan?".
The twins chuckled and said "I don't think you get it Sempai. Haruhi is as flat as a
cutting board. That swim suit would only upset her because it draws attention to
lacking feminine physique. Thats why we carefully selected this two piece suit. It
carefully hides the fact that she's so flat chested".
The suit was a light pink, with ruffles galore. Haruhi sighed in defeat, while Kai
laughed rolled on the floor in hysterical laughter.
Tamaki stormed over and yelled "You punks had better stop sexually harrassing
my little girl!".
"So were not going to the beach" asked the twins, hiding under a table.
Tamaki rolled his eyes and asked "Who said that were not going?".
"Really? So you want to go after all?" the twins asked, mischief glinting in their
"Can Usa-chan come too?" asked Hunny, looking worried that he couldnt.
"I don't see a problem with that" said Kouya, looking at his clip board.
"Mmm" agreed Mori, standing around looking stoic as always.
"Huh? Were really going to go?" asked Haruhi and Kai, jumping up and glaring.
Tamaki smiled and said "Why not? Lets go to the beach!".
"So why did we come to Okinawa?" asked the twins, complaining on the drive to
the beach.
"Because, Kouya's family owns a beach here" explained Tamaki, obviously in high
"Yeah" said Mori, nodding in agreement.
"Why couldn't we have gone to the Carribean?" the twins asked, and Kouya
"You really think commoners like Kai and Haruhi have passports?" he asked.
"Oh yeah your right" stated the twins, voices monotonous.
"You do realize I can hear what you’re saying right?" asked Haruhi, rolling her
eyes at them.
"I do have a passport thank you!" Kai said, glaring as she trudged through the
sand. Haruhi laughed as she struggled to keep up with her pace.
Once reaching the beach, Kouya surprised them, stating that they had customers.
While everyone went to do their own activities, Kai and Haruhi decided to stay on
the shore and talk with their customers. The twins went off and played volley ball,
while Tamaki had alone time with all of his customers. Hunny and Mori were off
doing some weird workout dance with their customers.
Kai and Haruhi got changed into "Beach clothes" and since the customers were
around, they weren't really able to cut loose. Instead, Haruhi wore a navy blue t-
shirt with tan khaki shorts, and Kai wore a green tank top and gray hoodie with
baggy black shorts. Her wrist was still a little bruised, so Haruhi made sure it was
"Haruhi, Kai, aren't you going to swim?" asked one of the girls, obviously
"Nah, we like looking at the sea from a safe distance" said Haruhi, giving them a
charming smile.
The girls blushed and another said "Well if you’re not going to swim, can we at
least sit with you guys?".
"But why? You girls should go swim, you got cute swim suites on" said Kai, and
Haruhi nodded and said "Why not show them off?".
The girls swooned and fell over one another. Kai laughed and said "I'll go get you
girls some drinks. It’s hot out here".
Kai got up and walked over to where Kouya was sitting. She heard the twins come
over and sigh.
"I can't believe he fooled us" said Hikaru, bending over to retrieve his ball.
"Who would of thought he'd bring the ladies with us" said Kaoru, shaking his
"We certainly didn't expect it" said Hikaru, picking up the volley ball that he and
Kaoru were chasing after earlier.
"You were brought along on this all expenses paid trip for a reason. And that is to
keep our clients entertained" said Kouya, handing Kai a tray.
"We know, but with the ladies here, Haruhi and Kai can't change into their swim
suits" said the twins, obviously looking bummed.
"Not to worry I have got it all under control. My little angel Haruhi won’t be
prancing around in a swim suit. At least not in front of you pervs anyways" said
Tamaki, taking a break from his work. He smiled an angelic smiled, and slipped
into one of his dazed fantasies.
After a few seconds of dreaming, Tamaki began to fidget with happiness. "It will
happen just like that. The greatest day of my life, I don't know if I can handle it!"
he said, his face red from blushing.
"Whats wrong with Tamaki?" asked a girl, looking concerned.
"Oh don't worry about him" said Hikaru, sitting in a chair next to his brother.
"He just gets like that sometimes" said Kaoru, smiling at the customers.
Kai grabbed everything up, and proceeded to shake her head at Tamaki. The twins
gave her evil smiles, and she blew them a kiss.
They blushed, and all the girls gushed at the scene.
After bringing the customers drinks, they talked for a few minutes, until Kai and
Haruhi decided they wanted to take their break.
They decided to go for a walk along the shore, and ended up running into Hunny
and Mori. They had buckets and shovels in their hands.
"Hey you guys! You want to go hell fish shunting?" asked Hunny, obviously very
Kai laughed and Haruhi said "I think you mean Shell fish hunting. Besides, I don't
think this is that kind of beach Sempai. You’re not going to find many...". She
trailed off as she and Kai noticed his bucket was already full of shell fish and many
other delicacies.
They looked down and saw that the whole area was covered in them. "What the
hell? No way!" they exclaimed, and glanced around in confusion.
Mori chuckled as he secretly told Kai how the food came to be here. Haruhi had
already ran over to help Hunny collect everything.
Kai laughed and took a drink of her water. She noticed the girls laughing at Haruhi
too. Tamaki grabbed a crab and asked Haruhi is she thought it was "Crabtivating".
Kai collapsed with laughter and Kouya made some notes, which was most likely
black mail.
Screams erupted as a centipede was found on the crab, and everyone but Haruhi,
Kai, and Kouya ran away.
Haruhi grabbed the centipede, and she and Kai walked it over to the rock, and
tossed it over.
"So, I know most girls are afraid of bugs, and I certainly didn't think you guys
were bug loving types" said Hikaru, leaning on Kai, while Koaru leaned on Haruhi.
"Don't you think you could have taken it easier on the little guy?" asked Koaru,
shaking his head in dismay.
"Oh come on. It’s not dead" said Haruhi, shaking her head at them.
Kai rolled her eyes at them and said "It takes alot more to kill a bug".
The customers surrounded Kai and Haruhi, calling them brave and handsome.
While all of this commotion was going on, the rest of host club made a waiger.
They all were going to compete to see what was Kai's and Haruhi's worst fear.
The prize was offered by Kouya, which were pictures of the girls through out their
And so...with that the game began.
Next thing the girls knew, they were being dragged by the twins into a cave. Some
customers went with, and the twins began to tell a story of the cave.
"Here it is, it’s the most haunted spot in all of Okinawa. The locals don't even
come out here" said Hikaru, and the customers latched on to him and Kaoru
"They say you can only find this place at low tide. Evidently, many people have
died down here from drowning. And their souls still linger, waiting to take revenge
on anyone who happens to come inside" said Kaoru, looking around. Kai and
Haruhi rolled their eyes, while the customers still latched on to the twins, shaking
in fear.
"LOOK!" shouted Hikaru, and he pointed his flashlight at a shadow that was now
laughing evilly. A hand reached out and grabbed Kai and Haruhi on their
"What’s going on? Are you trying to freak us out?" they asked the twins, annoyed
by their antics.
The twins sighed and asked them "What’s wrong with you two? I thought
everyone was afraid of ghosts".
The customers ditched the twins, and now began to latch onto Kai and Haruhi.
"We have never seen a real one, so how can we be afraid?" they said, and led the
customers out of the cave, leaving the twins to sigh in defeat.
After safely returning to girls to the beach, Kai and Haruhi were dragged away
again, only this time by Hunny. Hunny led them to a police truck, and pushed them
"Were ready when you are private police people!" he shouted, and the officers
saluted him.
They shut the door, and the girls and Hunny stood in the pitch black compartment.
Then, Hunny began to freak out because of the dark. Haruhi and Kai did their best
to comfort him, and Mori came to the rescue and opened the door. Obviously
realizing that this plan was a fail, Mori grabbed a sharp harpoon and shoved it in
front of their faces.
Haruhi and Kai stared and said "Mori, your our sempai. Not a sentai". Failing
again, Hunny and Mori walked away in defeat, and left the girls confused.
The sun was beginning to set as the twins leaned against a rock, talking to
Tamaki. They were stunned that they were unable to find Haruhi's or Kai's fear.
Tamaki wasn't losing hope though, since he was picking up snakes and putting
them in a bucket. The twins began to freak out since they realized they were
At the same time, Haruhi and Kai were picking up more shell fish for side dishes,
when one of the customers called down to them. She and a few other girls were up
on a cliff, looking at the ocean. "Hey be careful!" yelled Kai, already dropping her
bucket to retrieve the girls. "It’s dangerous!" said Haruhi, as she and Kai ran up to
the top of the cliff.
When reaching the scene, they noticed a couple of drunken guys harassing the
girls. "We just want to have a little fun!" said one of the drunk guys, grabbing one
of the girls. Haruhi got angry and tossed her bucket of side dishes at the creeps.
"I'm going to get the guys" yelled Kai, and she ran at a dead sprint down the cliff.
She screamed for the twins, not knowing why. Mori might have been a better
choice, or Honey sempai, but she couldn't help herself.
Unfortunately, she lost balance and fell on some sharp rocks and scraped her
hands. Her wrist began to burn, since it was still steal hurting, and she winced.
Strong hands pulled her up, and she was face to face with her favorite set of
twins. The beach was now deserted, since Kouya sent all of the girls to the hotel
"Don't worry the boss is on his way. Knowing him, he'll get there just in time" said
Kaoru, scooping her up from the ground into his arms. She was happy to find his
chest warm, and allowed herself to close her eyes just for a second.
Hikaru put his hand on her cheek and sighed. "Why is it your always getting hurt?"
They grabbed her hands and looked at the scrapes.
"It’s not my fault, I just have issues with balance" she said, and they both
As they walked to where everyone was, Koaru still had Kai in his arms, and he and
Hikaru took turns holding her.
"So, out of curiosity, what is your biggest fear, pet?" they asked her, and she
laughed at them.
"Heights. Of course that’s definitely tied with bridges way high up over water. So
overall, heights. Why?" she asked, suspicious of their motives.
"Just wondering. Are you okay to walk the rest of the way?" they asked her, giving
her worried expressions.
"Yes I'm okay. Why, am I too heavy?" she asked them, beginning to feel self-
conscience now.
They laughed and touched her cheek again.
"Nah, but the others may start to wonder why we’re holding your pretty self for so
long, even though you’re okay to walk".
Kai blushed as they put her down, and they laughed at her. "Its so cute when she
does that" said Kaoru, and Hikaru nodded in agreement. She glared and trudged
off ahead, now concerned for her best friend. She and the twins arrived just in
time to see Tamaki carrying Haruhi out of the water.
She ran to Haruhi and shook her. "Are you okay? What the hell happened after I
Haruhi shook her head, trying to get the water out of her ears.
"They pushed me off the cliff into the water" she said, and Kai glared.
Tamaki put a hand on Kai's shoulder, as if to say he would handle it.
"Where did they go?" he asked Kouya, his tone cold.
"We took their ID cards and respectively asked them to leave. The girls are all
back at the hotel, and I called a doctor" said Kouya, putting a towel around
"I'm fine guys, I don't need a doctor" said Haruhi rubbing her head, obviously
trying to relieve whatever ache was bothering her.
"What were you thinking? You know, you’re not like Hunny Sempai, you’re not a
martial arts master." Tamaki asked quietly, looking her dead in the eye. He put his
hands on her shoulders, and her chin lifted in plain stubbornness.
"Why did you confront them? What made you think you stood a chance? You
against two boys?" he continued, determined to make her see reason.
"But it doesn't matter that their boys and I’m a girl. I was there, I had to do
something. There wasn't any time to think and"- "That's no excuse you idiot! Don't
forget, you’re a girl!" he exclaimed, cutting her off, and pissing her off more.
Her eyes narrowed and she said "Look I'm sorry you had to come save me Sempai,
but I don't understand why you’re so mad at me right now. I don’t think I did
anything wrong!".
His hands let go of her shoulders, and his demeanor suddenly went ice cold.
"You don't think so? Fine. Whatever you say. But I am not speaking to you until
you admit that you were wrong!" he yelled, then trudged up to the house they all
were staying at.
Everyone stood awkwardly, and then also made their way to the house, Haruhi
glaring all the way too.
Hunny and Mori were busy in the kitchen cooking up all the sea food they had
picked earlier, while everyone else got ready for dinner. The twins were sitting
and chatting, while Tamaki slouched in a chair and moped. Kouya went to find Kai
and escorted her to the dining room.
She was wearing a knee length dress, blue, with simple stitching. She had on
white flats, and a simple clip in her hair.
"Awww Kai-chan your so cute!" said Hunny, gushing over Kai as he put the food
on the table.
"What he said!" said the twins, grinning at her and looking her over more than
nessacary. They winked at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Don't get too excited, I only wore a dress so Haruhi wouldn't feel self-
conscience" she said, and stood and waited until Mori came back with Haruhi.
Tamaki perked up when he saw her, unable to resist her cuteness. She was
wearing a simple pink dress, one of which her dad secretly packed for her. Luckily,
Kai had anticipated Ranka doing that, so she packed one as well.
"Ohhh Haru-chan where did you get that dress?" asked Hunny, gushing over
Haruhi as well.
"From my dad, he must of repacked my bag when I wasn't looking. He is always
trying to get me to wear this frilly stuff" she said, unsure why everyone was
freaking out.
"Thats awesome! Way to go dad!" yelled the twins, and Haruhi rolled her eyes at
Everyone took their seats at dinner, and Mori and Hunny helped distribute the
food. Kai sat next to Kouya and the twins, while Haruhi and Tamaki ended up next
to each other for some reason. It was so quiet you could literally hear the clock
ticking in the other room.
"Well this is uncomfortable" muttered Hikaru, sipping on his iced tea.
"Kind of awkward" said Kaoru, and Kai nodded in agreement.
Hunny smiled nervously and said "Dig in Haru-chan. This is the food we got
Haruhi grabbed a leg of a crab and broke it in two, making Tamaki wince. "This
crab is incrabible. Ha ha get it?" she asked between bites, as everyone ate quietly,
watching the scene between the two.
After her twentieth crab leg or so, Tamaki mustered up the courage and said
"Haven't you had enough? Give it a rest".
Haruhi, unfazed and still eating didn't pay him a glance and said "Excuse me? I
thought you weren't speaking to me".
He glared at her and asked "You trying to be cute?".
Everyone stopped eating and watched them intently. She glared at him and he
Obviously getting frustrated, Tamaki sighed.
He slammed his napkin down and said "Okay fine I get it. It seems you refuse to
admit that you were wrong. See if I care then. I'm going to bed. Kouya, would you
show me to my room please?".
Kouya nodded and said "Of course. Would you excuse me please". He and Tamaki
proceeded to leave the room, relieving some of the tension.
A few minutes later, after thinking to herself, Haruhi sighed and said "Maybe he's
right. Maybe I do need to find a better way to protect myself".
"So thats it. He got to you huh?" asked the twins, shaking their heads at her.
"It wouldn't hurt you to learn martial arts like Kai is doing" said Hikaru shrugging.
"But were not going to force you to do it" said Koaru, also shrugging.
"Beside, thats not the real issue here" they concluded, staring at her with somber
"To be honest, we were all a little worried about how recklessly you acted" said
Hikaru, looking her dead in the eye.
"What do you mean?" said Haruhi, looking very confused. She looked to her best
friend who was shaking her head.
"I've known you for years, and seeing you unconscious in Tamaki's arms gave me
a scare Haruhi. I ran to get the guys because I knew something bad was going to
happen. Had we been alone, I would have stayed with you, but this time, we
weren't alone. We had friends" Kai said, voice beginning to shake. She cleared her
throat and closed her eyes. Haruhi looked at her friend in alarm, and Mori patted
Kai's back comfortingly.
"I didn't cause you any trouble or anything though" said Haruhi, looking around
the table at everybody.
"Thats not true Haru-chan. I think you should apologize. Kay? You made us all
worry, especially Tama-chan. I think you should apologize to him the most".
"So you were worried about me? But why?" she asked, and Hunny sighed in
"You’re hopeless" stated the twins in resignation.
"You think? Guys I'm really sorry" she said, then was surrounded by hugs from
the guys.
Kai waited until they were done gushing, then lightly punched her friend on the
arm. Haruhi smiled at her, then grimaced as she touched her stomach.
"You okay?" asked Kai, putting her hand on Haruhi's shoulder to settle her.
"I don't feel so good" she said, and ran off to find a bathroom.
Kai grabbed some of the dishes and she and Hunny helped wash dishes while Mori
dried them. The twins were talking with them, and everyone was laughing until
they heard the loud crash of thunder. Kai looked outside, then said "Oh no.
Where's Haruhi?".
Everyone shrugged, and Kai ran off to look for her, everyone following hot pursuit.
Kouya found them searching around, and led them to the room Haruhi was in.
Before opening to door, the twins asked Kouya if it was a good idea that she was
alone with Tamaki.
"Of course, she's with our prince, Tamaki. What could possible go wrong?" asked
Kouya, smiling at them. The twins sighed and knocked on the door before heading
"Hey boss" they said, then trailed off.
Tamaki didn't notice they were there. He was still talking to Haruhi.
"The blind fold helps you from seeing anything, and the ear plugs prevent you
from hearing any sound" he said, and she smiled.
"Yeah you’re right" she said, obviously happy to be rid of the thunder noise.
"You nasty pervert" said Hikaru, glaring at Tamaki.
"What kind of foreplay is that?" asked Kaoru, utter disgust on his face.
Kai glared and said "What the hell Tamaki!".
She lunged for him, only to be held back by the twins.
"Let me explain. Haruhi is afraid of thunder, so I did this to help her. Nothing like
that! I would never do that to my little girl!" Tamaki said, and Kai and the twins
settled down.
"I know she is afraid of thunder! Okay fine, just next time answer when we knock.
Or next time, instead of hitting a ball with a bat, I’ll be hitting your face boss" said
Kai, walking out of the room, leaving Tamaki sweaty and nervous.
Haruhi was confused as she took off the blind fold and ear plugs. "Uh, what’s
going on? Why is Sempai rocking back in forth?". The others laughed, and Kouya
said "He'll be fine. He just had a close call with death is all".
"I'll say" said the twins, still glaring at Tamaki.
"You should get to bed Haruhi, it’s been a long day" said Kouya, grinning at her. It
was as though they were sharing some private joke. Haruhi smiled at him and
nodded, everyone said goodnight to her and left the room. Hunny and Mori headed
off to bed, while Kouya decided to stay up in his room and write for a bit. Tamaki
headed off to bed, a goofy smile on his face.
The twins headed to living room, finding Kai watching a movie.
"Aren't you going to go to bed?" they asked her, and she rolled her eyes. "Its nine
o' clock. Not for another couple hours at least. Why? You worried about me?" she
asked, teasing them. It felt good to get some retaliation for once. Only this time,
instead of a witty comeback, they were unusually quiet.
They looked down at the ground, and nodded.
Kai felt her face start to burn.
She felt tongue tied, and she actually felt her eyes burn a little from the emotion.
"You want to watch the movie with me?" she asked them, signaling to the open
spot next to her.
They looked at one another, then smiled at her and nodded. They both sat on
either side of her, leaning in still touch one another.
The movie was Kiki's delivery service, and right before the end of the movie, Kai
fell asleep. By this time, both Hikaru and Kaoru had their arms around her,and she
was cuddled up between them. They smiled, and Hikaru picked her up and carried
her to her room. Finding it locked, they shrugged and she was carried to their
Laying her gently on the bed, they noticed she had Goosebumps on her arms. They
put the blanket on her, and then climbed into bed with her, curling up on either
side of her. For the first time, they held someone else while holding themselves.
Kai snuggled closer unconsciously, and they smiled. Wrapping themselves closer
around her, they fell asleep to the sound of her breathing, and the rain falling
Hours later, Kai awoke in a room that was not her own. Her face turned a shade of
beet red when she realized where she was, and whose arms were holding her.
How the hell did she end up here? It feels good...but how? And damn did she
mention it felt good? God she had to stop thinking that. She carefully crept up
from the shirtless twins, and quietly exited the room. Walking back to her room,
she felt cold. Her door was locked, so she grabbed her necklace that she put on
last night, key attached, and unlocked the door. Stepping inside, it was rather
cold. The sun was beginning to rise, and she realized they would be leaving in a
few hours. Too bad, because this place is pretty beautiful. Her head ached, and she
wanted nothing more than to crawl back in bed with the twins, but she wouldn't.
She was just a toy to them, and that’s all she would be. It was safe to assume she
had always had a low self-esteem, no matter how confident she pretended she
Lying on her bed, she realized that she really missed her mom. Too bad she was in
the beginning of her season of Women's Baseball in America. She always emailed
her, but it was just too different for Kai. Their house was reasonably big, but living
in a big house by yourself was more lonely than anyone could imagine. That’s why
she was staying with Haruhi. Ranka has always been like a father to her, so maybe
she would talk to him when she got back. Haruhi was like her sister, and she knew
she could tell her anything, but this time, she decided, she'd keep it to herself.
Getting up from the bed, she reached in the drawer and grabbed her clothes and
began to pack. She knew getting upset over this would only make her think about
more, but she was unable to help it.
So what would she do now while she waited for everyone to wake up? She pulled
out her ipod, and clicked on the one song that made her feel a bit better.

Your beautiful by James Blunt
After repeating the song for a while, she turned it off and went inside her
bathroom. She threw on a t shirt and a bair of shorts. Nothing special. She put her
hair in a messy bun, barely managing to do it considering how short it was. She
didn't bother with the wraps today, not willing to deal with the discomfort. She
put on a regular hoodie, and grabbed her suitcase. She carried it out to the living
room, and set in on the door step. No one was awake yet, so she made toast and
read more of her manga.
Everyone eventually woke up one by one, Tamaki first. He was unsually chipper,
which kind of brightened her day. He talked with her a bit, and then Mori and a
sleepy Hunny were next. Kouya followed, looking grumpy. He obviously wasn't a
morning person. Haruhi was next, who sat down with her while eating toast. The
twins were the last to wake up, and they walked into the living room, eyes seeking
Kai's. She returned the look, waiting for them to say something. She certainly
wasn't going to say anything, there wasn't much to say. They smiled at her, as if
to say 'This conversation isn't over. Not by a long shot'. She sighed, and grabbed
her bag as the cars arrived. She took the seat next to Haruhi, and played her ipod
the whole drive back home.
"Bye Bye Okinawa, I think I left my heart with you" she thought, as she pressed
play to a song...
Stay by Lisa Loeb