Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"T"What is with all the chatter? I thought this was study hall?" asked Kai, as she walked into
her homeroom class. Everyone was talking and telling jokes, and moving from table to
One of Kai's customers walked up to them shyly, and said "Its the annual exposition for the
cultural club. Classes are canceled for the next few days". She blushed when Kai and Haruhi
smiled at her, and Kai said "Really? That's great! No more math class!".
The girl smiled and laughed as Haruhi stuck her tongue out at Kai and said "You could try
and study". Kai rolled her eyes at her and took her seat.
Looking to her left, the usual two seats that were occupied normally were empty at the
moment, and she looked around.
Sure enough, they were over by the window with a group of people, teasing Renge
about instant coffee. First, no math class, then Renge feeling stupid? Could this day get any
She felt arms snake her waist.
Never mind.
It was going to suck.
"Kai my pet, we are out of instant coffee. Can you and Haruhi go get us some?" they asked,
nuzzling her head with their cheeks. Kai sighed and said "Why do we have to do it?".
"Because silly, its your job" they said, now picking up Haruhi and pushing them towards the
"Fine, but were going to miss the exposition" they told them, trying to convince them out of
the chore.
"Its not mandatory, you wont miss a thing" they said, then went back into the classroom
after blowing them a kiss.
A couple customers laughed and said "I'm so glad they are coming out of their shell now.
And its all thanks to you two".
"Us?" asked Haruhi and Kai, obviously confused.
The girl smiled and said "Yeah. They used to be loners, and never really wanted to talk to
anybody. They seemed like they were bored with school. Things starting changing once the
Host Club was started, and now since you two have come along, its only gotten better".
Kai and Haruhi turned their heads to look at the twins, who were now chatting it up with a
bunch of jocks...
After making a trip to get the coffee, Kai and Haruhi were walking back through the gates of
Ouran. Both were carrying heavy bags of groceries, and unfortunately for Haruhi, she
slipped on a banana peel. Kai was unable to grab her, but someone else sure did.
She was tall, lean, and had short amber hair. Her eyes were a pretty shade of light green,
and she had on a different uniform, so she wasn't from the school.
"Wouldn't want to scratch that pretty face of yours, young lady" she said, and helped steady
"Wait what?" said Kai, obviously in shock that someone finally noticed they were girls.
"Oh my, your also quite the pretty one. What are your names, fair maidens?" she asked,
eyes lighting up at Haruhi and Kai.
"I'm Kai Mirasaki, first year" said Kai, bowing in respect, then waited as Haruhi introduced
"Haruhi Fujioka, also first year" she said, and bowed to the other young women.
The tall girl smiled and said "Such beautiful names for beautiful young women".
She bowed and said "My name is Benio Amakusa".
Haruhi and Kai bowed again, and she said "Let me at least walk you to your destination, fair
Haruhi and Kai nodded, smiling in politeness.
They made their way to music room 3, and was met by Tamaki and 2 other girls from a
different academy.
Tamaki was asking them what women liked to hear, and Benio grabbed Haruhi and Kai and
made a dramatic entrance.
"Maybe something like...I'll never leave my lover alone" Benio said, embracing Kai and
Haruhi, while the host club members watched in horror.
"If we fight, it will be together, if we fail, we fail together" Benio said, twirling them around.
Kai managed to get out of the grasp, and sat in a chair watching the end of Benio's
"Even if I die, I will always be by your side, my love" said Benio, kneeling before Haruhi,
and kissing her hand.
"Benio, we thought you weren't going to make it" said the smallest girl of Benio's friends,
she had cropped hair.
"What are we going to do with you? So tell us, where did you find these lovely young
ladies?" asked the tall girl with long ash blonde hair.
"I just met them outside of school. They may be dressed like boys,but I know the truth. And
they have such beautiful eyes" Benio said, bringing her friends closer to Kai's and Haruhi's
"Uh, thank you" they said together, unsure of what to say.
Benio's friends commented on their hands and face, and gushed saying "Yes, they are quite
Tamaki got upset and said "Don't you dare touch my little girl! Or Kai!".
He attempted to get them back on the safe side of the room, only to get knocked aside by
"Don't touch them!" she said to him, voice cold and eyes glaring.
"She...hit...me. She's so violent!" whined Tamaki, and Hunny Sempai looked at him and
said "Tama-chan, get a hold of yourself!".
"So the rumors we heard are true, you guys are just weak little punks with no sense
between you" asked Benio, releasing Kai and Haruhi, and turning to face the host club.
Kouya hitched up his glasses, and sign that said he was annoyed. "Those uniforms, you
ladies must be from Lobelia Academy".
The girls nodded, and quickly changed costume(wth) and said "Yes. We are...THE ZUKA
CLUB! Part of the white lily league".
The host club remained silent, watching them with weird expressions.
All of a sudden, the twins busted into laughter. "What a stupid name, and those costumes"
they said, in between man giggles.
"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE ZUKA CLUB" said an obnoxious voice through the rooms
speakers. "Freaking Renge" muttered Kai, beating her head against a wall.
She was wearing a tea time kimono, while drinking instant coffee the twins had teased her
into earlier.
"Ah, Lobelia academy. It truly is a women's world there. That school teaches women to be
superior in everyway! Its prized itself on its 30 year history, its society of maidens, by
maidens, FOR Zuka club activities include: Maiden Tea parties, The maiden debate forum,
and most importantly, musical performances performed by the society's top members" she
said, sipping her tea, obviously fine with sounding like a stalker.
"Creeper" muttered Kai, which made Haruhi giggle, and broke some of the tension.
"You have quite a mask of knowledge, Renge" complimented Kouya, changing out of his
knight uniform.
"Well I have always admired St. Lobelia's. I just couldn't go to school there though. What
would I do without boys?" she exclaimed, and made her exit, leaving Kai and Haruhi
cracking jokes about her.
"Well that was refreshing. Nice to know we have fans from other schools" said Benio,
smiling, as if to gloat on that fact.
"We understand women because we are women. We can have equal relationships, and yes
that does include love" said Benio, and her two friends cheered her on and said
"You tell them Benio!".
"Who cares, why don't you just scram" said Hikaru, pulling out his gameboy, and Kaoru
took out his and began to play.
The rest of the members went about their own business.
"I find it hard to believe that you boys have nothing to say about our sublime female love"
said Shuzuren, her pale face in shock.
"Yeah we got over that a second ago" said Kaoru, and the other members nodded.
"They are just flustered because they know their antics don't work and they don't know
what to do with themselves" said the short girl named Hinagiku.
Benio put her arms around her two companions, sighed and said "Well, at least we got a
sneak peek at the notorious host club".
Hunny looked up from playing with Usa-chan, and said "Are we really notorious?".
"Yeah" answered Mori, his stoniness breaking just for a second.
Benio looked to Kai and Haruhi, and said "And to think, they're dragging these sweet young
girls with them" .
"Huh?" said Haruhi and Kai, utterly confused.
Benio glared at Tamaki and yelled "The host clubs president may be a pretty little
happer,but he shouldn't be using his looks to create a fictitious romance and attempting to
fool the heart of a maiden is demeaning. Your so called 'Club activities' are just debasing
macho fantasies. We promise you, the Ouran Host club will be abolished. ALL HAIL ZUKA
Kai and Haruhi were still confused, while Kouya caught the challenge.
He hitched up his glasses again, and said "I see. I understand your concern, but do you
think maybe we could finish this later?".
"Are you saying that your not going to face us?" asked Benio, a sneer on her face.
"Not at all, its just our president is still bed ridden from the initial cultural shock" said
Kouya, motioning to a sleeping Tamaki on the couch.
Hunny stepped forward, and said "You see Tama-chan is having his nappy time right now" .
Benio glared and said "Wake him up!".
The conversation was interrupted as Haruhi and Kai passed out coffee to the Lobelia girls.
Benio took the coffee from Haruhi's hands and said "Why thank you. You two are the
sweetest things. You are really pearls among swine".
"Its just instant coffee" said Kai and Haruhi, laughing at the girls, and Benio patted their
cheeks and said "Maybe we could have a little tea party!".
Before there was an answer, Tamaki woke up and rushed at the girls. "You girls have it all
wrong. Don't you see there is nothing to be gained by a romantic relationship with two
women! If that was the case, why did God create Adam and Eve?" he yelled, then slipped on
a banana peel.
He ended up accidently sticking his finger in the hot coffee, and burning it. Haruhi rushed
over with a bandage and said "You have got to be more careful Sempai".
Tamaki looked at his bandage finger, blushing, then said "Thanks Haruhi. Do you always
carry bandages around with you?".
Haruhi laughed and said "Nah, the supermarket was giving them out with a purchase of
instant coffee. You can always get free stuff at the market".
"Free stuff?" asked Tamaki, looking really confused.
Benio appeared behind Haruhi, and said "This little conversation doesn't seem to be going
anywhere". She grabbed Haruhi, then pulled her and Kai against her.
"Now that we know what going on here, we wont allow it to happen anymore. We will have
these two transferred to Lobelia immediately, and welcome them into the Zuka club!" yelled
Benio, very determined in her quest.
The host club members all got silent from shock.
Haruhi and Kai pulled away from her, and Haruhi said "Hey wait, hold on a second will
Benio waited for them to continue and Kai said "There seems to be some confusion".
"First of all, you called Sempai a happer" said Haruhi, and Hunny laughed and said
"That because he is a happer. He's half French, half Japanese".
"Well, Anyways, I don't think its fair to judge them because they don't have the same
history as you" continued Kai, and the twins laughed.
"We barely have any history, we were founded two years" said the twins, proving her point
Kai glared at them, and they ducked behind a couch.
"Be that as it may, its not like we demean our guests. Or charge them" said Haruhi, and
Kouya grabbed his computer.
"Well not exactly charge. We don't have a point system, but we do have auctions on our
web site. Your used mechanical pencil was sold for 30,000 yen. And Kai? Your favorite
binder that you misplace also sold for 30,000 yen. Good for you two. ".
Haruhi turned around and glared at the computer, saying "What the hell, I thought I lost
that pencil. I had no idea we were collecting money!".
"Why didn't you tell us before?" exclaimed Kai, looking at the screen that showed her
"What did you two think, we are all just working here as volunteers? It may not be much
with all the small events we host, we do make a small profit" he said, trying to explain it
to them.
"But taking and selling someone else belonging is stealing!" yelled Kai and Haruhi together,
very angry.
"Its not stealing. You left those things behind in class" said the twins,and Kai tackled them
to the floor, taking punches.
While she was doing that, Tamaki rushed over to Haruhi and said "I'm sorry. Its not like we
were hiding it from you. Here. You can use my pencil, Haruhi! To make it up to you, I'll tell
you my fondest memories and how I got to be where I am now!".
Haruhi glared at him and said "I don't want your pencil, Sempai. And I'm not interested in
hearing what you have to say!".
Tamaki's face fell and he ran to cry and mope in a corner.
Kai got up from beating the twins, and walked over to her friend that was seething at the
Benio and her friends came up and put their arms around Haruhi and Kai, and said "Poor
dears, I can't believe they have been deceiving you this way".
The short girl, Hinagiku, crossed her arms and said "Why don't you just dump these losers
and come with us?".
Benio shook her head and said "Hang on Hinagiku, these maidens have had quite the day.
We will come back tomorrow for your answers, until then. Adieu ladies".
She waved to the girls, then all three exited very gracefully.
Haruhi and Kai looked at the rest of the host club, and they winced. Even Kouya and Mori.
"We'd better be going, we have some thinking to do" said Haruhi, and she and Kai made
their exit.
"Maybe we should have asked before we sold her stuff" said Hunny, looking very sad at this
Tamaki glared at Kouya and yelled "Mama! This is your fault! You shouldn't have told
Kouya scribbled on his notebook and said "Its not my fault. Facts are facts".
"For all we know, that pen of Haruhi's could have been a keep sake from her mother.
Or that binder had real sentimental value to Kai" said Kaoru, looking worried.
Hikaru shook his head, and said "Not likely. That pen was from an electronic store, and Kai's
binder was from staples".
Tamaki stared out of the window and pondered.
After some time, he turned around and said
"Gentleman, think about it. Haruhi and Kai are basically indifferent, but we know if they had
to choose, we know that they tend to favor mens clothing. And besides, when they first
joined the host club, didn't they say that 'Maybe having a bunch of girls fuss over us wont
be that bad'? Why didn't I realize this before? Maybe they would be a better match for
them. Maybe they would be better off with... the zuka club".
Hikaru's and Kaoru's eyes widened and said "Yeah. They'd be perfect for a girls school!".
Hunny began to freak out and cried "Haru-chan and Kai-chan are going to transfer away?".
"What are we going to do? There both smart so passing the scholarship test will be easy for
them" asked the twins, also beginning to freak out.
"Not to mention Lobelia has enough money to pay off their debt" said Kouya, obviously not
helping matters.
"Calm down gentleman and listen to what I have to say! I have a secret plan" said Tamaki,
and everyone settled down.
The next day...
Haruhi and Kai were walking down the hall to the music room, and both were silent.
Both were still pretty pissed off at the guys, but they had gotten over it.
Both stopped as three figures approached them, and motioned them over.
"Young maidens, we have come to retrieve you! Its time to set things straight!" said Benio,
as she and the other girls led them to the music room.
"Set what straight?" muttered Kai and Haruhi, very confused.
"You should come to school with us, and be with your own kind" explained Benio, as she
opened the door to the music room.
It was pitch black, and all you could hear were voices singing "OURAAAANNNNN" , each with
different tones.
The lights turned on and Kai and Haruhi looked in shock as the guys were dressed up like
"Hello Haruhi and Kai, welcome back!" said Tamaki, approaching them in a red and pink
Hunny ran up in his dress, spun around, and said "Look, I'm a princess now! Aren't I cute?".
"Are you trying to make fun of woman kind?" yelled Benio, in outrage.
"Of course not, I just wanted Haruhi and Kai to know that if they stay with the host club,
they not only have brothers, but sisters as well. They can have feminine bonding while
staying in the host club! Aren't I pretty?" Tamaki explained, then he too twirled around.
The twins walked up and said "Were the Hitachiin sisters! Which one of us is prettier? Were
just teasing you!".
"You can call me big sis from now on!" yelled Hunny, very excited at the idea of it.
Mori nodded and shook his tambourine.
"Do you idiots actually think this will win them over like this? I have had enough of your
fooling around!" yelled Benio, but stopped short when loud giggles erupted from Haruhi and
"You...guys...are...such...idiots!" said Kai between giggles.
Haruhi wiped her eyes and said "I knew you were goofballs but this is too much!".
Hunny and the twins picked them off the ground, and Kai asked the twins "Why are you
doing all of this?".
"Isn't it obvious?" they explained, "We don't want you two to leave host club".
Haruhi and Kai smiled, forgiveness in their eyes.
"Well maidens, have you made your decision?" asked Benio, already fearing the answer.
"Yeah we have" said Kai, already giving Benio an apologetic smile.
"We appreciate your offer, and think that your school is really nice and its values are very
unique, but we came to Ouran to have a better future. We aren't leaving Ouran" concluded
Haruhi, giving Benio and her friends a charming smile.
"Haruhi! Kai! Wait, if you weren't planning on leaving, why did you get all upset?" asked
Tamaki, confused.
"Well how would you feel if someone stole your things and sold them without permission?"
asked Kai, glaring at Tamaki.
"Besides, I really like that pencil!" yelled Haruhi, hitting Tamaki on the head.
"But I offered you my teddy bear pencil and you didn't want it!" whined Tamaki, pouting.
"Yeah and I still don't" muttered Haruhi, looking away from him as Kai giggled.
"Very well. We won't give up on you maidens, and one day we will come back for you and
abolish the host club!" said Benio, as she and her friends waved and made their exit.
Kai looked at the twins and blushed.
"You’re much sexier as guys" she whispered to them, and giggled. They blushed and looked
at the ground.
Of course, who would ruin the moment better than...
"RENGE?" yelled everyone as she appeared out of the ground, drinking tea and eating a
"And so the club has a new rival! The Zuka club! From this point on the story is going to get
more exciting! What's going to happen to our host boys next? Hang in there host club! Don't
give up!" she yelled, then took off the peel of the banana and took a bite.
"Hey, it’s not your job to cook things up!" yelled Tamaki, then he tripped on the peel that
Renge tossed.
Everyone laughed as Tamaki squirmed on the ground, whining over hitting his face.
Kai and Haruhi looked at each other and locked eyes, as if to say 'Wouldn't leave this for the