Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tamaki awoke, screaming his lungs off.
"It was...just a dream. But what if Haruhi really lives like that? I have to look for myself!"
he exclaimed, rushing out of bed and getting dressed. Rushing down stairs, his maid
informed him he was half dressed, and it was actually Sunday and that he didn't have to go
to school. Tamaki felt stupid, and made a call to his best friend. He informed Kouya that he
wanted to visit Haruhi immediately, and he would pick Kouya up within the hour.
Kouya, who was already scheming, agreed.
Haruhi and Kai walked down the road to home cheerfully, smiling to neighbors when they
passed. Haruhi was wearing a light and dark pink dress, while Kai wore jeans and a black t-
"I love Sundays, its the best day to shop at the market!" exclaimed Haruhi happily, holding
up her bags of goodies.
Kai smiled at her friend, than reached in her pocket.
"Now all we have to do is finish some chores and do the laundry" she said, looking at her to
do list.
She looked over at Haruhi, who wasn't listening anymore. "Haruhi? What is it?" asked Kai,
rushing over to her friend, worried. Haruhi pointed to her apartment, which was now
blocked by 3 huge black cars.
"Whats going on?" asked Kai, grabbing Haruhi and running to get a closer look. All of a
sudden, they saw the host club boys emerged from the cars, looking like movie stars as
"You have got to be kidding me!" muttered Kai, as she and Haruhi crouched low behind a
street pole, listening to the guys talking.
"Why did you bring these idiots with us Kouya? Especially those two Doppelgangers!"
exclaimed Tamaki, obviously very frustrated with Kouya.
"Well you see, I know you didn't have the courage to come here alone, so I brought
everyone along to make it easier" he explained, then grabbed the twins and pushed them
toward the car.
"Come on you guys, it appears I underestimated our great leader" said Kouya, bluffing to
"Were not leaving!" objected the twins, as Tamaki turned to them in disparity.
"Okay I'm sorry. Don't leave! I don't want to be alone!" said Tamaki, dragging them back.
"Okay men, we are here to have a friendly visit. Remember, we are not to judge the Fujioka
in any way. The words shabby, cramped, or run down are absolutely forbidden! Don't say
anything that might offend Haruhi or her father, so they don't ask us to leave" said Tamaki,
and the rest of the boys saluted.
"Yes Sir" they said (cept Kouya), and winced as Haruhi and Kai appeared out of know
"Its too late for that! Go away" yelled Haruhi, as the guys jumped up in fear. She and Kai
stepped out from behind the street sign, expressions annoyed.
"Ha-Haruhi. And you’re with Kai too. We didn't know where she lived or we would have
picked her up" whined Tamaki, scared shitless.
"Yeah right" muttered Kai, kind of hurt they forgot about her.
'So much for friends' she thought sarcastically.
Haruhi stood there, fists balled, while Kai shook her head in pity at the boys.
"You look cute in those clothes" the guys said, and Haruhi and Kai glared.
"Shut up and get the hell out of here!" she yelled, and Kai had to hold her back from
punching the guys.
The landlady ran up to them and asked “Excuse me? Haruhi, Kai, are you all right? Are
these man Yakuza? Do you want me to call the police?" she asked them, then was
entranced by Tamaki as he walked up to her.
"Hello Madam, were friends of Haruhi. Were just stopping by, we didn't mean to cause a
scene. I'm sorry" he said, giving her a charming smile.
"And he's got her" muttered Kai and Haruhi, annoyed.
"Well it’s no problem! I'll stop by later with some treats for you and your friends you two!"
the lady said, then ran back to her house.
Haruhi glared and motioned for them to follow her. Once arriving at the door, Haruhi
handed the keys to Kai as she explained something to the guys.
"I'm only giving you guys a quick peek ok? 3 seconds, and then you all go home ok?" said
Haruhi, and Hunny reached in his bag and pulled out a wrapped box.
"I got this for you Haru-chan! Its cake!" he said, and Haruhi sighed and tried to fight a
"Fine, I guess I will make some tea" she said, as Kai opened the door and stepped inside.
She slipped off her shoes and went to sit on the counter.
Haruhi greeted her guests and asked them to take off their shoes. After making rich people
comments, the boys went to sit down in the living room. They looked uncomfortable, but
Haruhi and Kai didn't care much.
Kai passed out cups, and ignored grumbles from Tamaki and the twins.
She glared at them all, and continued her silent treatment. After passing
out utensils, she went to go sit on the counter, and listen to her ipod.
"Hey Haruhi, you can make this kinda of tea instead" suggested Kaoru, handing her a bag of
expensive black tea.
Tamaki gave them a death glare, and after that Hikaru shook his head and said "Uh never
mind Haruhi you don't have to go through all that trouble. Besides, it requires milk".
Haruhi rolled her eyes and said "What are you talking about? I already made it".
She served the tea, and she and a pissed off Kai sat down. Hunny passed around pieces of
cake, and Mori gave Haruhi and Kai his strawberries. This seemed to upset the twins and
Tamaki, and the snacks were soon gone. The guys got hungry again, and Kouya suggested
getting sushi.
"Thats a good idea. I know a great place a few blocks from here, it’s a very nice place"
suggested Haruhi, and Kai nodded in agreement.
Tamaki scribbled something onto a piece of paper, and passed it to Haruhi.
It read "Haruhi, just because a place says its high quality doesn't actually mean it is".
Haruhi crumpled up the paper and tossed in the trash.
"I'm not stupid. I know what I'm doing Sempai" she said, glaring at him. He hid in a corner,
and Hunny made the moment better.
"I'd really like it if you would cook for us Haru-chan".
Haruhi smiled and said "Okay, but that means Kai and I will have to go back to the
The twins and Tamaki were on their knees thanking a god that they would have the chance
to taste Haruhi's cooking.
"We wanna come with!" exclaimed Hunny, and Mori nodded in agreement.
"I'm interested in seeing it myself" said Kouya getting up from the table.
Everyone walked out, while Tamaki stayed behind. After praying to her mother, Tamaki
tripped and fell on top of Haruhi, and they ended up in a very sexual position.
The moment got worse when Kai walked in, followed by a tall woman/man with auburn hair,
wearing a pink skirt and jean jacket and blue blouse.
"Hey dad" said Haruhi, not feeling awkward saying hello in the position she was in.
"Do you want to kill him, or let me take care of it? Murder is a capitol offense, but I'm only a
teenager. They'll let me off easy" muttered Kai, ready to spring at Tamaki.
Ranka patted Kai's head and shook his head. He stalked over to Tamaki, threw him against
the wall, and said "Oh Haruhi, I feel terrible for leaving you and Kai here all by yourself last
night. You must have been lonely".
Kai chuckled as she leaned against the wall next to them.
Haruhi looked at the barely conscious Tamaki, and said "That sound...He hit the wall really
"Good. Pervert" muttered Kai, glaring at Tamaki, who was now waking up
"Oh dear, my left arm has been bothering my lately. It's so sore, like I went hand to hand
with some ferocious beast. I've been working so hard. I could sure use a cup of hot tea
about now".
"It's..not what it looks like" muttered Tamaki, at a loss for words.
He then heard Ranka mention tea, and perked up and got a kettle.
"Haruhi, your dad wants tea? I'll get it! Do you use fire wood to start it?" he rambled, and
tripped over himself.
Ranka put his food on Tamaki's head and chuckled evilly.
"Oh my, would you look at that! It seems I have come across a little pest. Would you like to
tell me why your addressing my daughter with such informality?" he yelled at Tamaki, while
Haruhi stared in shock, and Kai laughed her ass off.
The twins appeared in the door way, and said "Oh hey, it’s that lady Kai followed up the
stairs! It must be Haruhi's father".
They walked over the fallen Tamaki, ignoring his obvious pleas for help. "Hello, it's nice to
meet you Haruhi's dad, were good friend of Kai and your daughter, were the Hitachiin
brothers" they said together.
"So you’re a transvestite huh?" asked Hikaru, shaking Ranka's hand, obviously delighted.
"You’re the first real transvestite we have seen" said Kaoru, not in the least awkward.
They looked from Haruhi, to Kai, and finally Tamaki.
They gave a loud sigh and said "You finally put the moves on Haruhi didn't you boss?".
"Yep, and he is lucky Ranka didn't castrate him" muttered Kai, and the twins looked at her.
She looked away and glared at the wall, and said,
The twins were confused, and put that puzzle on their to do list.
"Sorry about him" they continued, "He's a lady man if you know what we mean. A
pheromone machine. We bet he's fooled around with more girls than you could count".
Ranka glared and said in a deadly tone,
"He likes to fool around huh?".
"No I'm not a ladies man! I'm a nice guy, I care about her!" Tamaki shouted desperately,
and it got deadly quiet.
Was he finally confessing his love for her?
"I'm being completely honest here. I care about Haruhi like she's my own daughter" he
explained, bowing respect to Ranka.
Nope, he was still and idiot.
Everyone came in, and sat around the table to chat. Tamaki was in a corner, moping and
sprouting mushrooms on him(weirdo), while everyone drank tea.
"So you must be the famous host club I've heard so much about. You certainly are a fine
looking bunch of men; I'm not sure which one of you I like best. What about you dears?"
asked Ranka, smiling at Kai and Haruhi.
Haruhi and Kai stayed silent, and Ranka shook her head and smiled.
"I'll tell you what, you boys can just call me Ranka. That’s my professional name at the
transvestite bar I work at" he continued, and flipped his hair and laughed lightly.
"Like a stage name?" asked Hunny, trying to comprehend this culture shock.
Ranka nodded and said "Exactly like that Mitskuni!".
"Hey how do you know my name?" he asked her, confused.
"Lets see. You and Mori over there are third years right?" he stated, smiling at them, then
looked over at the twins.
"And you two are the twins I've heard so much about. Hikaru and Kaoru! But I honestly
can't tell which one is which" he continued, smiling sweetly.
"So, Haruhi and Kai have told you about us?" they asked him, and Ranka shook his head.
"No, but Kouya has told me all about you over the phone!" he concluded, and he and Kouya
smiled at each other.
"You know you really are a beautiful person Ranka!" said Kouya cheerfully, enjoying
freaking out the rest of the club.
"SAY WHAT?" yelled everyone else, freaking out.
"Kouya?" asked Tamaki, still in his corner moping.
"We have been entrusted to take care of his precious daughter and god daughter. Its only
natural we introduce ourselves and give him periodic reports. Ordinarily, that would be your
job wouldn't it?" asked Kouya, shocking everyone further, and making Tamaki mope worse.
"God daughter?" asked the twins, looking at Kai again, who was glaring into her cup.
"I'm impressed the club has such a capable president. Oh wait Kouya, your only the vice
right? I guess that president of yours is pretty much good for nothing" complimented
Ranka, as she smiled at Kouya.
"You didn't mention this to me dad!" exclaimed Haruhi, and she looked at Kai to say
Kai raised a brow at her god father and said "Why didn't you tell us you were receiving calls
from Kouya?".
"What am I supposed to do? You both rarely tell me anything from school" said Ranka,
pouting at them.
"Does that make it okay to talk behind our backs? And Tamaki quit growing mushrooms in
other peoples closet!" yelled Haruhi, looking from her dad, to Tamaki, frustration pouring
from her.
"Well Haruhi, the thing is you’re so cute, even when you’re angry! And when you and Kai
get together when your angry its even cuter!" yelled Ranka, hugging Kai and Haruhi.
"I don't know what it is, but Haruhi's dad reminds me of someone" muttered Hikaru, putting
a finger on his chin.
"This explains why she and Kai are so good at handling the boss" said Kaoru, shaking his
Haruhi and Kai shrugged out of Ranka's arms, and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going?" asked Ranka, confused at their sudden departure.
"To the supermarket. We have to go shopping and we want to do it by ourselves. So all of
you stay here and try to behave yourselves" Haruhi said, and she and Kai walked out.
The guys wanted to go with, but Ranka sat them down.
"I wouldn't push it. Once they make their minds up, they never change them. When Haruhi
decided to go to Ouran academy, she filled out all the enrollment paper all by herself. I
remember that Kai's mother couldn't fill out Kai's paperwork either. While I respect their
independent spirit, I wish they could depend on others a bit more" Ranka told them, then
paused lost in thought.
Ranka told them the story of how Haruhi was when she was young girl. She never wanting
to ask anything of anyone, and always depending on herself.
"If I recall, Kai was the same way with her mother. Her father left them when she was quite
young, you see. You all know now that she is my god daughter, and I love her like she was
one my own children. Her mother travels quite a lot, and while she does, Kai stays here.
She doesn't like to stay in that big house all by herself" Ranka told them, shocking them all.
"Its been this way since she and Haruhi were babies" he continued.
"Their mothers were best friends, and when my wife passed away, its always been those
two against the world. I want you all to know how grateful I am to you. Since meeting you
boys, the girls have really come out of their shells. Their alot happier and seem to be
enjoying themselves more. Wouldn't you agree Tamaki?".
Ranka looked over to Tamaki, who jumped up at the mention of his name.
"You know who I am?" he asked Ranka, happy that Ranka wasn't glaring at him now.
"Well of course I do. My girls have told me a thing or two about you, your the host club's
fumbling president right?" Ranka asked him, and Tamaki moped more with each insult he
"Come to think of it, you were the one who didn't realize that my girls were females until
the very last moment. Your clueless aren't you? Pretty pathetic. Now that we got all the
introductions out of the way, how would you boys like to have a little fun?" Ranka asked,
then looked over at the rest of the boys.
Everyone nodded, too afraid to say no.
Ranka clapped his hands together, and said "Excellent! Well then, follow me gentleman!".
The guys all hid behind a corner with Ranka, spying on the girls as they made their way to
the supermarket.
"Were following them to the supermarket?" asked the twins, confused by Ranka's sudden
"This is your idea of fun?" Kouya asked, amused by Ranka's antics.
"Yes! I call it the stalking game!" Ranka stated, as he hushed them and peered over at the
People watched them as they walked, wondering why they were doing what they were
"In all honesty, I also have a complete selfish reason for doing this. I want to be seen with
bunch of cute boys!" exclaimed Ranka, flashing a stylish pose.
"Sure enough, those three are definitely cut from the same cloth" muttered the twins,
making Ranka giggle.
They walked further up the street, and soon arrived at the super market.
Once they were in, everyone dispersed and made sure Haruhi and Kai didn't see them.
Tamaki and Ranka hid behind a cereal stand, and watched as Haruhi picked through
different types of vegetables.
"Do you really think spying is necessary? Are you that worried about them?" Tamaki asked
him, and Ranka smiled sadly.
"As you know, Haruhi lost her mother at a young age and afterwards she took on all the
households responsibilities and shopping by herself. Whenever Kai stayed with us, which
was quite often, Kai would go with her, and help out. I can't help but worry. I'm the only
one that can protect them. Their so independent and strong, and they have this uncanny
ability to help others, without even realizing it" Ranka explained, shaking his head in
"Thats true, I've seen it. I understand" agreed Tamaki, watching Haruhi, his eyes light and
Ranka looked over at Tamaki, realization hitting him.
"What do you mean you understand? Don't think you can win me over just because your
handsome. I'm warning you, I’m not ready to let go yet!" exclaimed Ranka, as he grabbed
Tamaki's cheek and yanked.
"Can you at least let go of my face?" he asked, voice in pain as Ranka continued to pull at
his face.
"You have got some nerve. You barely even know my girls. That means that from this day
forward, you are my enemy!" Ranka yelled, and kicked him away.
Tamaki landed a few feet away from Haruhi, who looked at him quizzically.
"What the..What are you doing here Sempai?" asked Haruhi, picking him up from the
"Oh, it looks like you caught me Haruhi! I followed you hear so I could carry your shopping
basket! You know how daddy likes his accessories!" he told her, fiddling his hands together.
She laughed at him and said "You’re so weird!"
"So what do you want to eat?" she asked him as they walked, and he mumbled something
about a stew pot. Haruhi agreed and they picked out the ingredients, while Mori and Hunny
helped out. Kouya was too busy, since he was looking at coupons.
Kai was in the grains section, checking for some fresh bread. She bent over to pick it up,
and felt light taps on her butt. She froze, ready to kick some major ass, but relaxed as she
heard the voices.
"Nice butt, pet" said voices unison, and she hit her head on the shelve as she stood up.
She looked behind her and saw the twins leaning against the wall.
She glared and asked "What do you want?".
"Were sorry. We mean, were sorry we didn't think of you today. Boss just went on one of
his rants, and was completely focused one thing. You know how he gets" they said together,
and Kai turned her head away from them.
"We really were going to come find you, its not like all we cared about was seeing Haruhi"
said Hikaru, trying to explain in to you.
"We were going to find out where you lived too, and go hang out with you as well. We didn't
know you lived with Haruhi though" said Kaoru, taking his hand in her. Hikaru took her
other hand, and they waited for her to respond.
Kai looked up at them, frowning.
"I live with them by choice. It's lonely in my house since mom is never home. She is in the
beginning of her season in America right now" she said, and they gave her quizzical looks.
"She's a professional softball player. She has her own team and they compete against
teams in America. You haven't heard of Jun Mirasaki?" she asked them, and their eyes got
"THAT JUN MIRASAKI? No way! So that explains why your so good at sports! But, what
about your dad?" they asked her, and she shrugged.
"I don't know him, simple as that. Mom just told me he was this american guy who was
here on vacation, and they fell in love. He was a red head, of irish decent, and had green
eyes. Once my mom told him she was pregnant, he left her, and thats as far I know. My
mother has always told me she has had no regrets, because with the heart ache, she gained
me" she told them, and smiled.
The twins nodded, and smiled at her. They wrapped their arms around her, and hugged her.
She hugged them back, ignoring the fact that her heart raced whenever they touched her.
They released her, and walked her back to where the group was.
'A problem for another day' she thought to herself, as she looked at Hikaru and Kaoru, who
were both already chatting it up about what they were going to do once they got back at
school tomorrow.
Ranka watched from the shadows, and realized his little girls were growing up.
'I know its going to happen eventually,one day my precious little girls will grow up, and they
will want to have special some one, or some ones, by their side'.
"Just thinking about it gets my blood boiling!" Ranka exclaimed, unable to hold back his
And who could blame him? Things are just getting good!