Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ The School Newspaper Club ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Welcome!" the host club greeted, as the guests swarmed in. The hosts were dressed in
formal dress robes, and all looked fresh and cheerful.
Kai was dressed in formal green apparel, while Haruhi wore a plum color.
Every host was doing their own routine. Kouya was getting money, Tamaki was breaking
hearts, The twins were acting out their brotherly love scenes, and Hunny and Mori were
attempting to eat noodles as one.
Haruhi and Kai served tea and chatted with their guests, making them blush without really
meaning to.
"I don't want this day to ever end!" one of the guests said, and stared dreamily at Haruhi.
Haruhi smiled at the girl, and said "All good things must come to an end, but that doesn't
mean a good thing won’t happen again".
The girls squealed, and some fainted as Haruhi and Kai got up to take trays and things
The guests left, all waving flirtatiously before leaving.
Haruhi sat down with Kai on the grass, feeling very peaceful.
Kai began to hum, as she and Haruhi picked at the grass.
Summer was approaching soon, which meant sleeping in, and more time to hang out.
However, their peace was short lived by a yell.
"HARUHI DUCK!" shouted Tamaki, as he tackled Haruhi and moved her away from the flying
object heading straight toward her. Kai easily caught it and kicked it back to the twins,
glaring as they grinned evilly at her.
"Hikaru! You almost killed Haruhi!" exclaimed Tamaki, as he glared at Hikaru and dusted off
his clothes.
"Hey, it’s not my fault you didn't catch the ball" said Hikaru, shrugging in indifference.
Kaoru nodded in agreement and said "Who knew you would be so bad at Kimadi. So much
for being the Genji of Ouran Academy".
Tamaki groaned in anger, and exclaimed "What? You want to say that to my face? I'll show
you punks!".
Tamaki grabbed the ball, and kicked it expertly...but not at them. It soared out of the field
and into another direction.
"Take care of yourself!" said the twins, waving the ball away.
"Fail.." muttered Kai, as she and Haruhi tried not to laugh.
Tamaki's shoulder slumped in defeat.
They all heard a crash, and looked up.
Oh shit.
The ball had ended up going through the window of the newspaper club room, catching their
president off guard.
They went to the room to apologize, and stepped into the dusty cluttered room. It was
stacked with unsold newspapers, all the way to the ceiling.
The president had an icepack on his head, a warm smile on his nerdy looking face.
"He looks kind of creepy" muttered Kai to the Twins and Haruhi, and they nodded in
The president was sitting in his chair, his two right hand man at his sides.
Tamaki stood before him, looking very apologetic. Everyone else just looked bored.
"We are terribly sorry about all of this" Tamaki told him, and bowed in apology.
"Don't worry it’s no big deal. Just a ball flying through the window and hitting me in the
head. Could have happened to anyone" said the President, his tone kind of cutting, although
it was obviously meant to sooth.
"Please accept our apology" Tamaki asked him again, giving more apologetic bows.
"Oh please it's fine. I must say, this is very convenient. I was just planning on asking you all
if our club could do a cover story on all of you. I don't suppose you would be interested?"
the president said, flashing Tamaki a charming smile.
"We have a newspaper club? I didn't know that" said Kai, as she leaned against the twins,
looking very bored.
Haruhi nodded in agreement, as she and Hunny were playing with marbles on the floor.
The twins fussed with Kai's hair as they answered.
"It's more gossip than anything. Its a trashy tabloid, filled with stories of scandalous love
affairs, family power struggles...you get the picture. But, since its all lies no one reads it
anymore" the twins told her, and the President and his goons looked down in shame,
knowing they were caught.
"Okay, so I guess we have lost sight of the truth since we were trying to pull in more
readers. It's a shame we are now realizing our error. Now that the paper is at risk, we
finally realize what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran. Help us please,
for our last paper of the semester we would like to do an upclose special on the members of
your club. I'm begging you, without your help, our club will close" he begged them, as he
bowed his head in respect, and his goons followed suit.
"Worry no more! On behalf of the host club, we-"have to decline" Kouya said, cutting
Tamaki off.
"Sorry, but we have a policy that prohibits us from sharing any personal information with
anyone but our guests. However, if you need us to pay for any medical expenses it's done"
Kouya explained, as he kept a hand over Tamaki's objecting pie hole.
"And another thing, what makes you think we want to help you spread more rumors and
gossip. We have a reputation to uphold, and you would just ruin it" said Kaoru, shaking his
head in disgust.
Hikaru nodded and said "Besides, you guys start a lot of trouble for people, and who would
want to get mixed up in that?".
Haruhi twitched, probably thinking they were hypocrites for saying that. Look where she
and Kai were.
Kai had to withhold a grin. She loved when the twins got worked up, it was just plain sexy.
'Ugh. Wait. Okay Kai control your hormones' she told herself, as she looked back to the now
somber president.
"I understand. I guess you really can't erase the sins of the past, can you? People won't
even give you a chance to redeem yourself. Oh, my head is killing me!" he said, and
slumped in his chair, holding his head in his hands.
"President!" said his goons in alarm, and they put more ice in his ice pack.
"Don't worry! I'm okay you two. Oh no, I'm getting dizzy!" he said, and fell head first on his
"I guess the only option would be to disband with grace" said The President, as he shakily
wiped his bangs from his face.
"No! You don't have to! You can always make a fresh start. We'll help! We can use the
power of the host club, and reestablish the newspaper club! " Tamaki said, as he grinned at
the happy faces but the president and his goons.
"Well count us out!" said the twins, as they dragged Kai and Haruhi with them to the door.
"Your way too trusting boss, we can't just go along with everything you do forever. We have
had enough" the twins said together, as they waited by the door for the rest of the hosts.
"Were leaving too Tamaki. We’re holding an evaluation meeting, mostly about you" said
Kouya, as he, Mori, and Hunny joined the twins at the door.
Tamaki's hands balled into fists, and he said in a raspy voice,
"Hold it!"
Everyone stopped moving, hell, they might have stopped breathing. Tamaki never used that
"How can you be so heartless? These guys are about to lose their club. Don't you feel sorry
for them? Their family is breaking up!" he said, the emotion catching in his voice.
Stupid Tamaki for getting so emotionally involved.
He cleared his throat and gritted his teeth.
"As your president, I demand you help them. And that is a direct order" he concluded, as he
pointed at them and glared.
Again, there was another deathly silence.
Tamaki held his breath, as he waited for a reply.
"We’re not going to do it!" the hosts said, and glared over their shoulders before walking
Tamaki was left alone, heartbroken, and feeling undermined.
Back in Music Room 3, the atmosphere was tense as everyone sat in silence. Tamaki sat in
the corner, still upset. He had a ball in his hand, and he was pushing it back in forth in an
effort of entertaining himself.
He was still dressed in his cosplay, and he had the saddest expression on his face.
"Well he is obviously upset with us" said the twins, drinking their tea as they looked over in
Tamaki's general direction.
"Yeah, he hasn't even changed out of his cosplay outfit yet" said Kai, as she leaned against
a couch and read a book.
"I hate when he ignores us when we are right in front of him. He is such a child"
commented Kouya, looking annoyed but amused at the same time.
'Yaoi couple' thought Kai, as she kept reading through her own yaoi manga. Too many
things about these hosts screamed yaoi.
"A club is like a family. And there family is about to be broken up, I feel sorry for them"
Tamaki said, still pouting in the corner. Haruhi's face softened, and Kai glared.
"Haruhi don't you dare!" she said to her friend, but it was too late.
"I'd hate to give in, but would it really be that bad to help them with their newspaper?"
Haruhi asked Kouya, her tone defeated.
"What? Since when are you taking his side?" the twins asked her, and Hikaru looked
Kai felt a twinge of hurt at the sight. Hikaru likes Haruhi? How could she NOT see that?
'Maybe it was just a mistake' she thought, and allowed herself to breathe.
"Since never!" Haruhi answered them, "Just listen. I know any moment he is going to look
over here with those puppy eyes, and we will give in and win".
"Let me guess, your speaking from experience aren't you?" asked the twins rhetorically, and
Haruhi smiled sheepishly.
"Besides, isn't this kind of thing you guys usually go for?" she asked them, and the twins
and Kouya shrugged.
"Well, no. This seems like more trouble than it’s worth" the twins told her, and she nodded
in understanding.
"What about you Hunny Sempai?" asked Haruhi, looking over at the little boy eating cake.
"Count me out. I have cake to eat, and Takashi sticks with me, right?" Hunny said, then
looked at his companion.
"Yep" agreed Mori, blunt as ever.
Haruhi sighed, and then looked at Kai.
Kai lifted a brow.
"No Haru. That president looks like a creeper, and I'd only trust him as far as I can throw
him...with my left hand. My right hand is my good arm. SO yeah no way!" she told her, and
Haruhi shook her head.
It got quiet, and everyone looked at Tamaki. He looked at his fellow hosts, and the war was
The pout was working, and Kouya groaned and hitched up his glasses in annoyance.
"There will be some conditions, then. The outline for the article will be submitted by us.
Interviews are strictly prohibited, and it is vital our clients identities be kept confidential. Do
we agree?" Kouya asked them all, and Tamaki jumped for joy.
"Whatever. Since Kouya said its okay" said the twins, going to go sit next to Kai, and Kai
groaned at Kouya.
"Fine Kouya, but if he touches me, he's getting kicked in the gut" muttered Kai, as she used
Kaoru's head for a pillow. Hikaru put her feet in his lap, and sat next to Haruhi.
Kouya looked over to the rest of the hosts.
Hunny ate more cake, and nodded at them all, and Mori did his usual,
"I'll go let them know then. Excuse me please" Kouya said, and left the room.
Tamaki was doing a happy face, and Kai groaned into her book.
"I smell trouble ahead" she said, and Haruhi nodded in agreement.
"The Daruma doll fell oooover!" Tamaki yelled, as he stood against a tree. The host club was
playing red light green light, and it was Tamaki's turn as the stop light. First one that moved
and was caught was out.
The newspaper club watched with obvious distaste.
The Twins blinked and Tamaki called them on it, telling them that they moved. An argument
pursued, and the President cleared his throat.
"I can see why you would be shocked. Believe me I was at first too, but it is a commoners
game. And there are so many! You don't even need to spend any money, all you need is a
few friends to play with!" Tamaki informed him happily, giving him a huge smile.
"Mmmhmm. And what does this have to do with our coverage of the host club?" he asked
Tamaki, his patience obviously wearing thin.
"YOU NEED TO LEARN FRIENDLINESS!" Tamaki shouted at him, obviously getting worked
The other hosts just looked at the scene with wary expressions.
"If you going to attempt to get more readers, you must appeal to them more, and be more
down to earth. I can just imagine the headlines now.
'The handsome boys of the host club enjoy Commoners games' it will say. And it will show
pictures of all of us frolicking in the grass. It will show we are ready for the summer, and
that a couple commoners are reliving their childhoods" he said to the president, than looked
over at Haruhi and Kai. Kai side stepped and hid behind Mori and Hunny, while Haruhi
"Great. He's looking at me. I should probably start acting like I'm happy to be here" said
Haruhi, as she shrugged over at Kai.
Kai shook her head and said "Just don't make eye contact. Don't move a muscle, and I'm
sure he will not even notice you".
The twins laughed, and said "I don't think the boss is a T-rex, pet".
Kai spat her tongue at them, and watched as the creepy guys chatted more with Tamaki.
After everyone dispersed throughout the court yard, Kai and Haruhi sat by the fountain.
The creepy president and his goons made his way over, and Kai sighed in exasperation.
"Be nice" Haruhi muttered to her, before giving them guys a friendly smile.
"So, you two are the honor students right? Would you mind if I asked you a couple of
questions?" the President asked them, and they shook their heads.
"So why did you join the host club?" he asked them, ready to jot down notes on his note
"Well to be honest, we were forced to join" answered Haruhi, and Kai laughed at the
"So, in other words, its just Tamaki up to his antics again. Tell me, have you two ever
witnessed his bad side. Can you describe it?" the President asked them, and they burst into
"Bad side? He doesn't have a bad bone in his body!" Haruhi told him, as she and Kai kept
giggling to themselves.
The President did not seemed amused, because he narrowed his eyes and glared. Before he
could say anything else, Tamaki ran up to them and grabbed Haruhi.
"Come on lets hide!" he told her, and they ran away into the maze.
The President looked after them, glaring in hatred. After glaring at the ground for a few
seconds, he stormed off, with his goons following behind him.
Kai stood there, looking utterly confused.
Hands grabbed hers and she looked up. The Twins grinned down at her, and said "Let's go,
She gave them a confused look, and Kouya said "Were going on a field trip, so come along
now Kai".
Kai nodded, not going to argue with the shadow king.
All the hosts besides Haruhi and Tamaki took off at a dead sprint, Kouya in the lead. They
followed him to the newspaper room, and they all took seats. Hunny and Mori waited
outside and kept watch.
It was dead silent in the room, and Kai wondered what the hell was going on. She was
seated between the twins on the desk, while Kouya sat in the corner on a stack of
The door burst open, and the president gaped in shock.
"Hmmm, so we were right all along" said the twins, eyes narrowed in vicious intent.
Kai mentally shuddered...damn they were hot when they were angry.
"You two. And look you brought the little commoner as well" sneered the President, and the
twins were about to spring. Kai grabbed both of their hands, and said "Yes the little
commoner. Shut the hell up before I have to shut you up myself".
The twins smirked and Kouya chuckled.
"Well I guess it was pretty obvious" continued Hikaru, as settled back comfortably onto the
"The boss seems to be the only one who hasn't caught on yet. He pertains to be a little
dense if it has anything to do with himself" said Kaoru, as he sent the President a smug
grin. He looked at Hikaru, who wasn't done gloating.
Kai had goosebumps. Ugh stupid hormones AGAIN. Seriously this crap needed to stop!
"I should warn you. If you threaten him, there will be consequences" Hikaru said, as he
shook his head and looked back at his brother.
"Do you really want the Hitachiin's and every other host club member's family as your
enemy?" Kaoru asked him, looking him dead in the eye.
The president gasped, and said "I knew it. You nothing but his lackeys. Tamaki is holding
his family's power over all of you!".
"That's not true. We don't hang out with Tama-chan because of his parents. We love him.
We all love being around him, and that's why we choose to be here" Hunny said, as he and
Mori entered the room.
The host club had the President and his goons surrounded.
"He may be a hopeless idiot, but even so..." said Kouya, and all the hosts had a moment of
"I believe what the guys are trying to say is, he is OUR hopeless idiot. And we protect what
is ours" said Kai, standing up, and placing her hand on her hip.
"So, what will you do?" the twins asked him, as they too stood up.
"Please leave Tama-chan alone okay?" Hunny asked him, the sweetness leaving his voice
"I'll get you all. It's not just about him anymore. I'll write an article that will ruin all of you!"
yelled the President, stomping the ground with his foot.
"Go ahead. Be my guest. Although, what do you think we should do about this little disk?
You see, it has been here since yesterday. It recorded everything" Kouya told him, walking
over to the first aid kit that Kouya had given the President.
He pushed a button on the bottom, and out popped a disk.
The goons grabbed the President, and said "Just give up!".
The President fell to the ground in misery, and Kouya walked over to him.
"Let me put it into terms you can understand. You would do well to know that the Otori
group and the Hitachiin family are in enough stock alone to remove your father as President
of the Kumatsazawa publishing firm. However, we would never do something like that. We
are not like you. What we strive for is fundamentally different" said Kouya, as he put the
disk in his pocket, and walked to the door.
The others followed suite, and they all left the room, leaving the newspaper club to smother
in their misery.
As they walked through the maze, Kai began to giggle.
"What is it?" asked Kouya, smiling at her in curiosity.
"I was just thinking that you guys are kinda cute when you get all defensive over your own.
Were like one huge family" she told them, and they blushed.
"I thought you were being forced to be here?" asked Kouya, tone confused and curious at
the same time.
"Nah, I enjoy being here. But if you prefer thinking of it as slave labor, be my guest" she
told them all, her tone teasing. They all were shocked at her claim, but said nothing else.
They all turned the corner and found the missing hosts, and Kouya said "I found you!".
Haruhi and Tamaki's head perked up, and they all began to walk back to the room.
"Where is the newspaper club?" asked Tamaki, looking around in wonder.
"They had to cancel. Something came up" said the twins, shrugging in indifference.
Tamaki looked at them and the twins sighed.
"What? They said they were going to focus on writing more respectable articles" the twins
said, smiling at him.
"So maybe they don't have to shut down" said Kai, smiling at Tamaki, knowing that these
white lies were going to make his day.
"Oh really? That's good news!" said Tamaki, obviously delighted.
"Let’s hurry up and get back to the room so we can have cake!" said Hunny, as his stomach
"Mmm, that does sound nice! CAKE!" said Tamaki, as he twirled around and around in
complete bliss.
"Kouya, is Tamaki's family really that big of a deal around here?" asked Haruhi, as she and
Kai walked next to Kouya.
"Well they do have quite a lot of real estate. And they do own quite a few schools. One in
particular" Kouya told her, his tone thoughtful.
"Really? Which one?" asked Kai, and Kouya chuckled.
"Why, here. Ouran Academy. You two have been attending here long enough that you
should know the headmasters name by now. When you think about it, you two owe to it
Tamaki's family. Thanks to them, you two have the financial aid to attend here. You should
be grateful to them" Kouya told them as he walked ahead, then let them bathe in their own
Kai and Haruhi stopped, and looked at each other.
"Haruhi! Kai! Hurry up before you two get lost!" said Tamaki, his tone teasing.
Kai and Haruhi looked at each other, and closed their eyes in acceptance and groaned.