Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Trouble in Karuizawa! (Part 1) ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tamaki was having another panic attack. No his hair dryer was working just fine, and no he
wasn't missing his favorite pencil. It was worse.
Haruhi and Kai were missing, and he had no way of knowing where they were. He did the
only manly thing to do; he curled up in a ball, and called his best friends.
"My beloved daughters are missing!" he screamed into the phone, and the other hosts
gasped in horror. Well, most of them. Kouya and Mori remained silent.
"I'm telling you guys, there missing! What if they were kidnapped by gypsies?" he yelled
into the phone, and he heard the twins sigh.
"Boss please, not so loud. Did you try calling their cell phones yet?" the twins asked him,
voices still groggy.
"They have cell phones? Why on earth would they have cell phones? Wait! Of course! They
were issued cell phones by a secret underground network of commoners known as 'The
Plebian exchange'!" Tamaki said, mostly to convince himself.
"Sorry to interrupt your delusions, but Haruhi and Kai are currently in Karuizawa" Kouya
informed them, and Tamaki went completely silent for a moment.
"My daughters were turned out of their home, kidnapped by gypsies, and forced into
servitude...in Karuizawa?" Tamaki asked, and everyone groaned at his clueless question.
"Moron!" Kouya told him, and Tamaki whined more into the phone. After barking orders at
the other hosts, everyone hung up and proceeded to pack.
The host club was headed to Karuizawa!
The morning was beautiful, sun shining and the breezes were cool.
Haruhi and Kai were working at their "Aunty's" bed and breakfast for the summer, and they
had already been there a week. So far, it has been great.
Aunty Misuzu had them doing plenty of things, washing linens, cooking the food, cleaning
the tables.
"Dearies! Can you do aunty a favor and hang up these linens to dry? I need them fresh and
crisp before sundown!" Aunty told them, as she pranced through the lobby, handing the
girls a backed of sheets.
Just like Ranka, Aunty was a tranny as well. Both had the same bubbly personality, and
they both used to work together years ago.
"Of course! Be right back!" they told her, and Aunty smiled at them and patted their cheeks.
"Ah you girls are simply wonderful!" Aunty told them, then danced away to see to the
Haruhi looked at Kai, and shook her head and giggled at her expression.
"Just like Ranka, I swear!" muttered Kai, as she and Haruhi walked out back to hang up
"This is great, Haru. I am glad we didn't tell the guys we were coming here. Something tells
me if they knew we were here, they wouldn't go home" Kai told her, and Haruhi nodded her
"It's not like they have the free time to keep tabs on us anyways. There all off at resorts
and what not right now" Haruhi said, as she clipped more sheets on the line.
"Besides, this place is so peaceful. It has fresh air, a quaint setting, a perfect high land get
away for us to catch up on our studies" Kai said, as she stretched and smiled.
"I know. We can go sight see and explore on our days off, and by some souvenirs and
sample the food!" Haruhi exclaimed, closing her eyes in bliss at the thought of yummy food.
Their peace ended abruptly as they heard the screech of an obnoxious voice, and the sound
of a helicopter.
"Despair not, daughters! Daddy has come to save you!" yelled Tamaki, as his blonde head
stuck out of the helicopter, looking down at them.
"You have got to be kidding me!" yelled Kai, as she stomped her foot on the ground,
Haruhi just went pale from the shock.
The helicopter landed, and Kai fanned her friends face.
"It's going to be okay Haruhi, just take deep cleansing breaths" Kai told her, and Haruhi just
shook her head.
"Hey pets! Miss us?" said the twins, as they ran up and tackled them.
Kai allowed herself to inhale their scent, getting reacquainted. She had to admit, she did the
miss the hosts. But she especially missed the twins.
Haruhi rolled away, only to be tackled by Hunny and Tamaki, both commenting on her
yellow apron.
Kai just stared up at the twins, who were smirking down at her.
"Hey" she managed, as she lifted her brow at them.
"Just a hey? Not a "Oh my goodness I missed you both so much?" they asked her, and she
shook her head.
They picked her up, and Kai spat her tongue at them.
"I never said I didn't miss you two" she told them, before going over to give Mori and
Hunny hugs.
The twins just stared after her, speechless.
"Such handsome young men! Yes, you must obviously belong to my girls!" Aunty exclaimed,
obviously flustered by the hosts.
The hosts just smiled awkwardly, while Kai and Haruhi muttered,
"Kill us".
"Call me Aunty!" she told them all, as she danced happily around the room.
Tamaki looked confused, and Kouya chuckled.
"He is an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work together at the same shop years ago"
Kouya explained to the other hosts.
Tamaki huffed, and said "Well, naturally YOU would know!".
Kouya just shrugged his shoulders and grinned.
"I went into business 2 years ago, and running this beautiful place is like a dream come
true, believe me!" Aunty told them, happily spinning around in circles.
"So, is Haru and Kai-chan your servants?" asked Hunny, as he clutched his bunny to his
"Not really. More like an unpaid employee. This just so happens to be Ranka's preferred
method for keeping an eye on his daughter and god daughter while he is busy working.
Tamaki glared, and said to Kouya,
"MAMA! How do you know all of this stuff?".
Kouya just kept grinning, and Tamaki groaned.
"Take my little girls under your wing' he says. He practically begged me, and since I can't
afford the expensive hired help, it works out perfectly!" Aunty said, as she glided over to
where the girls were standing.
She grabbed their shoulders and smiled.
"They're model employees! It's such a shame I can't pay them anything! Oh, tell me what
you think of their aprons? I made them myself! Yellow and green!" she told the boys, who
gave her a thumbs up.
Aunty had to go run a few errands, and Kai and Haruhi made tea.
The hosts sat at a table outside, and waited for them to bring the tea.
"A job huh?" asked Kaoru, obviously not fully convinced at the girls decision.
"You turned down our invitation for Bali for this?" asked Hikaru, shaking his head in
"And we even offered to take them to Switzerland with us, didn't we?" asked Hunny, as he
looked up at Mori.
"We did" Mori agreed, as he sipped his tea.
"Yeah well, I still don't have a passport" Haruhi explained, and Kai nodded.
"I would have gone for either of those, but not without Haruhi" Kai told them, and they
"Which is why I offered a discounted price at one of our domestic resorts" Kouya said, as he
scribbled on his clip board.
Tamaki, who was being a creeper in the bushes, groaned and rushed over to the table.
He began to grumble and complain about loyalty, but was completely ignored when the
twins asked the girls,
"Why were your cell phones turned off?".
"Umm, we weren't really thinking about that" the girls told them, and Tamaki grumbled
some more.
"Did you say you two had a cell phone?" Tamaki asked them, and the girls nodded.
"Yeah, we convinced them to get one. Were on a special plan made for family and friends"
the twins told him, tones obviously smug.
"Wait, I'm your daddy and friend, so I should be on there too" Tamaki said quietly, eyes
going all wide with hope.
Kai shook her head and Haruhi said,
"Sempai, whatever planet your on, come home".
Kai choked on her tea, and slammed it down.
"Speaking of which, why are you guys even here? Don't get me wrong, I love you guys and
all, but seriously?" Kai said, and the hosts looked at her strangely.
"Yeah, were going to be seeing you guys every day of the next semester. Don't we have the
right to spend our vacation they way we want too?" Haruhi asked, and Kouya chuckled
"According to the handbook, jobs are strictly prohibited" Kouya told them, and the girls
"We uh, had no idea" they told him, and the twins snickered.
"Did you hear? Haruhi and Kai went and got themselves a job!" the twins mocked them, and
the girls sighed in defeat.
They all chatted some more, and Kai's and Haruhi's mood got worse when Aunty brought up
a specific topic.
"Well I'm sorry boys, but we only have one open room!" Aunty told them sadly, and Tamaki
"Well, as President, I will speak for the club and take the room!" he said, and proceeded to
walk to the door.
"Hey, I wanna stay here too!" Hunny said, and the twins nodded in agreement.
"How about we make this a contest, boss?" the twins proposed, and Aunty danced as an
idea hit her head.
"That's a wonderful idea! Who ever is the most refreshing wins the room!" she said, than
danced off.
Kai and Haruhi looked at eachother, then sank to their knees in despair.
Tamaki and Hunny offered to work on a fence that needed mending, and man was that
hilarious. Tamaki was doing a piss poor job, and it was obvious he had never worked a day
in his life. Hunny didn't do anything at all, he just sat watching Tamaki the entire time.
"Just watching you work makes me tired" Hunny told him, smiling as he ate more cake.
Haruhi and Kai watched the from the window as Aunty approached them, not looking very
"You there! No complaining! 3 point deduction!" he told them, and Hunny and Tamaki
gasped. Unfortunately for Tamaki, he wasn't watching where the hammer was going, and it
ended up smashing his finger.
"AAH!" he yelled, as he clutched it and whined to himself.
"And no whining either. That's another 3 points!" Aunty told them, before dancing back to
the house. Kai and Haruhi giggled to themselves, before going back inside to attend to more
Tamaki and Hunny sulked the rest of the afternoon.
Back inside, the twins were showing guests to their rooms. Even though they were laying on
the charm a little thick, Aunty gave them 5 refresher points.
Kai rolled her eyes at the twin's antics, trying not to get jealous over them flirting with other
girls. She dusted more of the furniture, as she thought things over.
Aunty looked at Mori, who was just entering the room, and said,
"Oh Mori dear? Could you do me a favor and fix this table for me? The legs are a little
wobbly" he asked him, and Mori picked it up and walked to the door.
"Sure thing" he told him, and walked out.
"Yes! Silent but handsome! 5 refresher points!" Aunty exclaimed, and Haruhi walked into
the room and went to stand next to Kai.
"Uh, what exactly are refresher points?" Haruhi asked him, and Aunty gave them a huge
"When girls go on vacation in Karuizawa, what do you think their looking for?" he asked
them, and the girls shrugged their shoulders.
"Fresh air?" offered Kai, as she yawned and stretched.
"A quiet place to get away?" said Haruhi, as she heard Tamaki screeching some more about
his hurt finger.
"Nope! They look for hot eye candy! And my Pension will be busy and full thanks to your
friends!" Aunty told them, and skipped away to complete more chores.
Haruhi and Kai walked out of the house, and Haruhi said,
"She reminds me of Renge!".
Kai glared at her best friend, and said "Don't even mention her name while I'm on vacation.
Besides, I love Aunty. If she and Renge were similar, I would have pulled my hair out by
They turned around as they heard a laugh from the porch.
Kouya was grinning at them as he sat reading a paper.
"Kouya sempai, Im surprised your not taking part in this" Kai commented, as she and
Haruhi sat down next to him.
"Well, the idea of staying here alone doesn't really appeal to me. I will just watch it and see
how it plays out. Meanwhile, I will just stay at the cottage" Kouya told them, as he sipped
his coffee.
"Cottage?" the girls asked him, eyes wide in wonder.
"Yes, we all have one in the area you know" he told them, and the girls glared.
'Then why the big fuss on staying here?' they thought to themselves, as they shared a look
with each other.
Kouya hitched up his glasses at them and grinned.
"So who is your favorite to win?" he asked them, obviously wanting to stir up trouble.
"No clue" said Haruhi, while Kai snorted.
"Mori. At least he's quiet" Kai muttered, and Kouya grinned.
"Care to make a bet?" he asked her, and she shook her head.
"I'd end up paying for it later. So no thanks" she told him, and he chuckled.
"I think it's easy enough to tell at a glance. Hunny Senpai and his cute factor doesn't suit
Misuzu's taste of refreshing, so he's out. Tamaki comes a little closer to the deal, provided
he keeps his mouth shut. But we all know the likelihood of that happening. Ordinarily you
would think the twins, but it would seem we have a wild card" Kouya told them, as he
gestured over to where Mori was chopping wood...shirtless.
Flocks of girls watched in obvious delight, and Haruhi and Kai grinned.
"So I would win the bet, provided I accepted it of course?" Kai asked him, her tone smug.
Kouya smirked and patted her shoulder.
"Sorry Kai, but if Hunny drops out, so does Mori. You would have lost before the battle even
began" he said, and her shoulders slumped.
"So the prize goes to us, pets!" the twins said, as they leaned against the railing lazily.
Kai perked her head up, and grinned at their confidence.
"You guys known that there is only bed in that room right? It's a really small one too"
Haruhi told them, and they shrugged.
"That isn't a big deal, we could just squeeze in" they told her, and Kai felt her cheeks grow
The twins looked at her and winked.
Memories of the beach house flashed through her head. Warmth of their body heat, cool
sheets, the smell of their skin as they held her.
Oh shit.
She was abruptly brought out of the memory by Haruhi, who was smiling at the twins.
"How sweet, you guys really do share everything, don't you?".
God, Kai sure hoped so.
"Yep, we share everything. All we have ever had was each other, and we didn't even bother
making friends up until a few years ago. We thought the world was made up of idiots" Kaoru
told them, and Haruhi and Kai laughed.
"Oh really?" Kai asked them, as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat.
"Yeah, that was until we met you two. We would totally let you two sleep with us" Hikaru
told them, and Kai fell back in her chair.
She blushed as Haruhi pulled her up, and she said,
"Whoa, that wind. Um, I'm going to go do some dishes!" she said, then hastily made her
exit, leaving the twins confused, and the others feeling awkward.
"You know, the contest isn't over" Kouya said after a few moments, obviously trying to stir
up the pot a bit.
"Oh really? Trying to help the boss? It won't work, were still going to win!" the twins told
him, before Kouya got up and walked away.
"Okay, we will see!" he told them, as he headed over to Tamaki.
Hours later, the hosts were all still working to earn that room, and the atmosphere was
getting tense. Kai sat on couch in the lobby, now on break. She was reading and listening to
her ipod, when she heard the sweetest music erupting from the dining hall.
She walked over, only to discover Tamaki playing the piano. She grinned at him, and
flashed her a smug smile. Shaking her head, she walked out to the porch, and leaned next
to Kaoru.
"Hey Kaoru" she said, as she went to sit next to him.
"Hey yourself, you have been pretty scarce all day. Where have you been hiding?" he asked
her, giving her a cocky grin.
She rolled her eyes, and said,
"Oh you know, things to do, people to see" she said, as she stretched her arms and
maintained a calm composure.
"Oh really? I thought you were avoiding us. You know Kai, I know your secret. And sooner
or later, your going to have to admit to yourself" he told her, as he brushed the hair from
her face.
She looked up at him, and her eyes went wide.
"W-What do you mean?" she asked him, and he leaned into her ear.
"I think you know exactly what I mean, pet" he said, his breath hot on her ear and neck.
She shuddered, and nearly jumped 2 feet when she heard a door open. Kaoru pulled away
as Haruhi came into view, carrying a basket.
"Hey Kaoru, where's Hikaru?" she asked, as she went to walk across the deck to get to the
laundry room.
"He went to go get some trash bags for us" he told her, as he went to open the door for her.
"Do you think your going to win now?" she asked him, as they all got quiet as they heard
Tamaki's music from the other room.
"I don't know. Boss didn't even know this place had a piano until Kouya pointed it out to
him" Kaoru told her wistfully, expression calm.
That was Kaoru, the calm one. Complete opposite of his twin...
Just then, one of the guests opened their window to get some air, and accidentally tipped a
vase over the edge. Kaoru looked over at Kai and Haruhi, and Kai managed to move out of
the way before Kaoru tactfully moved Haruhi out of harms way.
"I'm so sorry!" the guest said, and Kaoru smiled up at them.
"No harm done!" he told them, and he made sure Haruhi was okay.
Kai knelt down and helped pick up her friend. Kaoru smiled at her, and she gasped.
"Kaoru, your cheek! It's bleeding!" she said, as she put a finger on his face to catch the
blood that was trickling down.
It was just a cut, but why was she so scared?
Kaoru opened his mouth to reassure her he was okay, but then he was nearly tackled to the
ground by his brother, who was freaking out that he wasn't there to protect him.
The whole scene put a lump in Kai's throat, and she looked away from it so she didn't get
over emotional.
She really felt stupid. A cut? Come on. People have lost fingers and they haven't cried. But
her? Oh no! She cries over seeing someone she loves getting a little cut.
'Wait! Love?'
Did she really just think that? Was she in love with the twins?
Man was her head spinning right now.
Luckily Aunty pulled her out of her hysteria when she yelled
"Hikaru and Kaoru win! Such brotherly affection for one another!".
"Congrats you guys" Haruhi said, as she gave them a blank smile.
The twins glared at her and said,
"Oh, it was nothing really".
Haruhi froze in her tracks, and her eyes went wide.
"Wait, you aren't telling me that you planned that?" she asked them, confused.
"Well now, who could say?" the twins smirked, as they turned over to where Kai stood.
Kai just stared at the ground, unsure of what to say at this point. Her inner turmoil at her
emotions was just to much to process. So, without saying anything to anyone, she simply
walked back inside, and softly closed the door.
Hikaru looked confused, while Kaoru stared after he wistfully, unsure of how to deal with
the situation.
Haruhi was too dense to notice the tense situation, because she was busy trying to pick up
the clothes she dropped.
No one saw Kai for the rest of the night.
She spent the the rest of the night in her room, listening to music, and trying to keep
herself from thinking of anything that had to do with the twins.