Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Trouble in Karuizawa! (Part 2) ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kai woke up as her alarm obnoxiously went off for what must have been the 7th time.
She slammed her hand on it so fast, it rattled.
"Ugh" she groaned, as she looked out the window. It was sunny and bright. Too bright.
She squinted as she walked to the bath room to get changed. Blue t shirt, blue jeans, and
she put on her apron.
She teased her hair and bangs, and decided to put a clip in her hair. Looking in the mirror,
she actually felt pretty nice.
Not bad considering the rough night she had.
She had realized she was in love with the twins. Not one. BOTH of them. Was it hard to take
in? Hell yes it was.
However, she managed to put that thought out of her head, and walked down stairs. Haruhi
was already attending to the customers, and Kai rushed to aid her.
"You okay?" Haruhi asked her, as she and Haruhi stacked food on plates.
"Yeah fine, why?" Kai asked her, as she shrugged and tried to put out an indifferent vibe.
Haruhi bought it, and said "Oh I was just asking, you over slept this morning. I thought you
might be sick".
That was her best friend. Always going for the logical scenario.
"I guess I slept through the alarm. I must have really been exhausted" Kai told her, as they
set plates and utensils down at the tables.
Haruhi laughed at her and said,
"Lazy butt!" she teased, and Kai stuck out her tongue. Just then, the twins came
downstairs, grumpy as ever. Kai quickly moved out of the room to avoid seeing them.
As they took seats and Haruhi saw to their breakfast, the door opened and Kai walked over
to get it.
"A delivery boy, eh? How refreshing! Haruhi! Come help Kai get this box from the young
man!" Aunty said, as she stared happily at the boy.
A gust of wind blew and the boys hat fell off.
"Kai? Haruhi? As in Haruhi Fujioka, and Kaika Mirasaki?" the boy said, and his eyes went
"Arai!" Kai said, as she gave him a bone crushing hug.
Everyone looked at the scene in curiosity, unsure of who the stranger was.
He smiled at Kai, and then looked at Haruhi dreamily.
"Sorry Arai, but like I told you once before. Keep making eyes at my friend, and we might
have to share words" Kai teased, as she grabbed the box and carried it to the counter.
Hikaru and Kaoru walked up, and boy did they look unhappy. Pissed to be more
correct...and maybe a bit jealous?
Either way, it was ignored by Haruhi and Kai.
"Uh, these your friends?" Arai asked them, as he gestured to the twins and Tamaki, who
were practically breathing down the girl's necks.
"Yep! This is Hikaru and Kaoru, they are in our class. And this is an acquaintance" Haruhi
said, as she broke Tamaki's heart into a million pieces without even meaning to.
Earlier, Tamaki informed Haruhi that he was doing a workshop, so she shouldn't call him
Senpai. So she was just taking his advice.
The timing sure sucked though...
After Arai met everyone, he, Kai, and Haruhi went to go sit and chat.
"I'm happy to see you both are doing so well. I have to admit I was kind of worried you
both wouldn't adjust to such an elite school. It's good to see your thriving" he told them,
and continued to stare dreamily at Haruhi.
Hikaru glared over to their table, and exclaimed rather loudly,
"It's obvious that he has a thing for Haruhi. It's rather pathetic and a bit disgusting,
It got dead quiet.
Kai stayed completely quiet. Pure raw hurt when through her. Not because Hikaru was being
rude to one of her friends. No that didn't bother her.
Hikaru DID have feelings for Haruhi...not her.
She felt her eyes sting, but she blinked it away.
Haruhi stood up and said,
"Hikaru why are you being such a jerk?".
Arai smiled and said "No he's right; I did used to have a thing for you, Fujioka. And Kai too
Everyone got silent and listened to what he said.
"Yeah, when we were in elementary, I had a thing for Kai. I thought her freckles and
braided hair was really cute. She was so brave, and never shied away from anything. That
changed once she told me she thought guy friends were a waste of time. Broke my heart"
he teased, as he looked over at Kai.
Kai grinned and said,
"What? I just didn't feel a connection!".
"It was 3rd grade" he teased back, and she shrugged indifferently.
Kai noticed Hikaru and Kaoru get less tense, and she wondered what that meant.
"With Haruhi though, it was different. It was middle school, and I had the biggest crush on
her. I tried telling her my feelings one day. I said 'I want you with me', and she
misunderstood it for something else.. After that, my hopes were crushed" he said, and
Haruhi blushed. Tamaki patted Arai on the shoulder, while Kouya made Haruhi feel guilty for
breaking a guy’s heart.
"I'm so sorry" she said, and bowed apologetically to him. He shrugged it off and laughed.
"It's okay! I got over it! Besides, dating you would have been hard. Kai would kill me if I
ever did anything wrong" he said, and Kai nodded her head.
"Dead as a doornail!" she agreed, and everyone laughed, except for the twins.
All the hosts sat with Arai and chatted with him, while the twins sat at the booths and
remained silent.
"Hikaru? Kaoru? Come join us!" Tamaki called them over, but Hikaru shook his head.
"No thanks, I'm not interested. Man, how stupid can you get? What is the point sitting
around chatting about someone's past. I don't see the appeal. Besides, doesn't that guy
realize that Haruhi doesn't want anything to do with him? She has plenty of friends. So they
don't need you around, get it?" Hikaru said, his tone cutting and very rude.
Kai just stared at him. All he mainly focused on was Haruhi.
That shouldn't of hurt so much. But it did. It felt like a hundred knives were twisting in her
Haruhi stood up and walked over to where he sat, and slapped him in the face.
The silence was ominous, and everyone was shocked with what just happened.
"That’s not something for you to decide Hikaru! I'm not going to tolerate you insulting my
friends anymore. You got that?" she yelled at him, and he stared in shock.
He turned to face her, and exclaimed,
"But why? Why should anyone else even matter to you? I thought we were your friends?
Are we, or aren't we?".
Haruhi stared at him in shock, and Hikaru just stormed off, his brother running off after
Tamaki sighed as he stood up.
"Their world is still so small" he said, as he and Kai gathered dishes and put them in the
Haruhi just stood there in shock.
Tamaki patted her shoulder, and everyone went outside to say goodbye to him.
After Kai and Haruhi gave him a hug, everyone got quiet as the door opened and Hikaru
stepped out.
Actually, it was Kaoru, but no one said anything. Kaoru offered his hand to Arai in apology,
and Arai happily shook it.
"No hard feelings" Arai told him cheerfully, and then headed off on his bike.
Haruhi looked over at Kaoru, and said,
"So, Kaoru, why are you pretending to be Hikaru?" asked Haruhi, as she and everyone
turned and faced him.
He smiled sheepishly, and Haruhi pulled on his cheek.
"What happened to your scratch?" she asked him, and he laughed.
"I just covered it up with some concealer!" he told them, as he pulled out his concealer
After a small silence, Kaoru smiled at Haruhi and rubbed his forehead.
"His temper is not going to let up anytime soon. He is never any fun when he is like this, so
I have a favor to ask you. How would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" he asked
Haruhi, and Haruhi gasped in shock.
She wasn't the only one.
Kai felt her heart break even more. They BOTH had a thing for her best friend? She stared
at the ground, and tried to take deep breaths as Haruhi accepted Kaoru's request.
The next day, the other hosts sat in a coffee shop while Haruhi stood across the street
waiting for Kaoru.
However, instead of Kaoru showing up, Hikaru went in his place.
Kaoru surprised everyone as he walked in to the shop, and took a seat next to the boss.
Tamaki was absolutely livid.
"Why is Hikaru on a date with my little girl?" he complained, as he went cocoo bananas at
the sight of the two walking down the street.
Kai sat away from everyone, dragged into being here by Tamaki.
She would rather be back at the Pension, instead of putting her heart through more turmoil.
She looked up and noticed how pretty her friend looked, and couldn't help but smile.
Only she would smile as her best friend was on a date with one the guys she was in love
with. Damn wasn't she a basket case?
Hunny and Mori pulled her up, and she was forced to follow them as everyone began to spy
and Hikaru and Haruhi's date.
The boss was really upset, and she looked at him and felt the same pity she felt for herself.
Kaoru sighed, and said,
"Boss, I know it might be hard for you to understand, but Hikaru needs to find more people
he can feel close to" .
Kai felt her eyes sting again, and she couldn't deal with it anymore. She just shook her head
and walked away from them all.
She heard the protests, and she didn't care. She wasn't going to put herself through it.
It wasn't long until the tears started flowing. However, she managed to get up to her room
before she let them flow freely. She kicked off her shoes, and went under the covers to hide
from the door opened, and she looked up.
"Kaoru?" she said, a question in her voice.
He nodded, and just pulled her against his chest.
She couldn't help but cry more, and he just soothed her and rubbed her back.
After his shirt was soaked, and she was hiccupping, he grabbed her chin and looked at her.
"I know why your upset, Kai. I can see it on your face. You need to know it's good for him"
he told her, and she shook her head.
"No its not. I know Haruhi, and I know she doesn't have feelings for Hikaru. You and I both
know who she has feelings for" she told him, and Kaoru looked at the ground.
"I can't believe both of you like my best friend, and after everything-"Kai, I don't like her"
he protested, and Kai looked up at him.
"What?" she asked him, and he laughed at her.
"I don't have feelings for Haruhi, Kai. She is just a friend. I can't speak for Hikaru, but I
know how I feel" he told her, and Kai sighed.
"Then who do you have feelings for?" she asked, obviously confused.
He tilted her chin, and leaned his face closer.
"Give you one guess" he told her, before he smashed his lips to hers, and stole her first
Kai froze in shock, but grabbed his shirt and pulled closer. She couldn't help but let the
tears flow again, as Kaoru kissed her, and held her close to his body.
She was in love with the Hitachiin twins, and even though one didn't want her, the other
one did.
Funny the way life worked out, huh?
She kissed him back with so much ferocity, they fell off the bed. They stopped and started
to laugh.
Setting back on the bed, she curled into his chest and sniffled.
"I like you both, Kaoru. It really isn't fair" she told him, and he kissed her brow.
"Life never is, Kai. But we take what we get. To be honest, Hikaru does have feelings for
you. It’s just; he has feelings for her too. Let him go on this journey alone, and however
this works out, we will get through it" he told her, as they both watched the clouds gather
and darken.
She nodded, and closed her eyes in contentment.
"Out of curiosity, you wouldn't mind be shared by both of us?" he asked her, his tone
"Actually, no. You both are so close; I couldn't imagine having one without the other. It's
selfish I know, but it just wouldn't be right" she told him, trying to find the right words.
Apparently they were just right, because he kissed her again, only this time for feverishly.
She tipped her neck back, and sank into the kiss.
When she heard the thunder, she pulled back.
"Haruhi!" she said, as she scrambled out of the sheets and pulled on her shoes.
Kaoru nodded, understanding.
Before heading out the door, she looked at him. He smiled and kissed her hand.
The moment they shared wouldn't be there last, she knew. She smiled and kissed his
cheek, before rushing out of the room and running downstairs. No one seemed to notice
when they made their appearance.
Tamaki was pacing the floors, worried.
Aunty tried his best to calm him down, but no luck.
Kai walked over, and put a hand on his arm.
He stopped pacing, and smiled gently at her.
The phone rang and Aunty picked it up.
She nodded and said thank you before hanging up.
"That was Arai. Evidently, Haruhi and Hikaru got into an argument, and Hikaru decided to
find a ride home on his own, and Haruhi left soon after" he told them, and Tamaki's posture
went rigid.
He pulled out his cell phone and called Hikaru.
Hikaru picked up, and Tamaki let him have it.
"What kind of boy would leave a girl all alone? Haruhi is terrified of thunder! When she
hears it she gets so scared she can barely move. Quit letting your jealousy get the best of
you and think about someone else for a change!" Tamaki exclaimed, then hung up.
Everyone sat in tense silence, and listened to the rain fall.
About half an hour later, Hikaru called telling everyone they were safe. They got a cab
home, and after eating dinner and making sure they were safe, everyone went to bed.
The next day, Arai showed up and brought the hosts a watermelon. Everyone came and
showed their gratitude.
However, the room got tense as Hikaru walked in. Hikaru walked over, and Arai smiled at
him and handed him the melon.
Hikaru smiled at him, and said "Thanks".
Everyone smiled as they shook hands, and all was well. Kai looked up to the ledge to see
Kaoru standing with Kaoru. He winked down at her, and she shook her head and laughed.
She turned to look wistfully at Hikaru, but shrugged it off.
It was a battle for another day...