Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Lobelia strikes back! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Haruhiiiiiii! Kaiiiiiiiii! Come out and play!" the host club shouted, as they knocked on
Ranka's door.
A man with stubble on his face, and a glare on his face answered the door.
The guys got scared, and Tamaki smiled and said,
"Must have the wrong house! We apologize!"
Ranka rolled them all back inside and sighed.
"Jeez, even a tranny has stubble in the morning. Sorry for being grumpy, I'm not a morning
person" he told them, as he grabbed coffee and poured cups all around.
"So Ranka, Where are the girls?" asked Tamaki, obviously worried over the safety of his
little girls.
Ranka glared at him, obviously irked that he wanted to know about HIS little girls, but went
ahead and answered.
"They went out with the girls today, sorry guys" he told them, and Tamaki's face fell.
"They have friends?" they twins asked skeptically, and Tamaki hit them with his shoe.
Before they could walk out, Ranka stopped and yelled,
"My little girls were always good at making friends, but just picture it! My little girls out and
about with students from Lobelia Academy".
The Host club stopped dead in their tracks.
"LO BEL I AHHHHHHHHHHHHH?" they all shouted, and Ranka staggered back and nodded.
Tamaki and the twins began to pace.
"This is not good. No not good at all" they muttered as they paced back in forth, succeeding
in making Ranka dizzy.
"What if the Zuka club entices my little girls to do something scandalous?!" Ranka
exclaimed, putting his hands in his face.
Tamaki and the twins froze, horror washing over their features.
"What do you mean?" they asked him, and Ranka began to whine.
"Just suppose they are forced to kiss somebody?" he told them, and Tamaki and the twins
turned pale.
"Well, as I recall" Hikaru thought aloud, and Kaoru nodded and said,
"There was that dance party where..."-
"Oh hush you two. Ha ha aren't they a laugh?" Tamaki said, wrapping tape around the twins
"Hey! What exactly goes on at you host club of yours, Suoh?" Ranka asked him, glaring and
ready to spring at him.
Tamaki gulped, then faced Ranka and said,
"Nothing that a loving father wouldn't approve of!" Tamaki told him, smiling nervously as
Ranka muttered things about killing him. Ranka fell as he tried to tackle Tamaki, and
Tamaki sprang up energetically.
"Let’s rescue our girls without delay!" he shouted, and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Oh my dears, you look so ravishing in those uniforms!" Benio said, as she approached
them. She and her two henchmen smiled as Haruhi and Kai stood before them.
They ran to Haruhi and Kai, and tackled them with hugs.
Throwing compliment after compliment, they practically smothered Haruhi and Kai.
"Hang on a second!" they shouted, and the Zuka club released them.
"All we know is, one second were on our way to the supermarket, then the next we are
whisked away to this school and commanded to change" Kai told them, looking down at her
skirt in obvious distaste. She felt short and plump. And her boobs? Ugh sometimes it sucked
to be half American. Being half chested would be great right now.
"You guys are about as subtle as the host club" Haruhi muttered, and Benio winced.
"How dare you compare us to those idiots? Oh dear, I am sorry for my outburst. I can see
why you two would be upset. We took you here in your pajamas!" she told them, her mood
swings very confusing.
"Those happen to be our regular clothes" Kai told her, as she and Haruhi thought back to
what they were wearing. Regular baggy t-shirts and shorts.
"All the antics aside, we have a favor to ask you two" Benio told them, looking them dead in
the eye.
Haruhi and Kai tensed, curious as to what she was thinking.
"As you two may know, one of our responsibilities of being the Zuka club is to arrange the
regular performances of musical numbers and plays. Today is pink carnation day, and it
celebrates our founder's birthday. We put on the best production of the entire year. We
have been rehearsing nonstop for the past few, our lead actress was in a terrible accident
and is in the hospital. But you know what they say? The show must go on. Which
means...this is your big opportunity to be a part of the theater!" she told them, and her
friends joined in and nodded.
"We can’t" Haruhi and Kai told them, and they still stared at them expectantly.
"Not a chance!" they yelled at them, and they still stared.
"I'm sorry" they bowed to them, and Benio sighed.
"One of you would only have to memorize a couple of parts. For most of the play the
character is mostly silent. The character just stands there and looks beautiful. One of you
can definitely do that" Benio told them, and Haruhi and Kai shook their heads.
"We will walk ourselves out" they told them, and Benio began to cry.
She threw out a guilt trip about her mother, which definitely got Haruhi. Haruhi's eyes
softened, and Kai sighed.
"Okay, what do we have to do?" Kai asked them, and they all smiled.
"Well one of you can act, and the other sing" Benio told them, as she blew her nose in a
Haruhi's eyes got wide, and she said,
"I can't sing to save a life".
Kai rolled her eyes and laughed.
"I got it, Haruhi" she said, as she stretched her arms.
"Really? You sure?" Haruhi asked her, unsure of her best friend.
Kai winked at her, and Benio rushed over to them.
"Let us hear you then, maiden! Sing for us!" she told her, and Kai sighed in defeat.
'Too late to back out now' she thought sarcastically.
She was led to the front of the room, and everyone sat waiting.
She grabbed her ipod, and pressed shuffle. First song that popped up, she turned it on high
and began to sing.
My man by Barbra Streisand
"Oh, my man, I love him so, he'll never know
All my life is just despair, but I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, all right...
What's the difference if I say I'll go away
When I know I'll come back on my knee someday
For whatever my man is, I am his forever more"
At the ending note, Kai opened her eyes, and she saw that the lobelia girls were crying.
"Oh maiden, that was beautiful!" Benio said, drying her eyes and sniffling.
"Yeah Kai, why did you never tell me you could sing?" Haruhi asked her, giving her a grin,
kind of shocked.
"I just picked it up a while ago, actually. I started singing at shops, learning to play the
guitar. That kind of thing" she told her, as she turned off her ipod.
"Well it's settled, Kai you will sing the musical number, and Haruhi will be the actress! Well,
let’s get started then!" Benio said, and she led the girls to the rehearsal hall.
"If my daughters are being held captive, I'm not just going to stay at home and do nothing"
Ranka said, as he led the group to the entrance of St. Lobelia Academy.
"We have to be careful" he warned them, as they hid behind a corner.
"The Lobelia girls can be ruthless!".
The hosts stared at him blankly, and Hunny poked him.
"How do you know so much?" Hunny asked him, and Ranka smiled.
"Well, one day when I was cleaning house, and my wife and I were newlyweds, I found a
box in our closet. It seems Kotoko collected Zuka club memorabilia. Haruhi has always tried
to be like her mom, so if it runs in the family...Since Kotoko and Jun were best friends, I'm
sure they both shared an interest in it as well. So Kai isn't safe either" Ranka told them, not
bothering to hide his shame as he hung his head.
"Well men, now is the time for action. Kouya, order us some lobelia uniforms ASAP!" Tamaki
said, but Ranka tackled him and stood on him as he glared.
"Men that dress in women's clothing recreationally is an insult to us professionals. Now, I
have a plan!" he told them, and everyone leaned in closely to hear.
A few minutes later, all of the guys were wearing Benio fanclub shirts, expressions annoyed
as other fangirls squealed over the play. Kouya was nowhere in sight, but no one asked
where he was since they probably didn't even notice he was gone. The hosts were in the
fangirl group, listening to rules and regulations from the president. After a while of talking,
the group began to move. Sneaking away from the group, they went to the window and
ducked down.
"Wow, pretty nice!" Ranka said, marveling at the size of the rehearsal room. The hosts
didn't seem affected, considering their bathrooms were probably that size. Rich bastards...
Scanning the room, Tamaki gave a sigh of relief once he spotted one of his daughters.
Haruhi was kneeling down next to Benio, as Benio spouted her lines.
The hosts listened closely, horrified to know what was going on.
"My lord Fredrick" Haruhi yelled, her tone bland and monotonous.
"Ah my love, my time has come. This fatal gunshot wound is the end of me. I am just
happy to see your beautiful face one more time, my darling Mary Anne!" Benio exclaimed,
clutching her chest dramatically.
"My lord Fredrick!" she exclaimed again, still sounding bland and unattached.
The hosts began to groan, and even Ranka looked away in horror.
"She sounds like a robot!" exclaimed the twins, and Ranka shook his head.
"A boring Daikon Raddish!" they all exclaimed, shaking their heads. They paused as they
heard music begin to play.
"Whats happening?" asked Hunny, jumping on Mori to see better.
"I think someone is about to sing!" whispered Tamaki, and Ranka gasped.
"Please don't let it be Haruhi. Her grades in music have always been terrible!".
Kai smiled and grabbed the mic, as she walked to the pretend stage and stood center.
Smiling towards the onlookers in the room, she took a deep breath and began to sing the
first few lines.
Little Wing by Chieko Kawabe :)
"Here in this moment,
I am losing nothing.
Even if you leave me,
I wont be alone.
Because love has taught me,
that this life is still worth living.
Empty skies above can't stop me..."
"Thats great Kai! Let's stop there so your voice is rested for tonight! Well I'd say everything
is going beautiful!" said Benio, as she clapped her hands a took a swig of her water.
All the hosts were stunned.
"She sounded..."
"So beautiful" Kaoru finished for his twin, a blush on his face, a warmth in his eyes. Hikaru
glanced over at his twin, then nodded.
Tamaki and Hunny were just awestruck, as they stared and swayed their heads.
"I never knew my Kai could sing! I must tell her mother!" Ranka said, wanting to reach for
his phone.
Before they could do that, they were stopped by a loud obnoxious voice.
"Hey you noobies! If you want to be part of the Benibara fan club, you have to follow the
rules! Now get up on your feet!" the girl told them, as she and the other fangirls glared.
"To a full fledged member, you must be focused on Beni Bara at all times! Now, repeat the
club lines!" she commanded them, and the hosts and Ranka took their place in line with the
"Lady BeniBara, please hang in there for your adoring fans today!"
"Lady BeniBara, you look magnificent!" they all shouted, and Tamaki felt his nerves being
He leaned over to Ranka and asked,
"How much longer does this have to go on? What are we supposed to be doing?".
Ranka sighed and said,
"Were supposed to blend in. Once done with that, we sneak in to the performance room!
But be careful, these fangirls can kill!".
Tamaki and the other hosts cringed at Ranka's words, then perked up and looked to the
girls approaching them.
"Glad to have you guys aboard! Can you wait until the play? Its going to be a tragedy! It's
called the Senorita's love! Lord Fredrick fakes his own suicide as revenge against his father
for coming between he and his lover Mary Anne! But the gun he uses, supposedly filled with
blanks, is actually loaded! Its so terrible! I have suspicions about the girl playing Mary Anne
though. And the girl they have singing the intermissions" explained one girl, as she put a
finger on her chin in thought.
The hosts just stared, soaking in the story.
"Lame" muttered the twins, and Tamaki hit them.
"Well, whoever they are, if they mess up Lady Beni Bara's play, our group of fangirl
warrious will take them out" she laughed, as she pointed to the group of girls standing in
the shadows. They had tatoos and weapons, and Ranka almost cried.
"My babies!" he whined, as he put his face in his hands.
Tamaki patted his shoulder and said, "Don't you worry. Were going to get them out of that
They snuck away from the group again, and went into the theater.
Hiding behind seats, they all watched as they set up decorations for the play.
Ranka looked around, and gasped.
"Where's Kouya?" he exclaimed, and they all looked above them. Kouya was in the tech
room for the theater, chatting it up with the headmistress of the school.
"That jackass" muttered Tamaki, grinding his teeth together in frustration.
The hosts heard doors open, and they all took posistions in the shadows by the stage. They
were ready for action!
Backstage, Kai took a sip of water and looked over at Haruhi. Her bestfriend was completely
caked in make up, cheeks rosy, lips red.
Kai began to giggle and Haruhi hit her arm.
"Shut up! It isn't my fault! Benio insisted! Hey, why don't you have alot on?" she asked her,
and Kai stuck her tongue out.
"Unlike you, I know how to refuse and say no!".
Haruhi rolled her eyes, then smiled as Benio made her way over.
"Ready you two?" she asked them, giving them charming smiles.
"Ready as we'll ever be!" Kai told her, as she heard the curtains began to open.
"Great! Break a leg!" Benio said, as she led Kai to her place on set. Kai looked back at
Haruhi, who gave her a thumbs up.
'Well, here goes nothing!' she thought to herself, before walking on stage.
Applause began to erupt, and the spotlight fell on her.
Grabbing the mic, she looked to her audience and began the opening note.
"Should we do something?" asked Hunny, but Tamaki and Ranka shook their heads.
"Let them have their moment" Tamaki told them all softly, and they all sat as Kai went to sit
on the Pedestal on the stage, where she would perform her other songs.
After scenes of long dialogue, the end of the play was drawing near.
Benio shot herself, and Haruhi dropped to her knees beside her.
"My lord Fredrick!" Haruhi exclaimed, clinging to Benio, her tone just as monotonous as
before. Tamaki turned his head to the whisperes beginning through the crowd.
'Here comes the kiss scene!' one girl said, as the other girls squealed.
"Kiss scene? Wait a minute..." Tamaki said, and he gasped as Benio looked him dead in the
eye from the stage.
The spotlight turned on the hosts, and Haruhi stood up aprubtly.
"Sempai?" she asked Tamaki, but before she could get an answer, Benio snagged her and
tilted her head.
"Right before his eyes, I shall steal your first kiss!" Benio exclaimed, and the crowed
erupted in protest. The part of the stage that they were on moved, and grew by at least 10
feet. Haruhi stared down at Tamaki, pleading for help.
Tamaki rushed forward, anger lining his handsome features.
"Get away from my Haruhi!" He yelled, as he reached the stage. Unfortunaelt for him, he
slipped and ended up falling on his face.
Everyone gasped as the screen in the the theater rolled down, and put a picture of Haruhi
kissing a girl from a previous host party. It wasn't even a kiss, either. They had accidentally
Ranka roared and ran forward, the twins right behind him trying to calm him down.
"How could you do this to your father? What happens at the damn host club?" he yelled, but
then tripped as well, falling over on Tamaki, twins folloiwng suit.
Benio glared a the picture, and tried to grab Haruhi.
Tamaki called up to her, and said,
"Haruhi! I'll catch you!".
Haruhi nodded and jumped into his arms...well landed on his ribs.
Kai, who was watching the whole scene with amusement, grabbed a rope from the pedastal
she was on, and swung towards the group. Closing her eyes, she tried not to think of how
high up she was. She hated heights.
She landed right in front of the twins, and she grinned.
"Hey Handsomes! Miss me?" she teased, and they laughed and nodded.
"Good. Now lets get out of here before it gets ugly!" she told them, and she and the twins
followed Hunny and Mori outside. Kouya was already waiting, as he leaned against the limo.
"Hello Kai, you look wonderful this fine evening" Kouya told her, and she glared.
"If I had known you could sing, we would have made alot more money by now" Kouya told
her, and she shrugged.
He laughed as the twins began to grumble about secret keeping.
"Well now I have plans" he told her, and she stuck out her tongue. They all looked towards
the doors, as Tamaki, Ranka, and Haruhi ran out, fangirls hot on their tails. They all got into
the car quickly, then dashed away.
Kai laughed as she handed Haruhi a tissue.
Haruhi wiped her face, then groaned.
"That is the last time I do a favor for someone" she muttered, and Kai gasped.
"Our stuff?" Kai asked, and Kouya chuckled.
"Not to worry. Your stuff was removed from the dressing room, and is currently in the
"Oh thank goodness. Thanks Kouya!" Kai said, then looked over at her sulking god father.
"Ranka? Pops?" she asked him, and he looked at her.
"Haruhi...kissed someone" he told her, and Haruhi groaned.
"I tripped! I swear!" she told him, and Ranka perked up.
"Really? Thank goodness!" he said, and sighed peacefully. He looked over to where Tamaki
and glared, before closing his eyes. Haruhi looked over to a dozing Tamaki, and she
blushed. Tamaki woke up and smiled at her, and she looked away quickly.
'Jeez, if no one could see the way she looked at him, they had to be blind' thought Kai, as
she mentally snorted.
The limo came to a stop, and Kai got the bags from the trunk.
She waved to the hosts, as she, Haruhi, and Ranka walked up the steps of the apartment.
"See you at school!" Tamaki yelled to them, and then they drove off.
Haruhi and Kai took showers, and got lectured from Ranka. After a couple hours of scolding,
Haruhi laid out her bed and wished her good night.
Before Kai went to bed, she turned on her phone and glanced at her inbox.
She had 2 new messages.
The first one was from Hikaru. Her stomach got butterflies, while her heart began to ache.
"Why didn't you tell us you could sing? Now the game shall get even more
interesting! Expect us to throw songs at you left and right, my pet!".
She rolled her eyes, and went to the next one. It was from Kaoru!
"You sounded like an angel, Kai. I miss you. "
Her stomach did a bunch of flips, and she blushed. She laid down and closed her eyes.
Today was another crazy day. She might as well rest up, because she knew tomorrow would
be just as crazier. Such is the life of a host...