Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Enter: Casanova...AKA Kasanoda ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Oh he's so dreamy! I think I might faint!" said a blonde guest, who was swooning in the arms of the Host club's King.
"Don't worry maiden. I'll protect you no matter what hardships come across my way!" Tamaki exclaimed, making her faint as he pulled out a fake sword and tabbed at a pretend enemy.
The theme for the day was Samurais. Everyone was dressed in blue, while Tamaki dressed in a royal purple.
All the guests were blushing and raving over the hosts, thinking up all the famous samurais that they could to compare the hosts to.
Kouya leaned against a pillar, scribbling down the progress of the theme.
Renge walked up to him smugly, and he sighed in defeat.
"I have to admit Renge, this idea of yours was a hit" he stated, smiling charmingly at her. It was obviously forced.
"I told you it would work!" she nearly sang, pleased with herself.
Her smugness radiated across the room, and Kai twitched in annoyance in response.
"I seriously dislike her. Why is she even here? We don't need a stupid manager!" muttered Kai, a glare on her face as she scrubbed the table.
"Um Kai, your table is clean. You can stop now" Haruhi told her, poking Kai on the shoulder lightly to get her attention.
"I swear one day I'm going to find her in a dark alley and take her out. Maybe I'll use my baseball bats. Yep. That's a good way" Kai continued to mutter, now moving onto another table to scrub to death.
"Kai?" asked the twins worriedly as they walked up to Haruhi and Kai.
Kai snapped out of her angry mood for a second, and stared at them curiously.
"Fine. Why?" she asked them, remembering her cause and scrubbing the table with much more force than necessary.
"You’re about to kill the table, pet" said Hikaru, snatching the rag from her grasp.
"It is because Renge's here? It's not like she's talking to you!" said Kaoru, rubbing her back comfortingly.
She nodded, taking a deep breath as she continued to hear Renge's obnoxious laugh.
Kai closed her eyes and counted to ten before turning back to the twins.
"Your right, I just really hate her and-"
"WHAT A SCENE HERE FOLKS!" said that same obnoxious voice.
"Crap" said the twins, as they moved to be in between Kai, who was eyeing Renge with obvious distaste. Haruhi stood in the background, taking in the scene and ready to jump in and mediate at any time.
"WHAT A LOVELY TRIO! AH THE BEAUTY OF IT AL!" Renge gestured dramatically, face lit up.
The guests all snapped photos and screamed in delight.
Ignoring Kai, Renge walked over and assessed the twins in their outfits.
"Yes I see these look rather nice on you. I told Kouya you two would look especially handsome in blue!" she told the twins, grinning smugly as she shot Kai a look.
Kai wrung her hands and was about to punch Renge in the gut, only to have the twins held her hands tight.
Opening her mouth to retort, Kai was stopped when everyone heard a loud crash.
Everyone ran to the scene and found Mori and a red headed guy face to face in a hostile situation.
"MORI NOZUKA!" the guy shouted, raising his hand in the air.
"A fight?" everyone yelled, watching wide eyed as they feared the worst would happen.
"Mori Sempai. Please take me on as your apprentice" he asked quietly, bowing to Mori.
Mori tilted his head. As did everybody else.
Say what? O.o
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
The guests had all left, all of them whispering about what had just happened. Once the hosts were alone, they each sat down across from the red haired boy. Mori and Hunny sat close by, eating cake.
"So who are you?" asked Haruhi and Kai, tilting their heads in interest.
"I can answer that. His name is Kasanoda, also know as the heir to the Kasanoda gang syndicate. He is often referred to as 'Terrifying'. It is said if you make eye contact with him, you will have nightmares for a week. If you talk back to him, it will lead you to an early grave" explained Kouya, reading from his laptop.
Kasanoda blushed, although his scary face didn't change much.
"If you're the heir to a gang, why do you want to be Mori Sempai's apprentice?" asked Tamaki, as he leaned closer in his seat compassionately.
Kasanoda looked down, ashamed he was asking for help.
"I didn't ask to be born with a mean face. All I want is to hang out with my buddies and play a game of kick the can! But with me being all scary, everyone just stays clear of me! I figured if I asked Mori to be my Sempai, he could help my problem. I mean...he is scary looking but has a lot of friends!" Kasanoda said, putting his head in his hands.
Mori twitched at that, but said nothing. He was still kind of taken aback from all this.
"Are you going to help him, Sempai?" asked Haruhi, leering over at Tamaki. She was obviously expecting him to act his usual brash self.
"No, he asked for Mori Sempai. And unless Mori asks us otherwise, its best we don't intervene" Tamaki said, his voice straining as it was hard for him to resist helping.
Everyone turned as Mori grunted.
"Tamaki..." he said, his face screaming 'help'!
"Well since Mori Sempai says it’s okay, we will help you Bosanova!" said Tamaki rushing to him.
"Listen its Kasanoda!" Kasanoda muttered, but Tamaki whacked him on the head with a roll of paper.
"Are you listening Bosanova? What you need is a makeover. Your image seems to be the problem. TWINS!" yelled Tamaki, as he snapped his fingers.
"SIR!" yelled the twins, saluting as they marched over.
"Give this man a makeover!" Tamaki yelled, and the twins dragged Kasanoda out and began working.
"He's going to look like a fool" muttered Kai, as she shook her head in exasperation.
"Why is that?" asked everyone, confused by her words.
"Did you see their faces? They had that evil glint in their eyes" Kai sighed, as she stood to go do more cleaning up.
"She has a point" said Kouya, as he went back to typing on his computer.
"I don't think his image is his problem at all" said Haruhi as she and Kai walked around to clean up.
"We will see when they get back" said Kai, as she turned on her ipod and began to clean.
About a half hour later, everyone turned as they heard the door to the dressing room slam open.
"We are done!" yelled the twins, as Kasanoda came out of the dressing room. His hair was in dreadlocks, and he had sun glasses over his eyes. He wore a green scarf and was holding a teddy bear in his arms.
Kai and Haruhi walked out to see, and nearly died laughing. They held it in of course, to spare Kasanoda's feelings.
"You know, I don't think this is what he needed" said Haruhi, as she walked by him and patted him on the back. Kai followed suit, nodding and smiling at him. He smiled back sheepishly, completely unaware of how much of a fool he looked like.
Kai dragged the twins and waved to everybody.
Closing the door to the club, she glared at the twins.
"What? It was a definite improvement!" they said, holding up their hands in innocence.
Kai and Haruhi rolled their eyes, already marching to the parking lot.
"Hey wait up!" whined the twins, running to keep up as the girls were beating them to their own limo.
The next day, Kasanoda came to school and sought Mori out. However, when he and Mori had said good morning to one another, they were almost hit with flying pottery. It was obvious someone was trying to mess with them. Naturally, word spread fast throughout the school. After the host club's activities for that day, they sat down with Kasanoda again and tried to find something that would make him look nicer.
After trying cat ears and nearly scaring Hunny to death, everyone went back to the drawing board.
Haruhi and Kai went to sit next to Kasanoda, and sighed as the other hosts were looking at charts and other items.
"I wouldn't put too much faith in those guys if you ask me" said Haruhi, laughing as she handed him a cup of tea.
"It's true" Kai laughed, as she extended her hand.
"Kai Mirasaki. Nice to meet you" she said, as she extended her hand and shook his.
"Haruhi Fujioka. It's also nice to meet you Casanova" said Haruhi, also shaking his hand. She didn't really notice that she got his name wrong.
"It's nice to meet you both" he said, a blush plain on his face.
Kai and Haruhi smiled at him, which only seemed to make him feel more self-conscious.
"Bosanova! Try this!" said Tamaki, holding up a maid costume.
"You got to be kidding me!" he muttered, as he got up and put it on.
Right at that moment, a young man opened the door and peered inside.
"Hello. I'm looking for my lord, Kasanoda. Have you seen him?" he asked, looking around the room. His eyes fell on Kasanoda, and he tilted his head in confusion.
"Young lord?" he asked, not sure if he was seeing what he was seeing.
Kasanoda turned a shade of red, and ran from the room in embarrassment, ripping the costume off in the process.
The young man watched in shock, unsure of what to do.
Haruhi and Kai followed Kasanoda out to the courtyard, while the others tended to his friend.
Kai and Haruhi found Kasanoda sitting under a statue, looking over a box.
"Is it okay if we sit down?" asked Haruhi, sitting down next to Kasanoda.
He nodded a blush on his face when he looked at Haruhi.
Kai sat down beside Haruhi and smiled at the little bird that was perched inside of the box.
"What happened to the little guy?" asked Kai, as she looked over at the bird’s wing.
Kasanoda blushed, looking down at the bird.
"He fell out of the tree, so I took him to vet to make sure he was okay" he told them, petting the bird softly.
"Awe! Can I hold it?" asked Haruhi, smiling gently at the little bird.
"S-sure" stuttered Kasanoda, as he picked up the bird and put it in her hand. He almost flinched at the contact.
Before anyone could react, a can was being thrown their way. Hunny jumped out of no where, deflecting the can from hitting them but also spraying Haruhi and Kai's jacket with whatever remnants that were leftover within the paint can.
The bird was scared by the noise, and flew away. Kasanoda and the girls stared at it, stunned.
"It flew away!" he said, smiling in relief that it wasn't hurt anymore.
Tetsea and the other hosts appeared, all looking out of breath.
Mori was holding a couple thugs, and it turned out they were the ones who were after Kasanoda.
Kai and Haruhi looked down at their clothes.
"Well we better get changed" they said, and ran off to the dressing room to dress into spare clothes.
"Want us to come help you?" asked the twins, grinning mischievously.
Kai winked, while Haruhi shook her head in annoyance.
"Drop dead" she muttered playfully, as she and Kai walked back to the music room to change.
It turned out the thugs were part of the Sundo syndicate, along with Tetsea. The thugs thought Kasanoda had kidnapped him. Tetsea shook his head at the thugs in disgust.
"I left on my own free will. I didn't like being born into violence. I met Kasanoda, and he offered me kindness. I swore on that day I'd repay him back for the rest of my life" Tetsea said, as the thugs ran off and he turned to look at Kasanoda.
"Wow, Tetsea. I never knew..." said Kasanoda, completely shocked.
Tetsea smiled and handed him his umbrella.
"Thought you might need this" he told him, and Kasanoda snatched it and grinned.
Kasanoda smiled at Tetsea, and smacked himself on the head.
"I better go apologize to Haruhi and Kai. After all, it is my fault they got paint on themselves" he said, running to the music room to apologize.
Tetsea called after him,
"Do you think we can play kick the can later?" .
"Yeah!" yelled Bosanova, already measurably far away.
"We did a good thing today!" said Tamaki, sighing in happiness.
"What are you talking about? We didn't do anything!" the twins told him, crossing their arms in irritation.
"Don't any of you care that Kasanoda went to see Haruhi and Kai. Who are changing clothes?" asked Kouya slowly, as he scribbled on his clip board.
The twins and Tamaki screamed, and sprinted back to the school.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br /> Haruhi and Kai were in the dressing room, looking around for extra uniforms as the paint began to dry on their uniforms.
"Found them!" said Haruhi, as she reached into the bottom of the drawer, and pulled out two uniforms.
She handed one to Kai and began to put it on. Changing into their pants quickly, they began to put on their undershirts.
"Damn wraps" muttered Kai, as she realized that paint soaked through onto them.
Haruhi grinned, as found more wrap in a drawer.
"Here you go!" she told her, throwing the wrap over to her, which Kai caught easily.
"Thanks" she said, as she took off her soiled wraps.
Just at the moment, Kasanoda walked in.
"Hey, I'm sorry you guys got covered in paint...OH MY GOD!" he yelled, redder than a tomato.
He stood in shock as he saw Haruhi and Kai in their bras and no shirt on.
"GET OUT!" they screamed, covering themselves as he apologized profusely and shut the door.
Outside of the room, Kasanoda stood against the door, shaking.
"PEEPING TOM!" accused the twins, eyes glaring in obvious hatred at the moment.
"You saw!" said Hikaru, voice low in menace.
"Didn't you Bosanova?" accused Kaoru, glaring and shaking his head.
"I didn't see anything! I mean, I caught a glance. But I didn't mean to! I'm not a pervert!" he yelled, shaking his head.
Tamaki gasped, going completely pale. Kouya and Mori merely watched, ready to intervene at any time.
"Of course you would say that. That is the sound of a guilty conscience" said Hunny, sounding terribly threatening as he walked over to stand in front of him.
Kasanoda shook violently, scared out of his mind.
"So...they're girls?" Kasanoda asked, glancing around the room in wonder.
"Red alert! He's on to the girl's little secret!" said the twins, shaking their heads in worry.
Tamaki paled further, his eyes hazing over as if he were in a trance.
"So, let's hear it. How much of their womanly bodies did you see?" asked the twins, already ready to kick his ass.
"Well, they were changing. I guess I saw them in their bra's and underwear" mumbled Kasanoda, shaking further in fear.
"YOU SAW THEM SHIRTLESS?" the twins screamed, eyes going red.
Tamaki fell to the floor, in total shock.
"SO WHAT DO WE DO?" yelled Kaoru, shaking in anger as he glanced around helplessly.
"There's only one thing to do! We have to induce amnesia!" yelled Hikaru, grabbing a baseball bat and readying himself to swing at Kasanoda's head.
"That's enough you two. Leave the assault and battery to the professionals" said Kouya, as he held out a hand to stop them.
"What are you? Made of ice? How can you be so calm about this?" asked Kaoru, angry and still ready for a fight.
"Look!" point Hikaru, as he gestured to Tamaki. Tamaki was huddled in the corner, as if in a coma.
"The boss is so deep in shock he's regressing!".
"Well now that the cat is metaphorically out of the bag, let's talk" said Kouya, as he hitched up his glasses and glared at Kasanoda.
Kasanoda began to shake more and more as the glares he was receiving got colder.
"Haruhi and Kai have to hide the fact that they are girls for certain circumstances. While we can't physically force you to cooperate, there is something I would like for you to bear in mind. Coming from the type of family you're from, I'm sure you know all about this. My family owns a private police force, I'm sure you've heard of them right?".
The room grew silent as Kasanoda received the silent threat within Kouya's words.
"Guys stop threatening Casanova" said Haruhi, as she walked out with Kai.
"I don't really care if you know. You can tell whoever you want to" said Haruhi, smiling at him and trying to make the situation better.
Kai shook her head,
"Do me a favor and don't, kay? Last thing I need is Renge running her stupid trap about anything else. But I don't care if you know. But don't ever walk in on me changing again. Or I'll make sure it is the last thing you see" she told him, crossing her arms over her now full chest. She didn't have time to put the wrap back on after being intruded on while changing.
Blushing, Kasanoda nodded at them and looked down at the ground.
"Well well Kasanoda, now that you know they are girls, are you in love?" asked the twins, wrapping arms around Kai possessively.
"Wait, you guys are a couple?" asked Kasanoda, confused by the pairing.
"Yep!" said the twins, kissing her cheek and glaring at Kasanoda.
She felt her stomach do a flip. A couple? Really?
Tamaki was passed out in a corner, and Kouya has suggested everyone go home for the day. Everyone couldn't help but notice the way Kasanoda stared after Haruhi.
Kai felt her head begin to ache as she tried wrapping her brain around being a couple with the twins. How could they be a couple if there are 3 of them? She seriously hated over thinking things.
The next day, the hosts were entertaining their guests and ignoring the whispers about Tamaki's condition. He was still shell shocked, so Kouya had to take care of the customers.
It was hard to ignore the whispers of the guests, but eventually everyone was cheery and eating cake. It's just what rich people do.
Kasanoda walked in to the room, face redder than usual. Earning some gasps from the guests, he cleared his throat uncomfortably.
"I've come to request Fujioka" he said quietly, and the room erupted!
Guests were cheering and calling their friends, and the twins were glaring.
"I swear to god if he requests Kai I'll lose it" muttered Hikaru, looking at the bat behind the counter wistfully.
"Oh come on brother. I doubt he has a death wish" soothed Kaoru, but also sending a glare Kasanoda's direction.
Haruhi came out from the kitchen with more pastries, and went to sit next to Kasanoda.
Kai emerged shortly after, moving her bangs out of her eyes. She looked over at Kasanoda, then back at the twins.
"What?" she asked them, confused by their glares.
"He better not request you too" they muttered, voices low with menace.
She giggled, and had to stop herself from kissing them.
""I very much doubt it. I scared him too bad after he saw me half naked" she told them, recalling the embarrassing experience from the previous day.
The twins turned their glare on her, and she flinched back and hid behind a chair.
"What?" she asked them, on the verge of hysterical laughter as the twins were shaking and twitching in anger.
"How much did he see?" they asked, closing in on her.
"Um, he told you. I was in my bra and undies" she told them quietly, giggling as they growled in fury.
"What color were they?" asked Kaoru, voice low and angry.
"What does that have to do with any-"
"Answer the question!" Hikaru exclaimed, cutting her off.
"Blue with ruffles" she whispered to them, a blush rising to her face as she stared at the ground.
The twins sank to their knees in despair, and Kai let out a laugh.
"I'll kill him!" Kaoru snarled, as he and Hikaru began to march over to Kasanoda.
"Don't even think about it!" Kouya said firmly, and the twins stopped dead in their tracks.
"Why? He is scaring the customers!" yelled the twins, still glaring and upset.
"On the contrary, we may reach a record today with how many guests we have! The guests adore the fact he requested Haruhi" Kouya told them, scribbling notes on his clipboard.
The twins glared at the shadow king, then turned their attention to heap of misery that was Tamaki. He was lying in a corner of the room, still shell shocked.
"Boss will you snap out of it! We could really use our king right now!" commanded Hikaru, as he and Kaoru hoisted him up and practically threw him to the couch where Haruhi was sitting with Kasanoda.
Tamaki ended up sitting between Kasanoda and Haruhi, so Haruhi moved him to the right of her.
Tamaki's actions mirrored a robot as he played with a toy Haruhi had given him. At least he had made the situation more awkward for Kasanoda.
"You got to be kidding!" muttered Kai, as she glared over at Tamaki's robotic movements. Was he possessed or something?
Hikaru reached for his phone and called Tamaki. Looking over at Tamaki, who has answered his phone, he spoke in a hushed voice.
"Boss wake up! Do you want Haruhi to end up a mob boss wife?" Hikaru asked, speaking sternly as Kaoru and Kai nodded in agreement to his words.
Kouya rolled his eyes and merely chuckled.
It was like a timer gone off, and Tamaki immediately snapped out of it. He jumped up from the couch and grabbed Kasanoda by the neck of his shirt. He began to rant and rave, and he was cheered on by the twins and Kai.
"As her father I forbid you to see her!" he finished suddenly, violet eyes narrowed in annoyance and jealousy.
"Wait What? You're her father? That's not possible" stated Kasanoda, no longer taking the Host club king seriously.
"What? Well we may not be related by blood but..." asked Tamaki, turning white as he began to falter in what he was saying.
"Well, did you marry her mother or something? If you did that would be weird" said Kasanoda, not sure why Tamaki was saying such nonsense.
"No, as a matter of fact I've never met the woman" Tamaki told him in a small voice, taking a step back.
"So, I guess that means you're not her father are you?" Kasanoda asked him, not really concerned over Tamaki's obvious confusion.
Tamaki paled even further and nearly fainted. He went into a corner and began to sulk and think deeply.
"He's right you know. Strictly speaking, I'm not Haruhi's real father" Tamaki muttered into his lap as the other hosts went to stand by him.
"Strictly speaking or otherwise" muttered Kai, and the twins elbowed her in the ribs.
Tamaki's eyes went wide as he came to a realization.
"I need to sort this all-out" he muttered, laying on the floor.
"Sort what, Tama-chan?" asked Hunny, as he bent over to poke him in the shoulder.
"I'm not her father. But for some reason I get extremely jealous when she is around other men. That's not normal father like behavior" Tamaki muttered again, putting his hands over his face.
"A huh. And what was the "I'm going to marry Haruhi" crap you were spouting?" asked Kaoru, as he lifted a brow at his boss.
"Yeah, there's the question isn't it? You say I'm your daughter but you don't wanna marry me" Kai teased, poking him in the back.
Tamaki gasped, and shook his head in confusion.
Just then, Haruhi's voice spoke volumes across the room.
"I guess when I think about it, Tamaki Sempai is like my dad in a way".
Tamaki immediately perked up, and looked smugly at his fellow hosts.
"And we've lost him" muttered Kouya, already proceeding to go back to writing on his clipboard.
Kai shook her head at Tamaki, and she and the twins went to grab a soda and watch the remainder of the 'Kasanoda and Haruhi' show.
Haruhi and Kasanoda were still sitting on the couch after the whole episode with Tamaki.
Kasanoda was blushing as he was speaking to Haruhi, and all the guests were squealing with excitement.
"So um, Fujioka? Do you think I could come in more often? It would give you a break from talking to girls all day" Kasanoda asked, hi blush deepening.
Haruhi stared at him for a moment, and then broke into a gorgeous smile.
"Absolutely! That way you and I could get more acquainted!" .
The guests were screaming with anticipation, and all the other hosts watched as Kasanoda tried to take a flying leap of faith in admitting his love for Haruhi.
"Fujioka? I have something I need to say! I"m..." he nearly yelled, beginning to shake as he paused to find the right way to say it.
"That you're excited you have someone to relate to, aren't you?" Haruhi finished for him, and the whole room was shocked.
She completely put him in the friend zone in just one sentence!
"I know I sure am! A conversation like this is a rare thing for me. We're going to be great friends" she smiled at him, completely oblivious he was going to announce his love.
All the guests were pulling out tissues, trying to had back tears for an obviously wounded Kasanoda.
"Of course! We are going to be the best of friends! Forever!" he shouted, still blushing but trying to regain composure.
Haruhi smiled, but was nearly knocked over by the flocks of girls rushing to the aid of Kasanoda.
Even some of the other hosts were hugging him.
Haruhi looked over at Kai in confusion, and Kai shrugged her shoulders at her.
"You have no idea what just happened do you?" asked Kouya of Haruhi, as he wrote more notes on his clipboard.
Haruhi shook her head at him, and he chuckled.
Tamaki looked over at Haruhi and blushed a deep shade of red as their eyes met, causing Haruhi to blush as well,
Things were definitely heating up!