Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Outlaw Star: Growing Pains ❯ Three the Hard Way ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star or any of its characters. I just own the perverted ideas to do this to them. If you don't like long-winded stories about sex, leave. If you have a sick obsession with detail and/or the characters in the following, leave. If you are under 18 years of age you know the deal. Last but not least, if you fall into any of the above and choose to waste your time reading this, save yourself more time and energy by refusing to read any further. Now if you do read any more and don't like it, it's not my problem you should have read the fine print.

Now without any further interruptions, I present Outlaw Star: Growing Pains.

Gene Starwind and Twilight Suzuka stood in pure and utter silence as their kiss continued to deepen. Gene's mind raced with what Mel would do if she found out about this. While Suzuka on the other hand, didn't necessarily want to hurt the woman, was in too desperate of a need to care about what Mel thought. "*Kiss breaking* Suzuka what are we doing?" Gene said in a loud whisper before she attached herself to his lips again. "*Kiss breaking* I don't know." She said struggling for air. Her strong fingers began to peel at his shirt before he broke the kiss again. "Do you think we should stop?" He knew his lower half was going to win this argument if left up to him, unless she said, "Yes". Her hands freed his shirt from his pants before giving him his answer. "NO!" She said temporarily losing her lowered tone. "Mel I am so sorry." They both thought as they resumed the forgotten kiss. She pulled the shirt above his head as they clumsily staggered down the hall towards her room.

In Jim's room, the sexual energy was as strong as ever; it was just severely cramped by his mass of scratches. Jim had struggled into some sweats and Aisha sported one of his oversized shirts, but she also sported a ten-foot span of floor between them. "Geez, I know she got a little happy with the scratching, but sitting beside me isn't going to kill me." He thought watching her viewpoint shift around the room. She was sitting on top of his desk, her feet slightly swinging back and forth while she thought. "Jim you really need to go see a doctor." She said finally. "NO! No needles, not ever." He screamed. Aisha just arched an eyebrow at his almost whiney tone. "What do you mean needles? Those things are so outdated I'm shocked anybody even remembers them." She said in disbelief. "I don't know if you've noticed yet, but Sentinel isn't the most medically advanced planet around you know. So, needles are still in good use around here. And since I don't have the cash to go to one of the better hospitals, I know the dump I can afford will have needles." Jim said making his way for the closet.

Aisha was starting to lose patience in his lackluster attitude towards getting help and was about to voice that frustration when, "Hey, you could just bandage me up. It'll take a little while longer to heal. But I'd rather wait than be poked." He said as he handed her a large medical kit. "Uh, I don't think I'm the right person to do this. I'll probably stab you with a finger or something." She said eyeing his still slightly bleeding wounds. "Come on, all you have to do is put some of the gel on your hands and spread it on me." Jim said, trying to make it sound like child's play. "But I..." Aisha said trying to talk her way out of potentially harming him again. "No buts. Just sit on my butt and put the crap on my back." Jim said pulling her towards the bed with him. Aisha let out a small sigh to air her frustration, as he slowly laid his scarred frame stomach first, down on the bed. She draped her legs on either side of him, careful to avoid touching his sides. Her eyes lay upon his back, the high illumination of his room showing the true severity of his injuries. The majority of the scratches were as minor as he made them seem, but there were ten that ran the entire length of his back each about an inch in diameter; those were the ones she remembered from the shower.

The ill feeling in her stomach only amplified when she saw the horizontal claw marks that overlapped the vertical ones, leading away from his spine. "I am so sorry." It was all she could seem to think and say. Jim heard the whispered apology and while he was in a good deal of pain it didn't hurt as bad as it looked. "Look... I... I can't do this." Aisha said as tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. Jim felt her weight leaving him and he decided to risk a spike in his already painful predicament. He flipped onto his shredded back, grabbing Aisha's slowly ascending hips and pulled her back down on to him. His pain once again took a backseat as he saw her tears, "What's wrong?" The stupidity of his question totally wasted on him. Aisha didn't answer as she spied the various rips and patterns her hands made to his chest. Her hand unconsciously moved towards the worst of the scratches, five diagonal ones that ran over his heart. They ran in conjunction with the five lighter ones she made ripping his shirt off. "Ssss!" Jim hissed as her fingertip glided slightly over one of them, her fog of sadness thickened as her intrigue vanished. "What the hell is wrong with me? It's bad enough I tried to dig a hole through your back, but that looks like I was trying to rip your heart out!" The woman screamed into her hands.

Jim didn't exactly know what to say or do, but watching her cry wasn't going to work. He took one of her limp hands to his lips and gently kissed it, her hysterics continued unfazed. "You couldn't rip my heart out, because you already have it." Jim finally said placing her hand on top of the slightly bleeding wounds ignoring the pain completely. Aisha's crying slowed feeling her hand touch something warm with a faint beat emanating just beneath the surface. Her tear filled eyes opened to see what it was and they opened in disbelief seeing it was on top of his chest. More importantly directly on the wounds. "Jim what, let me go!" She said trying to pull her hand away from him. Jim just looked at her, holding her hand firmly in place, surprising them both with the strength he possessed. Aisha was pulling the hand with what she thought was all of her strength; it was like he suddenly developed the strength of three C'tarl men. Even though the reality was more than likely, she wasn't using her full strength, subconsciously trying not to cause him further pain. "What do you like pain or something? It's painful enough looking at them, but do you have to make me cause you more pain?" Aisha said relenting to his grip.

"If I liked pain I'd really be enjoying watching cry about this. But the fact is I don't, like I said before it isn't that bad. Call me sick, but I like each and every last one of them. You may think of them as a sign of a violence or rage, I on the other hand, think of them as a sign of affection. Because if I weren't screwing you batty and you didn't love every minute of it, I wouldn't have ended up with my new body art. So don't hate yourself for it, because I don't." Jim said sitting up to hold her in his arms. Aisha accepted his arms but kept hers at her sides as her cries slowed. "Well you were right about two things." Aisha sniffled into his ear. "Oh, what was that?" Jim said happy to finally hear her voice sounding somewhat upbeat. "For starters, you are sick." She said with a giggle. "And what's the other?" He said hoping her mood would stay up. "I did love every fucking minute of it!" She announced as her mood returned. Jim could only laugh, as she seemed to scream that for everyone to hear. *BAM* The large thud against Jim's door caused the couple to jump and look at the door. They waited for another, but none came. Unknown to them, Gene and Suzuka's lustful staggering hadn't made it far from their original position.

Gene had managed to undo Suzuka's kimono and his hands played over her exposed body. The existing world melted away into nothing more than random colors for Suzuka as Gene's fingers stroked her gently towards her climax. Once the climax washed over her, the graceful woman fell backwards into Jim's door. Gene held his mouth tightly to hers trying to muffle her cries of pleasure from Aisha's sensitive ears and more importantly, the sleeping Melfina just below them. As her first orgasm subsided enough of her senses returned to push Gene away, not completely, just enough to walk towards her room. "If those were just his fingers..." Suzuka thought feeling an even bigger excitement build within her.


The loud noise echoed through the large hallway as the pair slammed into her bedroom door. Gene fumbled feebly with the handle to her door while locked in another breath taking kiss. "I think I should go see what that was." Aisha said looking at Jim with a small smile. "You aren't going to just leave and not come back are you?" He said eyeing her suspiciously. She just turned and grinned before vaulting off the bed. Aisha opened Jim's door and looked out just in time to see the tail of Suzuka's kimono going into her own room.

"Why was Suzuka at your door Jim? You aren't screwing around on me already are you?" Aisha said jokingly, trying to keep a serious look on her face. "Eh? I've been with you all night and most of the morning, how could I screw around on you?" Jim said rather matter of factually... missing another joke. "Remind me to help you with your humor." Aisha said walking back over to the bed. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He said in mock frustration. "Now can you please bandage me up? The scratches won't kill me, but an infection will." He said rolling over onto his stomach again. Aisha this time, while still queasy at the sight, didn't have any real objections to meeting his request. "Sure, but I'm going to have to find something to do about my hands, cause I can't keep cutting you up like this." She said taking her seat on his behind again. "That, or I could always go a little easier on you when we're together like that." Jim offered up. He heard a low growl coming from over his shoulder and immediately knew that wasn't even a real choice. "Ok, so after you wrap me up I can make some calls to find some kind of claw covers or something." The young man said much to the relief of his new girlfriend. "Glad to see you realize your mistakes better than you pick up on jokes." Aisha said before studying how to go about fixing him up.

Meanwhile in Suzuka's room, another discussion was brewing except no words were exchanged, only pants for air and various grunts. Gene was once again fumbling with her door, this time to lock it. Suzuka from her position in front of him felt a little neglected and quickly turned the deadbolt. In her haste, she didn't realize the door wasn't fully closed and the bolt only worked to keep it open. "You know after this time, we can't do this again right?" Gene asked trying to catch his breath. Suzuka was becoming annoyed with his constant reminder of that fact. "Yes I know and what makes you even think I'd want to do this again?" She said as a bit of her former underlying hostility towards the man returned. Gene took it as a direct insult to his ability and needless to say, that wasn't settling well. "We'll see." He said narrowing his eyes at the woman. He almost insultingly pulled her kimono the rest of the way off before placing her back against the wall. Suzuka's ruby colored lips turned into a small smile with the knowledge she'd lit a nice fire under him.

Gene's mouth found its way against hers as his hands began to massage her breasts. Suzuka felt his tongue slowly trace the outline of her lips. She sharply exhaled at the slight tingle it sent through her spine; Gene simply smiled against her lips seeing he was already winning this little skirmish. Suzuka, determined not to be completely submissive to him, decided she would get better acquainted with his person as well. Her hands slowly began to move towards his crotch, she also found the anticipation she was feeling a little alarming; her slow creep escalated into a quick lunge as she met then gripped the bulge. She was a little disappointed at what she met. She decided to voice this little annoyance to the man so he could correct it. "Gene, take the stupid gun off. I'm not getting shot for this." Suzuka said breaking the blissful kiss with her angered tone. "It's not a gun." He said simply once again taking her mouth. Suzuka stared straight ahead as his kisses worked slowly down her neck. Her anticipation went through the roof with his statement. "YEEEES!" She screamed out as her stupor lifted when Gene's tongue parted her lower lips. "Hehe, Gene two, Suzuka zero." Gene thought hearing her scream.

His tongue continued to lick the length of her stopping ever so often to tease her clitoris. All of which elicited more noise from the woman than he'd heard in the whole time that he'd known her. "AAAAH! YES! YES! YEEEEEES!" Suzuka moaned pulling desperately on his hair trying to keep him directly on her clitoris. Gene's scalp had long since been rendered numb do to Mel's constant pulling, so he simply ignored it. "OH! GOD! AAAAAAH!" The former assassin screamed as Gene sent her flying face first into one of the best orgasms of her life and probably the best when it came to oral. She shuddered violently as he continued to lick and suck her lower self. Gene was pleased with the liquid down pour she released; this was evident in his almost slurping licks and laps. While most womanizers merely used their women for sexual release, not bothering to acquire skills in the art of sex, just a "Get mine and get gone" attitude. Gene worked on a "Give them something to remember you by" technique. His mouth released her to speak as the woman visibly quaked as he huffed raggedly against her sensitive area. "How much do you weigh?" Gene asked from his kneeled position before her. "A... about... one twenty." She said trying to find her own calm. "Good." Gene said before reapplying his mouth.

Gene positioned his arms between her thighs, the bends of her knees resting against the bend of his elbows. Suzuka couldn't tell what he was about to do, seeing as his tongue once again held her in a stupor of lust and pure sensation. He slowly got to his feet holding her tiny waist and he laughed into her as she yelped in surprise at her new location. "Gene what are... are...OOOOH!" Gene adjusted himself slightly, her legs working like weights pulling her deeper onto his tongue. "OH! HO! FUCK!" She screamed as she felt his tongue worming around inside her, Gene knew he could only do this for so long and her slow grinding on his face was making that time limit grow closer to ending. He managed to remove his tongue just enough to rest it against her clitoris, her weight bearing down on his face and it now.

"What? Why'd you... MMMM!" Suzuka quickly silenced as he began to roll his tongue against the highly sensitive piece of flesh. Gene decided to use a little more effort, with this decision he pushed her up enough to position her so as to be holding her clitoris between his teeth. "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Suzuka again screamed violently as his nibbling sent another orgasm through her bones. Gene continued to work as he lowered her back to her feet. Suzuka couldn't form words as the aftershocks of her previous orgasms left her vocal chords numb.

In the master bedroom of the building, a slightly rest broken Melfina awoke from the loud screams of ecstasy. Despite her fatigued feel, she couldn't help but smile, as the new couple seemingly never tired. She rolled over in search of Gene feeling a little frisky herself hearing the constant grunts and screams above her. "Geeeeene..." The woman cooed, her mood faltered seeing he was already up and gone. "Now that's odd for him." She thought sitting up. Her attention drifted towards his nightstand and she noticed his list of things to do was gone. Usually he had to be forced to do his share of the workload, but here it is a little past ten in the morning and he was gone? Mel shrugged it off and decided to go back to sleep. "AAAAAAH! FUCK!" Her eyes shot open with the scream. "Geez Jim, don't kill her." She thought sitting back up. "Hehe, it's probably him. Well can't lay here and listen to them all day, might as well get the grocery shopping done." Mel mused as she got out of bed listening to her boyfriend lay into Suzuka like he usually did to her.

Aisha in the mean time was finishing the mummification first aid treatment of her own boyfriend as the screams pierced her ears. "Uh Jim?" She said looking at his wrapped torso and arms. "Yeah?" Jim answered looking at the nice bandage job. "Did Suzuka have a boyfriend?" Aisha asked looking at the door. "Nope, but I was wondering the same thing. So who do you think she's in there with?" He said sitting up smiling hugely. "Probably Fred..." Aisha said. The couple both looked at each other before breaking out in another fit of laughter. "Fred Lo! HaHaHaHa!" Jim shouted holding his stomach. In her excess of happiness, Aisha slapped him on the back. "OW! HaHaHaHaHa!" He said continuing to laugh at the absolute hilarity of it all. "But I definitely gotta see the stiff... so to speak, who's making Suzuka climb the walls." Aisha said calming down. "Yeah, but in the mean time..." Jim said pulling her back onto him, his sex drive rebuilding in wake of the moans across the hall.

"In the mean time, no more funny stuff until we find some kind of gloves or something for me because I'm not cutting you up any more, regardless of how cute you think it is. Understand?" She said, her unhappiness in that situation very apparent. "I understand one thing, I need to use the phone." Jim said bringing them both to their feet. Aisha could only laugh at his determination chiseled face, until he planted a kiss on her. Her mouth unconsciously opened allowing his tongue inside, as his tongue continued to stroke the roof of her mouth, she felt his hand creep up towards the spot under her neck. "MM! NM!" She said through her throat pushing him away. "Ok! Ok! But damn it when I find these things we're screwing like monkeys." Jim said dragging her out of the door behind him. "Gee, a girl could get the feeling you only want her for sex." Jim's pace slowed with that statement. "If you even think I'm being serious I'll have to kick you in the head!" Aisha shouted at him, he simply smiled back at her and they continued on downstairs. Jim spotted Gene's discarded shirt laying by the bathroom and let out a small sigh. "All these years and he still can't use the laundry shoot." Jim thought continuing his trek.

Gene on the other hand was in the process of turning Suzuka into another one of his obsessed "fans", regardless if he wanted to or not. "FASTER!" The sweat-covered woman beneath him moaned and he simply smirked plotting his course. His course was simple, keep his exact pace and then gradually slow down. "DAMN IT! IF YOU DON'T MOVE FAST... FU-F-FUUUUCK!" Gene thrust violently into her as her sentence and breath hung up. "Gene ten, Suzuka two." The outlaw thought as he felt her insides slam shut on him. He didn't bother to thrust through her orgasm, he lowered his head to her ample, but not quite as ample as Mel's, breasts. He couldn't help but compare everything about her to Mel, he felt a little less guilty seeing as he was thinking about Mel the whole time. Suzuka's fourth orgasm left her craving more of the man like a drug.

She hated that, but her body and the larger part of her brain loved it. Gene felt her tightening relinquish back to normal and began to give her what she asked for earlier. "GE...AH!" She hadn't even caught her breath and he was back at her fucking like an animal. Suzuka opened a lust-lidded eye to see if he was anywhere near done, "YEEEEEEES!" She screamed both at the sensation and his relaxed expression. "Mel, god! Please stay sleep!" She screamed mentally as her legs snaked around him. Gene felt her strong legs pulling for him to go deeper and he saw no reason to deny this request, a question just had to be asked first. "How flexible are you?" He asked releasing her nipple from his mouth. "Enough! I'm flexible enough!" Suzuka screamed imagining where this could lead. "Good." Again, Gene answered satisfied.

Downstairs Aisha raided the fridge looking for something they could snack on, the stew would have been a great breakfast if they didn't eat all of it. Jim on the other hand was calling every store he could think of in search of something for her hands. He eventually found a store and he was on cloud nine, "You have something? GREAT! How much? Really? I'll be down there in a few... WHAAAAAAT!" Jim screamed into the receiver. "You won't have any in for three weeks? Do I want to be on the pre-order list? Are you fucking stupid! I swear if I don't have a pair in three weeks I will so come down there and kick your... hello? Hello?" Jim said hearing the dial tone. Aisha just looked at him trying to repress serious laughter. Before she could comment on his over reacting Melfina made her way around the corner dressed in an outfit much like her old one. "Hey Mel!" Aisha's gravely voice called out. The former maiden of the Leyline jumped a little in shock to seeing them. "Oh! Hello you two." Her look of confusion was clear and Aisha decided to have a little fun. "Thought that was us didn't you?" She said in reference to the screams echoing throughout the building. Melfina was used to the woman's blunt statements but still this was a little shocking. "Um, well yeah." She said slightly blushing. "Not us... yet. But it looks like Suzuka has finally found someone and from the sounds of things everything seems to be going great." Aisha said pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Well that's good for her. But who knew Suzuka could ever be this loud?" Melfina said innocently. Jim and Aisha arched an eyebrow at her before all three enjoyed a laugh at the expense of the former assassin. Of course, Suzuka wouldn't have cared. The almost nirvana like sex high she was on left little care in her world and that loss was growing closer to disaster by the thrust. Her legs were bent a good ways back, supported only by his shoulders. His already insanely deep exploration of her insides only deepened when he placed her in that position. "PLEASE! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER! FUUUUCK ME!" To say Gene's ego went through the roof would be an understatement at hearing her literally beg him for more. It went stratospheric. "Too bad I'll never be able to brag about this one. The great Twilight Suzuka begging for more of the old Outlaw Star." He thought using the pet moniker Melfina nicknamed him after their first encounter.

Gene decided to be generous and immediately give her what she asked for. He adjusted himself slightly and proceeded to throw almost bone shattering force into his movements. Suzuka could only hold onto his shoulders as she felt his dick slamming into the very roof of her opening. "YES! YES! OH HEEEEEEELL YEEEEEEES!" She screamed as another cataclysmic orgasm over rode her body. Gene didn't even bother to slowdown he just continued his jackhammer thrusting walking her along like a marionette puppet into another orgasm. He felt her almost boiling naked body tense completely under him and Gene figured he'd really make her regret that little comment from earlier.

"Geez, you never suspect the quiet ones." Aisha said hearing more screams from Suzuka. "Well as fun as it is listening to Suzuka and friend, I need to get this shopping done. If Gene comes back tell him I'll be home in about three hours." Mel said walking towards the door. She stopped when she heard a glass break. Jim dropped his coffee mug as his mind began to replay the morning. "He wouldn't! Ah Gene this is low even for you man, damn! Poor Mel." Jim thought staring at the stairs. Mel didn't know Gene had been back hours ago. Jim had been with the man long enough to know when Gene was at play and the way Suzuka was screaming, this was definitely Gene at play. "I SAID JIM ARE YOU OK?" Aisha yelled at the man. "Uh, oh yeah. I just got to call the guy back and apologize for your gloves that's all." Jim said obviously lying. Aisha's eyes narrowed at him before she accepted it. "You sure Jim?" The sweet voice of Melfina asked, full of concern as usual.

He could only stare at the woman; "This is UN fucking believable. How could he do this to her? I hope she never finds out about this." He thought. "Mel its..." "AAAAAAAAAH! GEEEEEEEEEEEENE!" Jim's statement never finished as Suzuka voiced her pleasure. The three in the kitchen all froze hearing the name of Suzuka's unknown lover. Aisha's head quickly darted to Jim; he sadly nodded his head in admission to what caused his sudden drop of the cup. They both turned their glances toward Melfina who appeared neutral to it all, even as the squeaking of the bed completely stopped, giving away the guilty outlaw in Jim's eyes.

Gene completely froze hearing his name leave her lips so loud. He put his hand over her mouth to muffle the rest of her screams just incase his name was in any of them. "Suzuka! Are you trying to wake Melfina up?" He said in a harsh whisper. His hand slowly inched away from her mouth and the grin she wore was not only uncharacteristic but also a little frightening. "Don't worry, your precious Melfina is probably still sleeping. Even if she did wake up, she probably thinks we're Jim and Aisha." The sex crazed Suzuka huffed out. Gene could only twitch an eyebrow at the beautiful woman underneath him. "All good points, except for one thing. YOU SCREAMED MY NAME!" He once again shouted in an elevated whisper. Suzuka however was too far-gone in lust to care about his tone and continued to smile. "Then she probably thinks its Aisha having some warped out fantasy in the midst of being with Jim... Aisha always did talk about seeing you like this." Suzuka said, throwing the last part (A lie) in to appeal not only to his ego, but to keep this event going. Gene's already big head got bigger with that comment, "Figures." He said, before diving headfirst back into a situation without thinking.

Aisha heard Jim's teeth begin to grind as the bed again began to squeak. Melfina on the other hand was in a bit of denial, even as she walked towards the stairs. She knew it was Gene, but she didn't want to believe it. "Look Mel, I don't think you want to go..." Jim put his hand on Aisha's shoulder to keep her from walking after the stunned woman. "She needs to see this... as bad as it will be, she needs to see it." He said watching her ascend the stairs. Aisha relented and silently plotted to beat Gene up for hurting her like that.

Melfina's feet felt like lead as she began to walk down the sunlit hallway. She stopped briefly to pick up his discarded shirt, slightly rubbing it against her cheek. "AAAAH!" Another high-pitched scream from Suzuka shook the woman back into her reality. As she neared the room the screams became louder, the bed squeaking more intense, and her own heartbeat filled her ears. She steadied herself at the door and prepared to knock. What she would say once acknowledged was a mystery. What she would do once acknowledged just as translucent as what she would say. Suzuka let out another powerful scream and Mel's hand fell against the door. A small shriek left her as the door flew a good way open. The couple on the other side oblivious to it entirely. Melfina took a few deep breaths to calm herself again before peering in on them.

Her breathing stopped as their nude forms came into view. Suzuka was now on all fours covered in sweat, long black hair framing her face like the darkest of shadows and Gene, her Gene, was giving this woman some of the best sex she'd ever had. "It's true." She said in a small voice. "Well I'll show the both of them." She said, as the more computer-oriented part of her brain began to devise a plan. Mel ran away down the hall, tears finally beginning to form as she heard Suzuka yell Gene's name again. Jim and Aisha were sitting at the table waiting for the outcome, needless to say when they saw her streak past crying they knew what had happened. "I hope you're happy Gene." Jim said shaking his head back and forth.

"I think I should go talk to her." Aisha ultimately said, fearing for what the young woman may do to herself. Jim didn't see a reason to object to this, so he nodded quietly. Aisha's hand raised to knock on the broken woman's door and was almost startled when it flew open. Melfina stood there, expression marred with anger, a first in a series of firsts about to occur. "Mel are you going to be ok?" Aisha asked trying to keep her own frustration in check. "I'll be fine..." Was all she said brushing past Aisha. The C'tarl woman could only smile in hopes Mel would beat the crap out of Gene. "And if he even thinks of fighting back, I'll break his legs." She thought bringing her smile into a sinister overcast.

Jim watched her triumphant march and felt a little relieved she wasn't just going to roll over on the whole thing. While Mel on the other hand planned to put a present, he'd given her to good use. Although where she would go or do once he was gone remained a mystery, her anger at the woman was breaching insanity. "The woman?" She thought stopping in the hallway. All of her hostility seemed to divert towards Suzuka all of a sudden. "But he's... if she would have said no, I know he would have stopped." The more human part of her mind thought. She was right though; Suzuka had kissed him first. But he was freely participating in this. "AAAH!" She let out a small scream of her own in frustration with her conflicting emotions.

Standing before the door of her destiny, Melfina focused her anger and pushed the door open slowly. "AAAAAARGH!" Suzuka and Gene were still in the same position she left them in, backs to her and totally engrossed in their actions. The soft-spoken woman didn't know what exactly to say to gain their attention, so she simply closed the door and locked it. Her mind raced as she stood in the same room as her cheating boyfriend and one of her supposed friends. Mel was also surprised how entranced she was watching them, "So that's what we look like... what? What am I thinking?" She thought in face of her newfound comfort watching them. The fairly large room allowed her to circle them slightly, before she ultimately rested in a large chair alongside Suzuka's sword, against the far wall at the foot of the bed. "GENE! OOOOH!" Suzuka panted out as the outlaw continued his efforts. The various grunts, moans, and the sound their sweaty bodies colliding made were having the opposite effect on the younger woman. "GENE! PLEEEASE!" Another earsplitting wail seemed to shake the woman to her core. "What the hell is this?" Melfina screamed at herself. "GENE! GENE! AAAAAAH! GOD! GENE!" Every time the other woman screamed his name, Mel found she was becoming aroused. She didn't understand it, but she didn't like it. "Uh Suzuka! UH!" Gene grunted, finally starting to come around himself.

"ENOUGH!" Melfina said having enough of both her conflicting emotions about the situation and the weird feelings watching them gave her. "NO! Come on if anybody out there likes me, that will be a figment of my imagination." Gene thought hearing the voice. He was unconsciously slowing down waiting for the voice to sound again. "What? Why are you stopping? Finish!" Suzuka said turning to face him slightly.


Melfina's present sounded off, as she placed a shot into a pillow, mere inches from Suzuka's head. Gene and Suzuka both jumped at the sudden noise and floating feathers turning to meet the intruder. Suzuka made a reach for her sword until she realized where it was; Gene on the other hand looked almost ill seeing Mel holding a smoking gun pointed at them.

"Mel, I... we... oh shit." Gene finally said. "And do you have anything to say?" Melfina asked sarcastically, while waving the gun at Suzuka. The former assassin didn't have a worthy explanation and even from her position, she knew that if she had her sword things would be different. But right now, she was powerless and the only time she enjoyed being powerless was impaled at the end of Gene's manhood, although she didn't want to admit it. "What would you like me to say that can make this all easier on you?" Suzuka said calmly, a little too calm. Gene's head turned towards the woman in disbelief, "She's gotta damn gun! What part of that don't you understand?" Gene shouted, his fear for his own life coming out in his tone. *BANG* This round sailed right through Suzuka's hair. She could actually feel the bullet touch the fuzz of her ear.

"What's wrong Suzuka? You looked a little shocked, you can't possibly be surprised I shot that close to you." Melfina said with a frightening calmness about herself. "Good shot." Gene said under his breath, Suzuka looked at him much how he did her prior. "Gene didn't tell you he had been teaching me how to shoot? Then again, did you bother to ask before you fucked him? No you didn't, no Ms. I'm A Lone Warrior simply fucked my boyfriend! I shouldn't be too surprised, you linger around here all the time... guess that should be, all the fucking time now." Melfina said pacing back and forth keeping her eyes on the woman and Gene... who still was erect, now out of fear more so than arousal. Gene and Suzuka could only watch and wait, either she'd kill them or tell them off and leave, which they didn't know.

"Look Mel I'm so..." Gene started. "If you even think of saying you're sorry I'll shoot "it" off." She said lowering the gun to his privates. "Well if she does I can't say I don't deserve it." He thought before turning completely around on the bed to face her. "Fine. Mel I'm sorry." He said looking straight at her. "GENE! Are you really that stupid?" Suzuka said, alarmed in his stupidity... and the possibility she'd never get to have him again. He didn't bother to look at her as he answered her. "No. But if this makes her feel better and gets her to forgive me, I don't care." The outlaw said looking Mel in the eyes, slowly realizing her love mattered more than becoming a eunuch.

She didn't move as he basically gave her free reign to blow his most prized possession clear off his body. "He sounded too sincere to think I was bluffing and he doesn't look like he doubts I'll do it." She thought calmly eyeing his tense state. A weird thought occurred to the young woman while she stared at his erect state of being. The couple on the bed slightly cringed as she began to walk towards them. "So you really care what I think about you?" She asked sweetly, obviously false sweetness, but sweet none the less. "Yes!" He literally screamed. "Then finish." Melfina said in a harsh tone. "Finish what?" Suzuka and Gene both said in unison not daring to believe what they thought she meant.

"Yes that." She said placing the barrel of the gun against Gene's manhood. "Uh Mel, are you sure you..." Gene's mouth clamped shut as she pushed the gun into him harder. "I'm afraid not. This was an interesting favor you performed for me, but I will not be your little..." *BANG* The bullet flew into the ceiling causing Suzuka to unconsciously jump. "You will do whatever I tell you too! And don't think you're little favor thing is fooling me, because it isn't. You're sitting there even as I speak wishing you were still stuffed with him, aren't you? You wish I'd just go back downstairs and go to sleep so he could finish screwing you senseless, don't you?" Mel said with alarming coldness. Suzuka tried poorly no less, to hide from the truth in Melfina's words.

Gene didn't want to seem to sick, but the fact it was taking the former assassin this long to deny it was pleasing. "Figures, that rhythm he uses got you didn't it? It's almost like he's moving to the beat of a drum. In and out, in and out, by the time five minutes have passed you're already craving more. Once a half an hour passes you start-believing life doesn't get any better. By the time two hours are up the idea of having another man attempt to touch you makes you sick. By the time four are up your own name is hard to remember. I was listening to you two for three hours, so you're at the point where you're willing to kill for this to keep going aren't you?" Melfina said giving the man even more ego to live off of. Suzuka on the other hand wore her usual calm façade.

"I think you give him too much credit. While exceptional, I don't think I'll die without his services." She said trying to cover up the truth from Mel and herself. Outwardly she appeared unfazed, inwardly however; she was a ticking time bomb. "It's just sex! You've made it the past eight years without any, so what's the big deal?" Suzuka was unaware of her face's contortion in puzzlement, but Mel knew she was right. "If you honestly don't want to do this, leave." Melfina said daring the woman to prove her and Gene's ability wrong. "Very well, I am sorry for all this trouble and I hope you two can work out your differences." She said getting to her feet and quickly gathering her possessions.

"Will you just knock already?" Aisha said in a whisper to Jim. "Look, if she's gone crazy and killed them I don't want to die." He said in a strangled whisper. Suzuka on the other side of the door had put her kimono back on and was reaching for her sword when she decided to take another glance back. "You're a lucky girl Mel..." She thought leering at the man's stiff organ. "Are you really sure about this Suzuka?" Mel said in that sweet condescending way. Suzuka's step for the door faltered as her mind began to panic and talk to her. "If she wants to watch you let her! It's been so long it is so long! Just one more time, please!" Her mind whined at her in a manner she was way unaccustomed too. "I said I was fine in my decision now if you'll excuse me." Suzuka said without looking back at them.

"Fine I'll knock." Jim said giving up on Aisha. Just as his hand rose to knock on the metal door, it swung open. "Hehe, uh hey Suzuka. We just wanted to come and make sure everything was all right..." Aisha and Jim rambled off at her. This delay was the straw that broke the assassin's back. "Oh fuck it!" She said slamming the door in the pair's face. The woman dropped her bag and sword before dropping her kimono again. "Why the hell you want to see me fuck the man is beyond me, but I will do this to curb my curiosity." The frustrated woman said storming back towards the bed, completely forgetting she could have ended Mel while she had her sword.

"Now what?" Jim said looking at Aisha confused as she was. "Now we eat. It looks like everyone was alive, so we'll worry about it later." She said pulling the dazed young man away down the hall. "Ok." Jim said letting it all go. Mel on the other hand was smiling a bit broader knowing her point was proven. "Why I want to watch you two is simple, I have my own curiosities that need curbing." She said taking a seat on the bed. The naked outlaws could only look at her in disbelief as she made herself comfortable against the headboard. "You aren't going to sit on the bed with us are you?" Suzuka said feeling even more frustrated. "Yes I am and to further my interest you're going to get back on all fours right in front of me. I want to see your face twist and twitch, now move!" Mel shouted leveling the gun off at the woman's head. Suzuka silently ground her teeth while crawling up the bed towards Melfina. "Gene you better hurry this up..." Suzuka started at the man over her shoulder. "No. You better drag this out just like you usually do." The calm voice of Melfina stated. Suzuka turned to glare into the woman's face but the seven or eight inch gap between their faces made her look falter.

"You may begin." Mel said sounding like a teacher administering a timed test. "Mel are you sure you want me to do this?" Gene said eyeing her pleadingly. "Funny, you weren't sure if I wanted you to do this earlier. Now that I give you permission, you decide to ask? Fuck her now!" She screamed pushing the gun into Suzuka's forehead. Gene simply sighed before lining himself up to enter the former assassin again. "MMMM!" Suzuka grunted into the younger woman's face as he once again filled her. "I will not give this twit the satisfaction of watching me get off on this!" Suzuka thought while trying to stare Melfina down. Mel simply stared back just as coldly before cracking a slight smile. "MMMM! AH!" Suzuka squeaked out as he once again began to bring her back to the edge.

"Already? Suzuka, Suzuka, Suzuka, I know you can last longer than this." Mel said mockingly. "I...AH! Go to... AAAH! Hell... AAAAAAH!" Suzuka said before screaming into an orgasm. The comment had no effect on the woman seeing Suzuka racked with back to back orgasms. "Wow. I'm kind enough to share his dick with you and you tell me to go to hell? I'm hurt Suzuka, I really am." Mel's statement was coated in so much sarcasm until you could almost see her words in the air. Suzuka tried to find enough calm in herself to spit another insult but Gene was leveling off in her like there wasn't a tomorrow, so her responses were only grunts and screams.

"No way!" Jim said hearing the frantic bed squeaking. "No way what?" Aisha said looking up from a bowl of cereal. "If he's convinced Mel this was a good idea to let him keep going... I... I don't know what to say." He eventually said. "I doubt he did that, but I do wonder what's up though." Aisha said before returning her attention the giant bowl of cereal.

Meanwhile Suzuka had simply given up her efforts to hide how good she was feeling. "FUCK ME! IF YOU WANT TO WATCH, I'LL GIVE YOU SOME...AAAAH! THING TO WATCH!" The once again euphoria bound woman screamed. "Yes you will. Seeing as you like to share people's mates without asking, I figured I'd share something else with you." Melfina said slipping her skirt off. Gene and Suzuka were to enthralled to even realize it, needless to say when Suzuka finally opened her eyes to see the woman's now nude form, she was stunned. "What? What the hell?" She said raggedly through missed breaths of air. "Mel! What are you doing?" Gene said slowing down when he noticed her naked. "Shut up and keep screwing!" Mel shouted once again putting the gun into Suzuka's temple. Gene reluctantly returned to his stride watching his girlfriend cautiously. Mel smiled at the still widened eyes of Suzuka before speaking. "Since I am kind enough to share him with you, I figured you should share a little of yourself with me." The collective mindset didn't know what to make of the statement, but even in her confusion, Mel felt a small urge to follow through with it. Suzuka, whether it was do to the fact Gene was plowing into her or if she wanted it herself she didn't know, but she didn't resist Mel in the slightest as she kissed her. "MMMMRRRRM!" She groaned through her throat as Gene brought her to another orgasm.

Gene had only experienced this one other time, yet this time was paling the other one in comparison. "Whoa." It was all he could say as their kiss continued to deepen. It wasn't as electric as when Gene kissed them, but it wasn't bad either, they thought. Mel eventually leaned out of the kiss checking Suzuka's reaction. They both blushed furiously, but Melfina wasn't through exploring this part of herself just yet. "I'll let you know a small secret. The scientists who made me didn't give me this body to be practical. Beyond the Leyline, I was supposed to be used as a sex slave... funny how the weak have become the strong." Mel said lightly, while licking Suzuka's lips. "AAAAH! I UH! SEE!" The woman moaned out. "Now for round two." Melfina said pulling Suzuka's head towards her breasts. The former assassin relented far easier than she intended to... "I intended to do this? No! I don't like this, it's just Gene and oh god!" Her thoughts melted away into a swirl of lights as Gene brought her to climax again. Melfina only smirked as she muffled the woman's screams in her left breast. Eventually Suzuka came back from her blissful insanity, this was evident to Mel as she felt the other woman's tongue slowly trace around her nipple. "Aaaah! I see Gene's been teaching you... UH! Some of his more interesting techniques! Ooh!" Melfina sighed out feeling Suzuka's nibble/lick combination moving over the whole area of her breast.

"Well let's see what else you've learned from Mr. Starwind." Mel said physically pulling the woman's mouth from her chest. Suzuka from under the sheen of sweat and exquisite pleasure managed to straighten her face out with this little statement. "Wha-What do you mean?" She gasped out before her eyes rolled back in her head, signaling a new orgasmic height was reached. Mel took advantage of the woman's Jell-O like limbs and eased her head in between her legs. Gene was watching this all intently; "Holy shit! Well if she does kill me after this I'm glad she let me see this before she does." He thought, unconsciously smiling down at the image before him. Suzuka came back into reality and immediately recognized her surroundings. "HRRRRMNPHF!" She squealed into Mel's slit sending an almost orgasmic shudder through the woman. "Shh! Don't fight it, just lick!" Mel said once again pushing the gun against the woman's head to emphasize her point. Suzuka again relented without resistance.

Melfina felt the older woman's tongue slowly squirm its way into her and felt a small surge of electricity at the feeling it caused. Add to the fact Gene's intensity was picking up watching them just sent her tongue further into the woman, causing more ecstasy. "Very good. Mmmm! Hmmm! You uh! Know I think I'm going to get off on this!" Mel strained out against the now frantic tongue exploring. She took the gun away from Suzuka's head and used her hair to pull her directly onto her clitoris. Suzuka saw the opening and decided to go for it. However at the last second she just gripped Melfina's hips and pushed more of her tongue into the woman, "AAAAAAH! AH! OH! OH! AAAAARGH!" Mel announced reaching her peak do to Suzuka's motions. Gene's thrusting seemed to become erratic as Melfina riled around on Suzuka's face. "MMM! MM! MMAAAAH!" Suzuka eventually shrieked releasing her hold on Mel's clit. The thrusting was making every cell in her body have an orgasm it seemed. "GEEEEEENE! GENE! SSSHHHHHHIIIIIIT! GOD! AAAAAAAAAAH!" He could only watch as the woman's head whipped back and forth, sweat flying from her jet-black hair. Mel was recovering from her impressive orgasm in time to see Suzuka's tirade. She simply smiled as the woman screamed her happiness for the world.

"UH! MEL! I'M ABOUT TO BLOW!" Gene grunted out finally about to reach his own climax. "No you aren't!" Melfina shouted snapping fully out of her trance. She literally pulled Suzuka's still spasm-ridden frame off him, to a visibly dismayed Gene. Mel picked the woman's face up in her hands and spoke softly to her. "There's one more thing he hasn't shared with you. Do you want to experience it as well?" She said with almost sincere sincerity. Suzuka looked like she was hit with a bus and simply nodded her response, not even bothering to question what "it" was. Melfina helped turn the woman around to face Gene's still throbbing manhood. "Now suck!" She said pushing the dazed woman's face forward. Suzuka was too out of it to realize fully what she was doing... not until it hit the back of her throat. "Mmmmphf!" The former assassin grunted trying to pull away from "it". But Mel simply reinforced the presence of her gun and pushed into the back of the woman's head. Suzuka mumbled something into his erection, which only worked in his favor. Gene tilted his head forward to see Suzuka orally pleasing him and raised his hands and shoulders in a "I don't know what you want me to do about this" kind of way. She looked up at him in anger... but the longer she continued the more the anger seemed to fade. Eventually she pulled her eyes shut and completely focused on the job at hand. Melfina was pleased with this enough to lower the gun from the woman's head; it was once again her time to play. She was face to pussy with Suzuka and decided to go for the gusto, ramming her tongue into the woman's oversexed opening with vigor.

Suzuka's mouth sunk down on the man to a point it was gagging her do to Mel's surprise attack. Gene's hands eventually wrapped in her hair and he gently began to thrust into her mouth. Watching her face contort in pleasure, her cute little nostrils flaring to inhale more air, the literal suction of her hot mouth, and the moans she'd grunt out all went straight through his dick into his spine. "OH GOD! I'M GONNA GO!" He shouted through his closed teeth. Suzuka panicked, but Mel's light licking into her highly sensitized sex and his now iron grip on her head once again made the woman give up and submit. "YEEEES!" Gene screamed out as he sent a massive amount of sperm into the woman's mouth. Suzuka just moaned as the hot substance collided with her throat, but she began to panic again as the thickness continued to pour into her mouth. "MMMM! HMMM! NMMM!" Mel heard her and removed her mouth to offer some advice. "Swallow silly, if you don't you'll drown." Melfina chuckled softly watching the woman's arms flail before finally submitting to this demand as well. *GULP* *Cough* Were the noises Suzuka made before the last of Gene's sperm was given to her. The man finally finding his relief collapsed back onto the bed. Suzuka was gasping for air as a large bit of the man hung from her chin. "Now..." Mel said pulling Suzuka by her hair to a vertical kneeling position. "My share." Melfina said looking Gene directly in his exhausted eye while licking his seed from Suzuka's chin. He could only blink at the act he was that stunned.

The three all huffed raggedly sprawled about the bed, Gene still wondering if he was going to be killed. Suzuka disgusted in herself for becoming so weak... yet basking in the glow anyway. Mel was simply trying to decide what to do next. "Now what?" Suzuka asked too tired to even remotely struggle if she were about to be killed. Mel didn't answer; she instead looked down at the bed. "Look if you're going to kill me just do it. The dramatic pause isn't needed." Suzuka said trying to hide her fear. Melfina simply looked up at her and smirked, "Fine, there's just one thing." She pointed the gun at the woman's head and pulled the trigger.


"I'm out of bullets." She said with her usual smile. Suzuka's mouth just hung open at this admission. "What? You don't have any bullets! I just lowered myself like that for nothing?" The woman said... once again lying, knowing full well she would have continued without the presence of the gun.

"Let me get this straight. Were you ever going to really kill us behind this?" Gene said pulling himself into a seated position like theirs. "I don't really know. It crossed my mind, but for some reason, the more I watched you two, the lesser I found myself wanting you dead. I am kind of sorry for taking you..." "Don't be. It's our fault and if she isn't I know I still am sorry for all of this." Gene said crawling towards his girlfriend. Suzuka just stared in disbelief as they seemingly fell back into loving place after all this. "Oh and Suzuka you didn't lower yourself for nothing or at all for that matter. You finally got the stick out of your ass long enough to show some emotion. Then again you just got poked with an even bigger stick and from the sounds of *Cough* things, you got plenty out of it." Melfina said looking at the woman with a huge grin.

"Wha... you... I... HaHaHaHa!" Suzuka just ended in hysterical laughter. Mel and Gene exchanged a look of concern before watching her ride the wave of laughter out. "Fine, fine I liked it. He was great, he was a god, he was blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I gotta get home, I don't think I can stay here anymore." Suzuka said getting off the bed retrieving her fallen items again. "Oh and you two, if you tell anyone about this I'll have to kill you." She said seriously. Mel just raised an eyebrow at the woman. "Really, well who are you going to do this with again next week when we're dead?" Melfina said snuggling in closer to Gene's embrace, but sounding serious. Gene and Suzuka's eyes both widened at the statement. "Mel? Why? Uh, what?" Gene finally managed to fumble out. "Don't hand me that. I liked it, Suzuka loved it, and you got to watch two hot women make out. In my book, that equals a good time for all.

There's just one condition to all this." Melfina said sitting fully up on the bed. "Name it." Suzuka sounded off... just a little too anxious for her own good. "You two don't screw without me. Because if you do, the gun won't be empty next time." Her tone was deadly serious, even though Suzuka and Gene could easily take her in a fight they decided not to risk it. "Fine." The aforementioned outlaws said in unison. Suzuka checked herself one more time in the vanity before opening the door. "Oh, Suzuka, you may as well move back in. It'll be a lot easier to get in "touch" that way." Melfina chirped out. Suzuka only nodded her head proudly wearing a newfound smile of total elation.

A/N: Well now, wasn't that a weird thing to do? I didn't know how to really approach the whole missing Melfina thing, so I just threw her into the fray. Hope you like it, if not, what can I say but "Oh well." Comments can be sent to redknight2k@hotmail.com